tudent Criticizes
D gn
.aXicasDesigns R
A graduate student in industrial
design has concluded that the
basic design of today's taxicab
needs to be improved, and he is
attempting to do something about
Renzo Rutili, Grad., will survey
taxicab owners, drivers and cus-
tomers to ascertain the facts on
which to base concrete design
He will use the University's stu-
dent body as his sample for cus-
tomers, because, he says, it con-
tains students in substantial num-
bers from most of the nation's big
metropolitan centers-where cabs
are most in evidence.
More Advice
He's also looking for additional
advice from anyone with exper-
tebce in the taxi business.
This kind of consumer research
is becoming an increasingly im-
portant method in American in-
dustry, Rutili says.
The basic problem with today's
cabs is that they are not pri-
marily designed to be taxis but
instead are modifications of pas-
senger cars. Such a design does
not take into account the specific
needs of a taxicab.
Outlines Categories
Rutili has outlined several cat-
egories of information he will need
in his study. They include main-
tenance problems, basic passenger
capacities, duration of individual
trips in a cab, importance of in-
terior and exterior styling and
need for air conditioning.
He has drawn up questionnaires
to collect this information, and he
hopes to have it soon to finish his
project by the end of May.
He already has some ideas, prin-
cipally the "package" concept of
design. This involves planning a
taxi which is made up of units-
body, engine, transmission, chas-
sis-that would be easily separ-
able from each other. Hence, units
could be removed for maintenance
and replaced by spares to keep
the cab going.
Solve Problem
This would solve one of the
major problems--the large amoun;,
of time which cabs are out of
service for repair, for example, as
transmissions often wear out be-
fore other parts of the car, this
unit could be simply replaced,
keeping the cab in service.
The size of the interior would
be based on the average number
of people riding at one time, Ru-
till says. If this number is high,
a vehicle which is unconventional
by today's standards might be the
People will ride in an unusua;-
looking taxi. They don't care, be-
cause they are not going to buy
the vehicle.
(Continued from Page 4)
son, Per Hanson, John Martin, Roger
One-half Year-Ken McEldowney, Ar-
thur Rosenbaum, James Yost.
Agenda Student Government Council
March 29, 1961, 7:30 p.m., Council Room
Constituents' Time 9:00
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer Reports: President. Letters;
Exec. Vice-President, Interim Action:
Admin. Vice-President, Treasurer.
Special Business: Election of Offi-
Standing Committees: Recognitions
Committee-University of Michigan
Student Group of the American Guild
of Organists-temporary recognition:
Puerto Rican Association of the Uni-
versity of Michigan-temporary recog-
nition: Calendaring Committee.
Ad Hoc Committees and Related
Boards: SOC Cinema Ouild. World Uni-
versity Service Fund Drive-report.
Old Buiness: University Regulations,
Membership Lists.
New Business: Structure of the Coun-
cil, Motion to reorganize the committee
structure of the Council.
Constituents and Members' Time.
Foreign Visitors
Following are the foreign visitors
who will be on the campus this week
on the dates indicated. Program ar-
rangements are being made by the
International Center: Mrs. Henry J.
Prof. Rickard A. Blomberg, Superin-
tendent, Lovstaskolan, Vagnharad, Swe-
den, March 28-March 30.
Ahmad Javadzadeh, Okner, Firm of
Ahmad Javadzadeh & Brother (import-
export firm). Iran, March 30.
Richard G. Heggle, Director, Pro-
gram Services, the Asian Foundation,
U.S.A., March 31-April 1.
Program arrangements for the fol-
lowing visitors are being made by Prof.
A. B. Cowans, Dept. of Wildlife Man-
Dr. Karl Borg, State Veterinary Med-
Free Mothproofing
Free Minor Repairs
Laundry Services
Tux Rental
}.c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I : ".f. ..n'^ l:;...>i, ,[ii
Christian Science Org., Testimony
Meeting, Mar. 30, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall,
Fireside Rm.
Congregational-Disciples E & R Stu-
dent Guild, Luncheon Discumion, Mar.
25, 12 Noon, 524 Thompson.
Democratic Socialist Club, "Teachers,
Taxes & Technology," Mar. 25, 8 p.m.,
Union, Rm. 3B.
S* 9 9
German Club, Coffee Hour, Mar. 29,
3-5 p.m., 4072 FB.
International Folk Dancers, Meeting,
Dancea/Instruction, Mar. 29, 7:3 p.m.,
A.A. Community Center, 625 N. Main
Ullr Ski Club, Meeting, Movie: "Win-
ter Skol," Refreshments, Mar. 28, 7:30
p.m., Union, Rm. 3G.
* * *9
Wesley Fdn., Holy Communion fol-
lowed by Breakfast, 7 a.m., 1st Meth.
Church Chapel; Mid-Week Refresher,
4-5 p.m., Wesley Lounge; Mar. 29.
