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March 19, 1961 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-19

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~C Opposes HUAC Film, Bias Clauses
Government Council's **::.'
r action on several is- .4 .:. . ; ,
.e past semester. y >}F: ,(
untl passed a m otion > k . ' **"<"":"".*'..' *'***' **"'° > ~ '"'
.ll csororities- and rno { Y '
> file with the Univer--
tement and one inter- i
>f all regulations, writ- k
riwritten, which affect ..:;.::
:tion of members.Y
1 "Operation Abolition""
:nned for distortion and "
ly accusing students of
activity. 3' '

! endorsed the idea of a
rence on the University nd
ated its president to contact
y and administration mem-
n order to establish an all-
sity planning committee.
major area of future con-
will be with membership se-
i. The committee on men-
p selection practices of stu-
organizations is authorized
ivestigate complaints and
mend solutions to the Coun-
IC faces the problem of act-
irly and effectively on these
roposal to make allowances
e University regulation re-
g all student organizations
omit membership lists each
ter is now under scrutiny. A
roups have objected to the
, because of the possibility
Lure intimidation based n
e associations.
Council may also consider
sals for structural reorgan-
which have been suggested
esident John Feldkamp, '61.

Hare Method
The Hare system, by which
Student Government Council
members will be chosen Wednes-
day, is based on a quota system of
The quota is determined by di-
viding the total number of valid
ballots cast, by one more than
the number of Council seats avail-
able; in this election the quota is
one-ninth of the nmber of bal-
lots; The next whole number, dis-
regarding fractions, larger ,than
the resulting quotient is the num-
ber required for election.
All candidates who meet the
quota on the first ballot are de-
elared elected, and the lowest can-
didate is dropped. After the first
ballot, the votes above the quota
of elected candidates are declar-
ed "surplus." A random selection
of surplus ballots is used to re-
distribute the votes. The surplus
votes of this selection are given
to whichever candidates are list-
ed as second choice on the victor-
ious ballots.
All the votes of the lowest can-
didate are redistributed.
A new quota is set fore the sec-
ond ballot.-This quota is deter-
mined by, dividing the still circu-
lating ballots by one more than
the number of seats still avail-
Those who meet the quota are
declared elected' and the process
is continued until all'seats have
been filled.

COUNT NIGHT-The end of campaigning for Student Government Council elections is on Wednesday night when student volunteers
.count the final votes. The Daily and WCBN have representatives taking notes as the counting progresses until all the seats have been
filled. Votes are sorted into piles for each candidate. Each receives all ballots on which he was first choice. Each receiving a pre-set quota
is then automatically elected.

ONE, TWO-Count night workers wade through stacks of ballots
as the process of selecting Student Government Council members
by the Hare System proceeds. The method, which involves re-
distribution of ballots and continual changing of quotas, lends
itself to small elections. It allows interests group to achieve a
form of proportional representation through ranked voting.



Me in bers



on. cope




hn Ma-
or, 1961 MICHIGANEN-
; Sphinx Honorary;
01s and Colleges Editor,
Sigma Phi Fraternity.
role of Student Govern-
Council is a vital one. SGC
student legislative, body of
at educational institution.
University should not be
as a divided community of

unnecessary duplication among
campus groups.
The proposed conference on the
University is a sound idea. Stu-
dents, administrators, and faculty
should meet together to face the
problems before the U'niversity.
Realistic appraisal is a must.
SGC members can do much to as-
sist the undertaking and evalua-
tion of such a conference.
SGC's chief shortcoming is that
many of the students do not ap-
preciate or respect the role of the
Council. This is a matter of public
relations. It is SGC's role to bold-
ly participate in all activities of
concern to the academic commu-
nity. If these concerns occur on
other campuses in different parts
of the country, it may well be the
Council's role to examine the per-
tinent activities.
At the same time SGC must de-
vote sufficient time to local is-
sues. The local aspects of the na-
tional trends and issues are cen-
tral to Council action. The Coun-
cil, to receive greater support of
the entirecampus, must make it
clear "that these campus type
problems are receiving due con-
sideration. The role and activities
of SGC must be articulated more
clearly and distinctly to the cam-
I would propose that summar-
ies of current study on local prob-
lems be sent to the housing units.
These could be enclosed wit the
mailing of SGC minutes. Although,
a seemingly small thing, this and
similar public relations releases
would go a long way in making
the entire campus aware of SGC
and its problems, discussions, and

