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March 26, 1961 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-26

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ichigan Regains NCAA Swmmin omin
son, Gillanders Establish Records; NCAA CHAMPIONSHIPS:
d Way to Upset Win Over USC Oklahoma State Captures M

(at Title


...+. .VLLV GijiLLi, ~vuuivtt 1.a1 -AP Wirephoto
the favorites along with Jackman, placed two men In the finals, Sta (let
LegakiandHuner.Laron .nd ike-Melife. ill FITZ STOPPED-Bruce Campbell of Oklahoma State (left) a t-
Legacki, and Hunter. Larson ,and Mike" Mealiffe. Billy tmt obekloefo odapidb ihgnsDni
Jackman led the qualifiers with Steuart, Michigan State, J. W. tempts to break loose from hold applied by Michigan's Dennis
:48.7 and Legacki was right be- Hiles, Florida State and Artie Fitzgerald during their semi-final bout in the 167-lb. division of
hind with :48.8. The other final- Wolfe of Ohio State also made the NCAA championships Friday night. Campbell, won the match,
ists were Ron McDevitt, Wiscon- the finals. 4-3.
CilnatiU Usets Unbeaten OSU 7065
1 P

It was 59-55 before a one-
hander by Yates and Wiesenhahn's
rebound field goal forced another
tie-the 13 of the game.
Cincinnati then pulled ahead
63-61 before John Havlicek's free
throw cut the lead to 63-62.
Hulking Bob Wiesenhahn-top
Cincinnati scorer with 17 points
and leading rebounder with nine--
then muscled his way underneath
to ram in a rebound.-
Lucas then wheeled in for his
10th field goal and his 26th and
27th points to trim the Cincin-
nati lead once again to 65-64.

Then the drama intensified and
Siegfried, the Buckeye captain who
had so much to do with their long
winning streak, became the un-
fortunate goat.
St. Joseph Takes Third
St. Joseph's (Pa), surviving a
two-point "wrong basket" bonus'
handed Utah by sophomore Billy
Hoy, finally shook off the Red-
skins in the fourth overtime per-
iod last night for a 127-120Ovic-
tory and third place in the na-
tional collegiate basketball cham-

By The Associated Press
CORVALLIS, Ore .-Michigan's
Don Corriere grabbed a third-
place finish and Jim Blaker a
fourth but both were overshadow-
ed by the Oklahoma State Cow-
boys, who won their 22nd NCAA
championships here last night.
Corriere, trying to avenge his
Big Ten failures, defeated Iowa
State's Virgil Carr by a narrow
2-1 decision in a consolation
match, one of the day's two
matches involving Michigan ath
Jim Blaker decisioned Bob Wil-
son of the Oklahoma State titlists
Issued Bias
In a polite but firm letter, Sec-
retary of the Interior Stewart Ud-
all yesterday warned Washington
Redskins' owner George Preston
Marshall that the Kennedy Ad-
ministration would take action
against the Redskins if they con-
tinue their present discrimina-
tory policies.
The Redskins are the only team
in the league in the National Foot-
ball gue which has never hired
or drafted a Negro player.
In his letter, Udall said that he
was "cognizant of the fact there
have been persistent allegations
that, your (Marshall's) company
practices discrimination in the hir
ing of its players."
The Redskins are planning to
play next fall's home games in
the new stadium in Anacostia
Park, which is to be part of the
Interior Department's National
Capital Parks. In leasing the park,
the Redskins agreed to abide by all
of the Interior Department's new
in Slugfest;
4-2, in NHL
trouble with long shots. To of
the goals came on hard shots
from far out.
It was a clean, hard checking
game in sharp contrast to the
sloppy hockey in the first game of
the best-of-seven series won by
Toronto in double overtime.
Marcel Pronovost, Leo Labine,
Gerry Melnyk and Vic Stasiuk
scored Detroit's goals.
Leafs Take Iead
Toronto went ahead 1-0 at 4:04
of the second period when Detroit
defenseman Howie Young tried to
grab a rolling puck in front of the
net and pass it back to the cor-
ner. Somehow it wound up going
past a dismayed Sawehuk, the
goals being credited to Harris.
Young said later the puck
"curled up my stick and went the
wrong way."


consolation round
wrestling tournafi
Winner in each
place, loser fourth
115-lbs.-Waly C
outpointed Don
State, 4-1.
123-lbs.-Dick M
outpointed Franci
Teachers, 5-4.
homa, outpointed
kato State, '2-0, (o
137-1bs.-Bil Ca
ottpointed Doug V
State, 2-1.

___. __ _ I

Consolation Finals
e.-Results of the 147-lbs.--Bob Wilson, Oklahoma
d of the NCAA State, outpointed James Blaker,
nent last night. Michigan, 3-1.
case took third 157-lbs.-Don Corriere, Michigan,
place: outpointed Virgil Carr, Iowa State,
Curtis, Oklohama, 2-1.
Webster, Iowa 67-lbs.-Elmer Marshall, Purdue,
Webte, Iwa outpointed 'Frank Hankin, Utah,
artin, Pittsburgh, 177-lbs.-Ken Houston, Southern
a Freeman, Iowa Illinois, outpointed Bob Burge,
Colorado State U, 4-1.
Martin, Okla- 191-bs.--Ron Clinton, Oklahoma
Al Deleon, .Man- State, outpointed David Angel, Le-
vertime). high, 3-2.
arter, Oklahoma, Heavyweight-Roy Weber, North.
Wilson, Oklahoma Western, outpointed Johnson Ober-
ly, Penn State, 2-2.


I 1 IP

for his fourth place. Blaker, the
two-time Big Ten crown-bearer
at 147 pounds, won by a close 3-1
Michigan's other representa-
tives, Karl Fink and Dennis Fitz-
gerald, did not make the conso-
lation finals. They scored six.

points between them in Friday's
rounds, howexer.
That gave the Wolverines 18
points-far behind the champion's
67 as the final rounds began.
(Because of the time difference,
The Daily did not receive final
match results.)


Boston Routs Syracuse
.Detroit Downs Toronto,

'Shortsleeve Shirts
White -Soid Colors-Stripes


Frank Ramsey flailed away as
other players, ushers, and police
managed to stop it.
The game was held up for
nearly 10' minutes before some
semblance of order was restored.
A policeman sat beside Auerbach
on the Boston bench for the re-
mainder of the game and police
accompanied the Celtics to their
dressing room at halftime and
when the game ended.
Celts Streak
Heinsohn paced Boston with 22
points while Sharman and Rus-
sell each had 21. Schayes was
high for the Nationals with 23.
Detroit 4, Toronto 2
TORONTO () -- The Detroit
Red Wings took full advantage of
a steady netminding job by Terry-
Sawchuck last night to defeat the
Toronto Maple Leafs 4-2 and even
their semifinal Stanley Cup hock-
ey series at 1-1.
The Wings led all the way as
they pounced on shaky netmind-
ing by Toronto's rookie Cesare
Maniago, playing his second Stan-
ley Cup game.

1.017 S. University,

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