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April 14, 1961 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-14

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Giants Edge Pirates,6-5.


By The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO - Rookie re-
liever Jim Duffalo pitched and
batted the San Francisco Giants
to a 6-5 victory over the Pittsburgh
Pirates in 12 innings of see-saw
baseball yesterday.
The Giants came from behind
three times in the 3 hour 38 min-
ute game and finally won it after
Duffalo led off the 12th with a
double into the right field corner.

Ernie Bowman ran for Duffalo
and moved to third on Felipe
Alou's single. Harvey Kuenn broke
up the ball game with a line drive
over Bob Skinner's head in left
A crowd of 12,747, including 1,-
837 ladies' day guests, saw Duffalo
walk in what appeared to be the
winning Pirate run in the eleventh
inning before striking out Skinner
to end the frame.

kTrackmren Took Second
Because of Miscue at OU


Coach Don Canham and his
thinclads inaugurated the out-
door season last weekend with an
impressive showing in the Ohio
University Relays at Athens, Ohio.
In fact they finished second,
much to the surprise of Canham
and assistant coach Elmer Swan-
son. It wasn't the second place
finish that surprised them though,
it was the fact that team stand-,
ings were kept at all,
"Nobody told us anything about
team scores," said Swanson. "We
were just trying to put our best
relay teams together."
The latter fact was noticeable,
in that hurdler Bennie McRae did
not enter his specialties.,
At any rate, Western Michigan,
who was accused of keeping' score,
finished a half-a-point ahead of
the Wolverines. However, it took
a disqualification of the victori-

ous Michigan mile relay team to
turn the trick.
But more important for Can-
ham's crew the event afforded
them the opportunity to get out-
side-even if it had to be in com-
Once outside now, they plan to
stick it out and start priming for
the Ohio and Penn relays. The
Penn affair naturally being the
biggest. The Ohio relays, to be
held April 22, will none-the-less
have a tough field, including
Western. Once again in these two
meets, Canham plans to go after
the relay titles rather than indi-
vidual events.
One name missing from the line-
up at Athens was that of sprint
star Tom Robinson. He was side-
lined by a leg injury, but it was
not serious and he is expected to
be ready for the upcoming activi-

Hobie Landrith tied the game at
5-5 in the bottom of the eleventh
when he socked the first pitch
thrown to him this season over the
right field fence for a home run.
Duffalo, who saved Wednesday's
2-1 Giant victory for Billy Loes,1
worked 1% innings yesterday and
picked up his first major league
victory. The loss went to Pitts-
burgh's ace reliever Elroy Face.,
* * *
Milwaukee 5, St. Louis 4
MILWAUKEE -The Milwaukee
Braves ended an 11-inning strug-
gle by pushing across a run as St.
Louis relief specialist Lindy Mc-
Daniel walked Mel Roach with the
bases loaded yesterday for a 5-4
marathon victory.
McDaniel, who hurled three per-;
fect innings to earn a 2-1 10-
inning victory over the Braves in.
the National League opener Tues-
day, walked Roach on a 3-2 count
to force home Frank Bolling with
the decisive run.
Roach was sent up as a pinch1
hitter for Johnny DeMerit and
promptly drew three straight balls.
The Milwaukee utilityman then
fouled off three straight pitches
before drawing the pass.
Southpaw Seth Morehead, ob-
tained recently in a deal with the
Chicago Cubs, earned the victory
with a brilliant relief perform-
ance. Morehead came in with St.
Louis runners on first and third
*and one out in the 10th and re-
tired five straight batters.
* '* * ,
Cincinnati 5, Chicago 2
CINCINNATI -. Jerry Lynch,
who specializes in pinch hits, came
up with a home run in the last of
the eighth today that drove in
three runs and brought the Cin-
cinnati Reds a 5-2 victory over the
Chicago Cubs.
The left handed swinging Lynch
was batting for second baseman
Jim Baumer and walloped his
homer off southpaw Jim Brewer
who had been rushed in to relieve
Joe Schaffernoth.
The Reds wasted a lot of hits off
starter Dick Ellsworth and Schaf-
fernoth before getting their game-
winning runs. They had only two
runs on their first dozen hits.
Lynch's game-winning poke came,
after walks to Gene Freese and Ed
Gordon Coleman also homered
for the Reds. Bob Purkey held the
Cubs to eight hits.
Mlajor League

