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March 01, 1961 - Image 1

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VOL. LXXI, No. 104






Council Ask

Clear Bills
For Action
Speed Deliberation
On ,Kennedy Plans
Against Recession
priority proposals by President
John F. Kennedy to combat the
recession - longer unemployment
pay to the jobless and a higher
minimum wage for the employed
-got go-aheads from House com-
mittees yesterday.
The House rules committee
cleared for House consideration
today, with amendments barred, a
bill that would temporatily pro-
vide up to another 13 weeks of
benefits to unemployed, workers
who have used up their rights
since last June 30.
A House labor subcommittee ap-
proved Kennedy's proposal for
boosting the minimum wage from
$1-an-hour to $1.25, but came out
with a speeded-up version. Instead
of three steps as Kennedy proposed
-$1.15 this year, $1.20 next year
and $1.25 i4 1963-the subcommit-
tee cut it to .two steps; $1.15 this
year and $1.25 next year.
The House labor subcommittee,
in approving a boost in the mini-
mum wage to $1.25 in two steps,.
also made changes in the proposed
new coverage.
Chairman James Roosevelt (D-'
Calif) estimated that about four
million workers would be brought
in, most of them in the retail and
service trades. Kennedy had re-
commended extension to 4.3 mil-
Meanwhile, a Senate labor sub-
committee held hearings on Ken-
nedy's proposed $1.25 minimum.
Republicans on the subcommit-
tee went along with the changes
in the interest of speeding the bill
along. But they- have a: substitute
eandy which would limit the mini-
mum to $1.15 and cut the pro-
posed expansion of coverage con-
SGC To See
Student Government Council
will -tonight see and discuss the
film "Operation Abolition".
"This film may well be one of
the important student issues of
the year," SGC executive vice-
president Per Hanson, '62, said
"Operation Abolition," prepared
under the auspices of the House
Committee on un-American Ac-
tivities, is a filming of parts of the
student demonstrations against the
committee's hearings, held in San
Francisco last May.
The film implies that the stu-
dents' actions were a result of a
campaign of Communist subver-
sion of students prior to the com-
mittee hearings.
The Council will discuss a mo-
tion by Roger Seasonwein, '61,
which argues, that the film is "an
f effort to falsely accuse members
of the academic community of
subversive activity and to deny
students the freedom of political
Seasonwein's motion also cites
' articles in the San Francisco
Chronicle and Reporter magazine
as evidence supporting the charge
the film is a mis-representation of
the facts of the demonstration.

The motion also asks the televi-
sion stations from whom the films
were originally taken to make
available their complete films of
the demonstration.
The Council is also scheduled to
discuss an executive committee
motion on changes in University
regulations for calendaring of stu-
dent activities and Seasonwein's
motion on membership lists in
student organizations.
Both have been discussed at pre-
vious Council meetings in com-
mittee of the whole.
Toynbee Set
To Give Talk

SFC Urges Changes
In Rulings on Politics
YD Leader Says Officials Wrong,
Group Unable To Regain Position
The Wayne State University Student-Faculty Council last night
unanimously called for, a reversal of the recent suspension of recogni-
tion of political clubs on campus..,
The three clubs had their recognition suspended by the newly-
appointed supervisory committee last week. The committee announced
that they would be allowed recognition again on petition if they
could conform to the 1954 deans' council regulations for political
One of these regulations requires affiliation with a state political
party. The Independent Socialists cannot affiliate with any of the
- several different socialist parties


of Club Sus pensio



Anti- Communist



% f


To Continue;
WSU Case
Ann Byerlein, the Detroit nurse
who has campaigned for the re-
instatement of Wayne State Uni-
versity's ban prohibiting the use
of facilities by Communist speak-
ers, yesterday said she is planning
to present a case to the state
legislature "in the near future."
"We are opposed to any Com-
munist speaking at a tax-support-
ed institution on any subject
whatsoever," she added.
"I am convinced that the aim
of Communism is world domina-
tion, and even if a Communist is
speaking on a subject other than
political ideology allowing them
to use these facilities is giving
recognition and prestige to a per-
son with this aim.
"We feel WSU should receive
no funds at all from the state un-
til the ban is put back on," she
Sen. Elmer R. Porter (R-Bliss-
field) reaffirmed his stand taken
after the removal of the ban by
the WSU Board of Governors last
September that WSU should not
get an increase in funds unless the
ban was restored.
In regard to speaker policies,
Porter said, "All state colleges
should be subject to the same
Miss Byerlein explained, "My
battle has been with WSU because
it is in my own home town. It is
up to the legislature to decide if
any ruling they may make should
be extended to include other state
supported colleges."
Soviets Offer
Berlin Treaty
mier Nikita Khrushchev has told
German Chancellor Konrad Ade-
nauer that although the Soviet
Union is still willing to accept a
temporary arrangement for Berlin,
the final solution must be the
transformation of West Berlin into
a "free" city.
Diplomatic informants in report-
ing this yesterday said that Andre
J. Smirnov, the Soviet Ambassador
to Bonn, returned from Moscow
earlier than expected to present
t Khrushchev's letter to the Chan-

