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March 26, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-26

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"What's This Talk About Fireside Chats?"



mirlpga kDil
Seventy-First Year
-uth Will Prevail" STUDENT PUBLICATIONS BLDG. 0 ANN ARBOR, MIC. " Phone NO 2-3241,
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
World Court's Power
Needs Worldwide Acceptance

Note-Taker Complies
Deplores 'Oer tones'

NE IS FORCED, a little sorrowfully, to
agree with Sen. Bourke Hickenlooper that
argement of the world court's jurisdiction
:oing to be a slow process.
)ne also has to agree that various barriers
this enlargement, like the Connally Reserva-
n, are going to be around for a long time.
the reason for all this is bare national in-
est. One nation cannot afford to entrust
tters of grave importance to adjudication by
international court, which might rule
inst the nation's interests. Therefore the
0 ENTRUST MORE authority to the court
without safeguarding national interests with
ervations would, as Sen. Hickenlooper says,
an "act of faith."
:t is also significant to note that Lyman
ndel, who asked ,the end of the Connally
servation, admittedly asked this be done to
HE ASSOCIATED PRESS reported yester-
day that Red Hungary will initiate a na-:
nal physical training program' May 1, "to
e' citizens what it calls enhanced capacities.
national defense."1
But President John F. Kennedy beat them
the punch two days before, by appointing'
)tball coach Bud Wilkinson of Oklahoma to
ad a national ybuth fitness program for the.
cited States. Evidently, egged on by the thou-
ids of applica'tions for applications already
eived in anticipation of a peace corps, some-
:y echoed the old cry: "develop the whole
Are the Athenians in Washington recalling
lesson from classical history-compromising.
th Sparta before the fall?
-J. S.

further national interests, too. He admitted
that other reservations might be in order.
This is all very, frustrating. The only way
the world is going to have peace is for the'
nations to make "acts of faith." A leap into
the unseen is never an inviting prospect, but
sometimes is the only possible chance.
..ROUBLE IS, IN today's world, the proba-
bility of success of such a leap is close to
zero. One doesn't need to be a Western ideo-
logue to admit that the Communists are just
not interested in peace, or the relaxation of
tension, that increased world court authority
could represent. They might be interested in
a settlement, but only if it contained elements
of their own self-interest. Operation of inter-
national affairs under the rule of law is not
in their self-interest-at least not to a mark-
edly greater extent than the operations of the
free world.
Hence, frustration, the feeling the United
States just can't do anything. Or, the feeling
that our proposals are mostly for the grand-
stand. It engenders a feeling that the. only
peace can come in victory. If military it would
mean the world's end. And a peaceful triumph
unfortunately doesn't seem in the cards at this
S O WHAT'S LEFT? As Voltaire said. "Il faut
cultiver le jardun." The United States ought
to do what it can, and support of the world
court would be one thing it can 'do. What would
this mean?' Repeal of the Connally reservation,
but with other reservations that would protect
the national interest without so much circum-
scribing the court. It would also mean in-
creased United States participation in the
formation of world international law because
of its increased acceptance and participation in
the court and in international law generally.'E
- It won't be a huge thing, and hardly ideal-
istic. But it would be a step.



+tstpit ' c+!akstlt++Gt ikXSr Cow

Fraternies Business Handicap?

To the Editor:
AS A CITIZEN of my country and c
and privilege to comply with
formal laws that are established by
College of Literature, Science and th
nection with professional note talc
brief gave such professional note tal:
in a course and sell same notes for
consent of the lecturing instruc-
tor was obtained.
RECENTLY, several members
of the faculty have stated that
the University Study Service has
disregarded the college policy. It
Is evident that these statements
were not Issued in an effort to
clarify the college policy and
modify the activities .of the note
taking service if upon clarifica-
tion or restatement of prevailing
policy such modification would be
in, order
After these volatile statements
were voiced in public I met with
the college. I was informed in a
clear, direct, and understanding
manner precisely what the issue
was. Although I am not in com-
plete accord with the policy in-
terpretation I believe that com-
pliance. with and respect for the
decision of any -lawmaking insti-
tution is fundamental. It is ap-
parent that my original interpre- -
tation of college policy was in-
correct and I stand corrected.
I DEEPLY regret this correction
has come about as a result of a
process that is bringing shame
upon several members of my
school's faculty. If these men had
respected my rights as a citizen
and student, had bothered to
check out the real nature of the
circumstances, and had faith in
the ability of the college's regular
and . authorized channels, this
problem would not have acquired
these unpleasant overtones.
-Melvin D. Skoln&, '62
Apollo Myth,. .
To the Editor:
FUNNY THING happened to
my bike the other day .. . . It
disappeared again--on the same
day that I'd just retrieved it from
the police's lost-and-found stor-
Apollo is a blue English bike
with four licenses, one dating back
to 1957, slapped on its rear fender.
It first disappeared last august
from my place of work. All the
first semester I missed its helpful
and speedy company. Then, sud-
denly last week, a police sergeant
phoned and told me Apollo had
been found on Forest St.
On Monday-yes, vernal equinox
day-I claimed Apollo at the police
station and happily rode it back
to the Michigan Union. It was a
great day for cycling, and Apollo
was in excellent condition, much
to the surprise' of the police ser-
* * *
teria I told a circle of friends
about Apollo's mysterious odyssey
and return, and even wondered
aloud: "Wouldn't it be funny if it
got lost again today?" I'd parked
it, unlocked, outside the Cafe in-
one of the racks near the parking
lot of the Ad building.
Now, I would gladly let Apollo
gad about another semester, fi
this weren't my last semester here
in Michigan. I wonder if the fel-
low who borrowed it would let
me use the bike for the next few
months. Then- when I return to
the Philippines, he can have it
back. Deal?
-Tony M. Anden


