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March 14, 1961 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-14

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Seventy-First Year
itorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers'
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

Union Expulsion Policy Vague

, MARCH 14, 1961


Swainson Coordination Plan

May Threaten Universities

To the Editor:
ON MARCH 8, Mr. Joseph Har-
rison was ejected from the
Michigan Union Grill It is my
understanding that people re-
sponsible for this action said the
only reason for his expulsion was
that he was not a Union member.
And yet the Union officials ap-
parently also referred to their ac-
tion as a means of making the
Union atmosphere less "unpleas-
ant." Since I know Mr. Harrison
personally and I spend a con-
siderable amount of time in the
Union I have had ample oppor-
tunity to observe him fitting into
the Union's "atmosphere." As the,
Union officials are said to have
admitted, Mr. Harrison violates no
code of behavior while in the Un-
ion. Also; his dress and general
neatness are certainly abovere-
proach. (He almost always wears
a coat and tie.) When Mr. Harri-
son is in the Union he is usually
to be seen sitting at a table mak-
ing small talk over coffee with
his student acquaintances and
friends-many of whom are white
and of both sexes.
Something about this sort of

behavior strikes certain people as
being "unpleasant" or "undesir-
able." I wonder what it could be.
EVEN IF THIS incident has
nothing to do with racial discrim-
ination it certainly seems to in-
volve discrimination of some kind
because Mr. Harrison was picked
out very specifically. The Union
seems to make no effort to ban
the use of the Union to all non-
members and guests.
I would like to know just what
the Union officials mean when
they speak vaguely of "unpleas-
ant" and "undesirable" and how
they can -possibly hope to justify
this action against Mr. Harrison.
I feel the people associated with
this University should demand an
answer to this question, should
demand that Mr. Harrison be re-
admitted to the Union, and should
insist that no such disgraceful ac-
tion be taken again.
-Ronald Pine, Grad
Envy, Gossip .. .
To the Editor:
Y ES, "LOVE" has reached a new
low, when one who is suppos-

' FIRST GLANCE, Governor John B.
Pwainson's plan for co-ordination of state
ersities has some advantages that could
ove the state system of higher education.
&ainson's proposed 21-man co-ordinating
icil, including representatives from Michi-
s private and public colleges, the legis-
re, and the general public, creates a new
mel of communication between the various
ips interested in higher education. Signifi-
ly, the state's private colleges are included
the first time in the co-ordination scheme.
y-form an integral part of Michigan's high-
ducation system and their resources should
considered when planning programs for
public institutions.
ius increased to include all segments con-
ed with higher education, the council could
ide a forum for comparing problems and
s of all interested-parties.
AINSON'S ,PROPOSAL would also create
in administrative director of the council
would handle the administrative affairs
.he group as well as work with the governor
the legislature on college problems.
he bill has potential for solving one of the
or problems of the state's higher education
em, a lack' of fruitful communication be-
en the various institutions, the legislature,
the public. As the operations of state col-
s and universities are becoming increasing-
nore complex, the proposed council could
te as clearinghouse and compiler of stand-
ized data. Such information would make
legislature's determination of appropriation
difficult and more effective than the pres-
system of evaluating largely comparative
a from the various-state institutions.
he, proposed council could also serve as a
am for the airing of higher education prob-
s, between the state colleges' and universi-
,the private institutions, the legislature, the
;e administration, and the public Replacing
interchange of ideas and information for
present acrimonious .bickering around ap-
priations time would be of great benefit to
her education in Michigan.
'he heretofore vague goals of the proposed
ncil leave a great altitude of action for the
ncIl or its administrative director. It is
e possible and likely that the group in
dng to implement its goals-measuring the
Colorado's Ne
U UNIVERSITY OF Colorado is gaining
another reputation.
eputations are difficult to judge from the'
de. But, depending upon which circles you're
'ing in at the time, the University is gen-
ly seen from the outside as: 1) an above
rage university academically-outstanding
he region but somewhat weaker when com-
ed on a national scale; 2) a party school- .
of skiing and lots of beer; and 3)- an
'active campus-striking architecture and
inspiring setting.
ut another reputation is being added to the
The University of Colorado is becoming
wn as one of the centers of what we feel
>est called "collegiate conservatism."
Ve were beginning to wonder whether the
versity was looking as conservative from the
side as it was from the inside. And then we
an indication that it was-from the New
.l'Times Magazine.
Sarah Lawrence College, wrote an article
the Jan. 29 issue of the magazine. The ar-
e, "The New Young Are Now Heard," made
erence to a new generation of American
lege students who are not content to riemain
nt as it says the college students of the
0's did.
'he new generation is asking questions, Tay-
says, and tackling problems on its own. The
.ch counter sit-in decmonstrations in the
uth keynoted the trend, according to Taylor.
Among other causes championed by the new
eration have been the elimination of the

