Vote To Fill Union,
-~Senior Class Posts
Besides the eight Student Gov-
ernment Council seats under con-
tention this week, ballots will be
cast for senior class offices, the
Board in Control of Student Pub-
lications, Board in Control of In-
tercollegiate Athletics, and Michi-
gan UnionBoard of Directors, plus
a special referendum vote on an
amendment to the Union consti-
Those running for senior class
officers in the College of Litera-
ture; Science and the Arts are:
President: Roger Pascal, Michael
A. Landwirth; Vice-President,
Paul M. Lurie, Alan S. Burstein;
Treasurer: Michael W. Maddin,
Henry P. Lee; Secretary: Franny
-Sue Nash, Roger Wolthuis.
In the engineering school, those
running for senior class officers
are: President: Richard E. Gus-
tavson, Nick A. Spewock, Thom-
as G. DeJonghe; Vice-President:
George J. Quarderer; Secretary-
Treasurer: John W. Upp.
Candidates in the education
school for senior class officers
are: President: Barbara Perlman;
Vice-President: Gloria J. Sha-
heen; Treasurer: Elizabeth A.
Johnson; Secretary: Marylou H.
In the School of Business Ad-
ministration those running for
senior class officers are: Presi-
dent: William J. Blanton, Hugh
Sheean; Vice-President: .Edward
L. Lublin, Harold N. Diamond.
Running for the two available
positions on the Board in Control
of Intercollegiate Athletics are
William Freehan, '63 and Michael
Joyce, '63Ed.
Competing for the three posi-
tions on the Board in Control of
Student Publications are: Douglas
Vielmetti, '63L; 'John Feldkamp,
'61; Tom Witecki, '61; Mike Gill-
man, '61.
Candidates for the six avail-
able positions on the Michigan
Union Board of Directors are:
Murry J. Feiwell, '63; Michael E.
Oldham, '63L; Michael Olinick,
'63; Charles H. Matthews, '62BAd;
Neil G. Cohen, '62; Robert D.
Rosman, '62; Robert I. Hunter,
'62BAd; Harold N. Diamond, '62
BAd; David P. Baron, '62E.
A referendum on graduate
school representation on the
Michigan Union Board of Direc-
tors will also appear on ballots
for male students.
A proposed change in article
five, section two of the Union
constitution would allow at least
four candidates from any of the
graduate or professional schools
to be nominated for the Union
Board as well as eight candidates
from all the other schools and col-
If the referendum is passed by
two-thirds of the Union members
voting in the election, it will go
into effect for the following year.
POLLS-The following polling places will be open from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday and Wednesday:
the Michigan League, University Museum Bldg., Diag., Fishbowl, Angell Hall lobby, Undergraduate
Library, Engineering Arch, Michigan Union, and the Business Administration Bldg.
Mem bers hi
fBrian Glick,
Steering Committee, Challenge
of American Civil Liberties;
Spokesman, Challenge of the
Emerging Nations; Michigan
Union International Committee,
1959-60; Co-Chairman 1959
World's Fair and 1960 Campus
United Nations; SGC Chairman,
International Coordinating
Board and International Week,
1960; Young Democrats, Dele-
gate, 1960 National YD Conven-
tion; Delegate, YD State Central
Committee; YD Campaign
Chairman, Fall 1960; Member,
.YD Executive Board; NAACP,
Board of Directors; 1960 Confer-
.ence for Human Rights in the
North, Conference Committee;
Literary College Steering Com-
mittee; LSA Honors Program,
Student Steering Committee ;
Voice, Education Committee, '60.
The Student Government Coun-
cil member should represent and
be responsible to all the students
in the University. SGC members
should not initiate measures mere-
ly to aid a particular organization
or segment of the campus.
The term "represent," however,
merits some consideration. As a
"responsible representative" I
would constantly seek (through
house meetings, forums, and any
other' available media) the reasons
why students support or condemn
a given measure. Having formu-
lated my position, I would return
My positions on the issues which
can provide the substantive matter
for this active confrontaxtion in-
1. The University should recon-
sider its regulation of the stu-
dent's non-academic behavior --
particularly unjustified communi-
cations to a student's parents
without his prior knowledge, non-
academic evaluations, and restric-
tive .regulation of student organi-
zations, apartment permissions,
and driving.
2. The University should alter
the practices of the Lecture Com-
mittee and. delete portions of the
Regents' Bylaw which restricts
student programs allowed by state
and federal law.
3. SGC should strive to elimi-
nate discrimination in private or-
ganizations recognized by the Uni-
versity and in non-University
sources where students and Uni-
versity employees are involved.
4. SGC should consider all issues
which affect the student as a
member of the University, as a
resident of Ann Arbor and of
Michigan, as a citizen of the U.S.,
and as a human being. Council
members have a dual responsibil-
ity: to obtain adequate informa-
tion of all of these issues and,
when SGC might in any way be
helpful, to debate, decide, and act
without hesitation.
" Jim: Yost.
Beta Theta Pi fraternity: exe-
cutive council, house manager,
rush chairman.