NCAA Compromise 'Suggestion

IE RECENT National Collegiate Athletic
Association legislation giving the national
dy power to lay down eligibility rules for reg-
ar season games has added fuel to the big
, small college fire.
As the Michigan Board in Control of Inter-'
llegiate Athletics pointed out in its recent re-
rt, the problems of the' small colleges differ
eatly from that of the bigger 'schools 'in many
One of these areas is eligibility, where small
stitutions don't seem to recognize the diffi-
lties besetting the large ones. This fuzziness
the part of the small schools, which outnum-
r their larger counterparts almost 10-1 in
e 552-member body, may have been a big
etor in passing the legislation on eligibility.
"HE PROBLEM IS made even more complex
by the NCAA's division between big, and'
call schools. The line is drawn at a 750 male
rollment, including many small institutions
the same category with 'schools like Michi-'
This size difference causes trouble not only
the eligibility area, but pertains to the letter
intent, television, and football.
An example concerning eligibility is the
iuation for aliens. Iichigan has a big name
at attracts many foreign students, including
4letes, while a school like Slippery Rock has
w, if any. Thus, "An NCAA decision hits a big
hool harder than the small one," said Uni-
rsity faculty representative Marcus Plant, re-
rring to the upper age limit set on aliens'
.gibility. If only a small percentage of Michi-
Ln athletes fell in this ineligible category, they
uld still greatly outnumber those from a
ialler school.
The letter of intent provides another exam-
e. The small schools have a great number
'prospective atl-letes to gain by raiding a
rge school and nothing to lose. Large schools
ve almost no chance to retaliate, as they
ve to fight off scheduling the big member
Liools, too.
'ELEVISION FINDS the small college having
practically no say. The Big Ten 'doesn't
ve much voice, either, for that matter, be-
use the committee in charge of the event
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
ENNETH McELDOWNEY......Associate City Editor
DITH DONER....,.... «... Personnel Director
EiOMAS KABAKER. ..................Magazine Editor
AROLD APPLEBA%;U .. AssociateEditorial Director
1OMAS WITECKI......................Sports. Editor
ICHAEL GILLMAN...........Associate Sports Editor

making the policy is subject to the approval
of the Executive Committee. (Section 13, Execu-
tive Regulations.) The small school has almost:
no chance to share the profits, as the well-
known bigger ones battle for the right to play
before the nation's eyes.
The area of football finds the problem com-
ing to a head on the playing field, as evidenced
by the abolition of the two-platoon system sev-
eral years ago. Why? Many small schools
couldn't afford to field a large enough team'
for two platoons,, and used their overwhelming
majority to pass the legislation. This hurts the
big schools, as the small ones play each other.
Many schools don't even have a football
team, as Plant pointed out. Along the same
line, several don't have such a comprehensive
number of varsity sports as Michigan, for exam-'
ple, and if they happen to be at an NCAA meet-
ing, they will cast uniformed bloc votes..
more acute as new schools continue to join
the NCAA-mostly small ones. What has the
NCAA done about it? They talked about di-
viding the schools into big and small groups
in their "1961 January convention in Pitts-
burgh. It looks like one good suggestion from
-this corner, since each section has common
problems to discuss.
Another solution was suggested by Plant who
related "good experience" from the convention.
The NCAA is divided into districts, with Michi-
gan in number 4. Plant said that all the mem-
bers of District 4 had a caucus to exchange
views- and talk over legislation concerning the
letter of intent. The big and small schools
were able to grasp each others' problems in
the compact gathering, after which Plant and
two colleagues worked out a compromise
amendment for the benefit of the "little fel-
lows." The actual case is not important. The
idea is. This small group meeting worked better
than do the large roundtable discussions that
the NCAA now has. The district caucus would
just be using the NCAA's apportionment to its
best advantage.
WHY NOT COMBINE the two proposed solu-
tions? Even if the two-group division was,
made with the NCAA Executive Council as co-
ordiator, there would still be several smaller
schools in the "big" division. 'Then each dis-
trict within the group would be urged, if not
forced, to hold caucuses to work out differing
In this way, the smallgroup may be able
to have its football games televised regionally,
as would the other division, with no area con-
flict on a given Saturday. The parent NCAA
would see to that. Each group could have its
own football rules, rules pertaining to aliens'
eligibility, and a "no-raiding" agreement. The
Executive Council would stop. between-group
reruiting of nrevinnsly signed athletes. The

