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See Page 4

Lw. ~trta
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXI, No. 112


Seek To Prevent
School Aid Bias
WASHINGTON (P)-The National Association for, the Advance-
ment of Colored People yesterday urged the Senate education subcom-
mittee to include an anti-segregation provision in the school aid bill.
Clarence Mitchell, director of NAACP's Washington bureau, did.
not get much support from the subcommittee members although he
won many expressions of sympathy.
Sen. Wayne Morse (D-Ore), the subcommittee chairman, said he
believed fully in the principle advocated by Mitchell and would sup-
port civil rights legislation designed to help carry out the Supreme
Court's 1954 school integration decision.
Fears Defeat
But Morse said he feels that an amendment denying funds to'
atates which maintain segregated schools should not be put in the

nion Snubs
Return Visit
B y' iarrison
Joseph Harrson, local resident
and real estate salesman who was
ousted from the Michigan Unioh
Grill Wednesday afternoon, ap-
peared at the MUG last night at
9:45 and remained about 25 min-
Although Harrison's action was
in direct opposition to Union gen-
eral manager Franklin Kuenzel's.
directive that he "stay out of the
Union," neither the manager nor
other Union representative asked
Harrison to leave.
Harrison's wife and small ,son
accompanied him, as he sat drink-
ing coffee with friends. He plans
to visit the MUG again on Mon-
No other incidents arose during
the evening in ' the MUG which
was filled with couples attending
Little Club and -the Military Ball.
Harrison was the center of con-
troversy Wednesday over the ejec-
tion of non-members from the
MUG. In its statement Thursday
night, the 'Union Board of Direc-
tors said 'It will. continue -to be
dedicated to furthering the pur-
poses of the University it can best
U .S .-Cban
nedy -Administration yesterday
chopped off an important remain-
ing segment of American exports
to Cuba.
The action came as the Presi-
dent also was; reported to be con-
sidering a move to end American
purchases from Cuba, which have
been putting dollars into the
pockets of the Fidel Castro regime.
In yesterday's action, the ad-
ministration issued an order which
officials said is designed mainly
to cut off shipments 'of American
cattle, baby chicks, poultry and
hatching eggs to Cuba.
The Eisenhower 'Administration,
in its economic crackdown im-
posed after lengthy disputes with
the Castro government, imposed
an embargo on most American
shipments to Cuba last October,
' but excluded food and medicine.
Washington authorities said yes-
terday that the extension of the
embargo to cattle, poultry and
eggs did not stray from the or-
iginal intent to allow food to con-
tinue to the Cubans. They said.
the cattle and poultry had been
used by Cuba for breeding, rather
than eating.
LSA Off ica
Ask for Data
On Pro rams

school bill because it might well
defeat the legislation.
"I feel it would be most un-
fortunate to add a civil rights
amendment to the bill because I
want to try to get principle of
federal aid to education written
into law," he said.
Both Mitchell and Sen. Jacob
K. Javits (R-NY), assailed Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy and his ad-
ministration for not pushing ahead
with both executive orders and
legislative proposals on civil rights.
Official Confident
Mitchell was among 14 witnesses
scheduled as the subcommittee
moved into its third day of hear-
ings on the administration's $2.3
billion school aid bill.
The NAACP official told a re-
porter he was confident he would
find some senator to offer an anti-
segregation amendment.
Sen. Joseph S. Clark (D-P'a),
told Mitchell he sympathized
strongly with his position but be-
lieved that, if such a provision
were written into the bill, it might
be filibustered to death.
Mitchell said he believed the fili-
buster threat was a smokescreen
and a phoney.
China iPlans
Under 'Study
States strategists are hoping to
stave off a possible defeat at the
United Nations next fall on the
question of seating Communist
China by supporting any UN move
which would guarantee the free-
dom and independence of an in-
ternationalized Formosa.
In supporting the idea of an in-
ternationalized Formosa, Ameri-
can officials have considered this
country has borne the burden of
its defense almost singlehandedly
for a long time. If the UN Joined
in guaranteeing the defense of the
island from outside attack, it
would spread that burden of de-
'Such a plan has been 'suggested
by former British PrimeMinister
Clement Atlee but was roundly
denounced as unacceptable by
both Communist China and Na-
tionalist China.
Chinese Communist Premier
Chou En-Lai , has gone further,
stating that Peiping would not ac-
cept a seat at the UN so long as
Formosa is not handed over to
mainland authorities.
Both President John F. Kenne-
dy and Secretary of State Dean
Rusk made clear at successive news
conferences this week that the
United States has no intention of
backing away from treaty commit-
ments to defend Formosa in event
of an attack from the Red main-
At the same time, British Com-
monwealth Prime Ministers meet-
ing in London have increased
pressure for seating Communist
China at the United Nations next
It is the prevailing view, how-
ever, that Britain would -not agree7
to any solution of the China prob-
lem that involved turning over
Formosa to the Chinese Commu-I

