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March 28, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-28

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Threatens War'
Red Aggression

'French Fail.
To Support
Ceasefire Expected
If Russians Approve
BANGKOK (P)-Foreign min-
isters of the Southeast Asia Trea-
ty Organization warned yesterday
they are ready to make whatever
sacrifices are necessary-includ-
ing war-to prevent the Commu-
nists from capturing Laos.
SEATO thus was mobilized as
the West's military voice in a co-
ordinated diplomatic dialogue with
the Soviet Union.
All eight members of the anti-
Communist alliance fell into line
behind the United States except
France, which shied away. French
Foreign Minister Maurice Couve
de Murville viewed the Laos sit-
uation as grave and his speech
to the opening of the SEATO for-
eign ministers conference stressed
the need for negotiation.
No Doubt
There is no doubt here that if
the Soviet Union, main source of
supply for the. Laotian rebels, ac-
cepts a cease-fire SEATO mem-
bers will approve.
But for the time being they
were described as ready to con-
sider dispatching troops and
weapons to Laos if the Russians
fail to choose a peaceful course
in the neighboring kingdom be-
fore the conference ends here.
Informed sources said United
States Secretary of State Dean
Rusk came to the conference to
sell this policy. The speeches of
his fellow-foreign ministers on the
first conference day indicated he
had just about succeeded.
Peace Possible
Rusk told the SEATO foreign
ministers council "peace is pos-
siple only through restraining
those who break it in contempt
of law." He cited the Communist
military threat in Laos and a cam-
paign of terrorism by the Reds in
South Viet Nam, and said SEATO
has an obligation "to assist the
peoples of Southeast Asia in their
fight for freedom."
"Speaking for my country' he
continued, "I wish to assure the
members of this organization and
the peoples of Southeast Asia that
the United states will live up to
those responsibilities,"
"We will . . . continue to assist
free nations of this area who are
struggling for t h e i r survival
against armed minorities directed,
supplied and spported from with-
out," Rusk said. "We will assist
those defending themselves against
such forces as we will assist those
under attack by naked aggres-
1103 5. University NO 2-6362

State GOP
Sets Choice
On ConaCon
Paul D. Bagwell, two-time un-
successful contender for the state
governorship, has appointed a
committee of Republicans to mus-
ter voter support for the calling
of a constitutional convention at
the April 3 election.
Although endorsed in Bagwell's
1960 platform, Con-Con failed to
regain GOP support at the Repub-
lican State Convention this year.
Senators Stanley Thayer (R-
Ann Arbor), William G. Milliken
(R-Traverse City) and Farrell
Roberts (R2-Pontiac) were the only
legislators included in the group.
Other members are: Fred M.
Alger, Jr. and Donald S. Leonard,
both former Republican nominees
for governor; !John B. Martin,
GOP national committeeman; and
Lawrence B. Lindemer, former
state Republican chairman.
House Group
Approves Bill
On Retirement
Ways and Means Committee yes-
terday accepted most of the social
security law changes asked by
President John F. Kennedy, in-
cluding optional retirement for
men at 62.
The committee rejected Ken-
nedy's proposal for easing qualifi-
cations for disability payments.
And it differed in setting Jan. 1
1962' as the effective date of a tax
increase to finances the changes.
The President recommended Jan.
1, 1963.
But it approved:
1) Increasing the benefit pay-
ment to an aged widow of a de-
ceased worker from 75 per cent of
his basic benefit to 82.5 per cent.
Administration witnesses said this
would help about 1 and one-half
million widows. Kennedy had
asked an increase to 85 per cent.
2) Increasing minimum social
security retirement benefits from
$33 to $40 monthly. Kennedy
recommended $43. This would cost
more than $200 million the first
year and affect about 2.2 million
3) Easing requirements for ob-
taining insured status to help
about 160,000epersons now at br
near retirement age.
German Navy
Bid Blocked
LONDON ()-West Germany's
allies have blocked for the mo-
ment Bonn's request. to build
larger warshipsneeded in the mis-
sile age, diplomats said last night.1
Despite support from Gen. Lau-
ris Norstad, the supreme allied
commander in Europe, the West-
ern European Union Council in
London unexpectedly held up ap-
proval until Bonn submits more

