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April 12, 1961 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-04-12

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Peace Corps Resolutions

(EDITOR'S NOTE: Folowing are
ecerpts from the resolutions passed
at the recent Conference on Youth
service Abroad in Washington, D.C.)
We believe that social, educa-
tional and medical needs are com-
mon to men and nations and
should be met wherever such prob-
lems exist.
Because of our national com-
mitment to principles of individual
dignity, because of our great po-
tential and actual ability to serve
mankind and because a growing
number of our people now seem
anxious to attempt to improve
human condition, it is highly ap-
propriate that the United States
establish a Peace Corps.
The purpose of the Corps shall
be to foster mutual understanding
and co-operation among all peoples
and to accelerate the process of
development in certain areas of
the world, without involvement in
any foreign policy, to help meet
the needs for trained personnel in
order to further social and eco-
nomic self-determination .., and
to strive for these goals and ob-
jectives by working and living to-
gether with other people ***
Reverance for Man
The ultimate basis of Justifica-
tion of the Corps then is the ac-
ceptance of a reverence for man
and his labor, and of human re-
sponsibility to work with those
who need and desire service.
We beiieve that the accomplish-
ment of these purposes and ob-
jectives will provide many useful
and rewarding by-products for the
host country, the individual in-
volved and the United States.
The corpsmen should approach
the people of the host country
,with sympathy, understanding and
+objectivity toward their problems
in establishing democratic institu-
tions, realizing those institutions
can take a variety of forms dif-
ferent from our own and yet demo-
Needs Background
He should have a thorough
background in the features of the
area in which he will serve, as
well as a general knowledge of
world affairs.
A corpsman should have a
thorough knowledge of our own
country and be capable of express-
ing his beliefs. At the same time
he must be honest in acknowledg-
Ing the problems we are. facing In
our government. -
Not Easily Measured
These qualities cannot always be
easily measured. The importance
of . . . this maturity makes an
individualized selection process
necessary. Tests of allegiance and
reverence have little significance
here. A corpsman will not be a
political agent and should not be
required to make any affirmation
of loyalty beyond passport regula-
tions. Indeed such political tests
would suggest that the corps has
some greater political mission that
has been conceived in its pur-
pose. Affidavits and disclaimers
of political belief similarly seem
to be but negative standards con-
tributing little infinding essential
We recommend . . . a positive
statement be formulated relating
the purposes of the program, the
human values it seeks to serve and
the standards of conduct expected
of its members .
Certainly, the loyalty, the demo-

cratic commitment of the indivi-
dual must be beyond question, but
the real measure of these qualities
can only be found in the total
process of . . . selection.
In particular, we feel the string-
est political standards of the
Foreign Service security check
would be totally unacceptable
given the purposes of the program,
and further, that an FBI or other
security checks on the applicants'
political activities, association or
beliefs does not get at the central
questions. However, if in some,
individual case a check is indi-
cated. it should take place only
after the individual is otherwise
found acceptable for training and
service and should not be done as
a matter of course. If an indivi-
dual is disqualified on the basis of
some "political" consideration
there should be a procedure where-
by he can have a full and fair
opportunity to appeal.
The resolution in the area of
control and structure is based on
the following assumtions: The pur-
pose of the Corps would be to as-
sist the peoples of all nations to
better themselves economically
and socially. This purpose is
humanitarian, and is in accord
with the revolutionary ideals of
freedom, equality and the dignity
of man..
1) We firmly support the five
operational principles set forth by
President John F. Kennedy, that
the Corps work: a) Through pri-
vate agencies carrying on inter-
national assistance programs, b)
Through assistance programs of
international agencies, c) Through
overseas programs of colleges and
universities, d) Through assistance
programs of the United States
government, and e) Through new
programs of the Corps itself
2) At first, the Corps should be
a government agency under the
direct control of the President,
divorced from the State Depart-
ment ... or other executive agency
When functioning as an in-
dividual government agency, the
Corps should set minimum stan-
dards of selection and exercise
veto power over all candidates.
3) In the short run ... United
Nations control may not be feas-
ible but it is desired 'that the
Corps become a truly international
organization. Ultimately it should
be placed under the United Na-
tions and/or other extra-national
agencies. Development of other
organizations similar to the Corps
in other countries should be en-
couraged with a view toward...
an international Corps.
Should Address UN
4) President Kennedy should
address the UN, to propose an ef-
fective, international Peace Corps
to the world.
Also resolved that the commis-
sion governing the Corps policies
in a host country be composed of
both Americans and nationals of
that country, that the American
Corps work continuously with
their counterparts in that country
and that American Corps mem-
bers, in their physical living ar-
rangements and in their patterns
of social relationships not be set
apart from their host co-workers
and community.
Further be it resolved that Peace
Corps participants should be re-
cruited from all who offer skills