alty oath required by the National Defense
ucation Act, the abolition of the House Un-
lerican Activities Committee (HUAC),
Editorial Staff
City Editor Editorial Director
NNETH McELDOWNEY. ......Associate City Editor
DITH DONER....................Personnel Director
OMAS KABAKER..........Magazine Editor
BOLD APPLEBA'M .. Associate Editorial Director
OMAS WITECKI.....................:Sports Editor
CHAEL GILLMAN........Associate Sports Editor

system's needs, developing a co-ordinated pro-
gram, and determining the best use of state+
resources-will interfere in the internal affairs
of the various institutions.
ON A MORE practical level, the proposed
council is too unwieldy to function effec-°
tively as a co-ordinating body. Its balanced
representation make it an ideal advisory coun-
cil which could study and discuss the problems
of the state system of higher education. Yet,
it is too large to effectively co-ordinate the
state institutions. John Dale Russell, in his
study of higher education, recommended a co-
ordinating board of nine members-one half
the number suggested by Swainson, as maxi-
mum size for co-ordinating effectiveness.
However, the Legislature is cool to the idea
and the possibility of the' passage of Swain-
son's plan seems only fair. Many leading law-
makers have other ideas for co-ordination.
Sen. Elmer Porter (R-Blissfield) suggests a
board with much stronger powers than the
one sponsored by Swainson. Rep. Arnett Eng-
strom (R-Traverse City) proposed that the
Legislative Service Bureau hire a co-ordinator
to study and make recommendations of the
proposed budgets of the state universities.
THESE DEVELOPMENTS should serve as
warning to the Council of State College
Presidents. Its'members have been bickering
for many years and have yet to arrive at a
satisfactory voluntary co-ordinating mechan-
ism. The limited funds for the state's univer-
sities has preoccupied the legislature and now
'the governor. Thus a more efficient way of
determining appropriation from the state's
limited funds for higher education is sought
In their zeal for efficiency, the Legislature
and the governor have proposed plans which
curtail institutional freedom while gaining the
desired efficiency.
To date they have not succeeded in effect-'
ing any of their proposals. But one day they
might. If not at this time, possibly at the
constitutional convention that likely will be
held next winter. Thus if the state universities
are to maintain their institutional freedom,
they must quickly learn to c-ordinate their
activities among themselves. ,;
wV Reputation
changes in our nuclear arms policy and the
establishment of President Kennedy's Peace'
BUT THIS SENSE of concern is occurring
against a backdrop of conservatism, Tay-
lar points out. In his words, it is a conserva-
tism "which mixes unconcern for social issues
with acceptance of the status quo and con-
siders a college education as the means of
access to higher pay and a wider range of
employment opportunity."
Taylor describes this conservatism as. oppos-
ing student participation in political and social
controversy; to its "advocates," going to class
is enough-and usually the sooner the class
is out, the better.
Student government and student newspapers
should limit themselves to matters on campus,
according to this philosophy as Taylor sees it.
As an example of this conservatism, Taylor
points to criticism of the National Student
Association (NSA), whose annual Congress is
on record believing that the student "must be
willing to confront crucial issues of public
policy that affect him beyond the classroom
and that determine the course of his society."
TAYLOR ALSO CITES the withdrawal of a
number of schools from NSA as examples of
this conservatism. He mentions, only two by
name: New York City's Columbia University
and the University of Colorado.
Why should Taylor pick out Colorado? We
can only guess, but we have a pretty good
hunch. Because of 'the University's comparative
size and the active role it played in organizing
NSA a little over a decade ago, Colorado is one

of the most significant NSA drop-outs.
The University of Colorado is among the
leaders in the backward march of -collegiate
conservatism.. Students put the school there;
they can put it back in the realm of social
concern where it belongs.
Why should the University be there? For
the .same reason that a student's eyes should
be trained on a book instead of down into a
glass of beer or that his hands should be on
a test tube instead of on a coed's knee.
THE BUSINESS OF being a student is one
of inquiry, of responsibility, of outspoken-
ness. It is one of questions, as Harold Taylor
says: "What do yo'u know?" "What can you