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The inter-
vieWee in this article is president?
of one offsce of an employment
service which places executives in
lege institution is dead and
the sooner seniors and incoming
freshmen realize this, the farther
they will go in business and the
happier they will be."
The social mortician author of
this statement is Lon D. Barton,
president of an organization which
is annually forced to deal with
this problem.
Problem? "Yes it is," says Bar-
ton. "Every year we are .invaded
by a species of young men af-
flicted with a particular disease.
For want of a better phrase we
call it fraternity syndrome. Back
in the depression different people
had it and it went by different
names. At that time it ,was the
fellow who leaned on a WPA
shovel and said, 'the world owes
me a living.' Now his young neph-
ew looks meaningfully at the I
Gotta Drag button on his lapel
or the ring on his finger and says
the same thing, 'the world owes
me a living.' He is deeply insult-
ed if we can't find him a job
immediately as assistant to a sick
* * *
was the painful duty of his coun-
selor house mothers to explain the
facts of life to these graduates-
namely that being a member of a
fraternity is no key to success in
the business world. In fact, it is
more of a hindrance than a help.
Time was, when family-owned
enterprises respected the "right"
fraternities and felt that their
businesses would be enriched by
young men of this type. This is no
longer the case. Why?
"We are now in one of the most
competitive periods in our eco-
nomic history. Business is looking
for gutty resourcefulness. The fra-
ternity ring or pin has lost its
meaning. In fact, industri today
tends to look upon the fraternity
as an insulation from the problems
of the world. The young man who
has had to work at least part of
his way through school, therefore,
stands a much better chance of
making a good connection than
his more poised campus brother."
This brings up another point:
fraternities are no longer the only
route to social poise. Such poise
is a very nebulous thing, accord-
ing to Barton. He finds the college
man today-fraternity or inde-
pendent-much more self pos-
sessed than his father or grand-
, " +
lege is no longer the four-year
refuge from the truant officer that
it once was. Our most successful
junior executive candidates have
had a clear idea of their career
objectives by the time they have
passed their college boards. This
in itself is an indication of poise
and most of the social poise they
need is then acquired by sym-
biosis. You get it in spite of your-
self. You no longer need a 'broth-

the artificial barriers of race,
creed or fraternity have no bear-
ing on job competence. Perform-
ance and training are the prime
criteria by which an applicant may
be judged.
The executive expert wanted it
made clear that he was not in-
cluding honorary fraternities in
his burial service. "Students should
be encouraged to earn member-
ship in honorary groups where
such fraternities have standing in
the professions. This (member-
ship) is indicative of scholarship
and competence and we encour-
age our junior executive candi-
dates to include such information
on their resumes.
"I DON'T, FOR example, have
any real objection to the Phi
Beta Kappa key twirler. It does
provide our nervous applicants
with a physical outlet. It shows
us that this man must have crack-
ed a book at some time in his life.
I may think the twirling a juve-
nile habit, but I can respect the
effort it took for the man to
achieve it," he said.
Elaborate exam files which
many fraternities boastabout are
a superficial fraud, indicative of
minds with small capacities. If
you -cheat at this level, you are
merely cheating yourself and
postponing a a day of reckoning,
Barton believes. The far reaching
changes in method and cntent of
most college courses are making
such files obsolete, anyway.
Having buried most of the much
touted attributes of fraternity
life, what is there left for them to
The Daily Official Bulletin as an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes noedtorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form' to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2 p.m., two days preceding
General Notices
Seniors: College of L.S. & A., and
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, and Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for June
graduation have been posted on the
bulletin board in the first floor lobby,
Administration Building. Any changes
therefrom should be requested of the
Recorder at Office of Registration and
Records, window Number A, 1513 Ad-
min. Bldg.
Automobile Regulations-Spring Re-
cess: The student automobile regula-
tions will be lifted at 5:00 p.m. March
31, and will be resumed again at 8:00
a.m. on Mon., April 10. Office of the
Dean of Men.
Events Monday
Mon., March 27: Lecture by Prof. Joel
Seidman, University of Chicago, on
"Political Controls and Member Rights:
An Analysis of Union Constitutions,"
Hutchins Hall, 3:00 p.m.
Lecture by Dr. W. H. Taliaferro on
"Asti.m,-mn ,, wil e giuvn at