and potential ability .. . Motiva-
tion must stem from the ideals of
the Corps, irrespective of political
* * *
Requests for Corps projects
should be honored from any na-
tion. Attention should be given to
establishing a domestic peace
Develop Rapidly
The Corps should develop as
rapidly as possible, with the con-
sideration of need, request from
host country, financial feasability,
qualified candidates and evalua-
tion of similar programs.
The training program should
consist of three stages: A period
of time spent by qualified corps-
men in areas of the United States
and its territories which have
cultural and economic character-
istics different from those to which
they have been accoustomed.
A study period in the United
States and the host country, with
emphasis on the following: the
language of the host country, the
background of the host country,
unacquired skills needed in a par-
ticular project, human relations
and communication skills, Ameri-
can heritage and general physical
fitness ... '
A practical, final, preparatory
period, conducted under experienc-
ed direction in the host country
before actual work is undertaken.
Host Countries
The people of the host countries,
especially those who are students
in the United States, should be
utilized as teachers and advisors
on a paid basis.
During the entire training per-
iod and stay in host countries, it
must be emphasized that Corps
participants are engaged in a pro-
cess of learning from their hosts
as well as contributing to mutual
international understanding and
An applicant's race, sex, religion
or area of residence in the United
States should play no part in the
selection for membership in the
Corps; however, the practical con-
siderations of placement will re-
quire consideration of these fac-
Interviews, tests, records of past
experience and acvhievements of
the applicants should be carefully
examined, especially in the fol-
lowing areas: motivation, matur-
ity, cultural empathy, clarity and
aptitude in languages communica-
tions, physical fitness, personality
traits, areas of proficiency, back-
ground and foundation in history
of America and the host country.
* * *
Be it resolved that the Corps
urge the American colleges and
universities to broaden and perfect
their activities to increase the
knowledge that would contribute
to Corps membership and citizen-
ship in the years of the future.
That students considering ser-
vice abroad should pursue regular
courses of study. The role of the
University in Corps preparation is
to provide supplementary educa-
By . . . Encouraging study pro-
grams for youth service abroad in
existing and tentative groups. Also,
those universities with sufficient
resources should establish ex-
change programs that would offer
cross-cultural experience.
Officials Cite
'U' Technician
In Vote Case,
Ronald P. Pivnick, a laboratory
technician at the University, was
questioned Monday concerning
voting twice in the Ann Arbor
spring election on April 3.

He is charged with voting both
in person and by means of an
absentee ballot.
Acting, Municipal Court Judge
Chandler A. Rogers set the exam-
ination of the felony charge for
April 17.
Pivnick filled out an absentee
ballot from Washington, D.C., and
he also personally cast another
ballot in Ann Arbor on election
day on April 3. He admitted cast-
ing both ballots but claims he
forgot that he had sent in the

