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March 31, 1961 - Image 10

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-31

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"Let Move It, Buster"



Seventy-First Year
torials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Traps Child Killer
Fair ytale Dra'wing
A CHOCOLATE HEDGE-HOG; a crayon drawing and a mountain
goat lead a police inspector to a child killer in "It Happened in
Broad Daylight" at the Campus.
After an accused peddler hangs himself following intense question-
ing, the police, confident that the guilty man has died, close the case.
However, one police officer, Inspector Matthai, believing the peddler's
innocence decides to reopen the case on his own.
HIS ONLY CLUE being a child's fairytale drawing of a mountain.
high wizard, a goat and a black car, the Inspector takes a leave of

CH 31, 1961


Bill Would Crack Down
On Minority Parties Slated

GROUP OF 14 legislators have introduced
a bill into the state House of Representa-
s attempting to make even more rigorous
requirements needed to place a minority
ty ticket on the Michigan election ballot.
resent law stipulates that a party must draw
tal vote equal to one pier cent of the votes
for the winning candidate for secretary of
e in order to retain a place on the ballot in
following election. The new proposal would
ease this requirement to one per cent of the
i vote cast for all candidates for secretary
tate !and thereby in effect doubles the sup-
t needed to stay on the ballot.
EIE OLD LAW prescribes that if a party fails
to attract the established number of voters,
group must present petitions bearing the
aber of signatures equal to one per cent of
total vote cast for the elected Secretary of
be. Furthermore, citizens signing the peti-
.s must come from at least 10 different
nities with no less than 100 signatures from
particular county.
gain House Bill 159 would double the re-
ements. Signatures must total one per cent
he vote cast for all candidates for secretary
state, and signatures must come from 20
erent counties.
he adherents of the proposal, led by Sen.
sell H. Strange (R-Clare) but conposed of
1 Republicans and Democrats, claim they
attempting to curb the problematic Michi-
long ballot. They cite the fact that in the
election seven parties were represented at
polls and the voting machines can only
ommodate this number of slates. Thus
e is a creeping dangers that there will be
e candidates than avalable slots on the
ng machine.
day for contempt of Congress for his refusal
nswer questions posed by the House Un-
rican Activities Committee, utilized much'
he ironic wit characteriezed in his songs
e appearing before the committee. When
ted by HTUAC of "preaching" Communism,
er. is reported to have answered: "I. don't
ch, I just sing." And with that Seeger be-
plucking away at his guitar while commit-
members became familiar with the melodic
Is: "The banks are made of marble, With a*
d at every door, And the vaults are stuffed
silver, That the workers sweated for."
hen warned that his singing could lead him
charge of "contempt," Seeger is said to
retorted: "IZhave nothing BUT contempt'
his committee."
abpoenaed by the defense during the federal
t proceedings that ended with Seeger's
riction: HUAC chairman Francis E. Walter.

IN THEIR HASTE for expediency, the involved
legislators are not only subverting the demo-
cratic process in Michigan, but are also ignor-
ing a much more effective means at reaching
their desired goal. What is really a problem at
the polls is not the number of parties repre-
sented, but rather the large number of officials
up for election on Michigan's notorious bed-
sheet ballot. The confused voter is asked to
cast votes for a preposterous list of state and
local .officials from circuit judges to drain
commissioners. General. party ideologies are
easily comprehended by the public, especially
when the groups involved carry such titles as
Socialist Labor and Prohibition. It is the never-
ending list of little-known personalities which is
*a definite threat to democratic control.
Although the 14 legislators are aware of these
' basic political facts, they have chosen to let a
voting machine manufacturer determine the
nature of the democratic process in Michigan.
Some of the representatives involved are ac-
tual opponents of constitutional revision which
is certainly the most appropriate method of
correcting the state's archaic election proced-
BUT MORE realistically, the sponsors of
House Bill 179 are not really interested in
enhancing the democratic process, but instead
are motivated by a strong prejudice against
minority parties whose principles differ from
the comfortable similarities which Republicans
and Democrats share. Justice Hugo Black has
echoed the warning espoused by many politi-
cal scientists, that such attempts to temper
democracy and deny certain citizens the right
to make themselves heard through the polls is,
a genuine threat to the nation.
If parties in control are able to continue
stacking the deck against smaller groups, a
dangerous precedent is established which could
at some future point be used on a much grand-
er scale with public condonment.
Nor is it a valid argument that Michigan
politics is on the verge of splitting into a chaot-
ic multi-party system such as that which
caused the downfall of the Fourth French Re-
public. The total vote garnered by minority
groups in the last election was not substantially
greater than in previous elections.
CONTINUING IN their pragmatic tone, pro-
ponents of the bill argue that because
other states have election stipulations as strict
as Michigan's, stronger state requirements are
justified. The same specious position could be
used to justify the enaction of segregation laws
because such regulations exist in certain south-
ern states.
It may be a valid argument that the state
must regulate elections to ensure that only
those groups with a sincere interest in state
government have access to the people's votes..
But present Michigan law presents a network
of requirements and complexities intense
enough to thwart any but the most determined
seekers of public office. '