Junior Interfraternity Council
President; committee chairman
for IFC; Chairman of the Uni-
versity Affairs committee of
SGC; ex-officio member of IFC
executive committee; South
Quadrangle r e pr'e s e n t ative to
Inter-Quadrangle Council.
In discussing or evaluating the
philosophy ,behind effective stu-
dent council endeavor I believe it
would be 'best to avoid vague gen-
eralities or fineline statements.
Instead I will briefly outline what
I deply believe to be the crucial is-
sues for student debate; in addi-
tion to this, I will propose specific
ideas of my own which should pro-
vide an accurate picture of what
I would define as the scope of
council action in the ensuing
Membership Committee: The
valid criteria for membership is
personal merit or. inidividual po-
tential. This ' committee should
work firmly with the problems of
bias and discrimination according
to race, creed or color. Establish-
ment and formulation of educa-
tional programs designed to im-
prove certain attitudes are its
mandates. However, it must also
be sensitive to the nature of the
organization it is working with
(e.g., the interdependency of lo-
cal and national affiliated groups)
--and therefore proceed with dis-
cretion. Education and under-
standing are the key concepts'
Regents Bylaw 8:11: quite
simply, I believe that this ruling

banning Communist speakers from
the campus isunnecessary and re-
strictive. Allow these people to par-
ticipate in the market-place of
ideas-perhaps we might arrange
future debates and make this the
condition for outside speakers. ,
Student Rights Committee: the
idea that students have a place to
go to air dissatisfaction with the
University should be studied more
closely. Attention might be given
not only to students' rights on
this campus-but also their re-
sponsibility as mature adults.
Student Government Council
must not only express coherent
opinion to the academic communi-
ty at large or to student national
groups, but must also serve as a
liaison between University policy-
nmaking agencies and the Univer-

sity student community. This lat-
ter function I believe has been
overlooked to the effect that many
local campus problems of import-
ance have not been followed
through to beneficial results. SGC
must invest more time and energy
here pertinent to the concrete
needs of this campus. I would sug-
gest future areas of attention.
Curriculum Committee: I whole-
heartedly propose the addition of
a representative student to speak
and possibly vote on the faculty-
dominated committee. This com-
mittee studies changes in curri-
culum needs and such a student's
voice-now lacking-would be ex-
tremely beneficial in its ramifica-
tions for the campus.
International students: many of
these individuals are adrift in
campus life due to overwhelming
may be partially attacked through
greater integration of these people
into the residence halls. More con-
tact is needed-this idea would
stimulate such contact.
SGC is definitely a matter of
utmost concern for all. A Coun-
cil member must not only be re-
sponsible to his constituency but
also to himself-to his own digni-
ty. Above all, SGC must sustain
its full purpose pertaining to both
particular campus needs and uni-
fied expression on national mat-
ters relevant to our existence.,

A.H. Shah
Elected member, SGC; Chair-
man, International Students
Association, d e 1 e g at e, 13th
United States National Students
Association Congress; delegate,
Experiment in International
Living Mid-west Conference;
delegate, Michigan State= Uni-
versity United Nations Assem-
bly; former Editor-in-chief,
correspondent, ASIAN STU-
DENT; correspondent and staff'
guest writer for The World
Campus, Magazines
S* * s
Students in'institutions of high-
er learning have a legitimate
common concern with all issues
which affect them in their role as
students. This is one of the basic
premises of .the Student Govern-
ment Council. All issues 'arising
on the campus have an immediate
bearing upon all students and tra-
ditionally SGC as the student
representative' body expresses
ideas, views and aspirants of stu-
dents. SGC is therefore a "Com-
monwealth of Student Communi-
It can be said in the majority
of instances that the two greatest
weaknesses existing/ in SGC are:
1. A failure on the part of ad-



o single group should be able
laim' an elected SGC member
Is sole property. The greatest
i for the greatest numberemust
he driving force of the coun-
This does not mean that cer-
. groups won't be 'represented;
ier it means that no one group
.ld have ascendency over the
our problem areas which
ild attract my immediate at-
ion are the proverbial park-
problem, membership selectiv-
'administrative wing of SGC,
' the proposed Conference on
eedless to say, the student
king problem is as acute .as it
was. There is great need for
,udent parking ramp. The mon-
now in the parking fund should
used to start construction of
amp. The bonds on the ramp
d then be paid off by the
king fees. This is an important
i for all students that could be
viated by appropriate council
i the area of membership
ction, the nationwide trend
inst al bias and prejudice must
be denied. SGC has recogniz-
his in setting up the Commit-
on Membership in Student Or-
izations. Much work needs to,
lone to secure the cooperation-
understanding of both the lo-
.and national governing bod-
of our student organizations.
gress must be made.
ut it is most important to real-
hat progress with some groups
cially fraternities and sorori-
may be painfully slow. SGC