The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before 2p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
Foreign Student Scholarships. The
deadline for applications for foreign
student scholarships is April 25. Stu-
dents who intend to return to their
homes in other countries after comple-
tion of studies and training are eligible
to apply. The stipend is limited to tui-
tion, applications for Summer Session
Fall and Spring Semesters, 1961-62.
Brandeis Co-operative House,' 803
Bsingsley, is now accepting applications
from married students for summer and
fall vacancies. For more information
call NO 3-9137.
Philosophy 34 make-up exam will be
given Tues., Mar. 14, from 12 to 3 p.m.
in Angell Hall 2208.
Hopwood Awards: Students planning
to enter the Hopwood Contestare re-
minded that transcripts of first semes-
ter records are due in the Hopwood
Room by April 1.
The annual Selective Service College
Qualification Test will be given on
April 27, 1961. Applications for the test
are available at Local Board No. 85, 103
East Liberty, Ann Arbor, and must be
submitted before April 6, 1961. Selective
Service registrants who are full time
college students are urged to take the
test. The test may be taken only once.
In accord with the Michigan Union's
procedure for amending its constitu-
tion, we are giving notice of the fol-
lowing proposed changes in our consti-
Section II Paragraph I:
There shall be nominated either by
petition or by conrmittee at least two
candidates from each (a) thesLaw
School and (b) the Medical School
and the School of Dentistry com-
bined, and at least eight candidates
for the four offices of student Direc-
tor from the remaining Schools and
To be amended as follows:
There shall be nominated either by
petition or by committee at least four
candidates from any of the graduate
schools and/or professional schools
at least eight for the four offices of'
student Director from the remaining
Schools and Colleges.
Section II Paragraph VI
Each student member enrolled the
Law School shall be entitled to vote
for one candidate for Director from
the Law School.
Each student member enrolled in the
Medical School or in the School of
Dentistry shall be entitled to vote
for one candidate from the Medical
School and the School of Dentistry
To be amended as follows:
Each Graduate or professional stu-
dent member shall be entitled to vote
in accordance with the prevailing
preferential system for candidates
from any of the graduate schools
and/or professional schools.
Section II Paragraph VI
The candidate receiving the greatest
number of votes for the office from
the Law School and the candidate
receiving the greatest number of
votes for the office from the Medical
School and the School of Dentistry
combined, shall be declared elected
To be amended as follows:
The two candidates from the gradu-

ate and/or professional schools re-
ceiving the greatest number of votes
for office Inaccordance with the
prevailing preferential system shall
be declared elected thereto.
Agenda, Student Government Council
March 15, 1961
7:30 P.M. Council Room
Constituents' Time 9:00
Minutes of previous meeting.
Officer Reports:
President, Letters.
Exec. Vice-President, Appointments,
Interim Action.
Admin. Vice-President
Standing Committees: Education Com-
Ad Hoc Committees and Related
Special Business:
Old Business: University Regulations.
Motion on advisability of member-
ship lists.
New Business: Preparation of Regula-
tions Booklet.
Constituents and Members' Time
Events Tuesday
Basil Rathbone Program Tonight.
Actor Basil Rathbone will be presented
tonight, 8:30 P.M. in Hill Aud. in "The
Best From My Bookshelf." This will
include scenes from Shakespeare and
readings from Browning, Poe, Dylan
Thomas, Arthur Conan Doyle and oth-
ers. Students are offered a special re-
duced rate on all tickets. The Aud. box
office is open today 10-8:30.
Lecture: "Diversity at the Sub-Cellu-
lar Level and Its Significance" will be
discussed by Dr. Keith Porter, Rocke-
feller Institute, New York,, on Tues.,
March 14 at 4 p.m. in the Natural Sci-
ence Aud.
Interdisciplinary Seminar on Atmos-
pheric Sciences: Tues., March 14, 4 p.m.,
5500 East Engineering Bldg. Dr. Ray-
mond Sanger, Director, Laboratory of
Atmospheric Physics, Swiss Federal In-
stitute of Technology, Zurich, Switzer-
land will speak on "Problems of Weath-
er Modification."
Mathematics Club: Tues., March 14,
8 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre. Prof.
Daniel Hughes will speak on "Projective
planes and related topics.
Events Wednesday
Speech Assembly: Lyndell N. Wel-
bourne, Midwest Program on Airborne
Television Instruction, will discuss
"New Mass Media for Education" on
Wed., March 15 at 4 p.m. in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall.
Lecture: Craig Ellwood, architect of
Los Angeles will speak on "Nonsensu-
alism" Wed., March 15 at 3:30 p.m. in
the Architecture Auditorium.
Sociology Colloquium: James D.
Thompson, "Organ iz a t~on al Output
Transactions"; Administration Science
Center, Pittsburgh University, Penn.;
Aud. C, Angell Hall, 4:15 p.m. Wed.,
March 15.
Lecture: Mr. Moshe Shamir, distin-
guished playwright and novelist, will
speak on "The Historical Novel: Its
Challenge and Limitations" at 4:10 p.m.
on March 15 in Aud. A.
M-302-Analysis Seminar: A meeting
will be held on Wed., March 15. at 2;00
p.m. in Bin. 244 West Eng. Topic: "Min-.
imal Boundary of Function Algebras"
Botanical Seminar: Dr. Jacques S.
Zaneveld, Chairman, Department of
Biology, College of William and Mary.
will speak on "Concept of Homology
with Respect to the Development. of
Water Plant to Land Plant".on Wed.,
March 15 at 4:15 p.m. 1139 NS. Re-
freshments at 4 p.m.
(Continued on Page 6)