Plenty! Consider the problem. Western Elec-
tric manufactures the switching systems which
connect some 60=million Bell telephones
throughout the U. S. The average call over
today's electromechanical system requires 420
relay operations. All together, this intercon-
necting equipment makes up the heart of what,
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That's where Western Electric and you
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requirements involved, we require quality
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While today's switching calls for a priority
on engineering, tomorrow's will be even more
exciting. For even now the revolutionary Elec-
tronic Central Office is under field trial and
promises to remake the world of telephony.
Future Western Electric engineers, working
closely with their counterparts at Bell Tele-

Opportunities exist for electrical, mechanical, indus.
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information, get your copy of "Western Electric and
Your Career" from your Placement Officer. Or write
College Relations, Room 6106, Western Electric Com-
pany, 195 Broadway, New York 7,! N. Y. And be sure
to arrange for a Western Electric interview when the
Bell System recruiting team visits your campus.

Special !
"M" Sweat Shirts $1.99

The Long, Hard Road tohe Top
A SPEEDOMETER will tell you that it is approximately 50 miles
from Ferry Field to Tiger Stadium in Detroit, a trip that seldom
takes longer than an hour by car, but former Michigan baseball cap-
tain Steve Boros can tell a different story.
It was not quite four years ago that the determined Flint in-
fielder left the friendly confines of Ann Arbor in an attempt to make
the big leagues. Last Tuesday some tens of thousands of miles later,
Boros finally attained his life-long ambition-he started the 1961
American League baseball season as the Detroit team's regular third
When he first signed a contract with the Tigers for $25,000 in the
June of 1957, he got an opportunity to start several games for the
Bengals, but there was -always the feeling that this was just a tem-
porary situation. This became very obvious when he managed just
six hits in 41 attempts for a .146 batting average.
It was apparent to both the Tigers and Boros that he was far
from ready for the big leagues. It was to be a long, hard road to the
top, with the possibility that the road might not lead there,
How long the road was going to be became apparent to Boros when
he got a phone call from Tiger general manager John McHale in
September of 1957. Boros was home preparing to return to Ann Arbor
where he hoped to finish off the requirements for a Bachelor of Arts,
in history.
BOROS NEVER MADE IT BACK to Ann Arbor that fall nor any of
the succeeding three falls, he was too busy "working" at baseball.
What McHale wanted was for Boros to play in Mexico that win-
ter. He agreed and was off on a long, hard road that was to even-
tually lead back to Tiger Stadium.
After the winter in Mexico, Boros spent a rather harrowing year,.
that saw him riccochet from Charleston, to Birmingham, to Atlanta
and briefly, back- to Detroit. It was not what could be called a suc-
cessful year as Boros' total batting average was around .260.
Thus, it was south for the winter once again. This time it was
Nicaragua where he played and'learned under the direction of veteran
Earl Torgeson. Boros followed with an impressive year that saw him
bat .305 at Birmingham. He spent a six month stint in the army and
when spring rolled around last year he was ready for a crack at the
big time.
But the Tigers had a third baseman, the veteran Eddie Yost;
thus,, they tried Boros in the outfield. The experiment failed, and
despite some impressive work at the plate Boros was sent to Denver.
There he had what has to be termed a spectacluar year, batting
.317 with 30 home runs and 119 RBI's. For his efforts he was named
the Most Valuable Player in the American Association.
NOT BEING ONE TO SIT BACK and take it easy, the ambitious
Boros spent the past winter playing in Puerto Rico, preparing for
his big chance.
But as things turned out, Boros hadalready proven himself to
the Tiger management. For when the American League held a player
draft to stock the new Washington Senator and Los Angeles Angels
ball clubs, the Tigers left the veteran Yost off their "reserved" list.
Yost was immediately selected by the Angels and when Boros
arrived at the Tiger training site- in Lakeland the third base job was
With adequate fielding, plus a batting average slightly over .300,
Boros kept the job.
Following Tuesday's opener, he discussed his chances with the
Tigers. "It really feels great to play regularly and know that the
management is counting on you. Some fellows don't like the pressure,
but I like the responsible feeling it gives me. Their confidence makes
me feel good and I know it will help me do a better job for thenM"
he- said.;
Boros spends most of his time out of uniform going to the movies
(ballplayer's number two pastime) and reading. He has successfully
avoided the habitual card games and crossword puzzles that many
players occupy themselves with on the road.
"I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED TO READ" and re-echoing a familiar
Ann Arbor complaint he said, "when I was in school I never had
a chance to read the books that interested me; I was always bogged
down with long reading lists. Now I have the opportunity to read
what I want to and enjoy it very much"
The 24-year-old bachelor also indicated that he is still very muc
interested in getting his degree and said, "I hope to be back in Ann
Arbor this fall, working towards the 30 hours I need to graduate."
Queried about former Wolverines Bill Roman, Dave Brown and
Wilbur Franklin, all of whom followed in his' footsteps last spring
when they signed bonus contracts with the Tigers, Boros said, "Down
in Florida, I heard they were all doing well and that all three have a
good'chance of making it."
Boros added, 'I heard they all had the right attitude toward the
game. Attitude is something you don't hear much about when you
discuss young ball players, but actually it becomes more important
the higher you rise in organized baseball."
It is obvious that the former Michigan star has the right atti-
tude. If he didn't, he would not have worked as hard, or had the pa-
tience that he has had, in the four determined years it took him to
make the short, but immensely difficult, trip from Ferry- Field to
Tiger, Stadium.