Pe r Hanson
Elected member Student Gov-
ernment Council; Past treasurer
of SGC; Executive Vice Presi-
dent of SGC; Delta Kappa Epsi-
lon fraternity; Recording Secre-
tary of fraternity; Sphinx hon-
It is a pleasure and 'a privilege
to come back to my constituency
after a year's Work in Student.
Government Council, and discuss
issues with the whole campus
rather than the limited number I
see in my classes and concerned
with student government.
After a year's work in the area
of student government decision-
making, I am proud to say that
I am a member of a student gov-
ernment that meets issues and

programs with a rational concern
for the best interests of the stu-
dent body and the University.
I would choose to touch on but
two areas of the vast majority of
issues on the campus, that of mem-
bership selection and student ac-
tion. "All recognized student or-
ganizations shall select member-
ship and afford opportunities to
members on the basis of personal
merit not race, color, religion,
creed, national origin or ancestry."
I would ask you to consider this
phrase a minute . . . Is this really
nothing more than a statement
of positive' criterion of choosing
members? As a member of Stu-
dent Government Council I would
never deny the right of any stu-
dent organization to discriminate
in membership selection, as long
as (and I emphasize this point)'
the .organization does it on valid
Personal or inidividual merit
assumes that the individual is
able to do something about his
own development. Race, color,
creed, national origin or ancestry
are in a sphere where the indi-
vidual is helpless to change his
situation. This has been my phi-
losophy while on Student Gov-
ernment Council.
I would add one thing further,

tions, and the like. We coordin-
ate activities, recognize organiza-
tions, and express opinions. But
to the vast majority, this is noth-
ing. SOC has a scope. much wider
than presently exercised . . To
those who feel we 'do nothing' I
would consider it your solemn oh-
ligation to make your wishes
known and to work closely with
your representatives to see that
relevant issues are discussed. Let
us change do nothingism to con-
structive action.
In the past year the student all
over the country have arisen in
what is known as a 'student move-
ment,' to give action to what they-
considered their ideas and opin-
ions. I would ask you to consider
some of the issues of the last year.
Sit-ins, operation abolition, dime
store picketing. In principle, I
think that you will agree with the
movements. But the principles in
some cases are not carried out
thru effective action.
Procedure or method is as im-
portant as the objective ... I can
not and will not support move-
ments which coose to subvert and
ignore the recognized means of
deress of grievances ... I will give
my wholehearted support to genu-
ine student action ... I will work
to keep a means of redress open
to all and will work against those
-A .T 1..2 -A -__+.' l+.T......

SGC Human Relations Board;
SGC Education Committee;
Orientation Leader; Study Com-
mittee: Affiliate Foreign Ex-
change Program; Kappa Kap-
pa Gamma Sorority: Public Re-
lations Committee.
The elected SGC member is re-
sponsible to the inidividual stu-
dent, the student group, the Uni-
versity, and the society in which
he lives. I would define this re-
sponsibility of the representative
in the following way: because SGC
exists for the students at the Uni-
versity of Michigan, the responsi-
bility of the representative is to
provide the imaginative, fore-
sighted leadership which will be
of the greatest benefit to Univer-
sity students.
Although student opinion should
.be considered in reference to the
ultimate success or failure of
Council actions, in the final an-
alysis, the representative is re-
sponsible to his own conscience
for providing the kind of leader-
ship which the student body ex-

