'v Policies
Asks Taxes
To Finance
Road Plans
Kennedy Proposals
Hit Big Truckers
U.S. Militai
Asks More
Secretary Attacks
Inaccurate' Story
WASHINGTON (AP) - Secretary
of State Dean Rusk yesterday call-
ed for strengthening the free
world's conventional military force
while. keeping its nuclear power.
His statement, approved by
President Jo.hn F. Kennedy, was
sparked by a news story that Rusk
called "highly inaccurate."
The story, published in the
Washington Evening Star Monday
said Rusk: favored confining the
United States atomic punch pri-
marily to attacks on the United
In his statement, Rusk did not,
detail what he considered in-
accurate about the Star story.
U. S. Commitments
The statement, which reaffirm-
ed America's commitments to the
defense of its allies, climaxed a
tempestuous day for Kennedy's
foreign policy chief. He spent
nearly three hours under closed-
door quizzing from members of
the Senate foreign relations com-
The Star earlier yesterday said
that it believes "its story aecur-
ately reflects the purport of the
document sent by Secretary of
State Rusk to Secretary of De-
fense McNamara early in Feb-
In its story, the Star had said
the note from Rusk to McNamara
suggested tentative proposals to
"sharply restrict the role of nu-
ear weapons in diplomacy and
Rusk Suggests
"Among other things," the Star
had said, "Rusk suggests that even
massive attacks on Europe should
be met with conventional weap-
After the meeting of the Sen-
ate committee, chairman J. Wil-
liam Fulbright (D-Ark) said Rusk
had disavowed favoring a com-
plete defense policy switch.
Fulbright said he agreed, with
the Secretary and added, "The so-
called free press is one of the
hazards of this country in dealing
with foreign policy."
Proposes Tax
on Books Sold
By Colleges
A measure to impose a four per
cent sales tax on textbooks sold
by the college-owned bookstores
was placed on the House calendar
Monday night.
Sponsored by Rep. Russell H.
Strange (R-Clare), the bill would
do away with the present sales
tax exemption granted official
college bookstores selling texts.
As the University does not have
a college-owned bookstore, it
would be unaffected by the bill.
The Student Book Exchange
would, however, be affected by the
new taxation category.
Most of the other state colleges
and universities have college-
owned bookstores.
The bill was placed on the House
calendar for a roll call vote after
attempts failed to bury the pro-
posal in the education committee.
A similar bill passed the Legis-
lature in 1960 but was vetoed by
former Gov. G. Mennen Williams.
Rep. Joseph V. Kowalski, the
Democratic floor leader from De-
troit, asked Strange to change his
bill to exempt textbooks purchased
at private stores from sales "tax,
but was turned down.
Private stores must now impose
the four perecent sales tax upon
Union Loses
Monitor Rule
WASHINGTON () - James R-
Hoffa yesterday won his three-
year battle with the board of
monitors assigned to clean up the
Teamsters Union.
Federal District Judge F. Dick-
inson Letts, who established the
monitorship, authorized the union
to call a convention.
When the convention is held,
the board of monitors will auto-
matically go out of business.
-AP Wirephoto
RUSK, FULBRIGHT CONFER-Secretary of State Dean Rusk, left, and Chairman L. W. Fulbright
(D-Ark), of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee are shown yesterday. The committee called Rusk
to a closed door meeting to discuss reports he favors a shift from a "massive retaliation" policy to
increased conventional forces.
Algerians Atta'ck Europeans
John F. Kennedy proposed heav-> costs dropped slightly in
ier taxes on big trucks yesterday for the first time in 12
because of lower prices fC
to help pay for the superhighway ;ngcused o l ri fc
program. ( The Bureau of Labor S
He said truckers get the most said yesterday its consum
benefit from the new roads. f index dropped by one t
Kennedy asked Congress to one per cent, from a reco
block a scheduled drop in the fed- in December to 127.4 last
eral gasoline tax from four to In the index 100 represen
three cents a gallon this July 1, age prices for 194749.
but said he preferred nottog Because prices rose thr
along with former President:, 1960, except for a pause in
Dwight D. Eisenhower's recoin-t January. living 'costs weri
mendation that the tax be raised: per cent from a year earl
to 4 and one-half cents a gallon. The bureau said price ch
"It is already clear that passen- large enough to affect ti
their fair share now," Kennedy the auto and related in
said. -AP Wirephoto Their pay is tied to livin
In a 3,500-word special message SOVIET FOREIGN MINISTER-Andrei Gromyko will head the Single Factor
to Congress, Kennedy said the Soviet delegation at the upcoming United Nations General Assem- Lower clothing prices N
pay-as-you-go highway building bly meetings, Moscow announced yesterday. The announcement biggest single factor in
ram Iin peril because of a squelched rumors of a meeting between Soviet Premier Nikita S. living costs in January.
