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March 19, 1961 - Image 9

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-19

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. HolyCross Downs-Mewphis Statei N

LOUISVILLE-,Ohio State took
a giant step towards its second
straight NCAA title last night
when 17,494 spectators watched
the defending !champs swamp
Kentucky's Wildcats, 87-74.
The Buckeyes, in winning their
31st straight game, will trek to
Kansas City next weekend for
the National finals:.
Kentucky 'battled gamely for
half the contest, and was down
by only eight,. 36-28, at intermis-
sion, but the powerful Bucks were
Just too much for Adolph Rupp's
charges as they went ahead by as
much as 24 points early in the
second half.
All-Americans Jerry Lucas and
Larry Siegfried led the attack,
pointwise, on the boards, and in
floor play.
Lucas, who was held to a meager
9 points Friday in the Buckeyes'
squeaker 'over Louisville, pumped
in 33 last night, high for the two-
day tourney. In addition he was
tremendous on the boards, snatch-
ing 30 rebounds and outclassing
the Wildcats' Ned Jennings, Allen
Fieldhaus, and Carroll Burchett
in that department.
Siegfried, meanwhile, was back
at his ball-stealing tactics, in ad-
dition to setting up most of the
successful Buckeye offensive pat-
terns. He also scored 20 points, 13
in the first half.
With 11:25 remaining in the
half, 083U shot ahead, 11-7, and
was never headed after that, al-
though Kentucky stayed within
striking range till intermission,
mostly on the basis of a balanced
scoring attack. Roger Newman was
high point man for his team with
29, 22 in the second half.
The Wildcats should have stay-
ed in the dressing room after in-
termission, though, for all the good
Coach Blass
NEW YORK () - Ken Norton,
chairman of the NIT selection
committee and coach at Manhat-
tan the past 15 years, blasted the
New York District Attorney's of-
fice yesterday for its handling of
the latest college basketball scan-
dal investigation.
"Why are they announcing this
all now just when there are two
big tournaments (the NCAA and
the NIT) going on, he asked.
"They want to get as much pub-
licity as possible out of it. They've
been working on it for five months
and they're just releasing the in-
formation bit by bit.This ' way,
every college basketball player in
the country is a suspect."
Norton commented after a dis-
closure today by Executive Assis-
tant District Attorney David S.
Worgan that hundreds of persons
in many states have been question-
ed during the investigation. Wor-
gan said a dozen people had been
interrogated in the past several
days. If would not identify any of
those questioned or discuss the
progress of the probe.
Although police sources said
that 15 to 20 colleges from coast
to coast might be involved, only
three -'players have been 'charged
with accepting bribes to shave
points. Two gamblers are in cus-

Louisville Comes Back
In the opening game of this
Freedom Hall doubleheader, Louis-
ville bounced back after its heart-'
breaking 56-55 loss to Ohio State
Friday and subdued tiny More-'
head State College, the darlings
of the tournament, 83-61.
Lec by John Turner, the Cardi-
nals surged to a 24-pointhalftime
lead and stayel between 18 and 25
points ahead for the remainder of
the game.
Turner High
Turner scored 28 points to give
him 53 for the two games, high
for the tourney. He. also broke his
school record, erasing former All-
American Charley Tyra's standard
for the -most. field goals in one
The attendance, although large,
did not reach 18,0009, mostly due
to the fact that the game was tele-
cast locally. Scalpers, who asked
for, and got, as much as $60 for a
bleacher seat on Friday, were al-
most non-existent last night.
St. Josephs 96, Wake Forest 86
Joseph's of Philadelphia stunned
jittery Wake Forest with a 48 point
first half last night and rode the
cushion to a 06-86 victory in the
NCAA Eastern Regional Basket-
ball Tournament finals, gaining
a place in the "semifinals next
Friday at Kansas City.

Wake Forest outscored St. Jo-
seph's, 58-48, in a tremendous
second half bid to pull victory
out of the fire, but massive Leh
Chappell couldn't do it alone, des-
pite his 32 points that led all
scorers. He also collected 16 re-
The well-balanced winners' at-
tack produced six double figure
scorers. Big men Jack Egan and
Xince Kempton were hampered by
foul troubles and the scoring bur-
den fell to senior Frank Majew-
ski and a slick little pair of sopho-
more guards, Bill Hoy and' Jim
* * *
St. Bonaventure 85, Princeton 67
St. Bonaventure, trailing by 17
points after 12 minutes, came
charging back with a 54-point last
half last night to phiy Princeton,
85-67, for third place.,
St. Bonaventure, third ranked.
nationally, got double figure scor-
ing from five men after a sluggish
first half that ended with the
heavily favored New Yorkers trail-
ing, 42-31.
All-America Tom Stith conclud-
ed his St. Bonaventure career with
29 points, 18 in the last half. It
gave him a varsity career total of
2,023 points.
Cincinnati 69, Kansas St. 64
Cincinnati's Bearcats, a gritty
bunch that just refused to lose,
smashed back in the late going
and gained, a 69-64 victory over
Kansas State last night in the
championship game of the NCAA
Midwest Regional Basketball Tour-
It was the 20th victory in a
row for Cincinnati this season.
Cincinnati, advancing to the