U' Grants
To Boost
The Ford Foundation yesterday
announced two grants to the so-
cial sciences departments of the
University totalling $350,000.
The larger seven year grant of
$500,000 will permit the University
to double the number of students
specializing in demography and
related social sciences from 10-12
to 20-25 per year.
The grant will be used for
fellowships and research assistant-
ships, permitting the addition of
a faculty member and teaching
It will also expand activities in
the Program for Research in
Population and Human Ecology
and provide partial support for
an exchange of 10 American and
10 Russian behavioral scientists.
Under the second grant of $30,-
000, Director James G. Miller of
the University Mental Health Re-
search Institute wil head a ten-
man delegation to Russia, from
May 3 to 29.
Anthony Gets
Senate Post
Women's Senate yesterday elect-
ed officers for next year.
Judy Anthony, '62, was elected
vice-chairman of the Senateeand
Barbara Libs, '63, was elected
The Senate discussed problems
of pre-registration which may
arise if the University changes its
calendaring system in the fall of
1962: 1) the principle of assess-
ing a fine if a student registers
late without an acceptable ex-
cuse. 2) The choice between reg-
istering alphabetically or by class-
es. 3) The choice between the
student preferencing thetime for
his classes or his professors.
The Senate voted in favor of a.
proposal to fine late registrators,
to register alphabetically (with
exceptions for seniors needing spe-
cial attention for their course
schedules), and that students
should be allowed to preference
their professors.
Niortor Board
Honors Co-eds
For Service
Mortar Board, senior women's
honorary, announced today that
because of outstanding scholar-
ship, service, and leadership 21
women have been tapped for
They are: Kathleen Bennett,
'62; Elizabeth Carroll, '62; Deb-
orah Cowles, '62; Judy DeCaprio,
'62; Barbara Denny, '62;. Susan
Farrell, '62; Patricia Golden, '63;
Ruth Jacobs, '62; Carla Maize,
'62; Ruth Mellen, '62, and Beatrice
Nemlaha, '62.
Also named were: Susan Oppen-
heim, '62; Janet Robson, '62; Sally
Jo Sawyer, '62; Sarah Sheets, '62
M; Shirley Tucker, '62; Linda Un-
rad, '62; Marni Wang, '62; Faith
Weinstein, '62, and Rona Wolk,
Standaert, Bretton
To Speak on Congo

Challenge and the political sci-
ence department will sponsor Chi-
cago Belgian Consul General Felix
Standaert and Prof. Henry J.
Bretton of the political science
department, speaking on "The
Congo: The Belgian Side of the
Story," at 4:15 p.m. today in Aud.

-Daily-Henry Yee
SIGN OF SPRING-"Jest in Time," Jit, the Jester will lead Uni-
versity students through the activities of Spring Weekend..
Spring Weekend Reports
.its Schedule of Events
Jit the Jester will romp through J

Court Drops
Law School
Mental Case.
The editors of the University's
Law Review found their mental
incompetence case against the law
school faculty thrown out of
Washtenaw County Probate Court
yesterday-to be settled on the
baseball diamond.
Probate Judge John W. Conlon
ordered their petition "expunged
froni the record without further
delay." The editors were remand
ed to the "special jurisdiction of
the law school."
Counsel for the defense, Profs.
Joseph R. Julin and Richard V.
Wellman of the Law School, held
that "the petitioners, as mere
students, have committed a grave
attack upon the entire judiciary
The defense described their op-
position as a "three-headed be-
ing,"' and said that the student
petition was "obviously a product
of confused minds."
Defense also suggested that
since the editors use the prestige
of that position to obtain high
paying jobs that they should as-
sign a modest portion of their first
five year's salary to support the
Law Review.
LSA Committee
Opens Petitioning
Petitions are now available in
Rm. 1220 Angell Hall for posi-
tions on the literary college steer-
ing committee, chairman Ruth
Galanter announced yesterday.
The deadline for turning in
these petitions is noon, April 21.
DIAL NO 2-6264
NOW... Edna Ferbers story of
passionate love and raw
courage comes to the screen!
Meba-ftw yn-ayer.."a m Bam's


. .. ..

a weekend of activities, April 28-
29 directing events for Spring
Weekend '61, "Jest in Time."
Spring Weekend, sponsored by
the Michigan Union and Women's
Athletic Association, alternates
with Michigras each spring. It is
not a fund-raising project, but is
sponsored for the activity it pro-
History Told
Spring Weekend began in 1953
with cart races and skit night. A
dance was added in 1957. The
1959 weekend had the same form
as this year's event.
Circle Taps
A 1
'U' Women
For service and citizenship in
their residence halls, 39 women
were tapped early this morning
for membership in Circle Hon-
orary Society.
Those honored were: Sharon
Adams, '62; Ellen Kay Axenfeld,
'63; Rhea Axelrod, '61; Lynne Bel-
ofsky, '63; Hedi Bergman, '61; Jan-
ice Bird, '61; Mary Ellen Bleak-
ley, ,62Ed; Jeanette Brashares,
'62; Harriet Brownstein, '62; Bob-
by Cagen, '62Ed; Patricia Cannon,
'62; Beverly Castleberry, '61;
Kathleen Devlin, '63N; Helen El-
zey, '6lEd; Judy Gautz, '61Ed; Mu-
dite Gedrovics, '62BAd, and Don-
na Haney '63.
Also tapped were: Carolyn Har-
vey, '62; Margaret Hoshel, '61;
Marion Jackson, '63; Ruth Jacobs,
'62; Cynthia Johnson, '61; Judy
Levine, '62; Emma Lucas, '61DH;
Marcia Matheson, '62A&D; Cora
Mellinger, '62N; Marie Ochetti,
'62A&D; Sue Parsell, '63; Lynn
Prakken, '62Ed; Phyllis Puffer,
'61; Judy Putnam, '62; Calla Rea-
soner, '62Ed; Judy Rice, '63; Mari-
lyn Rothschild, '62Ed; Esther
Ruskin, '61Ed; Dee Sanders, '62D;
Donna Scandlin, '63Ed; Elizabeth
Smith, '61, and Madelin Waggon-
er, '62Ed.
'fEnds Thursday 'ft
Laurence Olivier is brilliant,
terrific. A fascinating
picture, 'The Entertainer'
is entertaining!"
- Bosley crowthe
N. Y. Tmps
"One of the most

