& Mubgan Daily
Seventy-First Year
Truth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. * ANN ARBOR, MICH. * Phone NO 2-3241
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily ex press the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Reader Disagrees
With business Expert
' __ . . . w w .r.. _ r TYT TT1 CYTTTT>1R A17
MARCH 28, 1961
SGC Enjoys Relatively High
Stature Among State Schools
TWgO DAYS spent at the Regional Conference
of the United States National Student As-
sociation demonstrate the vast gulf between
student government at the University and
"student government" at other schools in the
S.A student-faculty council is the closest
thing to student government at Wayne State
University. Although Wayi'e can be classed
with Michigan and MSU in size, its attempt
at student control is on a level with schools
the size of Central Michigan University.
One Wayne student's defense of the faculty
participation in student government was "but
they always bring in parts of the problem that
we never thought of. They give us far more
Student governments are an attempt to
prove that students can be responsible and
objective. The growth of student responsibility
is seriously undermined if student leaders are
never placed in situations which force them to
be objective and comprehensive. Wayne's posi-
tion Is further weakened since every proposed
action must be approved by the President of
the university."
S GC, ON THE other hand, is subject only to
administrative challenge or reversal when
a -particular action is brought before the
committee on referral. Even then, the decision
to overrule the Council comes from a com-
mittee of two students not on' the council,
one University administrator, one school or
college administrator three faculty members,
and a Univelsity alumnus who sits on the
committee without vote.
There are other striking differences. Stu-
dents at Northwestern Michigan University
attempted to form a Young Democrats club*
and were forced to disband by community anti
administrative pressure. Wayne State, too, is
Peace Corp
F ORTHE FIRST TIME since he mentioned
it in a pre-election speech, John Kennedy
dealt publicly with the proposed Peace Corps
op Saturday. He received a report from the.
director of the Center for International Studies
at Massachusetts Institute of Technology re-
garding a program which would train and send
IlAC Continues
VIE SUPREME COURT has given fairly ex-
tensive power to the House Un-American
Activities Committee in the recent Braden and
Wilkinson decisions, but the charges of in-
fringement of individual freedom of thought
and action, and perversion of the congressional
power of investigation will continue.
Constant alertness to Red subversion in this
country, as well as abroad, is necessary. HUAC
specializes in a negative approach and a defen-
sive attitude in maintaining our institutions
against this challenge.
Although the committee restricts civil liber-
ties in its operation-as they are often restrict-
ed during national threats-this is not the big-
gest danger of the committee.
The philosophy of the committee which has
been seeping into our society is that defense
against Communism amounts to a series of in-
AND LIBERALS, in attacking the committee,
inadvertently focus undue public attention
on this negative approach to fighting Commu-
HUAC is a dangerous necessity, but if we are
merely interested in this "crime crusade" which
can create fear and a negative opposition to
Communism alone ("it's too different ... I
wasn't brought up that way") not balanced by
a positive attack in the press and among the
public, HUAC is even more dangerous.
There are signs that we need a re-examina-
tion of what democracy is and what it should
have to offer.
speeches disparage the "college crisis" be-
cause only the "excellent" minds, not just the
"good" ones, should be given college education.
M ILLIONS OF VOTERS do not have enough
interest in democracy to vote once every
four years. There is no realistic United States
attempt to pressure "free world" leaders such
as Franco and Trujillo into granting minimal
freedoms in their nations.
It is questionable whether the messages of
Jefferson and Lincoln have been absorbed into
our national consciousness.
If the challenge of Communism can increase
interest and improve national goals, as the chal-
lenge of different religions has cleansed the
Christian churches in history, then Commu-
nism's challenge can also be beneficial to our
national way of life.
subject to severe administrative pressure over
the functioning of its political clubs.
In contrast, the Regents have delegated to
SGC the responsibility for recognition and de-
nial of recognition to all student organizations.
SGC, if it proceeds responsibly and properly,
can remove any student organization from
campus for non-compliance with rules. The ad-
ministration does not have this power unless
it channels its efforts through SGC.
THE MOST AMAZING difference is the vast
gap in students' concept: of their respon-
sibility and authority. Student government at
most Michigan schools is fun and games; it's
playing Parliament, but only playing.
Student government here is an organ of
the administration. It possesses much respon-
sibility and much power, not all of it actual-
ized. Yes, administrative pressure might be
applied if the Council were to take a step di-
rectly contrary to administration policy. Yes,
two years ago on the Sigma Kappa issue the
administration did exert a force comparable to
that at other schools throughout the state.