Khrushchev and President John F. Kennedy that might have fol- clothing tags were down
Permit Completion lowed the UN session. cent, largely because o
He said adoption of his plan Christmas sales of women
would permit completion of 41,000 hN t and suits.
miles of express roads on sched- ushchev To Rosrt . 3'i=-sP
ule without dipping into general h'st misine oflaorZtais
funds or resorting to a further bad weather in Decembe
increase in the federal gasoline /ysadthe wartheclsohing
UN Asemblythe way for the clothing
tigax i hefdrl om U1 Genery al Assemb G said the weather discourag
Practially all of the increase in pers and led to extra-lax
reveues(rpla gthegeneral MSO )oeg insuary inventories which I
revenues (replacing MOSCOW -Foreign minister Andrei Gromyko will head the price reductions.
one-half cent rise in gas tax) Soviet delegation to the coming United Nations session in New York, Myers said the weather
would come from the heavier Moscow radio announced last night. fected used car prices
weigh over 26,000 pounds, Kenne= The announcement ended speculation about whether Premier dropped 2.5 per cent in
dy said, adding, "this is'only fair, Nikita S. Khrushchev would head the delegation and use the oppor- changed.
indeed, technical experts in the tunity for a get-acquainted meeting with President John F. Kennedy. . Food Costs
bureau of public roads advise me Other members of the delegation will be the chief soviet representa- Food casts were down o
that even this increase would tive at the United Nations, Valerian Zorin, and deputy foreign min- of one per cent with th
not charge heavy trucks their fair inter Arkady Sobolev, who held' * reductions in eggs mil
share of the cost of this program." Zorin's job until last year. fruits and tomatoes.
Kennedy's reasoning developed Diplomatic quarters felt that the Sov etsS ack Most other major categ<
differences of opinion at his week- decision to send Gromyko was - steady or showed declines
ly meeting with Democratic Con- made because .Khrushchev feels Ukri1 e oss ception was medical cos
gressional leaders and brought a the time is far from ripe for a rose by three tenths of
rote from the American Truck- meeting with Kennedy. Informed LONDON (P) Moscow Radio icent. There werermiuas
ing Association, sources said Gromyko plans to Lalip
Diverse Opinions leave for New York by plane last night announced the dismissal pital room charges.
House speaker Sam Rayburn of March 3. of Nikifor Kalchenko as prime Myers said the outlook
Texas told newsmen on leaving Kennedy was the talk of the minister of the Ukraine, bread ruary was for relative
the White House session that many town following an unprecedented basket of the Soviet Union. with little change eltb
teleast f fim fom hs fist to .In a separate report, th
diverse opinions were expressed as telecast of film from his first two The shakeup came in the wake said spendable earningsi
to how the program should be f i- news conferences. of Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev's ing power of factory wor:
nanced. Generally he said these The Moscow man-in-the-street far-ranging tour of agricultural steady last month. After
were based on whether the money greeted favorably what Kennedy areas where he denounced slack- of a factory worker Vi
should come from general tax said and his easy manner'of talk- ness and demanded renewed ef- dependentsy was unch
ness ~shntn esmn anteaddrnwde-dpnet a nh
revenue or from gasoline taxes. ing to Washington newsmen, forts to increase productivity. $79.97 a week.
Rayburn said he wants to listen
to state governors and highway Ben-Gurion Bows
commissioners testify at Congres- TONIGHT: Lecture 11 in series of five on
sional hearings before he decided To Party Leaders "Great Traditions in the Christian F
which course he favors.