.. _

Principal manufacturing locations at Chicago, ll.; Kearny, N. 1.; Baltimore, Md.; indianapolis, Ind.; Allentown and Laureldale, Pa.;
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Engineering Research Center, Princeton, N. J. Telgtype Corporation, Skokie, Ill., and Little Rock, Ark. Also Western Electric distri-
bution centers In 33 cities and installation headquarters in 16 cities. General headquarters: 195 Broadway, New York 7, N. Y.


Choose just
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Drop by your Chevrolet
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W L Pct.
Chicago 1 0 1.000
Cleveland;1 0 1.000,
Minnesota 1 0 1.000
Los Angeles 1 0 1.000
Kansas city 1 0 1.000
Detroit 0 1 .000
New York 0 1 .000
Baltimore 0 1 .000
Boston 0 1 .000
washnigton 0 1 .000
Yesterday's Results

AU games postponed
Today's Games
Chicago at Detroit
Minnesota at Baltimore (night)
Cleveland at Washington (night)
Only games scheduled
W L Pct. GB
Cincinnati 20 1.000
x-Los Angeles 2 0 1.000 -
San Francisco 2 1 .667 Y
St. Louis 1 1 .500 1
Milwaukee ' 1 1 .500 1
Pittsburgh 1 2 .333 11/2
Chicago 0 2 .000 2
x-Philadelphia 0 2 .000 2
Yesterday's Results
Cincinnati 5, Chicago 2
Milwaukee 5, St. Louis 4 (11 innings)
San Francisco 6, Pittsburgh 5 (12 in-
Philadelphia at Los Angeles (inc.) .
.Today'l Games
Pittsburgh at Los Angeles (night)
Philadelphia at San Francisco (night)
Milwaukee at Chicago
Cincinnati at 't. Louis (night)


Two approaches to the
"man's deodorant" problem,
If a man doesn't mind shaving under his arms, he will probably
find a woman's roll-on satisfactory. Most men, however, find it
simpler and surer to use Mennen Spray Deodorant. Mennen Spray
was made to get through to the skin, where perspiration starts.
And made to work all day. More men use Mennen Spray than any
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For quiet luxury, infinite ease, and coolness there is
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the hard-to-fit, we carry extra longs
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from $500

Gym Captai
Big Tom Osterland, stocky jun-
ior from Mountain Lakes, N.J.,
was elected to be the new captain
of Michigan's Varsity Gymnastics
team for next season.
A nationally known rebound
tumbler, who declined a State De-
partment tour of Africa to com-
pete in the Big'-Ten Meet, Oster-
land was the sparkplug for Mich-
igan all year long in that event,
winning numerous dual meets and
the Big Ten Championship.
Earlier in the season he won the
North-South , meet in Sarasota,
Florida against a contingency of
some of the nation's outstanding
-A versatile star, who, also es-
celled'in tumbling this season, Os
terland will succeed Rich Mont-
petit, Michigan's most- Valuable
player this season -
Fountain Pens
School Supplies

More people are buying new
Chevrolets than any other'
make. So your dealer's got a y
wide choice of OK Used Cars.

.. . . .

.._ -

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