absence to track the killer down.
two similar ones were committed
along a single highway, the In-
spector rents a broken down filling
station on the highway.
Believing that the goat in the
picture symoblizes the crest of
a canton at one end of the high-
way he begins searching for a
black car with a goat on the
license plate.
Hiring a housekeeper to use her
daughter to trap the killer, Matt-
hai waits and slowly eliminates'
possible suspects. After believing,
that his search had come to a
dead end, he discovers that the
girl had been playing with the
killer for several days.
* * *
mother back to town, he plants a
dummy in the forest. When the
wizard approaches the following'
day, the Inspector and police are
waiting. The killer is shot and
captured as he lunges for the
Perceptive characterization and
intense drama highlight this movie
taken from Friedrich Duerren-
matt's story The Pledge". Only
the prolonged introduction dam'p-
ens the suspense.
--Judy Nicholson and
Ken McEldowney

Party Campaign Programs Analyzed


Highlights Industrial Relations

"HE FIVE SPEAKERS at this week's Indus-
trial Relations conference, in examining
ritical Issues Affecting Labor-Management'
lations," have sketched a complete and not
optimistic picture of what the country can
pect in this area during, the next few years.
ich of what was said, both in the way of
alysis and suggestion, was not new, but the
ct that the picture was so complete represents
small victory for the conference's program-
rs as well as a valuable advanced look for
e public.
rhe only really surprising statement was
of. James Healy's argument that work rules
e not, and will not be, a big issue. With the
ent steel strike propaganda, and the state-
nts of railroad presidents and brotherhoods
the news, this came as a surprise. But Prof.
aly had impressive evidence, and was conse-
mtly encouraging.I

pay. He suggested retraining of displaced work-
ers as the best solution. Prof. William Haber
and William F Simkin, director of the Federal
Mediation Service, cited automation and the
recession as principal causes of unemployment.
ALL THIS points up the fact that some initia-
tive and imagination by management can
go a long way to solve the labor relations prob-
lems of the Sixties. The careful administration
of work rules, etsablishment of retraining pro-
grams, expansion and consequent creation of
worker confidence and trust, the companiescan
obviate many of their problems.
Of course, labor and the public have respon-
sibilities too - great responsibilities - but if
managers cans take a longer view than next
year's profits, they can be' leaders in a decade
of what Prof. Healy characterizes as good labor
relations-not necessarily a time of perfect
peace, bit a climate of reasonable friendliness
where the selfish interests of one side do not
override the reasonable interests of the other,
or the common interest of both.

