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April 12, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-12

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Eichmarn Trial Starts in Israel;
Jurisdiction of Court Contested

U.S. Alters AfricanPolicy

Wage Plan
Given Boost
WASHINGTON (J) - President
John F. Kennedy's iminimum wage
bill, shredded by the House last
month, emerged from a Senate
committee yesterday with almost
all his pet provisions intact.
By a 13-2 vote, the Labor Com-
mittee voted to raise the minimum
wage, now at $1 an hour, to $1.25
an hour and to extend that mini-
mum to 4 million more workers.
Committee approval came in
two hours. But the bill's path may
not be so easy from now on.
Sen. Barry Goldwater (R-Ariz),
one of the committee members
who voted no, said opponents
would make their main fight
against the bill on the floor of
the Senate.
The bill .goes to the floor Thurs-
day. Senate Democratic leader
Mike Mansfield of Montana said
he hoped the Senate would pass
it by Friday night.
Senate Republican leader Ever-
ett M. Dirksen of Illinois, who
joined Goldwater in voting against
the bill in committee, agreed with
Mangfield that Friday night ap-
proval was possible.
Conspira~m tors
Sued by U. S.l
electrical companies, convicted
conspirators in antitrust' price,-j
fixing and bid-rigging, were sued.
by the United States government
yesterday for "millions of dol-
lars" in damages.
Six separate complaints were
filed in United States District
Court accusing the firms, includ,
ing the nation's: two biggest -
General Electric Co. and West-
inghouse Electric Corp.-of cheat-
ing Tennessee Valley Authority
and a' dozen other federal agent
ies in the sale of equipment used
for generation, transmission and
distribution of electricity.


-AP Wirepnoto
ISRAELI CROWD-People gather outside. the high wire fence surrounding Jerusalem's community
center yesterday where the trial of Adolf Eichmann is being held. Armed guards stand atop the

On Delayed Cease-Fire
WASHINGTON (P) - Any further delay in a Laotian cease-fire
agreement, a State Department spokesman said yesterday, "would be
a matter of very serious concern."
This assessment came from press officer Lincoln White after
Secretary of State Dean Rusk told capitol reporters he expects a
Soviet reply "within a very few days" to a British proposal for an
immediate cease-fire in Laos.
.* * * *
MOSCOW (M - The University of Michigan Band today per-
formed with students of the Yerevan State University and played
several selections.
* * s *
UNITED NATIONS (A" - Malaya, Ireland and Thailand asked
the United Nations General Assembly yesterday to renew its call
on Communist China to stop depriving the Tibetan people of their
"fundamental human rights and freedoms."
* S * *
WASHINGTON (A') - Secretary of the Navy John B. Connally
blew the whistle yesterday on Navy officers-of any rank-who
express opinions on high policy, but hide behind anonymity.
"If you are not willing to be quoted by naine, you should not be
speaking," the Navy's new civilian chief told 4,000 officers of both the
Navy and Marine Corps who are stationed in Washington.

Cu ban Press'
Snubs Reds
HAVANA (m--The government-
controlled press yesterday ignored
the possibility of assistance from
the Communist bloc in repulsing
attacks from abroad. Instead it
proclaimed widespread L a t i n
American support for Prime Min-
,ister Fidel Castro's. regime.
Castro also appeared to be quiet-
ly mobilizing his anti-invasion
defenses again; including the
workers' militia. But the press and
radio clamped a tight blackout on
news that Cuban exiles in the
United States are preparing for
an invasion.
Published with an article- quot-
ing Brazilian President Janio
Quadros as supporting Castro was
a Cuban news agency dispatch
from Buenos Aires announcing
that a campaign had opened there
to recruit 100,000 Argentine volun-
teers to defend Cuba.
Missing from the news columns,
however, were the usual promises
of support from the Soviet Union
and the Communist bloc.



No Miss .
this is not a misprint

The price of this classic "Pointer" moccasin
is for real! Only $5.88: Realy! We're lucky
-L-and so are you: We were able to make a v
-special purchase of these famous Penobscot
Trampeze Moccasins at a very special
price. And we're passing the savings
on to you. We have your size, too. -'
So hurry. At these prices they won't
last long- nd you'lIl probably
wantat leost two pair.
The Classic "Pointer"
moccasin. Taper toe
last, hand-stitched ,
saddle, neolite .. :V4... ""..
soles. Light, Priced
soft, flexible r
and to
A t : 4 .,:45 . ,. "::AtJ
comfortable t 54
0 BROWN S r 88



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A Pair

" l
Sa am"a= m o $398
1... ....... .... ... ... ...I

121..4 15I 1 61, 17J 8 9 10oI . 11
s AAAA'l1III I LL xlxlXlxtIxlxtillxlxl
AAAI (,I l Ix lxxxxlx lxlxxlXIxlx
AAI 1I IxxxIxlxlxlxli xl x xxxx
Al-lIIxlxilx lxlxlxlxlxlx IIxlxxxx

The Mandarin Blouse . .. sleevelessly cool ond lav-
ished with a front-ful of delicate lace. In easy-care
cotton that looks brand new after every sudsing.
Bright white only; sizes 5 to 15.
Just one of many lovely new spring and summer
blouses-others from $3.50.



I ....r _" AS

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