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March 28, 1961 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-28

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e Made Our Own Breaks'-Stager

Lakers Top Hawks, 121-112

sports, as well as in all life,
got to make your own
," said Wolverine swimming
Gus Stager yesterday. "We
ours in the NCAA champion-
you want to win, you haveto
lize on the breaks and the
:es of others. That's just
we did. We overperformed in
ats, while the Southern Cali-.
team gave only an ordinary
mance, and as a result a lot
m got knocked out of the
Stager continued. /1
a championship meet you
want the other schools to

hurt you-to get your swimmers
out of the finals. In every event
there are many swimmers who can
qualify for the finals, especially in
the shorter races. W9 swam best
in the preliminaries.
"We went out there with the
idea that we would win if we
could. We were strong in the con-
ference, but we were even better
in the NCAA's. We just capitalized
on breaks." '
Comparing the meet to the bas-
ketball championships the same
weekend, Stager said, "If you went
out and asked any man on the
street which was the best basket.
ball team in the nation, you know

as well as I do what they would1
say--it's Ohio State. But some-
body managed to capitalize on a
few breaks, and Cincinnati won
the championship game."
This is the fourth NCAA cham-
pionship in the last five years for
Stager, who has coached' the team
for the last seven years. Under
Stager the Wolverines first won
the national championship in 1957
and proceeded to a three - year
championship streak before being
dethroned by this same USC squad
last year, 87-73.
Others Help
"Of course we got help from
some other teams which pushed
some of SC's swimmers out, but
then Southern Cal wasn't pushing
hard enough and it was their own
How was USC favored over
Michigan by ten or more points
when the Wolverines won by 23
points? Analyzing the meet, Stager
compared the pre-meet favorites
with the winners: "In the indi-
vidual medley, either Dennis
Rounsavelle or Lance Larson, both
of SC, were favored, but John Kel-
so of Denver won, Larson got see-

ond, and Rounsavelle managed
only a sixth. In the 220-yd. free-
style, Rounsavelle, who won the
race last year, was again favored.
He didn't even qualify. Gary To-
bian, national springboard cham-
pion, was naturally figured to fin-
ish above Bob Webster, but Web-
Umps Wanted
The I-M Department is in
need of officials for their spring
softball competition. There will
be a meeting for all those in-
terested at 5:00 Wednesday at
the I-M Building.
ster beat him in both the one-
and three-meter springboard div-
ing. And then they were counting
on good showings from their other
men, such as Bob Mealiffe in the
butterfly and individual medley
races." Mealiffe pulled a fourth in
the 100-yd. butterfly, but he failed
to qualify for the medley.
What about USC's relay teams?
"They just didn't have good
enough teams. They had 17 men to
our twelve, but they didn't swim

their best men. You can't win a
championship without those
teams." A win in a relay counts
double the points of an individual
win. Michigan qualified in both
relays and captured a second and
a fourth.
Michigan's Ron Clark, Dick Nel-
son, and Dave Gillanders fulfilled
pre-meet expectations by winning
the 200-yd. breaststroke, 100-yd.
breaststroke, and 100- and 200-yd.
butterfly respectively. Other ex-
pected winners, Chuck Bittick and
Murray Rose of Southern Califor-
nia, pulled in their victories. Wol-
verine captain Frank Legacki and
Rose pulled surprise victories in
the 50- and 200-yd. freestyle.
Michigan and USC both won
five individual titles, but it was the
seconds through sixths that won
the meet. Bill Darnton from Mich-
igan finished second in the 220-yd.
free and third in the 440 for nine
points. Fred Wolf and Alex Gaxi-
ola both scored points in the 200-
yd. backstroke, with Wolf adding
another mark for a sixth in the
100-yd. backstroke. Legacki also
received a second in the 100-yd.
free for another five points. The
Trojans just couldn't make up the
In any case, by foresight, plan-
ning, and capitalizing on. some
mistakes and some self - made
breaks, to say nothing - of long
hours of hard training, Michigan
again became the NCAA swimming


Warriors Select Tlidwell
In NBA Player Draft

By The Assoeiated Press
Michigan basketball captain,
John Tidwell, was the fourth
round selection of the. Philadel-
phia Warriors in yesterday's
National Basketball Association
When contacted yesterday, bas-
ketball coach Dave Strack re-
marked that Tidwell does not plan
to play professional basketball.
The Wolverine star anticipates en-
rollment in medical school next
Indiana's Walt Bellamy and St.
Bonaventure's Tom Stith were the
first two choices in the National
Basketball Association draft, but

I -.


we being cheered on'by teammates, helped Michigan's NCAA
coming champions by winning the 200-yd. breaststroke, lower-
his own record to a 2:13.4, beating the nearest competitor by-
rly three seconds.