However, SGC members consider themselves
legislators and administrators. They take the
office seriously and consequently act with a
high degree of responsibility and maturity.
BECAUSE THE COUNCIL "thinks big," be-
cause the Council assumes that as an ad-
ministrative body it has deep obligations to
be deliberate and responsible and mature, the
administration responds with trust and re-
The behind-the-scenes channels of control
still exist; the possibility of arbitrary and ad-
ministrative interference still exists; but
through continual demonstration of respon-
sibility the Council can make such control or
interference untenable.,
Sabotag ed
young men and women to work in underde-
veloped nations for a period of years.
Enough volunteers could be had, the director
suggested without exempting members of the
peace corps from the military draft. Speaking
about the "bait" that draft exemption would
provide, the director obviously was suggesting
that military commitments should remain un-
altered by peace corps service. This is sabotage.
Reactions to Kennedy's proposal last Novem-
ber had been mixed. Since it came at the end
of a vigorous political campaign, most politi-
cians and writers reacted -instinctively. The
pro-Nixon or anti-Kennedy forces claimed
thai the peace corps would be a haven for
draft-dodgers, or that a bunch of starry-eyed
kids would do more harm than good.
THE PEACE CORPS would not solve world
problems. Nor would its members perform
with uniform success; undoubtedly, they would
make many mistakes, and some might be
costly. Yet a well-trained, intelligent, indus-
trious group would be likely to provide signifi-
cant aid for underdeveloped countries, which
need education in basic skills as much as in
advanced technology.
If the program is to succeed, it must attract
the best possible group of young Americans.
Most of them probably would be men slightly
below the current draft 'age. The volunteers
would be signifying their willingness to serve
their country, under trying conditions and at
minimal wages, for three years. Should they
be forced to serve another two years, in' a
military position which would not take account
of their valuable skills?
Many of the peace corps volunteers might be
motivated to continue in overseas work, and
their contributions could be singnificant. If
military service intervened, they might be lost
from such work forever.
UNIVERSAL military training during peace
time is far from universal. Full-time stu-
dents, and teachers, nearly always are deferred
from the draft; workers in key industries, mar-
ried men with children or other dependents
also are not being called. Many more men with
slight physical defects are not subject to the
draft. Together, those who miss military train-
ing in these ways far outnumber the 500 to
5,000 who could be exempted.
Military service may be basically unattrac-
tive for many men, but recruitment officers
try to make it as palatable as possible. Free
vocational training, broadening travel, inter-
esting work are offered; ROTC programs
promise, higher pay, officers' clubs and very
comfortable living. This is not considered
Someone looking for a soft way of serving
his country would not choose three years in
the Peace Corps. The training ought to be
rigorous, and the work would be hard. This
would discourage idlers. Students with a real
r To the Editor:
2 r ' "FRATERNITIES . . . can be a
r veryhamu element in ca-
reer development in that they in-
culate a false sense of social val-
ues-Values that have no real
gyn. '{ bearing on career advancement.
Such are the words of Lon D.
- Barton in his recent article on
I would hate to think that the
majority of students on this cam-
pus could not accept such a defi-
nition. The majority will, how-
": ever, not contest the statement as
it continually occurs in various
forms, under various pretexts, and
will eventually accept it since the
influence of such materialistic
thinking is insidious and all per-
IT IS A POINT worth noting,
perhaps, that the erosion of all
close-knit social structures is in
the interestdofthe Communist
Party' and,. indeed, part of their
essential strategy.
* The fact that Mr. Barton sup-
ports both of these communist
planks does not make him a Com-
munist, of course. He could be
merely a party dupe. Then too, he
might be only another caricature
of "the organization man." The
latter seems most probable since
he follows true to form by prais-
ing the honorary fraternities.
-David Sheldon, '62
Embarassing.. .
To the Editor:
RIDAY, MARCH 24 an article
appeared in the Daily announc-
'' -r' { ing the newly elected officers of
the Wolverine Club. Saturday,
March 25 another article appear-
ed, this time listing the Wolverine
Club officers as approved by Stu-
dent Government Council. It was
quite embarassing for the person
involved to be in glory one day
and have it taken away the next.
The Student Government Coun.
cil never gave a reason for their
action. A motion was made to
strike the secretary's name from
the slate and approve the remain-
ing officers. This motion was car-
ried out. I feel that some explana-
tion should have been given to the
girl -involved.
The Wolverine Club elected
their officers Tuesday, March 14.
Upon being elected, the secretary
began to take charge of' her re-
sponsibilities believing the position
to be her own. The campus was
also led to believe that she had
been given the office for the com-
ing year. In the future I hope that
results of organization elections
on this campus will be announced
both publicly and to those con-
cerned only after the appointment
has been fully approved.