sell? Barton has found that some
enlightened Greek letter groups
are coming around to a very sen-
sible approach-namely that as
glorified eating clubs, they can
provide board and room at sensi- .
ble prices and thereby justify, in
some measure, their reason for
existing. Barton emphasizes the
word CAN-many of them could
but few do because of archaic fi-
nancial operating procedures
which force a lot of extra expenses
on them-or from sheer stupidity.
* 0s
EVEN THIS VERY valid advan-
tage is losing its merit, accdrding
to Barton, however, since dormi-
tory housing is becoming more and
more the responsibility of college.
administrations. The sheer mass
of students invading our schools is
forcing them to adopt modern
buying, architectural and account-
ing practices.
If this wasn't enough to insure
the demise of ,this late, unlament-
ed college institution, another fact
of life is about to administer the
coup de grace - namely matri-
mony. Almost half of the gradu-,
ates who come to his office these
days are married, according to
Barton, and if the age rate goes
much lower you will find married,
freshmen entering our schools in
increasing numbers-if the man
in the case can pass the entrance
"When that times comes the
last remaining excuse for the
existence of fraternities will have
vanished and I, for one, won't
mourn its demise,' Barton con-

f my University it is my obligation
whatever policy decisions and/or
these jurisdictions. Last fall the
e Arts formulated a policy in con-
ing organizations. This policy In
ing services the right to take notes
a fee if and only if the expressed
As om HAACTER in the
Junior irls Play T at ~
--or abstract spelled backwards
f or the uninitiated-put it "What
about this business, do you under.
This charming tableau, set in
some pre-peace corps country, call-
ed Tcartsba, tells the story (?) of
Queen Mundenga who on her 103-
rd birthday decides to retire as
"ruler, law-giver, judge, industrial
organizer,.supreme commander of
the armed forces, custom decreer
and proclamation giver of Tearts-
At this moment, since no one
fills the ancient ordinance des-
cribing the requirements for this
auspicious position in the all-
female society, a conflict occurs
between the young ladies who have
just found a battery-operated
radio and the older inhabitants
who feel that a new version of the
rain dance will solve all their
problems. '
IN THE END, Mundenga heart-
warmingly gives in to the younger
generation demanding democracy,
as described by a radio series, andl
is herself elected president.
The plays main fault Is that
at any one'time it can be cn-
strued as a satire on American
politics, radio and television, strict
grammarians or the introduction
of democracy into a primitive cul-
ture. Eventually, the whole pro-
duction loses even the slightest
semblance of unity.
Even the supposed wit of the
show falls into almost a Reader's
Digest-like ,morass of platitudes
and commonplaces. It constantly
tries to parody without insulting,
to be witty without an object and
to be in some vague way purpose-
ful without- central purpose. It at-
temps to palm affection for ab-
straction, The potential ironies in-
herent in the situation appear as
melted butter.
acting sometimes rose above the
play. Beth Dillman as Queen Mun-
denga, though tending to overact,
handled her part well. Worg, an
ineffectual court jester type played
by Erna Weiner, was probably the
best performer of the play, adding
a light touch even when the part
became repetitious. Jade Miller
and Margaret Dodd as the leaders
of the two opposing factions, also'
did quite well.
The music and dancing tended
to be somewhat unoriginal and
boring with only one notable ex-
ception: the third act radio pan-
tomine which, though irrelevant
to the play, formed the 'musical
high spot.
But, taken as a whole,' the play
provides only a dsorgnized eveAn
ing during which the audience
flounders, the cast flounders and
the production itself plods its way
through an hour and a half.
-'David Marcus