Ical Institute, (Stockholm, Sweden, Mar
27-Mar. 31.
Program arrangements for the foi-
lowing visitors are being made by Prof.
Paul Hunsicker, Physical Education De-
William R. Campbell, Health Educ-
tion, Exeter, England, Mar. 30.
Events Tuesday
Mathematics Colloquium: Dr. Noel J.
Hicks, Department of Mathematics, will
speak on 'The Gauss Bonnet formula
or M-235." Tues., March 28, at 4:00
p.m. in 3011 Angell Hall,
Refreshments in 3212 Angell Hall at
3:30 p.m.
Events Wednesday
World Space Communications Lec-
ture: Donald Menzei, Director, Harvard
College Observatory, will speak on "The
Nature of Solar Activity" onBWed.,
March 29 at 3:30 p~m. in Aud. B,
Lecture: Dr. scott Nearing, "The
Challenge of Latin America." 8:00 p.m.,
Wed., March 29, Room 3-RS Union.
Lecture:, Dr. L. G, Talaferro on "I-
munologic Unresponsiveness to the
Farsman Antigen" will be given at 4
p.m., School of Public Health Aud.,
Wed., March 29.
M-302: Analysis Seminar: The meet-
tng will be held2on Wed. March 29. at
2:00 p.m. In 244 West Engineering,
Topic: The Dirichlet Problem and Ap-
proximation by Rational Functions.
Sociology Colloquium: Eugene Jacob-
son, Dean, Michigan State University,
will speak on "The Role of Social
Research in Programs of Social Devel-
opment" on Wed, March 29 at 4:15
p.m. in the East Conference Rm., Rack-
ham Bldg.
Botanical Seminar: John T. Mickel.
Department of Botany, will speak on
"Blood Lines in Anemia-a Nonmedi-
cal Approach" on Wed., March 29 at
4:15 p.m. 1139 NS. Refreshments at 4
Doctoral Examination for Peter
Matther Rettich, Speech; thesis: "A
Study of the Prediction of Speech Im-
provement in Articulatory Defective
First Grade Children," Wed, March 29,
301 Speech Clinic, at 10:00 a.m. Chair-
man, D. E. Morley.
Placement Notices
The following school 'has listed a
teaching vacancy for the 1901-192
school year.
Bloomfield Hills, Mich, (Cranbrook
Sch.)-English (man with experience).
For any additional information con-
tact the Bureau of Appointments, 3528
Admin. Bldg., NO 3-1511, Ext. 489.
of Appointments-eniors & grad stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3371 for inter-
view appointments with the following:
Continental Casualty Co., Chicago-
Location: Home Office & possibly Na-
tion Wide. MEN & WOMEN with de-
gree in Lib. Arts, Bus. Ad, or Math for
Underwriting, Actuarial, Claims, Pro-
motion (including Advertising), Agen-
cy, Law, Investment or Accounting and
Statistical Depts.
Prudential Life Insurance Co. of
America, MinneapolisLocation: De-
troit Office. MEN & WOMEN with de-
grees in Gen. Lib. Arts, Bus, Ad. for
Insurance Sales.
KVP Sutherland Paper Co., Kalaa-
xoo, Mich,-MN with degrees in Lib.
Arts or Bus. Ad, for Sales, (Inside &
Territory). Grads in Physics & Math
for Res. & Drv, and Prod.
State Farm Insurance Co, Blooming-
ton, Ill.-Location: Marshall Mich. EN
with degrees in Qen. Ilb. Arts, Econ.,
Psych. for Insurance (Home Office-
Claims), & Office Mgmt
Procter & Gamble, Mkt, Research
Dept., Cincinnati, Ohio-After 6-8 weeks
of formal trng. in Cincinnati, travel
all over U.S. WOMEN with degree in
Lib. Arts or Bus. Ad. for Marketing Re-
search Program. Should be single, 21-
28 years old, driver's license and ex-
perience in driving. To travel through-
out U.S. conducting consumer surveys.
Union Central Life Insurance Co.,
Cincinnati, Ohio-MEN & WOMEN with
degrees in Lib. Arts, Bus. Ad. or Math
for Mgmt. Dev. Prog. in home office to
meet long range executive require-
ments. Although no special field of
study is required, a good record is
important to qualify for this rare man-
agement opportunity.
Atlantic Cos., NYC-Location: Detroit
and N.Y. MEN with degrees in Gen,
Lib. Arts for Home Office, Sales, Mgmt.
Trng. & Prod.
S. s. Kresge Co., Detroit-Location:
Ohio, Indiana, Michigan & other lo-
cations throughout U.S. MEN with de-
gree in Lib. Arts or Bus. Ad. for Mgmt.
Trng, Prog, Merchandising, & Retail-
ing, This isnot 'a program primarily
for store managers but rather admin-
istrative positions in District or Home
VIEWS-"12811 West Engrg Bldg., Ext.