The elected Student Govern-
ment Council member is primarily
responsible to the whole University
of Michigan community. That is,
he should bear in mind the atti-
tudes and opinions of the majority
of the student .body, while not ig-
noring the minority opinions. B
is also responsible to the groups
and organizations of which he is
a member and should consider
their interests as long as they are
consistent with and compatible t6
the University community.
Any SGC member who does not
involve himself with each and ev-
ery issue which comes before the
the council is not performing his
duty to the student body. For this
reason I would give full and due
consideration to all issues, regard-
less of whether they are consistent
with my own viewpoint. There are,
however, certain areas of inter-.
est with which I am immediately
concerned. These are: Member-
ship and bias clauses, the expres-
sion of student opinion, and the
role. of SGC in national affairs
as well as on this campus.
SGC is presently overstepping
its bounds. This body, supposed-
ly representing the entire Univer-
sity community, is concerning it-
self with national affairs upon
which student opinion on this
campus frequently is not known
and which is beyond the jurisdic-
tion of this body. The Council has
been expressing opinions, repre-
senting to "outsiders" the opinon
of the whole campus, which often
does not coincide with the actual
student opinion.
In regard to a resolution of this
shortcoming, I can only promise
that, relying on intelligent discus-
sion, I will discourage action of
this sort.
John Curry
General chairman of the the
House social chairman; house
vice-president; house president;
general chairman of the South
Quadrangle Spring Formal 1960;
The Student Government Coun-
cil representative to the Fresh-
man Rendezvous Policy Board
in Sept. 1960; Arnold Air Society.
The Student Government Coun-
cil is the only organization on
campus which represents the en-
tire student body. The elected
Student Government C o u n cil
member is chosen by the entire
student body and should strive to
give it the representation it de-
serves. Fair representation for as
many groups at our University as
possible is what I intend to
bring abouton SGC.
To dogmatically' look out only
for the interests of a particular
group or organization is not the
duty of SGC elected member.
This action belongs to the repre-
sentative of the Union, the IFC,
and the Assembly Association. If
elected by the student body at
is to direct the organization to-
Ward issues which directly con-
cern the students here on this
campus. Dealings in national is-
sues has little effect upon this
campus and should not consume
SGC time as it has in the past.
This is not to imply that SGC
should isolate itself from nation-
al issues, but to devote so much
time to these is to deprive thef
student body of representation
large, I shall represent the student
body and as many elements as
possible within it.
Primarily, my interest in SGC
concerning issues on campus. I
shall work to see that SGC"pri-
marily concerns itself with cam-
pus problems.
Non-academic evi'luations such
as those used by the Department
of Chemistry should be abolished.
Such an evaluation concerning a
student's emotional stability and
other personal items cannot be ac-
curately determined by one person.
It is not my belief that SGC
should be basically changed in
any way. However, it must be
strengthened to become much
more effective as the governing
body of our University student
Too many students are unaware
that SGC is the only organiza-
tion which represents the entire
campus and that the problems of
the campus should be taken to the
SGC was basically intended to
take care of the students and their
problems on this campus and I in-
tend to make it just that.
MVIaryk H ail education of individual instructors'
by SGC as to the effectiveness oftre
Corridor representative in their lectures and subsequent edu-
Quadrangle House Council; cational value.
Soph Show; Michigras; Pledg- 5) A suggestive reprimand t . V
ing Lambda Chi Alpha frater- should be made to the House Un-
nity. American Activities Committee to The Michigan Daily, Associ-
eliminate its tinge of "American ate City Editor, National Stu-
The scope of the Student Gov- Propaganda," and instead become dent Association, delegate to
ernment Council is of a very flex- a true informative aid for the en- I national, regional congresses;
ible nature; its range, as a repre- lightenment of the student on the Voice Political Party, Chair-
sentative of the student body, is looming threat of Communism. man, Operations Committee;
anything that affects the thoughts 6) In conclusion, the present Young Democrats; Residence
University. Council is overrun with members hall government.
University. of Liberal thought that are too
If elected to the Council I pro- quick to move and ineffective 1) An elected Student Govern- A
pose the following immediate when they do move. Because of ment Council member is not bound
measures: ithis SGC has suffered. On the to any individual, group or insti- '.
1) The fraternity-sorority bias' other hand, conservative factions tution. He should be primarily
clause is of major concern. I pro- of the Council achieve the allevi- responsible to the entire student 2
pose a unification of all student ation of problems through care- body, but also consider strongly
governments of major concern fully considering decisions and his role in relation to the admin-
across the country to apply pres- effective use of proper channels. istration, faculty and the expand-
sure on the national- (not the in- Using this definition, I consider ed academic community. Their
dividual chapters) to remove its myself a conservative, "thinking" ideas, opinions and desires must be But more than this, the Co'
bias clause. This would be done candidate. carefully weighed. cil member has a duty to rep
through cooperative work with sent his own views. Although ca
the local chapters, and the Inter- shall act (a )as a board of appeal fully considering the opinions
fraternity Council, as dismissal for students who feel action taken desires of others, he must moq
of individual chapters brings only - against them by the University or possibly even reverse them.