By Congo
TANANARIVE, Malagasy Re-
public (A) - Congolese political
leaders protested to the United
Nations last night against India's
decision to send a combat brigade
to the Congo.
They predicted the move would
aggravate tensions.
(At New Delhi, India's Defense
Minister V. K. Krishna Menon said
India is sending a full brigade of
about 5,000 men to the Congo "to
fight for the very existence of the
(At UN headquarters in New
York informants said seven more
Asian and African nations are
considering sending a total of 4,-
000 troops to the Congo.)
The Congolese leaders, attend-
ing a roundtable conference aim-
ed at settling their nation's politi-
cal problems, said in a telegram
,to UN Secretary-General Dag
Hammarskjold they were indig-
See earlier story Page 3
nant that the-decision to send the
Indian troops had been taken
"unilaterally" by the UN. (The
troops were volunteered byIndia.)
The telegram added:
"If Indian troops are sent to
the Congo, the UN will be respon-
sible for the aggravation of ten-
sion between their civil and mili-
tary officials on one side and the
Congolese population on the oth-
er." '
The Congo leaders also demand-
ed suspension of the Security
Council resolution of Feb. 21 au-
thorizing the UN Congo command
to use force if necessary to pre-
vent a civil war.
The Congolese have said they
fear implementation of the reso-
lution would lead to disarming of
Congolese army units.
All the Congo's chief political
leaders except Antoine Gizenga are
attending the conference. Gizen-
ga's Stanleyville regime is sup-
ported by the Communist bloc
and some African neutrals.
In other action, the conference
tentatively agreed to establish Leo-
poldville as a federal district for
a future Congolese confederation.


Urges Joint Work on City Ills



Luther Gulick yesterday called
for federal leadership in the solu-
tion of the "metropolitan prob-
Local, state and federal govern-
ments all have responsibilities he
argued, 'but there are inherent
constitutional reasons which de-
mand that the national govern-
ment, based on the national 'con-
stituency, "must take the lead" in
development of the joint work the
three must take in the cities.
The President should initiate
meetings of state and local offi-
cials from each metropolitan area
to develop cooperation.
Concludes Lectures
Concluding his William W. Cook
Lectures on American Institutions,
Gulick, who is president of the
Institute of Public Administration
in New York, presented a final
"Action Program" to a Rackham
Amphitheatre audience.
(His appeal came the day after,
President John F. Kennedy sent
proposals to Congress for federal
action in urban areas. "He gave
them the same lecture that I gave
you," Gulick said.)
He described the three major
urban problems, said they could
be solved by all three levels of
government working as a team.
Cities Fail
Item: Local metropolitan gov-
ernment has failed "to extend high
standard governmental protec-
tions and services to the spreading
settlements of homes and econom-
ic enterprises."
Item: It has failed to produce
goals and action programs for the
metropolitan community as a
Item: It has failed to develop
democratic representative machin-

ery for the local units of a metro-
politan area to work together.
Provide Teamwork
Some of the special needs of
metropolitan populations for area-
wide teamwork can be provided
without destroying the real func-
tions of existing local units eith-
er by state assumption of "metro-
politan" activities or in general
local metropolitan agencies with
defined area-wide powers.
In most cases, the latter solu-
tion is preferable.
There will be problems, Gulick
said, "but driving along the lines
which are now being pioneered, it
will be possible for us to develop
effective teamwork-machinery and
Hint Let-up
In Recession
ernment agencies yesterday re-
ported signs indicating that the
recession may be tapering off.
The Labor Department said the
winter-long climb in the number
of workers drawing unemployment
compensation benefits edged
downward during the week ended
Feb. 25.
About the same time, the Com-
merce Department said a prelim-
inary check showed a slight up-
turn--about 1 per cent-in retail
sales last month.
February sales, at $15.1 billion,
still were about 1.5 per cent be-
low February a year ago, after ad-
justment for seasonal variations
and other factors.
The Labor Department said job-
lessness among workers insured
for benefits declined 13,500-to a
new total of 3,408,000-in the
week ended Feb. 25-the first such
drop since October.
The department's Employment
Security Bureau said that although
there was a slight decline from
from the prior week's record 3,-
422,300 total, the Feb. 25 figure
still represents a record jobless
volume for this time of the year.
The rate of unemployment
among all workers insured for
jobless benefits was 8.4 per cent
during the Feb. 25 week. This
compares with a 5.5 per cent rate
and 2,155,800 volume for the com-
parable week in 1960.
Twenty states reported declines
in the number of workers- drawing
idle benefits. This list was led by
Michigan, where the bureau re-
ported a substantial 34,400 decline
but attributed it to the fact more,
auto workers were employed dur-
ing the Feb. 25 week.

habits of work and thought, by
which metropolitan populations
will not only solve their big serv-
ice problems but will also evolve
goals for community action to
guide both their governments and
their private enterprises."
Tasks Remain
Existing local governments will
still have tasks the area wide
units will not carry out, Gulick
said, including their traditional
functions assigned by the state,
development of community con-
sensus on metropolitan goals and
providing "grass roots" coordina-
tion of federal state and local pro-
"There is no governmental or
political instrument which prom-
ises so much in big city areas as
assigning to the local level of our
constitutional system the respon-
sibility for keeping an eye on the
cooperative results achieved."
States .should encourage inter-
governmental service contracts
and consolidation of local gov-
.ernments and establish offices of
local government affairs.
t "The federal government must
now frankly recognize- that the
national government has a major
stake in, and a responsibility for,
metropolitan developments, must
co-ordinate its own programs more
efectively as they bear on the big
urban areas, and must work posi-
tively with the states and the lo-
calities, to help meet America's
rising urban needs.

