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March 26, 1961 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-26

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ire Note-Taking

)ires Illinois.-Ser vie

y's note taking services
spired the formation of
rganizations on the Uni-
t Illinois campus.
llinois service is smaller
e University's. Students
three particular physics'
aay, for the fee of, $4 per
receive mimeographed
their lectures through the
al faculty reaction has
e of casual assent if not
enthusiasm. Members of
ois fac'ulty who were con-
bout the service by the
ini agreed that it is an
of free enterprise and
be treated accordingly.
* * *
S - The Students for
ction at the University of
ave announced a nation-
ition drive to ask United
tizens to promise not to
egregated movie theatres

OTTAWA -- The formation of
a Canadian peace corps of college
students has been given support
by the Canadian government, al-
though the government has taken
no action similar to President
Representatives of six Canadian
agencies have met here to dis-
cuss coordination of plans for the
corps to send volunteer students
to India and Ceylon.
. * .
BERKELEY - The students
association of the University of
California Student Forum ente ed
the Creighton-ROTC issue by'de-
tiding to ask Col. John T. Malloy
or his representativs to present
his side of the controversy at its
forthcoming meeting.,
The move came after the group
discussed- a proposed resolution
asking the Academic Senate to
adjust James Creighton's F in
ROTCto a fair grade.
Creighton received the grade
after he, in ,niform, led a picket
line protesting compulFory ROTO.
* * .*
faculty of Amherst has voted to
end a program forcing leaves of
absence for students considered to
be working below their academic
Nominations for dismissal have
decreased recently, and a spokes-
man said "the faculty feels there
are better ways of approaching
this problem.""

Algerian Student Asks LibertyE
through the United States ship-
The Algerian people are look- ment of arms to France through
ing for independence and the end the NATO programs. BIKES and SCOOTERS
to discrimination, poverty and the "Algeria went repeatedl the MI C H I GA
inability to decide their own des- Western nations for support but it Have you got CLASSIF I ED ADi
tiny, Muhammad Sahnoun, Al-ve.isoonlyrecentlSthatItey hav
gerian students organization rep- shown any feeling for our cause FLAT TIRES
resentative, said Friday.v by abstaining or voting with us inFT LIN ES I DAY
"Algerians tried to gain their B K CIthe United Nations.
by btai nidNarting ihu.n RKNC AIS 8
independence by peaceful means, "Our main support comes from SQ EAKY BRAKES?.
but it was necessary to resort to the Afro-Asian bloc arid particu-
war," he added in a speech spon- larly. the African nations geo- Have your bike repaired.9
sored by the Arab Club. graphically near,- such as Tunisia over Spring Vacation at 1 . 12
Sahnoun traced the historical and Morocco. B
picture of the Algerian crisis and Go East Beaver s Bike and Hardware Figure 5 avera
cited examples of French policy "Algeria will go to the EasternZ33 Call Classified between 1
which is "consistent with expro- bloc for support if the negotia- and 9:00 and 11:30 Satu
priation and endeavors to put the tions in April do not succeed," he INHERITED 2 motor scooters. Am anx-
Algerians in inferior positions said. loos to sell. Call Bill Gaasch. NO 2-
si.5895. Z32
while the French reap the divi- Sahnoun repeatedly stressed T SA
dends. is# TRANS,.,.PO+RTATIONi ne

The petition states that the
signer will "attend only indepen-
dent integrated theatres or inte-
grated theatres owned by chains
which are pursuing a policy of
racial integration in all. their af-
filiated theatres."
Most southern theatres affiliated
with. ABC-Paramount, Warner'
Bros, and RKO chains refuse to
admit Negroes, and it is mainly
at this group that the petition is

French Do Little
The French have done little to
alleviate the starving position of
the people and have continually
muddled the relations with "de-
ception and fruistrationi," Sah-
noun said.
He cited the' alleged promise the
French had made for liberation
after World War 3Z. This was not
realized and other peaceful at-
tempts were thwarted also,. he
"The seeds of war were planted.
in 1830 (the first invasion by
French troops on Algerian soil),
peace was to no avail and there-
fore - on Nov. 1, 1954, war, was
declared," he remarked.
The purpose of the army, he
explained, was to encourage the
people as well as educate them.
"In this struggle people have re-
gained their voice and .their dig-
nity-the people's will is being
heard," Sahnoun continued.;,

"Algerians have won victory and
Algeria will be independent be-
cause the people want independ-
ence. The people have been
heard," he stressed.
The negotiations which will be-
gin on April 5 will be the first to
deal with the problem of self-de-
termination, he said.
Sahnoun stressed that if France
did not have the aid which the
United States and other allies had
given, she would not have been
able to continue the war for such
a long period of time.
Little Defense
Guerrilla warfaie, he said, is
the nationalists' basic tactic and
the only offensive is small planes
such as helicopter or Piper Cub.
These are *only obtainable

. war necessary



Go Jantzen, Equipped

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For a Wonderful
Spring Vacation

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A swim cap so totally flattering you'll prize
it along with favorite millinery.. Lightweight
rubber, layered with rich flocked velvet. Fa-
mous Dri-Guard seal; one size fits all, $3.98.



"Back Dive" gives a new definition to the low, Why is it some girls look smoother, trimmer,

low backed swimsheath'. Jantzen does it in
soft-as-doeskin Lastex of acetate, cotton and
rubber scooped waist deep to show off your
pretty back. In dazzling colors with back tie
straps in contrasting shades. Rounded from
within byexclusive French Bracups 1o-18$19.95.

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neater, even in swimsuits and' briefest cut
shorts ?. Chances are, they wear the marvelous
Jaintzen "Sports Brief," the cool little figure
shaper that flattens the tummy, smooths the
hips, firms all around. Black or white, with
special "no bind" leg. S-M-L-L, only $2.95.
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