animosities, not results. denied them due process or was a representative is not elected
2) CommunismStoo, is of major unduly severe and (b) make a merely transmit the ideas of
concern and a threat to this cam- continuing study and recommend constituents but must assum
pus. SGC should combat Com- any necessary changes in Uni- role of leadership on the Co
munism on campus through an Member, SGC, 1958-61; For- versity policies, practices and reg- cil; a role that will give him
improved handling of the speaker mer Executive Vice-President, ulations governing the actions of opportunity to utilize his ownr
ban. I propose a debate atmos- SGC; Chiarman SGC Reading students. sonal knowledge and' experienc
phere with a speaker for Democ- and Discussion Committee, 1958 (3) The publication of a course 2) With the powers of SGC
racy to oppose every speaker for -61; Chairman, Michigan Re- evaluation booklet. broad in scope as they are, i
gion and Vice-Chairman, Na- (4) A fair and just implemen- very difficult to state specific
tional Executive Committee, tation of the University's non- the area in which I would wi
National Student Association, discrimination ruling applying to Issues, in the areas of civil rig
1960-61; Honors Program Stu- membership in student organiza- and liberties, such as discrimi
} adent Steering Committee; stu- tions, placing particular empha- tion in off-campus housing,
dent member, University Coun- sis upon making the Committee on gent's bylaw 8.11, bias clauses
seling Study Committee; mem- Membership in Student Organiza- national fraternity constitutic
ber SGC Joint Judiciary Coun- tions as autonomous as possible. censorship of the Daily Cal,
cil Study Committee; SGC Elec- (5) The placing of student rep- ternalism, and discrimination
tions Director; SGC Interview- resentatives on the University education are of direct concen
ing and Nominating Committee; committee now studying proposed the student. These are area
«.:>=:SGC Restrictive Practices Com- University calendar changes. would like to work in through
mittee Religious A d v i so r y III SGC's chief shortcoming has powers of SGC to educate, to
Board; member, Phi Eta Sigma been its inability to consider press student opinion and to
Honorary. enough of the vast volume of force violations of University r
Cuclmmecant business which its functions re- ulations. Studies should ben,
I A Council member cannot con quire. This is due in part to with recommendations for
sider himself responsible to any meandering, irrelevant and (some- propriate action the object,
faction, clique or group within times) obstructionist debate on The critical report just relea
the University. When elected, he the part of some Council mem-d
s given a mandate not rp-bers; this particular situation can versity of Michigan quadrar
sent any particular interest group only be corrected by these Coun- residents toward their living u
but, rather, to act in such a man- cil members and/or the electorate.rpointsoanother areanof c
ner as to further what he believes There are, however, several sug- rnts outanothdarea o
to be in the best interests of the gestions which if implemented Asuycommit
Communism or other philosophy entire University community. And, would probably enable it to ge that would incde the preside
of government; thus immediatelyenieUiestComnt.Ad;olprbbyealittge#ofICnd sebyhud
prgenent bothpons oimmewtoy in my opinion, his responsibility more of its necessary business
presenting both points of view to to act in such a manner extends done formed to investigate the cor
the student. even to cases when his opinion is ' 1) Continued streamlining of tions of the Univrsity living
3) The inequality of pay rates: opposed by the entire collection of meetinigs so that routine business lte in the reort, thein reci
between students and nonst factions, clique and groups with- which can be accomplished else- mendations should be made to
dents in the academic community in his voting constituency; he where is not brought up there. University administration c
must be equalized through co- must, in other words, sometimes (2) Increasing the number of ceining the problem areas.
operative work between SGC as a buck "prevailing student opin- Council meetings.
voice of student opinion, and the ion." Ultimately, of course, he 3) SGC's primary shortcon
local merchants and University brings his case to and is judged remains its isolation - isola-
officials. by the voters; he has, however, no 'from the student body, fac'
4) More interesting lectures; case if he has not stood for what . and administration. As few
must be brought about through he believes to be right regardless derstand the functions and pou
of the prevailng wids. I of the Council, its ability to ca
IIInof the revailing wins asIaout its mandates from the RegE
* II In the coming months, as atlydiminished. Until
()"estl;onnaren member of Student Governmentisgetydmnhd.Uil
Council is widely accepted as
Council, I would particularly con- voice of the students, as the
Each candidate was asked to cern myself with the followging nh d d
ys " gan that should be dealing
to explain my reasons and to de-
fend my decision.
Though the SOC member must
seek all arguments relevant to. a
given issue, he must base his deci-
sion on his conscience and on his
own careful thought. If the Coun-
cil were designed to merely meas-
ure student opinion, we could well
eliminate SGC and substitute Sur-
vey Research Center.
SGC's chief shortcoming is lack
of student support. The view of
the Council as a club of clowns
devoting most of their time to par-
liamentary haggling has, too often,
been accurate. SGC lacks support