Fre., Home Ec., Ind. Arts, Math, Scl.,
SS, Couns., Girls PE/SS.
For any additional information and
appointments contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Admin. Bldg., NO
3-1511, Ext. 489.
of Appointments-Seniors & grad. stu-
dents, please call Ext. 3371 for inter-
view appointments with the following:
MON.," MARCH 27-
Swift &Co., Union Stock Yards, Chi-
cago-(p.m.)-Men with degree in Lib.
Arts or :Bus. Ad. for. Territory Sales.
BrSor MS in Math, for Electric Com-
Port of New York Authority, NYC-
Men & WOMEN with degree in Gen.
Lib. Arts,. Bus. Ad., or Public Admin.
for Mgmt. Trng. Program.
Lincoln National Life Insurance Co.,
Fort Wayne, Ind. - Location: Fort
Wayne (home office) and Sales in
various locations. Men with, degrees in
Gen. Lib. Arts, Econ., Math. for Mgmt.
Trng., Electric Computing, Sales, Sta-
tistics, & Actuarial positions.
YWCA, NYC-Location: Throughout
U.S. WOMEN with degrees in Gen. Lib.
Arts, Sociology, Psych., Educ. for Rec-
reation, Social Work (BA, MA in Soc.
Mich. Civil Service-Public Utilities
Economist-MA Econ. & 3-6 yrs. exper.
in pertinent econ. res. Agricultural
Mktg. Reporter-BA Agric. Econ. or
other appropriate field & 1-4 yrs. agric.
mktg. exper. FILE BY APRIL 5. Also,
Child Care Worker-2 yrs. college in.
field related to child care. Continuous
State of Kentucky, Dept. of Person-



the Study of Lipid Metabolism in Sper-
matozoa" will be discussed by Dr. E.
F. Hartree, Agricultural Research Coun-
cl, Cambridge, England, at 4 p.m.,
Mon., March 27 in 6423 Medical Sci-
ence Bldg.
Communication Sciences Colloquium:
W. Ross Ashby will speak on "The.
Avoidance of Over-Writing in Self-Or-
ganizing Systems" at 4:15 p.m., Mon.,
March 27 in 429 Mason Hall.
Automatic Programming and Numeri-
cal Analysis Seminar: "A Problem in
Automatic Programming for a Drum
Computer" by Webb T. Comfort on
Mon., March 27 at 4:00 p.m. in Comput-
ing Center Seminar Room.
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:
Mon., March 27, at 4:00 p.m. in 311
West Engineering Bldg. Prof. L. H.
Donnell, Senior Research Scientist, In-
stitute of Science and Technology, will
speak on "Finite Displacement-Strain
Relations in General Shell Theory."
Coffee in the Faculty Lounge at 3:30
Events Tuesday
High Energy Physics Lecture: Leon
Landovitz, Yeshiva, University, New
York, will discuss "The Theory of
Pion Nucleon Scattering" at 4 p.m. in'
2038 Randall Lab, on Tues., March 28.
Political Science Roundtable Lecture:
"Public Administration Case Studies:
Past Experiences, Present Approaches,
Future Possibilities and Limitations"
will be discussed by Prof. Harold Stein,
PinctM o Tniversity. on Tues.. March

A. Notopoulos, Department of Classics,
Trinity College, Hartford, Conn., on!
"Towards a Poetics for Oral Epic Poe-
try," 4:10 p.m., Aud. A.
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Christian Wilson, Industrial Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Evaulation of Spatial Re-
lations and Empirical Plant Layout
Criteria by Digital Computer." Ttes.,
March 28, 10:00 a.m. in the Fdculty
Lounge, West Engineering Bldg. Chair-
man, Wyeth Allen.
Placement Notices
Beginning Mon., larch 27, 'the fol-
lowing schools will have representatives
at the Bureau, to interview for the.
1961-1962 school year.
Bay City, Mich.-Elementary (K-8).
Flint, Mich.-Elem., Vocal, Art; Jr.
HS Eng., Sci., Home Ec., Math, Ind.
Arts, Core, Girls PE; HS Eng., 5., Sei.,
Fre., Home Ec., Bus. Ed., Math, Art;
Ment. Ret., Sp. Corr., Sight Consv.,
Ortho. Bring Transcript to interview.
Grand Rapids, Mich. (Forest Hills Jr.-
& Sr. HS)-Girls Health/Eng./SS, Home
Ec., German, Math, SS/Eng., Arith./Sci.,
Jr. HS Music.
Roseville, Mich.-All Elementary, El.
Vocal; Ment. Hdcp., Visiting Tchr.
Elk Grove, 11I.-Elem., El. Girls PE;
Jr. HS Lang. Arts/SS, Math, Lang. Arts,
Phys. Sc., Girls PE; Nurse, Library,
Guid., Rem. Read.
Lincoln Park, Mich.-Elem., Art, Vo-
cal; Jr. & Sr. HS Eng., Math, SS, Gen.
Sci., Ind. Arts; Sp: Corr., Ment. Ret.,'
Home Bound.
Warren. Mich. (Fitzgerald Schools)-,

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