Emphasizes Foreign Aid
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the - goals, and it is here where ob- Shifting his attention to
third in a seriesofatcewhh
through the opinions of University servers predict he may run into peace corps, Prof. Bretton
faculty members will examine the trouble with Congress. "If it is organized on a busir
accomplishments, problems, and Dim View like basis and administered in
most significant issues on "The New most discriminate fashion tl
Frontier.") "Congress takes a dim view of
B ATappropriating money without hav- is a great possibility that it
By RONALD WILTON ing control over it," Prof. George make a very significant contr
"The emphasis of the adminis- A. Peek of the political science tion."
tration's foreign aid plan on great- department comments. Peek Comments
er economic growth and social "The power to tax and spend is He was backed up in this
development in the underdevelop- something popularly elected as- Prof. Peek. Noting that it wa
ed nations of the world is in semblies have demanded for cen- pilot project, Prof. Peek says't
strong contrast to the ideas of the turies. It may be possible for Ken- the United State's obligation f
former administration, which ap- nedy to get a two-year commit- powerful nation to assist the
plied purely economic aid with ment hut anythina hevnn thre r e .AnnA at n fI.- -.

..."a dim view"
a primary view towards military
security," Prof. Henry L. Bretton
of the political science depart-
ment declares.
With regard to the scope and
administrative aspects of the
president's plan, Prof. Bretton
says that Kennedy favors a great-
er range of programs within in-
dividual countries to fit a greater
variety of needs.
For the first year of the new
program, Kennedy proposed to
keep the overall aid figure at the
$4 billion level asked by Eisen-
hower. However, he would shift
$200 million of that from military
to economic aid.
Kennedy also proposes to ad-
minister the plan more uniformly
and over a greater period of time,
he asserted.
Common Understanding
First, he called for a common
undertaking of all the Western
powers with each of the major
European powers contributing one
per cent of their annual gross
national product a year.
The agency handling this joint
effort would be the newly-formed
Organization for Economic' Co-
operation and Development which
includes all the major European
powers and the United States and
To insure the effectiveness of
this aid the President called on re-
cipient nations to take steps to
help themselves. These would in-
clude land and tax reform and
steps to improve education and
social justice.
Kennedy also called for a shift
from short term to long term

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
Court yesterday overturned a
Georgia law denying a- defendant
in' a criminal .case the guidance
of counsel when he chooses to
make an unsworn statement in his
own behalf.
Seven of the Court's nine jus-
tices contended another Georgia,
law which denies a crininal de-
fendant the right to testify under
oath in his own behalf was not
under challenge.
But Justices Felix Frankfurter
and Tom Clark argued the law'
barring the sworn testimony is un-
constitutional. They said it, too,
should be struck down.
LISBON-A crowd estimated at
more than 20,000 stood for two
hours before the United States
embassy ye terday protesting the
American attitude on Angola.
The crowd insistently called for
United States Ambassador 'E.
Burke Elbrick to appear but the
blinds were down, the doors lock-
ed and there was complete silence
in the embassy.
The mob shouted, "Down with.
America, down with the 'United
Nations, and quit the Azores"
(where the United States uses
NATO bases).
*. * *S
JACKSON, Miss.-Local ,police
officers arrested nine Negro col-
lege students when they ignored
orders to' leave the city's strictly
segregated main library yesterday.
This was race-conscious Missis-
sippi's first sit-in despite the fact
that the sit-in movement is more
than a year old.

portion of the 'German-speaking
population, dissatisfied by lack of
progress in its campaign for local
With the exception of a similar-
ly damaging attack on another
housing project in Bolzano two
years ago, a sporadic series of
bombings in the past seemed to
have been purposely aimed at tar-
gets where little serious damage
would be inflicted.
But yesterday's apparently co-
ordinated series of blasts caused
an estimated $65,000 damage and
followed a warning Saturday by
the South Tyrol Peoples Party
that if negotiations or "other
peaceful means" did not achieve
local self-government "the need.
would arise to invoke the right of
ministration believes the recession
has about reached bottom, budget
director David E. Bell said yester-
Bell told the Senate-House eco-
nomic committee that the econo-
my should start moving upward in
the April-June quarter, and re-
covery should be under way at a
good rate by summer.
For example, he said that while
it appears unemployment has
reached its peak and will ,soon
turn downward, the jobless rate
still will exceed 6 per cent at the
end of the year..

Senate Passes
passed a $4.6 billion appropriations
bill yesterday, despite Republican
objections that some provisions
are intended to make the last (fis-
cal) year of the former adminis-
tration look bad.
- The bill, a catch-all measure
appropriating money for several
agencies, now goes back to the
House. The House, which passed
an $803.5 million bill earlier, has
to consider Senate amendments
that swelled the bill to almost six
times its original size.
The Senate passed the bill by
voice vote after defeating two Re-
publican atempts to cut it in half.
The Republican amendments, de-
feated in roll call votes, would have
knocked out $2.37 billidn for the
Commodity Credit Corboration.


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