M's' Corriere, B laker Place;
3 ut Oklahoma Steal SShow

thenlittle-known players took the
First Picks
First round selections were:
Chicago, Bellamy; New York,
Stith; Cincinnati, Larry Sieg-
fried, Ohio State;, Detroit, Ray
Scott, Allentown, Pa. (Eastern
League); Los Angeles, Wayne
Yates, Memphis State; Syracuse,
Ben Warley, Tennessee A&I; Phil-
adelphia, Tom Meschery, St.
Mary's (Calif.); St. Louis, Cleo
Hill, Winston-Salem; Boston, Gary
Phillips, Houston.
The second round of the draft
also produced many sleepers,
chiefly Ron Horn, a 6'7" all-Army
player who left Indiana after his
freshman year. Chicago had the
first five picks and the last choice
in the second round.
John Turner, Louisville; Jerry
Graves, Mississippi State; York
Larese, North Carolina; Don Ko-
is, Marquette; and Doug Moe,
North Carolina, were the Chicago
Other Picks
Other selections were: New
York, Martin, St. Bonaventure and
Tony Jackson, St. John's; Cin-
cinnati, Bob Wiesenhahn, Cincin-
nati and Bevo Nordman; St.
Louis, Tom Chilton, Eastern Ten-
nessee; Philadelphia, Jack Egan,
St. Joseph's; Syracuse; Chris
Smith, Virginia Tech and Charles
Osborn, Western Kentucky; Los"
Angeles, Frank Burgess, Gonzaga
and Fred Sawyer, Louisville; De-
troit, John Egan, Providence and
Doug Kristler, Duke.
Last year only 12 rookies made
the grade, but Chicago's entrance
into the league should produce
more rookies next year.

1103 S. University NO 2-6362


4 - O- O -.Oklahoma ... ]
That one word, that one state,
st about dunmarizes the week-F
d's NCAA Wrestling Tourna-l
ent held at Corvallis, Oregon,
1 the home grounds of Oregon]
ate College-,.,
The venerable state of Oklahomal
illed off a smashing one-twoE
'tory at the tournament. The
klahoma State Cowboys rackedI
> a total of 82 points in winning
eir 22nd national wrestling
own., Their home-state rivals,l
e Oklahoma Sooners, last year'sj
urnament champions, finished
cond with 63 points.
Big Ten Outmanned
The Big Ten did not fare too
ell in the tournament.
Michigan and Michigan State
illed off their own version of
Le one-two punch as they led
1 Big Ten competitors with 18
id 19 points respectively.
The Wolverines had sent four
restlers to Corvallis-Jim Blaker
b147-lbs, Don Corriere at 157-°
s, Dennis Fitzgerald at 167-lbs
id Karl Fink at 191-lbs.
Fink was defeated by Okla-
>ma's Von Henry, 3-1, in the
iarterfinals; he did not enter
e consolation round- because
enry was -later defeated. Fitz-
raid defeated Dave Abram of
olorado, 3-0, in the same round.
ther Michigan victors in the
pening round were Jim Blaker,
-3 over Washington State's Bill
arry, and Don Corriere, 12-2
ver Jerry Ray of Iowa State
Overtime Decision
Fitzgerald was then defeated in
ie semifinals by Bruce Campbell
VHL Coach
Fined $2000.
CHICAGO ' (R) - Toe blake,
oach of the Montreal Canadiens,
as fined $2,000 by National
ockey League President Clarence
ampbell yesterday for striking
feree Dalton McArthur during,
unday night's game with the
hicago Black Hawks.

of Oklahoma State,,, 4-3, by a
referee's decision in overtime.
Only Blaker and Corriere man-
aged, to place for the Wolverines.
Both won their consolation semi-
final bouts. Blaker smothered
Lock Haven State's Bill Bailey,
12-4, and Corriere swamped Char-
les Franco of the Air Force Acad-
emy, 9-2.-
In the consolation finals, Bla-
ker was topped by Oklahoma
State's Bob Wilson, 3-1, for a
fourth place finish. Corriere nip-
ped Iowa State's Virgil Carr, 2-1,
for a third place finish.
Tough Competition
According to Blaker, the Big
Ten's poor showing was not a
result of any decrease in the over-
all quality of the conference's

wrestling, but rather, it was a
result of the exceptional talent of
Oklahoma State and .Oklahoma.
Big Eight Power
The final team standings show-
ed a preponderance of Big Eight
Conference power. Following Okla-
homa State and Oklahoma were
Iowa State with 29 points; home-
team Oregon State with 28; Pitts-
burgh, 26; perennial power, Le-
high, 24; Penn State, 20; Michigan
State6 19; Iowa Teachers, 19;
Michigan, 18; Colorado State, 17;
and Lock Haven State (Pa.), 13.
Twenty-six other teams finished
with points scored.

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