Announcing the start of week-
end merrymaking, the jester will
lead a parade of costumed house-
builders from the Diag to "Hour
Town," a village on Palmer Field
to be constructed by men and
women from campus housing
Materials Unknown
None of the workers will know
what materials will be available
until an hour before the contest
Each of 20 finalists chosen dur-
ing the parade will compete in a
beauty contest wearing costumes
appropriate to the period of their
building during the house judging.
A skit depicting an historical
incident out of its own time con-
text is the theme for the Friday
night event, "Erred Era."
has been released on bond
and will give a concert
here in Ann Arbor

Tickets are on sale at:
Disc Shop -
1210 S. University
Hi Fi & TV Center---
304 S. Thayer

3:45 - 6:10 and 9:00
3:50 - 6:30 and 9:20


TEEJj folUTl"Ailm"ISTSLE-I-o
~~O0 1,EAR


NSF Awards Fellowships
To 55 'U' Students, Teachers

Fifty-five University studentsv
and teaching fellows have won
fellowships for graduate study in
science, mathematics and engi-
neering, the National' Science
Foundation has announced.
Thirty-one students received co-
operative graduate fellowships in-
volving a basic 12-month stipend
of $2,200.
Twenty-four teaching fellows
will receive grants ranging from
$50 to $75 weekly, plus tuition
and fees, for summer study here.
The following were student win-
Robert L. Armstrong, Grad; James E.
Briggs, Grad; Philip S. Dauber, '61E;
Robert W. Dunlap, '64M; Kent K. Gil-
lingham, '63M; Peter J. Groblicki, Grad;
Robert H. Hunt, Grad; James B. Kaler,
Grad; David J. Klingener, Grad; Rob-
ert C. Lasiewski, Grad; Patrick J. Led-
den, Grad; David B. Lellinger, Grad;
Joseph L. Lemay, Grad; Marvin E.

Lickey, Grad; Harold R. Lindman,
Grad; Robert E. Little, Grad; Norris
P. McKinney, Grad; David G. Nuss-
man, Grad; Michael I. Posner, Grad;
Carol J. Reverski, Grad; Robert. W.
Richardson, Grad; Donald E. Sarason,
Grad; vaughan H. Shoemaker, Grad;
Sheila G. Siebert, Grad; Richard R.
Silbar, Grad; James L. Skinner, Grad;
Stewart P. Slovic, Grad; Dean L.
Smith, Grad; Bertram J. Walsh, Grad;
Huber R. Warner, Grad; Karl L. Zinn,
Stipends were granted to the
following teaching fellows:
George H. Andrews, Stanley C. Bern-
stein, Marshall M. Cohen, Gail A. Cor-
bett, Alan M. Cvancara, Charles D.
Dillman, Harry A. Duger, Shirley A.
Graham, William G. Hoover, George
B. Houck, Ann H. Houston, Conrad A.
Istock, Patrick J. Ledden, David B.
Lellinger, Frederick W. Leysieffer,
Layne A. Longfellow, Marvin R. Mer-
cer, Lois P. Sebastian.
American Author
To Give Reading
American poet, Galway Kinnell,
will give a reading with commen-
tary at 4:10 p.m. today in Aud. B.
Kinnell, author of "What a'
Kingdom It Was," has taught at
various universities including the
University of Grenoble in France
and the University of Tehran,
Iran,. The program is sponsored
by the English Department.

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