r (EDITOR'S NOTE: Next Monday
Ann Arbor elets 5 of 1 councilmen
and a mayor. Here's an analysis of
the party programs on the eve of
the big day . i .)
Daily Staff Writer
H AS ANN ARBOR been given
"timorous, petty and ineffect-
ive leadership under Republican
Mayor Cecil O. Creal during the
last two years?
This statement was part of the
manifesto which the Democratic
Party issued to kick off its 1961
city campaign. It has been work-
ing hard to support this claim in
the past few weeks.
The Republicans have basically
been running as Republicans. They
issued a tepid six-page platform
and have since been giving talks
which bristle neither with hatred
toward their opponents nor much
The Republicans, who are offi-
cially unconcerned with human
relations in the city, stress "we
are conscious of the need for lim-
iting the tax burden presently
carried' by our citizens."
likely to be less concerned about
economy, begin their three-page
statement with a pledge for open
occupancy legislation to curb
housing discrimination, and bet-
ter use of the Fair Employment
Practices Act.
Mrs. Dorothee S. Pealy, Demo-
cratic mayoralty candidate, has
been making critical statements
on everything in sight and appar-
ently hoping to strike paydirt with
the voters on some of these points.
Perhaps her best issue, from the
standpoint of voter appeal, is a
lament-that only one party is
represented on City Council. This
fact may help the Democrats in
council races, but it will not help
elect Mrs. Pealy. In the first and
second wards, where the Demo-
crats are running strong candi-
dates anyway, this feeling could
be important, but it's not the way
people select a mayor.
Statements about monopoly
government carry emotional ap-
peal, but they do not get at the
basic question of how good the
government has been.
FOR INSTANCE, is it' true that
the Republican council has been
wasting time discussing trivia and
failing to do anything really im-
portant? Is it true that local gov-
ernment has been standing still
except for putting in a few street-
lights and gutters?
Achievements of the last two
years which Republicans boast of
include much work and money-to
make the areas new research park
possible, carrying through the new
city hall project, resurrection of
the city bus line and a fairly ac-
tive program for obtaininig off-
street parking.
Many of the Democrats' criti-
cisms seem to show they are
searching for the right issue, ex-
pressing the sort of petulant sec-
ond-guessing which characterizes
Michigan fans the day after the
State game.
* * * -

of foresight they have forced the
firemen to go to the ballot." How-
ever, the burden of presentation
rests on the firemen if they want
more pay, and they apparently did
not officially contact the govern-
ment on the problem. It would be,
ridiculous for the mayor to go
around to departments periodic-
ally asking if they would like
She criticizes City Council be-
cause it has not yet passed the
proposed zoning ordinance for the
city, yet such a comprehensive
project on an ordipance which
hasn't been changed in almost
four decades is not the sort of
thing to be passed hurriedly.
* * *
down areas in the first ward,
Democrats have been critical of
Creal's slow-moving citizens' com-
mittee, which is attempting to re-
make neighborhoods completely
by private initiative. Although this
is a weak spot in Creal's program,
Democrats have not clearly articu-
lated a program of their own to
meetthe problem.
On the parking problem near St.
Joseph's Mercy Hospital in -which
the council voted to put in two-
hour meters and later changed
its mind after local residents
fumed, Mrs. Pealy said anyone
could have predicted the objec-
tions that would come from resi-
dents and if Creal didn't know this
he "shows a complete lack of po-
litical sophistication."
Once again the Democrats' 20-
20 hindsight is evident.
THIS IS TO be expected from
a party out of power. More signi-
ficant charges have been that the
Republicans "have changed their
minds on a number of other issues
in the face of pressure," and that
if "oompetent technical advice
supports (a program) he should
stick to his guns and show real
It is certainly true that council

listens to any and all' complaints
from citizens and usually acts ac-
cording to the public will it sees
at the time. There is a 'definite
difference in philosophy here be-
tween the two parties.
How about the charge that the
council sits week by week discuss-
ing trivia? How effective is the
city council?
* * *
MRS. PEALI says the Council
should not discuss matters which
' are the provinceI of certain ex-
perts. For example, at its meeting
on February 13 of this year, the
council discussed:
Its policy of getting construc-
tion firms on city projects to hire
local labor,
The monthly report of the bus
company (in the black again);
The advisability of a liquor li-
cense on Paclard Road, where
over 700 residents had complained
about a similar establishment two
years ago;
Hiring of engineers for the re-
search park;
Delay of installation of two-
hour meters at St. Joseph's;,
Purchase of land for a new
downtown parking lot;
Traffic patterns on Liberty and
North Main Streets;
Two ordinances on illegal park-
ing on private property;
New procedure for asking
money from tax-exempt landown-
ers; and.
A resolution favoring the new
state annexation procedure pend-
ing in Lansing.
How many of these topics de-
served discussion by the Council
-should they have been left up
to departments for decision and
then brought to the meeting for
a rubber-stamp approval? They
all seem to be legitimate ques-
tions to be raised in council meet-
IF THE discussions are to be
held, how good are they? This is
the next question facing the' Ann
Arbor voter, and here the present-