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-A rugged, aggres-
sive Holy Cross team and defense-
minded St. Louis eliminated two
of the seeded teams from the Na-
tional Invitation Basketball Tour-
nament in the quarter-final round
last night.
Holy Cross walloped Memphis
State, 81-69, after St. Louis beat
Colorado State, 59-53.
The Holy Cross victory climaxed
a long day of basketball in Madi-
son Square Garden which also saw
Temple beat Army, 79-66, and
Providence down DePaul, 73-67, in
afternoon first round games.
The Crusaders, up against a
big, strong Memphis State front
line, won out on their aggressive
defense and keen shooting from a
fast-break offense.
Trailing, 17-9, at an early stage
in the first half, Holy Cross
switched into a pressing midcourt
defense and disrupted the rhythm
of the Memphis attack.
The Crusaders moved into a lead
they never lost at 21-20 'and led
38-35 at halftime, steadily in-
creasing the margin in the last 20
St. Louis 59, Colorado St. 53
Defense-minded St. Louis nurs-
ed a slim lead for more than four
minutes last night and beat Colo-
rado State, 59-53, to enter the
semifinals of the National Invi-
tation Basketball Tournament.
Most of the action in the dull,
defensive contest came in the last
few minutes as Colorado State ral-
lied to tie the score three times
before the Billikens began to pull
The clock read 4:18 to go when
Glen Mankowski broke the tie with
two foul shots. From there on St.
Louis dominated the closing min-
Colorado State's reluctance to
shoot during the first half was a
big factor in the game. The Aggies
took only 13 shots and scored on
six of them, trailing at halftime,
* . *
Providence 73, Depaul 67
Temple 79, Army 66
John Egan, a 6'- backcourt star
who does about everything well,
almost single-handedly led Provi-
dence to a 73-67 victory over De-
paul in the first round of the
National Invitational Basketball
Tournament yesterday afternoon.
Egan, duelling with another
player of the same type, Howie
Carl, scored 19 of his 34 points
with driving, clutch shots in the
second half as the Friars had a
narrow escape in a finish that had
12,637 spectators screaming.
In the opener of the afternoon
doubleheader at Madison Square
Garden, the tiny but clever Temple
team overwhelmed Army, 79-66.
The two winners advanced to

They pulled even at 48-all with
10 minutes left on a jump shot
by sophomore Tommy Thacker,.
then got' their first lead a minute
and a half later, one that they
didn't relinquish.
Texas Tech 69, Houston 67
Texas tech 'blew an 11-point
lead, then bounced back the last
10 minutes for a 69-67 victory over
Houston and third place.
Texas Tech, Southwest Confer-
ence chiampion and a 78-55 loser
to Cincinnati last night, finally
put away the consolation match
with Houston when a free throw
by little Del Ray Mounts and field
goals by Roger Henning and Mac
Percival built a 65-59 advantage
with two minutes left.
Far West
Utah 88, Arizona State 80
PORTLAND, Ore. (M)-Uncanny
Bill McGill, aided by fine defen-
sive play from his mates, led the
University of Utah to an 88-80
NCAA Western Regional Basket-
ball victory over Arizona State
last night.
* . .
Loyola 69, S. Cal. 67 (Third)
PORTLAND, Ore.(P) - Loyola
of Los Angeles endged out a dis-.
spirited Southern California bas-
ketball team, 69-67, for third place
in the NCAA Western Regional
Tournament last night.

- . -I k - - - I


{ f " 0



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Dear Rushee:
Open rush here at Michigan is designed to give both the fraternities and rushees an
opportunity to become better acquainted between the formal rush periods. While bids may be
extended and accepted' during this time, many rushees use this period to familiarize themselves
with more fraternities and aspects of fraternity life which are not always apparent during
formal rush.
Open rush begins the second Monday following the close of the formal rushing period,
in this case March 20, and continues for the remainder of the semester. During this time it is
perfectly legal and proper to attend any fraternity activity to which you may be invited; this
includes lunches, dinners, parties, dances, and any other activity in which the fraternity might be
involved. It should be noted, however, that an invitation from the fraternity is necessary in order
for you to attend any such activity. It is not necessary for you to register with the IFC in order to
participate in the program.
It is our intention to supply the Michigan fraternities with the names of those men desiring
to participate in open rush. This will provide them with the opportunity of meeting persons whom
they might otherwise fail to contact. If you would be interested in being included with this group,
please contact me at the following address:
John Meyerholz
1510 Student Activities Building
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Include in your note, your name, address, phone, year, and hometown. This is not to imply
that you must register with the lFC in order to participate in opeh rush nor does it imply that you
will be invited to every fraternity participating in open rush. It is quite probable, however, that
you will be contacted by some of the fraternities in regard to attending certain of their activities
during the open rushing period; we here at the Interfraternity Council strongly encourage you to
take advantage, of this opportunity. It is an accepted fact that the more contacts you have with the
fraternity system, the more certain you can be that, if and when you do decide to pledge, the choice
you will make will be a wise and right one and lead to a more rewarding college experience.


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