2182. For seniors & grad, students.
MARC 30-
Chicago Civil service--BS: CE, EE &
ME. Any Engrg. Degrees: For position
of Traffic Engineer. Des., R. & D.
e Harnischfeger Corp., Milwaukee-Br.
Office-BS CE, E,1 IE & Met, Des., R.
& D~, Sales & Prod.
KVP Sutherland Paper Co., Kalama-
zoo, Mich. (a.m.)-BS: ChE, EE, E.
Physics & ME. R. & D., Prod., Tech.
Mich. State ighway Dept., Lansing
& atatewtde-.11-MS: CE. Des
United Aircraft Corp., Pratt & Whit-
ney Co., East Hartford, Middletown,
Conn. & West Palm Beach, Fla. - All
Degrees: AE, ChE, EM, ME, Met. &
Nuclear. MS & Prof.: BE, Instru Prof.:
Applied Mech. BS: E. Math, E. Physics
& Science. Des., R. & D., Installation
MARCH 30-31-
U., Gov't.-Agencies, Nat'l. Aero &
Space Adin., Lewis Res. Ctr. Cleve-
land, Ohio & other Re, Ctrs of NASA
in Calif., Va. & Wash,, D.C. & Hunts-
ville, Ala.-Interviews to be held on
Mar. 31, SpecialNuclear Engrg. Seminar
Thur., March 30 at 1 :30 p.m., at
Cooley Auditorium. To discuss nuclear
work at Lewis Res. Ctr.
Mich. Civil Service-Public Informa-
tion Executive-college grad.W ith 6
"yrs. exper, In publicity or promotion
work. F'ile for exam. by Apr. 12,
Time, Inc., Subscription Service Div.,
Chicgo-Men with degree in Bus, Ad.
or Lib, Arts with courses in Stat.,
Econ, Acotg., Mktg., etc., for Mgmt.
Trng. Prog, Openings in Methods
Engrg., Compter Programming, Apctg.
Larsen Co., Green Bay, Wis.-BBA
with concentration in acctg., both gen-
eral & cost, & related subjects, for
position in Acctg. Dept. Man should be
draft exempt.
Ford Motor Co., Ypsilanti, Mich. -
Metallurgist for Process Dept. BS in
MetE. ChE or ME, with some exper. in
powdered metals. Will work on design
& improvement of metals for tools &
dies, etc.
Iustitute of Paper Chemistry, Apple-
ton, Wis.-Engrg.-Physicist for teach-
ing-research position to begin in time
to teach in Sept., 1961. PhD in EE.
Oregon Civil Service-Aquatic Biolo-
gist-(rad. in Biology or related sci-
ence with 2 yrs. field and/or research
exper. in game or commercial fish
mgmt. Continuous opening.
U.S. Treasury Dept., Internal Revenue
Service, Wash., D.C.-9 immed. openings
as Special Agent-or by July 1, 1961«-
LLBd & 12 hrs. actg. or grad. with B
average & minimum 12 hrs. acctg. &
additional 12 hrs. in any combination
of Finance, Econ., Bus. Ad., Law, Educ.,
Police Science or Admin., Criminology,
etc. Also, Revenue Agent-Grad with
24 bArs. in Acctg. or related subjects.
Please contact Bureau of Appts., 4021
Admin., Ext. 3371 for further informa-
The toll wng part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Non-Academic
Personnel Office Room 1020 Administra-
tion Building, during the following
hours: Monday through Friday, 8:00
a.m, to 12:30 p.m.
Employers desirous of hiring part-
time or temporary employee should
contact Jack Lardie at NO 3-1511, et,
Students desiring miscellaneous jobs
should consult the bulletin board in
Rm. 1020 daily.
1-Counter assistant, 4-6 p.m., Mon-
day-Friday, and 8 a.m-2 p.m. Sat-
2-Salesmen, 5-9 p.m., 2-5 nights per
week, and 12 noon tii 5 p.m. Sat-
urdays, thru Easter only.
11-Psychological subjects, after April
1-Meal job.
1-Caretaker, Monday & Tuesday 7-10
p.m., and Sunday from 2 p.m. til
6 p.m., must be able to type.
2-Sales clerks, 5-9 p.m., 2-5 nights per
week, and 12 noon-S p.m. Satur-
days, thru Easter,
1-Full-time permanent clerk-typist,
starting June.
1-Student wife, with training in Arts
& Crafts or occupational therapy,
9 a.rn.-l1:30 a.m., Mon.-Fri.
9-Psychological subjects, (21 or over,
for drug experiments).
1-Lab, assistant, with Blo-Chm.
background, Med. Tech. student
preferred. Full-time thru June,
July & August. Continued part-
time in September.
515 East William
2 potties melted cheese
F.F. grilled onion.
$ .00
[4 g oteUn Ierfty
1 201 South University
I don't wanna go to your
1 wanna go to the
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11125. University
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