edly advocating its higliest ideals
does not have the courage to iden-
tify himself as an advocate ofe
these high ideals, or when people
of any sex, age, or position con-
stantly discuss it.
Having gone through both stages
of front porch good-nights myself,
I can see the situation from bothI
angles and can certainly refrain
from gossip concerning it. When
one is the dateless observer, it does
look cheap-envy is felt in many
ways and the envious invariably
overlook what theydon't want to
see-in this case, anything "sweet1
and tender" and see only what of-I
fends them, in this case "the glut-I
tonous strangle-holding." This is]
extreme narrowness and lack of
objectivity. It is the opinion thatj
love is cleaner under a bush in
the arb or in the back seat of a
car, as long as no one can see it.
Love must be hidden. It is Dirty.
In reality, it is dirty only to the
non-participants, who are the ones
who enter the dorm and engage in
"clean" gossip sessions concerning
everyone that they just saw on the
WHEN ONE IS A partaker in
the "depressing and unaesthetic
sight" and not affected by twist-
ed envy, the matter is an intense-
ly personal one and whether a
couple wants to sit holding hands
and talking or prefers standing in
each other's arms and necking
should be decided between the
two individuals and no one else.
There is nothing morally wrong
being considered here; it is more
the old question of, "What will the
neighbors say?!"
It is gossip that is cheapening
love today, not what is expressed
or done between two people, and
anyone who has known love.
knows that is "sweet and tender"
under any circumstances.
-Karen Peterson, '63
Clarification .
To the Editor:
T IS LETTER is a clarification
of an article appearing on
page two of the Feb. 28 Daily re-
garding my program at the Ann
Arbor Community Center.
The 30 University students who
are working with me at the cen-
ter all agree with me that it is
central to the ultimate solution of
race problems to give a sense of
self-confidence and direction to
all of the youth, both Negro and
White, and to help them to be able
to accept or reject others. on the
basis of individual human worth
rather than a predetermined prej-
To further the feeling of self-
confidence, all students of the
high schools and the junior high
schools of Ann Arbor are welcome
to come to the Ann Arbor Com-
munity Center for help in aca-
demic work. We feel that this free
service not only engenders new
confidence in the student because
he understands his' work better
and can volunteer more answers
in class, but that it adds to his
general respect for, and enjoy-
ment of, education. University
students have been at the center
to help the 25-30 regular partici-
pants on Monday and Thursday
IN ADDITION a seminar is pro-
vided on Wednesday evening at
which time films are shown and
the problems of adolescence are
discussed. At these meetings, more
personal, non-academic questions
are discussed with the hope that
better personal, interhuman rela-
tions will eventually result.
The Center itself has a working
program. My program is not to
replace it but to strengthen it and
to supplement it by working on a
different interest-level.

Discrimination must be fought
on two planes simultaneously, The
NAACP, CORE, and other civil
rights groups are working effec-
tively to break the physical sep-
aration of races. We hope to sup-
plement their work by breaking
down the stereotype, and thus' the
-Charles E. Slay, '62

