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March 19, 1961 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-19

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Denver Repeats as NCAA Puck Champion

lege hockey team, winning 30
games against one tie and one loss
The Pioneers beat Minnesota Fri-
day night, 6-1.
The crowd of 5,363 brought to-
tal attendance for four games to
19,326 in the Denver University
St. Lawrence took a brief lead
in the first 90 seconds on John
Mason's goal from close quarters,
with Ron Mason and Gary Corby
getting the assist. Denver tied the
count on Bill Masterton's rebound
shot at 3:19, and went ahead at
7:21 on a similar shot by Trent
First Period-Scoring: St. Law-
rence, J. Mason (R. Mason, Corby)
1:22; Denver, Masterton (Beatty,
Walker) 3:19; Beatty (Masterton,
Munro) 7:21; Walker (Beatty) 12:09;
St. Lawrence, Dower (Slater) 13:14;
Denver, Duffus (Williamson, Art).
14:51; Masterton (Munro, Walker)
15:49. Penalties- R. Mason 8:10;
Anderson 15:54; Munro 15:54. Saves
-Broadbelt 15, Kirkwood 4'
Second Period-Scoring: Denver
Beatty (Masterton-Walker) 5:33;
Munro (Lomnes) 6:57; Konik (Jo-
sephson-Wilson) 11:31; Williamson
(Art-Wilson) 17:47. Penalty: Parker
10:54, Wilson 12:37, Wilson 14:58,
Parker 16:50, Saves-Broadbelt 13,
Kirkwood 8.
Third Period-Scoring: Denver
Masterton (Konik) 10:46; Munro
(Josephson) 12:15; Lomnes. (unas-
sisted) 16:57. Penalties: Konik 5:15,
Slater (major) 10:15, Beatty 19:54.

Denver led 5-2 at the end of
the first period and 9-2 at the
close of the second. By then, it
was a question of whether the
champions would fracture the
tournament record of 14 goals in
one game, held jointly by Michi-
gan and Minnesota.
Masterton, although sidelined
for a time in the second period
with a head injury, banged in
three goals.
Denver's winning margin set a
tournament record for the title
Minnesota's Mik Larson was
named the all-star goalie.
Masterton was designated the
most valuable player.
* * *
Minnesota. Takes Third
Minnesota had to turn back a
third period challenge by Rens-
selaer 'to win the consolation
game, 4-3, with Oscar Mahle scor-
ing the winning goal at 15:33 of
the last period.

-Daily-James Warneka
DENVER SUCCESS STORY--Jerry Walker (11) and Bill Mas-
terson (9) lead a Denver offensive charge as they have done
so often this year for the NCAA champs. Defenseman Grant
Munro (6) stands ready in case the attack Is stopped.

Pistons Halt Lakers Again









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