Professors Demonstrate
At Segrega ted Theaters
DURHAM, N.C. (WP)-Twenty-five faculty members from Duke Uni-
versity and North Carolina College joined with students from the two
colleg'es last night in picketing theatres which practice segregation.
The faculty members were from a group of 250 who signed a reso-
lution earlier this week condemning segregation at movie houses. The
resolution was signed by 138 Duke faculty members and 124 from
Nortl Carolina College, a state-owned Negro college. Duke University,

CHICAGO (P)-Four organiza-
tions in the health field have or-
ganized a commission to promote
voluntary non-profit prepayment
health plans.
Dr. James Z. Appel of Lancas-
ter, Pa., representing the Ameri-
can Medical Association, was
named chairman for one year at a
recent organizational meeting in
Other associations represented
on the commission are the Ameri-
can Hospital Association, the Blue
Cross Association and the National
Association of Blue Shield Plans.
During Appel's term of office
the AMA will provide staff for the
Appel said the specific purpose
of the commission is to. consoli-
date and strengthen efforts of the
four participating groups into a
maximum development of volun-
tary, non-profit, prepayment con-
cepts "in providing sound financ-
ing of health care for the Ameri-
can people."

Cuba Orders
Morgan Shot
HAVANA (M)-A Cuban military
tribunal last night convicted Maj.
William A Morgan of helping re-
bels trying to overthrow the Cas-
tro regime and sentenced him to
death by firing squad.
The Cuban defense attorney for
the American adventurer announc-
ed early today he had appealed
and said, "Hope is not lost."
The attorney, Luis Carro, said
he was told the appeal arguments
would be heard this morning.
Military appeals courts seldom
reverse sentences handed down
by Castro revolutionary tribunals.

one of the nation's most heavily,
privately endowed colleges, is sup-
ported by the North Carolina
Methodist Church.
The Rev. J. Neal Hughley, of
North Carolina College, chairman
of the liaison committee for the
faculty group, said "this picketing
by the faculty is not a one-time
shot. It will be a continuous thing
as far as we are concerned."
Professors from the Negro col-
lege began the picketing at 4 p.m.
The Duke faculty members joined
in the march at 7 p.m. The group
then handed out a statement
which said that the group did not
represent any organization or the
institutions for which they work.
".,we speak merely as 'Ameri-
can citizens and as citizens of Dur-
ham, but with the conviction that
thousands more in the city feel as
we do," the statement said.

Odetta Finds College Youth R

Ne roes To Boycott Stores
In Carolina Through Easter
ROCK HILL, S.C. (A)-A mass Negro rally voted solidly here last
night to boycott all stores on Rock Hill's Main Street for a period of
30 days, extending through the, Easter shopping season.
The rally, predominantly of adults, also was told that four Negro
girls will seek admission to Winthrop College, the\ South Carolina
woman's college, in September.
No details or names were given on the attempt to integrate
Winthrop. James Farmer of New York City, national director of the
Congress of R a c i a l Equality
(CORE), said at least four Negroes
would apply for admission.
The decision to boycott Main
esp o n -1/1 + Street businesses was adopted by
esponsive a standing vote of the approxi-
mately 400 persons attending.
But of the medium for which The boycott is to begin inmedi-
she is best known, she says, "I ately and will include all busi-
like the great freedom to inter-
pret. There are boundaries accord- nesses on Main Street. A Negro
ing to whatever song one does, but boycott of the same area has been
within these boundaries there is a in effect on Fridays and Saturdays
world of room for individual ex- during recent weeks.
pression.' The rally, followed by a dance,
Noting one of the trends among was staged in honor of 13 students
certain artists toward the revision who recently served 30 day jail

Of all the mediums open to a
folksinger, for Odetta, the favorite
is a college. campus.
After her concert at Ann Arbor
High School last night, she said,
"A college campus is the most live
place. The kids are active physi-
cally and mentally.
"If they like something, they
are not in a position in the com-

"You can sing most anything,
anywhere," she added. "Most sing-
ers do the same songs in churches,
in clubs and on campuses."
The Alabama-born, Los Angeles
reared singer began her training
with the intention of becoming a
concert artist. One evening she
went to a party and heard folk
singing. She found herself so in-

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