Internal Strictures
Vital to Free Verse
(EDITOR'S NOTE: Donald Hall, University Assistant Professor of English,
wrote the following article for the New York Times book review section.)
HERE IS A rhyme which ends, as I remember it, with a reference
to the little magazines "That died to make verse free." The militant
controversy over free verse, which raged in literary journals forty
years ago, looks quaint from this distance. The manifesto of an Amy
Lowell is as touching and absurd as the photograph of a suffragette
who has lashed herself to a lamp post. The granddaughter of the
emancipated woman now raises five children in a suburb. And the
best new American poets since 1925-Ransom, Crane, Tate, Winters,
Roethke, Lowell, Wilbur-have been practitioners of rhyme and meter.
True, a few good poets, working from the example of William
Carlos Williams, have perfected their individual cadences against the
iambic stream; Robert Creeley, Denise Levertov, and Gilbert Sorren-
tino handle the movement of free verse with consistent brilliance. But
there are signs that free verse is attracting more than a few talented
poets. Recently several young Americans, who used to write metered
and rhymed ,stanzes, have turned to free verse. James Wright and
Robert Bly have been writing short, modernist poems on Spanish
models. Robert Lowell, in "Life Studies," converted his intense ten-
syllable iambics into a free verse that was colloquial and easy.
* * * *
IT'S HARD TO define free verse except by saying what it's free of.
Yvor Winters has scanned the accents of free verse, and T. S. Eliot
has talked about its structure in terms of its origins. "The ghost of
some simple meter," Eliot says, "should lurk behin4 the arras in
even the freest verse.".
The form needs to be written in a house haunted by the ghosts
of more conventional forms. Or to put it another way, free verse
lives on interest from the capital of tradition. Yet it is not just a
parasite, or there would be no reason to write it. When free verse is
bad, its trouble usually is that it derives only from other free verse.
There are excellent reasons why poets attempt free verse right
now. Free verse is not liberation from restrictive rules. It is liberation
from the protective cover of conventional form which in its easy
grace served to disguise true feeling. American poets of the last
decades made themselves technically enormously proficient. No gen-
eration of poets in America has ever been so competent. But com-
petence is a dangerous achievement, and complacency lives next door.
Pride of the intellect diminishes into vanity of the craft.




ROBERT FROST HAS compared making poems to the occupa-
tional therapy which helps the insane; you make shapes against chaos.
Traditional form-iambic pentameters, abab quatrains, metaphors like
performing dogs-is a set of techniques for making symmetrical shapes.
If you have practiced with youi* toolbox you can make shapes out of
any material, but the shape of the object may have no useful relation
to the material--bracelets out of pigskin, wallets out of silver. Too
many poems of the Fifties were merely the application of competent
techniques on sugar and water. The results will endure as long as
cotton candy.
I don't believe, as Robert Bly does, that history has invalidated
the iamb and the rhyme. Nor do I agree with William Carlos Williams
that the American language demands a new meter, toward which free
verse is reaching. I do believe that for many poets now the devices
of traditional form are fatally associated with trivial exercise# of
craftsmanship. These poets started by struggling with regular forms,
but they won the battle and therefore lost the war. By mastering their
craft they wore it out. Free verse is always written when thd associa-
tions of traditional form impede the practice of the art.
Now it is paradoxical to hold that' the adoption of a new technique
will absolve the poet of his reliance on technique, but the point is
that free verse is not a technique. Free verse requires a symmetry
which is integral, because it allows no symmetry which is merely ap-
plicable. Competent conventional form knows how to mimic the shape.
of feeling, even though the poet- tries to impose control by his feeling:
a rhyme which is witty substitutes by its formal gesture for an exact
name; an inversion of the order of stress imitates the precision of true
Free verse is useful to the poet just because it is so difficult. It
forces him back on his ear and his imagination. It requires him to
return to the mystery of primary making. It obliges him to make a
shape which is only the extension of the inner. If he creates a shape
against chaos, he knows it is not a skill but an invention. He finds
it more difficult to write because he cannot acquire skills, but he is
more able to tell the truth. He had to die before he could be born

Stiff Solution

Kanter, who is now working
in Hollywood on a new Bob Hope
picture, that a friend of his re-
turned from England determined
to bring back a light-bodied
Scotch of only 76 proof, com-,
pared to the 86-proof Scotch
usually sold here.
He made a long series of ne-
gotiations with friends in England
to ship some over, but customs put.
a stop to that. He persuaded
some friends to bring him a bottle
or two of the milder Scotch, but
that produced only a fitful supply.
He finally wrote to the distiller
to 'see if he could become a dis-
tributor, but that failed. Finally,
a letter from the distiller solved
the problem.
* *s *
"WE UNDERSTAND your predic-
ament," said the letter, "and are
sorry we cannot cooperate more

fully. However, there is one way
you can secure the desired 76-
proof product. Purchase a bottle
of the 86-proof Scotch in your
local store, take it home, open
it, pour in into a tumbler . ., and
add water."
* * S
IN THE GRAND tradition of
mellower years, publishers are
still often referred to as publish-
ing "houses," creating an at-
mosphere of dignity and reserve.
Today, in the Manhattan phone
book, this affectation is running(
wild. You can find such listings
as the House of Cards, House of
Charm, House of Dinettes, House,
of Hoops, House of Perfection,
House of Stouts, House of Vita-
mins, and, believe it or not, House
of Usher, which specializes in
horoscopes. Also among the list-
ings: The House of Detention.
-The Saturday Review



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