-Name Withhel;
The Daily Official Bulletin as an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should- be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Budding,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
Daily Stsff Writer
rP E QUESTION OF the nature
and value of expressions of
student opinion by student gov-
erning bodies, which has arisen
on this campus, has also been dis-
cussed at several other campuses.
This question traditionally re-
volves around the issue of the pro-
priety of student governments'
discussing "off-campus" issues.
An "Off-campus" issue, as defin-
ed by those who think such issues
should not be considered, is an is-
sue that is irrelevent to a campus
because it does not originate on
that campus. ,
An off-campus issue, to those
who think such issues are the
proper concern of a student gov-
ernment, is an issue which origi-
nates off the campus but has
widespread effects and import-
ance for the campus community.
To determine possible ways of
considering this problem, ques-
tionnaires were sent to student
body presidents and newspaper
editors at Harvard, California,
Minnesota, Northwestern and
The replies gave a wide diver-
gence of opinion-from the very
active role of the University of
Wisconsin to the emasculating
policy at the University of Cali-
fornia, where the Associated Stu-
dents is forbidden to consider
"the off-campus political, reli-
gious, economic, international or
other issues of the time."
EDWARD GARVEY, president
of the Wisconsin Student Associa-
tion, said a resolution condemn-
ing suppression of academic free-
dom in Cuba was the beginning of
consideration of "off-campus" is-
sues at Wisconsin. This was two
years ago. For the next several
association campaigns, the "off-
campus" question was the prime
issue. All of these elections were
won by the party favoring con-
sideration of such issues.
"Off-campus" issues does not
mean merely national issues, as
it does here. In addition to the
more conventional notions on the
sit-ins and House Un-American
Activities Committee, the asso-
ciation has passed resolutions on
Algeria and the'Union of South
Garvey noted this year was the
"first where we debated the is-
sue rather than debating whether
we should or shouldn't take a
stand on off-campus issues."
* * *
Minnesota and Northwesternare
a middle ground between the
strong interest at Wisconsin in
such issues and the compulsory
impotence at California.
Claude E. Welch, Jr., president
of the Harvard Crimson, said the
Nashville sit-ins was the only case
in which the Harvard Student
Council passed a resolution on an
off-campus issue. The Crimson,
deemed this "somewhat beyond
the bounds of appropriate be-
havior," although "there was no
major campus sentiment."
of the Minesota Student Associa-
tion, said "the entire spectrum of
issues are of interest, either per-
sonal or academic, to students."
He justified consideration of off-
campus issues only when they are
of comparable importance to pos-
sible 'on-campus" issues. Com-
parable importance means that
legislation on the "off-campus"
isue would be a definite and posi-
tive contribution to the problem
the Daily Northwestern, could re-
call only one off-campus issue-a
successful resolution to condemn
censorship of the old Daily Cali-
fornian-considered at North-
Miss Sattes did say that North-
western's Senate did have several
committees tp consider national
and international issues, but
these are mainly concerned with
topics "as they affect the NU
* * *
campus issues has received a great
deal of attention, largely due to
the fame and/or infamy of the
"Kerr directives."
A regulation on student govern-
ment, which became effective Oc-
tober 22, 1959, forbade the stu-
dent government to consider off-
campus issues 'without the express
consent of the Chief Campus
On September 22, 1960, the
phrase 'without the express con-
sent of the Chief Campus Officer''
was deleted.
Kerr's regulation states, "Stu-
dent governments are established
by the University for the purpose
of conducting student affairs on
the campuses. Students with
widely varying political, economic
and religious views give them fi-
nancial support; hence it is cer-
tainly not appropriate to permit
student governments to speak
either for the University or for
the student body with reference
to the off-campus . . . issues of
the time."
s, +
on this campus. During the last
campaign, James Yost opposed
action on off-campus issues. "Stu-
dent Government Council should
call these issues to the attention
of the campus, but not act upon
them," he said.
Of the twelve candidates only
three - Roger Seasonwein, Ken-
neth McEldowney and Brian
Glick gave any indication of being
interested enough in these issues
to bring them up.'
On this campus, as at Wiscon-
sin however, the question of
whether or not to consider such
issues has been largely buried.
The next question for the Council
to consider is what off-campus
issues should be considered. What
is their role in the Council? Does
consideration of such issues really
contribute to solution of the prob-
lem concerned?