pects of the representative they
have elected. Finally, because the
student government has a respon-
sibility to serve the total society,
as well as the University, it should
express intelligent, informed opin-
ion on national issues of student
'As an SGC).member, I would in-
volve myself with 'all issues of
student concern as they arise. At
the present time, there are sev-
eral problem areas which demand
intelligent and creative solutions.
'Educational: 1. It is the respon-
sibility of any educational system
to provide for the exceptional stu-
dent who is unsuited to the regi-
mentation of the present ,urricu-
lum structure. Specifically, SGC
should aid in the implementation
of an Independent Study Program
'which would help meet the needs
of interested, qualified students.
2. The University is currently
studying methods for making
more efficient use of University
-facilties. (The proposed tri-se-
mester plan is one method under
consideration.) I believe that SGC
should involve itself in this de-
Student Rights: 1. SGC should
work to assure the student of due
process in dealing with the ad-
ministration. Specifically, the pro-
posed Student Rights Committee
originally developed by Al Haber
should be passed.,
2. SGC should fight for the vot-
ing rights of students who have
established residence in Ann Ar-
I believe SGC's chief shortcom-
ing is its failure to involve itself
more completely "in the formula-
tion, improvement, and promotion

ministrators and students to clear-r
ly define the areas of authority in
which SGC may work. '
2. A lack of knowledge on the
part of SGC members as to the
purposes, functions, organization
and administration of SGC.
It is not enough that SOC have
a constitution and members but
to be successful it must 'have pro-
jects and areas, of .general com-
mon concern for the good of the
entire student community on the
campus. .
To be effective SGC must re-
main simple in structure but with
definite assigned duties and re-
sponsibilities. Every effort should
be made to prevent overlapping
of powers. There must be clear,
easily accessible channels through
which additional assignments may,
be made. '
As a member of the SGC, I'
shall concern myself with areas
such as (1) Academic Freedom
and Student Rights, (2) Non-Aca-
demic Evaluations, (3) Member-i
ship lists, (4) University Lecture
Restrictions, (5) Student-faculty-
administration Conference (6)
Driving and Pa'rking, (7) Student*
employment, and (8) Internation-
al Affairs Programs-Housing Fa-
An educational community uni-
fies those who teach, learn and
administer in the common pur-
poses of improving reciprocal ex-
perience, and thus their aims are
best served when this unity is real-
ized and expressed in their mutual
relationships and respective ac-
Such cooperation - should in-
clude joint participation of stu-
dents, faculty members, and ad-
ministrations in the planning and
execution of academic, adminis-
trative, and co-curricular policy.
As a student, I feel a particular
responsibility toward those rights
which comprise the academic
freedoms: the right to study, the
right to engage in honest research,
the right to organize as members
of the academic community in
the pursuit and defense of aca-
demic aims, and the right of ev-
ery student to pursue his educa-
tion in an atmosphere of univer-
sity autonomy and equal educa-
tional opportunity without re-
strictions based on race, national
or social origin, economic status,

Honors history p r o g r a m,
elected member, Student Gov-
ernment Council; Sphinx hon-
orary; President, Zeta Beta Tau
An elected., meiber of Student
Government Council must be re-
sponsible to the entire student
body,, however vague this may
seem. He need not always vote
according to "student opinion."
This does not mean that he
should vote according to his per-
sonal whims, but he must be able
to offer direction to the students,
as well as reflect their desires. He
must vote for what he deems best
for the advancement of the edu-
cational goals of the University.
By nature of the purpose of
SGC, an elected member must
be continually conscious of the
needs of the student body, and
especially student organizations.
2. I.,would involve myself in at-
tempting to expand. the role of the
governmental functions of SGC
as outlined in the Council Plan.
The council must fulfill the re-
sponsibilities delegated to it by
the Board of Regents. We must
alter our structure so as to meet
the increasing demands and
problems of the' individual stu-
dent and -student organizations.
I will continue to attempt to
improve the communications and
understanding between the affili-
ate system and Student Govern-
ment Council. A great deal must
be done to explain and assist the
fraternity and sorority system in
regard to the membership selec-
3. Our student government at
Michigan is unique in the sense
that it' has been given clear au-
thority and control in certain
areas. Unfortunately, we have not
assumed enough responsibiltyin
many of these fields. A new pro-
gram must be worked out to cen-
tralize and expand our present
concern in these areas. The value
of the present administrative
wing must be critically analyzed.
The present utilization of ex-of-
ficio members must be carefully
In conclusion, we must operate
as an effective organ of the Uni-
versity, and yet maintain our suc-
cessful function as a student
pressure group.

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