Kennedy proposed an increase JERUSALEM OP)-Premier Da-
in taxes and fees on heavy trucks, vid Ben-Gurion bowed to his op- "THE C H R ISTIAN COMMITMENI
diesel fuel, tires, tubes and retread position yesterday and paved the A CATHOLIC YIEM
rubber. Under his plan the fed- way for a new general election,
eral truck license fee, applying to probably in October. Father William G. Ryan, Ph.D.
vehicles of more than 26,000 The 74-year-old premier, who President, Seton Hall College
pounds weight when loaded, would has headed the state of Israel for Greensburg, Pennsylvania
go up from $1.50 a thousand all but one and one-half of its 13
pounds to $5 a thousand( The fee years, acknowledged for the first 7:30 P.M. First Presbyterian
for a 45,000-pound truck thus time in his career that he could Admission free 1432 Woshtenow
would rise from $67.50 to $225. not form a coalition cabinet.
ORAN VP) - A rampaging mob,
setting out as a mourning proces-
sion for King Mohammed V of
Morocco, became enraged today
and burned two European women
to death in their car.
The outbreak of terror caused
World News,
By The Associated Press
THE HAGUE-The Dutch gov-
ernment yesterday proposed to.
parliament a 10-year plan design-
ed to transform West New Guinea
into an independent self-govern-
ing country.
Possession of the area has been
disputed by Indonesia since the!
Dutch transferred sovereignty over
the Indonesian Archipelago in
1950 but retained West New Gui-
* * *
Harris (D-Ark) yesterday an-
nounced formation of a new per-
manent subcommittee to check up
on the government's regulatory
NEW DELHI--For the second
straight year, India will increase
defense spending to strengthen.its
forces along the disputed border
with Communist China.
French authorities to clamp a
rigid curfew on the city.
The rioting shattered hopes for
calm while France makes a new
effort to end the nearly seven-
year-old war with Algerian rebels.
The mob of about 250 youths,
marching behind a green and
white rebel flag, went into a
screaming rage at the sight of
three Europeans in a car.
They overturned the car, poured
gasoline on it and set it afire. They
savagely resisted the efforts of the
terrified occupants to escape and
shoved them back into the flames.
The mobs rampaged through the:
streets of this second-largest city
in Algeria, setting fire to four
other automobiles. A European
venturing into the streets on a
motor scooter was badly injured in
a hail of stones. A European child
also was injured by the mobs.
Before order was restored at
nightfall, an Algerian policeman
also was killed in the rioting.
The Algerians, who are about
equal in number to the Europeans
in this western Algerian port, have
come out more and more openly
for the nationalist rebel regime set
up in neighboring Tunisia. Ten-
sion between Europeans and Al-
gerians has been high.
But it had been generally hoped
that the meeting of President
Charles de Gaulle and President
Habib Bourguiba of Tunisia in
France Monday would have a
quieting effect on this volatile
New outbreaks of Algerian ter-
rorism can only °strengthen the
resolve of Algeria's European set-a
tlers to resist de Gaulle's policy
of eventual self rule for Algeria.
In their revolts against French
policy, the Europeans have claim-
ed they would be engulfed in an
Algeria under Moslem rule.
Officials in Paris and Tunis
meanwhile, expressed optimism
the rebellion might be approaching
solution. De Gaulle and Bourguiba
had issued a cbmmunique saying,
they agreed there were possibilities1
and hope for a "positive and rapid
turn in the rebellion.
Randolph Asks
Bias Reform
CIO executive council yesterday
Issued a strong entreaty to its
unions to end racial bias but put
aside a tough enforcement plan
advanced by the council's lone Ne-
gro member.
A. Philip Randolph, Negro pres-
ident of the brotherhood of sleep-
ing car porters, proposed expulsion
of any AFL-CIO unit failing with-
in six months to end membership
or job discrimination against Ne-
The clash between Randolph and
federation president George Meany
featured the windup session of
the executive council's 10-day
winter meeting.
by Harry Wagner, poised for.
immediate take-off on a direct
There are reasons, however; to suspect
that Smedley may not be completely
in step with the times.
On campus today, mature discriminating style-oriented men and
women proudly wear the emblems that identify their academic
heritage. Your class ring is SMART. Its message is prestige. As a
lifetime investment in BELONGING, its value grows with every
passing year.
RMWA. 12-M