council membership often seems
In many discussions and votes,
it is evident that members have
not taken the time to collect suf-
ficient background on the issue.
On most points which are raised'
there is little discussion of any
value. Debate is crucial in a de-
mocracy and it sometimes seems
inconceivable that 10. men and
women could agree so much of the
If there are Democrats who are
superior to their opponents in this
election, and there appear to be
at least two, then their addition
to the Council would help stimu-
late an often-stagnant condition.
There are all-yes votes even
when members are not agreed.
For example, at a recent meeting
councilwoman Mrs. Gayle Flan-
nery cist ward) raised a legiti-
mate objection against a local
tavern which did not meet legal
standards and then voted "yes"
on its license.
'* * .*
THERE ARE too few council
members who raise questions
about what the city is doing-.
Mrs. Florence Crane (2nd ward),
who will be much missed when
she retires from council this week,
is a notable exception.
The council members often.
seem cowed. Some are quiet'in
meeting after meeting. It is a
rare and wonderful event when a
member bothers to initiate a mo-
tion on his own.
While the Democratic campaign
may be weak in many particulars,
it still seems clear that the party
is offering two outstanding Coun-
cil candidates who could help re-
vitalize this somewhat stagnated
The city has accomplished
much under Republican domina-
tion, and is apparently one of the
more progressive communities to
be found in Michigan, yet the
addition of Lynn Eley and Mrs.
Shata Ling to city council would
tend to improve the effectiveness
of local government. -

Discovering that this murder and
The Daily Official Bulletin as an
official publication of The Univer-
aity of Michigan. for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN , form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 pm., two days precedin
General Notices
The annual Selective Servce College
Qualification Test will be given on
April 27, 1961. Applications for the test
are available at Local Board No. 85, 103
East Liberty, Ann Arbor, and must be
submitted before April 6, 1961. Selective
Service registrants who .are full time
college students are urged to take the
test. The test may be taken only once.
Bicycle Regulations for Spring Vacation
1. Bicycles stored (left over 48 hours)
in racks in classroom areas will be im-
pounded. During vacation bicycles
should be left in the racks at your Ann
Arbor residence.
2. Bicycles on University property
(classroom areas, residence halls, Uni-
versity apartments, Medical Center,
etc.) which do not bear a current (ex-
piring 9-30-61) license will be im-
3. Bicycles parked illegally (out of
racks,' on sidewalks, under canopes.:
blocking building exiis, or on grass
when rack space is available) will be
impounded bicycles will be released
to owners upon presentation of a re-
ceipt for an Ann Arbor city license and
the payment of the service charge of
$3.00 within 30 days. After thirty day.
storage of lo per day is charged.
The Bain-Swiggett Poetry Prize. Man."
uscripts must be in the Hopwood Room,
1006 Angell Hall, by 5 p.m. Mon, April
Preliminary Ph.D. Exainations In
Economics: Theory examinations will be
given on 'Thurs. and Fri., 'April 27 ,ant
28. The examinations in other subects
will be given beginning on Mon., May 1.
A|ach student planning to take these
examinations should leave with the see-
retary of the Department of Economics
not later than April 10, his name and
the three fields in which he desires to
be examined.
Corrected: Minutes of the previous
meeting, so that the page numbering
begins with 9o instead of 86.
Approved: The acceptance of ab-'
sentee ballots for the .election of Stu-
dent Government council officers from
three absent Council members.
Approved: The following Student
Governmtent Council officers: Richard
Nohv President; Per Hanson, Exec. Vice-
President; John Martin, Admin Vice-
President; William Gleason, Treasurer,
Postponed: Consideration of tempo-
rary recognition of the U. of M. Puert
Rican Association until Article IVSec-
tipn A, of their constitution is discussed
by the president of the Puerto ican
Association, the chairman of the-Recog-
nitions committee, the Student Gov-
ernment Council President, and inter-
ested student Government Council
Approved: Suspension of the rules to
extend the number of organizational
meetings of the Puerto Rican Associa-
tion from 3 to 5.
Approved: Temporary recognition for
the U. of M." Student Group of the
American Guild of .Organists.
Approved: the following dates for late
closing hours during the 1961-62 school
year: Oct. 7, 21; Nov. 4, 18; Dec.- 2, 9;
March 3, 17,.31; April 27, 2; .May 12.
Postponed: Consideration of approval
of a summer film program for Cinema
Approved; That Tom Moch, the Inter-
Quadrangle Council president, look into
Cinema Guild's complaint that the East
Quadrangle is showing movies on week-
ends (to any male ,student) and char-
ing an admission fee. He is to report
back to the Council.
Approved: The following amendment
to the main proposal concerning revi-
sion of the membership list regulation:
(vol..6, p. 88)
Under C. Change to read, "Further,
if a group chooses . . . University
Regulations applicable to student
organizations; and as soon as such
lists are no longer necessary to the
enforcement of University Reguia-
tions applicable to student organi-
zations .theyshallbe returned to
those organizations which have
(Continued on Page 8)