The most obvious deficiency in
Council action on off-campus is-
sues, heretofore, can be seen by
comparison with action at the
University of Wisconsin. If the
purpose of considering off-campus
issues is to discuss all issues which
affect the student as responsible
citizens in the modern world, then
both Algerian independence and
South African apartheid are of
obvious concern.
If off-campus issues are con-
sidered for the purpose of pres-
sure against those actions and
institutions which student gov-
ernments deem undersirable, then
the range of off-campus issues
which might be considered is close
to infinite.
S *' *s
campus issues can be not only a
matter of political excitement, but
also an opportunity of great edu-
cational value. It is both the pri-
vilege and responsibility of Coun-
cil members, as 'the elected repre-
sentatives of the student body, to'
consider the most pressing issues
of the time. Almost all of these
affect students-students as stu-
dents and citizens of the world
first and as students of Michigan
It is also the responsibility of
the Council to consider such is-
sues in a less inflamatory manner
than they often have in the past.
If the important issues of, our
time are to be discussed, they are
best discussed in an atmosphere
of serious deliberation rather,
than colorful sophistry and dra-
matic political moves.
governing body become greater,
rather than less, as the body in-
creases in power. It is the respon-
sibility of the highest student
governing body to consider the
most significant and complex is-
sues which affect its constituents.
Consideration of such issues
should be more than a political
exercise. It should be regarded as
an educational opportunity for the
students of the University, and its
student leaders in particular. It
is this kind of consideration that
is capable of making the Council
a genuine, forum for ideas, for in-
formation, as opposed to the pres-
ent gallery of personalities.
It is this body's responsibility
to encourage consideration of
such issues by the entire student
body. And it is the responsibility
of Council members to assume
the leader's concern of informing
student opinion rather than the
follower's concern with reflecting
student opinion.
General Notices
Automobile Regulations-Spring Re-
cess: The student automobile regula-
tions will be lifted at 5:00 p.m. March
31. and will be resumed again at 8:00
a.m., on Mon., April 10. Office of the
Dean of Men.
Preliminary Examinations in English:
Applicants, for the, Ph.D. in English
who expect to take the preliminary
examinations this spring are requested
to leave their names with Dr. Ogden,
1609 Haven. Hall. The exams will be
given as follows: English Literature,
1550-1660, Tues., April 11; English and
American Literature, 1660-1790, Sat.,
April 15; 1790-1870, Tues., April 18;
and 1870-1950, Sat., April 22. The exams
will be given in 376 Business Adminis-
tration Bldg. from 9 a.m. to 12 noon.
Foreign Student Scholarships: The
deadline for applications for foreign
student schqlarships is April 25. Stu-
dents who i'ntend to return to their:
homes in other countries after comple-
tion of studies and training are eli- -
gible to apply. The stipend Is limited
to tuition, applications for Summer
Sesion, Fall and Spring iSemesters,
1961-1962. Application forms are avail-
able from the Counselors at the Inter-
national Center.
Effective Monday, April 10, first, day
of classes after spring vacation, the
temporary student triangle parking lot
at Thompson, Division and Packard >
,treets will revert to Recreation Area
until the Monday following Thanks-,
giving recess, fall 1961. All automobiles
must be removed from that area before
April 10. Office of the Dean of Men.
Summary of Action Taken by Student
Government Council at Its Meeting of
March 24, 1961
Approved: Minutes of the last meet-.
Approved: The following appoint-
Student Activities Scholarship Board
-Joan Studnicky.
SGC wolverine Club-Judith Caplan,
president; Arthur Barnett, vice-presi-
dent; Stanley Rodbell, treasurer; Dan
Stone, Block M co-chairman; Mort Le-
vin, Block M co-chairman; Robert Ros-
enberg, pep rallies co-chairman; War-
ren Colodner, pep rallies co-chairman;
Marcia Moorhead, publicity; Roger
Mayerson, special events; Margorie
Meyer, special events.
Approved: The following amendment
to the proposed change' in, University
Regulations regarding membership lists
(vol. 6, p. 88):
Under A. change to read: "A list of
prospective members numbering at
least twenty University students or a
statement which lists those of its pros-
pective members who wish to be listed
and attests to the fact ..
Under C. change to read: "Submit at
the beginning of each semester or sum-
mer session either a membership list
or a statement which lists those of its
members' who wish' to be listed. and at-
tests to the fact . .
Postponed: Consideration of the pro-
posed change in University Regulations
regarding membership lists (Vol. 6, p.
88) until the meeting of March 29.
Approved: The seating of the f alow-
ing people on Student Government
One Year-Brian Glick, William Gles-
(Continued on Page 5)
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