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March 01, 1961 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-03-01

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_______________THE MICHIGAN DAILY

Swarthmore Forms HUAC Unit
>re College Student Council has After several weeks of picket- meals from the usual 650 to only
ablished a committee on the ing, the managers have asked that 390.
tuse Un- American Activities;the group agree to negotiate, sus- In contrast with similar boycotts
mmittee. pending the demonstrations, and of previous years, college officials
The committee is intended to the group agreed. said, there was no previous or-
onsor speakers on the subject of * * * ganized protest to the authorities
ETAC and to hold panels and dis- SWARTHMORE - Swarthmore responsible nor to the Studeni
ssion groups among the students College students demonstrated last Dining Hall Committee which i
td faculty. week against the quality of the responsible for representing stu-
The Councilalso approved the food they were being served in dent opinion on such matters.
mmittee's coordination of other the college dining hall.
ident aid faculty groups con- A protest boycott of the dining LeeTo
mned with HUAC. hall was organized, cutting the Dic s
However, a proposal that the number of students attending African Situation
mmittee serve a propaganda
irpose in addition was defeated DRIVING: Grace Lee, editor of Corres-
t the council- pondence newspaper, will speak or
The motion asked that the "Winds of Change: Before Lum-
mmittee disseminate informa- JointLJudie umba and After," 8 p.m. today ir
)n in the town of Swarthmore rm. 3B of the Union. The talk
id the nearby community of is sponsored by the Democratic
pester, but the council declined E sta hi shes Sc Clb
approve a blanket policy in
e area and voted to require in-
vidual approval for any such ac-
vibes . Committee BURTONT
CHAPEL ILL-Theatre man- Joint Judiciary Council has ap-
ers in Chapel Hill have agreed proved a new by-law that estab-
negotiate with a committee, lishes a Driving Committee for
ostly composed of North Caro- Violations which will hear cases
na University students, which referred to it by the Council.
s been coordinating picketing Mark G. Noffsinger; assistant
ainst their segregation policies, dean of men, and two members of
Representatives of the Citizens the Council will be the committee
>mmittee for Open Movies orig- members.
ally requested the managers to "The regulation is designed to
ange their policies during the free Council members from the
st week of January. When no necessity of spending much of the
tion was forthcoming, picketing Council's time on such cases,"
is started on Feb. 6. Charles H: Gessner, '61E, chair-
The university newspaper, the man of the Council, said. "The
wily Tar Heel, reported that ap- new ruling will enable the Coun-
oximately 140 people, both stu-cil to give more time to those
nts and local citizens, have cases which require more sub-
en picketing the theatres since. stantial deliberation and judg-
ment, and also will enable Council
members to devote time to the
ggests Pn an Council in addition to meeting DIAL
)u ~time. e
" "The Council mnembers on the NO 2-6254
or ang committee will serve on a rotating
basis to enable both new and old
treet Pattern, members to become familiar with
the procedures for handling viola-
tions," he added.
Ann Arbor's city traffic engi- Appeals to the driving commit-
er Monday night proposed ma- tee shall be by a letter and a per-
r changes in the city's one-way sonal appearance. The letter must
'eet pattern, state any or all mitigating cir-
Williams St. should be used as cumstancea which might warrant
one-way thoroughfare in place change in the original charge.
Liberty St., with the exception The decisions may be appealed
the blocks west from State to the sub-Committee on Disci-
Maynard, Theodore M. Vander- pline.
empel told the City Council. This is the second procedure
It is said most people are satis- for handling driving cases, that
d with the State St. "loop" sys- is an alternative to the original
n. However, from Maynard St. procedures.
st, Liberty St. would become The first, approved on Feb. 16,
o-way for its entire length. 1959, says that "the membership
Williams St., now two-way for of the Council in cases of driving
full length, would become one- regulations shall be five and that
%y east from S. Main St. to S. a quorum shall be three, including
ate St. either the chairman or vice-
Vanderstempel's plan also in- chairman of the Council."

joins the Beth Israel Center
in the Reading of the
7:15 P.M.
following Ma'ariv Service





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