Hits Barton's View of Fraternties

INTERESTING footnote was a dialogue
after his speech by two labor lawyers, whose
s represented respectively one of the big
companies and the United Steel workers.
two agreed that work rule disputes were
g solved, and would not be an issue in the
negotiations, which is a relief, because
problem was given such emphasis and
d such unnecessary and deleterious emo-
in the last strike.




ut the most significant note in the confer-
was the tacit charge to management that
in go a long way to solve the labor problems
he Sixties. The role of management was,
tfully, given more emphasis than that of
r, hopefully not simply because most of
men at the conference were managers.
'of. Healy stressed management's role in
initial formulation of work rules. Prof.
ert Fleming argued that the technologically
nployed are having trouble finding new
and minimized the' effect of severance
raifnrlre. Cf-

DURING THE DEBATE on changing the re-
quirement forcing submission of member-
ship lists for student groups seeking recogni-
.tion by Student Government Council the dan-
gers to the past members of a student group
later going Communist were often cited as
reasons for non-submission.
A second argument that received not quite as
much emphasis (it could never happen here)
was that students might be intimidated for
mere membership in organizations that some
people termed "undesirable." At the Michigan
Assembly of the National Student Association
the problems of membership lists came up. The
president of the student government at North-

To the Editors:
FEEL that a few comments are
due on your article in Sunday's
paper by "the president of one
office of an employment service
which places executives in indus-
try," Mr. Lon D. Barton, who
doesn't like social fraternities.
It seems that Mr. Barton doesn't
know too much about fraternities,
or at least those on this campus.
He does show a good working
knowledge of the "Great Stereo-
type," however. o intelligent fra-
ternity man believes, at =least by
the time that he is a senior, that
his affiliation will make him a
success in business. It may help
him get an interview sometime, it
may help him to take part in the
social life which business entails,
but his success or failure, he

WHEN MR. BARTON says that
the place of a fraternity is to act
as an eating club, he finally ap-
proaches reality. It is not from
pure chance. that we are called
social fraternities, for our func-
tion is that of a social club. A fra-
ternity provides a man a group to
belong to and have fun with, and
a nice place to live. These func-
tions cannot be performed by the
quads due to the strict University
control and management, the high
rate of turnover of the people
who live there, and the sheer size.
The one thing that .1 was
pleased to learn from the article
was that Mr. Barton didn't feel.
that a Phi Beta Kappa key was
too big a handicap in the big'
wide sophisticated world of his.
-Roger W. Kirkwood, '62

Likely changes; silence in the
corridors at all times but for feast
days, or national holidays; white
shirt, coat and tie for all meals;
dieticians to be replaced by cooks,
all half-hearted' elegance'-in the
preparation and display of food
to be forsaken, simple .abundance
replacing the pale cheer of al-
lotted healthiness; no phones; all
recreational facilities shall be put'
to other uses-most especially, no
television; maid service shall be
abolished; heating plant men shall
see to it that the temperature
never rises above 60 F. nor be-
low 33 F.; beer and wine shall
be given in abundance at one
meal every three weeks; finally,
resident administrative personnel
must show evidence of a mature
lack of formal sentimentality, any

and visible. Complaint would have
no ground in the malaise of so-
cial ambiguity nor in the defeat
by partial incorporation. On the
other hand distress would be phys-
ical. It follows that friendship
will be more important, that com-
munity 'solidarity will be height-
ened, that desire will be .spirited,
that intellect will be fired by aus-
terity, that wit will rise to tri-
umph through the trials of trick-
ery, that friends and enemies will
be known, and that intelligence
and genius will have purpose.
Separately we should mention
the benefits for boys and girls to-
gether. Girls must expect to be
treated both more firmly and
more tenderly. Their company
will be more prized as they show

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