in the state, but officials have
announced that the Young Repub-
licans and Young Democrats can
regain recognition easily.
YD Chairman
George Eder, chairman of the
YD's and member of SFC, denied
that his group' could, under the
ruling on affiliation, regain rec-
ognition. He said that the YD's
are not affiliated with the Demo-
cratic state party in any way, but
only with the national YD's.
The SFC, acting on a motion in-
troduced by Barry Kalish, member
of the Independent Socialists, re-
solved that political organizations
should be allowed on campus with
or without affiliation with a state
The council is composed of 24
students and 12 faculty members,
and is primarily an advisory body
to the administration.
They urged the Council of
Deans to revoke their 1954 regu-
lations, which had not been en-
forced until this year, and asked
the supervisory committee "to
work the necessary changes to
implement the function of politi-
cal and social action groups on
Three Clubs
The three political clubs had
previously announced that they
would work together to fight the
committee's action.
Acting Dean of Students J. Don
Marsh, a member of the super-
visory committee, confirmed this
noting that no petition had been
received for rerecognition from
any of the clubs, in spite of offi-
cials' reminders that the YR's and
YD's could allegedly attain their
former status easily.
Eder said that "the time has
come that the university ought to
face up to its responsibilities to
the students" and allow more poli-
tical action than just that in party
He said "If Wayne intends to
act the part of a true university,
then it ought to be one."
Marsh had held a meeting ear-
lier with the heads of the three
clubs which he described as "quite
profitable." Eder said that "on
the one real issue before the group,
no progress was made."
Earlier in the day WSU yPres-
ident, Clarence B. Hilberry had
said that the YR's and YD's were
not banned from campus activities.
Marsh, in contrast to this, con-
firmed earlier announcements that
they were not allowed to have any
activities on the campus.
But they have not been "ban-
ned" from activity, he said. "That's
half the trouble; everyone wants
to use words that have their own
connotations-their programming
of events has been temporarily

UN To Stop
Civil Strife,
Congo Told
Resolution Backs
Strong Statement
Hammarskjold warned the Con-
go's President Joseph Kasavubu
yesterday the United Nations has
the military strength to override
political opposition and impose
peace on the Congo.
The United Nations Secretary-
General told Kasavubu the stua-
tion has reached the point where
the United Nations could not per-
mit the Congo's political leaders
to hamper effective efforts to stop
civil war.1
Hammarskjold ordered his Con-
go representative, Rajeshwar Day-
al of India, to convey those views
to other Congo leaders. They
would include Antoine Gizenga,
Soviet-supported rebel Premier of
Oriental Province, and President
Moise Tshombe of secessionist Ka-
tanga province..
The strongly-worded letter to
Kasavubu was included in a report
by Hammarskjold on steps he has
taken to implement the Asian-
African resolution adopted by the
Security Council a 'week ago set-
ting up a broad Congo peace plan.
The resolution empowered the
United Nations to use force if
necessary to stophcivil war. It
called also for withdrawal of all
Belgians, including military men
and political advisers,and all
foreign mercenaries. Only the
Soviet Union and France abstain-
ed on the resolution.
Hammarskjold told Kasavubu
he had appealed for reinforce-
ments tohbring the UN armed for-
ces In the Congo to 23,000 men
"and I have reason to believe in
a quick response."
Council's ill -
"Back of the words and the will
of the Security Council, therefore,
stands not only the firm deter-
mination of the representatives of
the organization, butdalso the
strength needed," he added.
"I am sure that you will agree
that it would be idle to expect
world opinion to accept that
things continue as they have been.
Either the will manifested by the
world community will be respect-
ed, or chaos will result."
He said the world is no longer
willing or in a position to accept
the consequences of political divi-
sions among Congo leaders. He
called reconciliation on a national
scale imperative.
Hammarskjold described the
resolution as the Council's strong-
est and most decisive expression
aimed at ending conditions "which
threaten the world community
and the United Nations, even as
they represent a mortal danger to
the Congo itself."

An eight-member University
committee has undertaken a
far-reaching study of military
retirement policies for the Sen-
ate committee on armed serv-
The results of their study,
which will probably figure
prominently in legislation to be
considered later this year; will
also effect the salary and pro-
motional policies of the armed
services and, because of these
policies, their ability to attract
and retain superior personnel,
Prof. Carl Fischer of the busi-
ness administration school,
head of the committee, said.
Appropriate Method
Among the problems being
considered are the appropriate
method for increasing the pay
of retired personnel subsequent
to retirement and the implica-
tions of future military retired
pay costs which are expected
to rise dramatically by the
early 1980's.
The committee is also study-
ing the policy of early retire-
ment in the military services
(iiany officers retire before
they reach 55) and the ques-
tions of whether or not the
military retirement system
should be placed on a contribu-
tory basis as is the federal
Civil Service system.
Reflects Aim,
The problem they are con-
sidering is not simply an ac-

Group To Study Retirement

.. military retirement

the industrial relations bureau,
Prof. Frank W. Reynolds of the
public health school and Gerald
Gurin, assistant program direc-
tor of the Survey Research Cen-
Studies Minutes
The, committee 'has been~
studying the minutes of Con-
gressional committee hearings
dealing with the military retire-
ment system and related topics
and reviewing the reports of
previous study groups.
Questionnaires distributed to
a representative sampling of
members of all the services are
expected to yield information
on their attitudes toward their
job and the opportunities it
A survey of a representative
sampling of officers who have
retired in the last five years
will show how, many of them
have jobs, how difficult it was
to get one, their salaries and
special skills.
"P'olitically, one of the most
important questions we'll be
considering is the adjustment
of pay of already-retired mili-
tary personnel," Prof. Fischer
This adjustment, which is
made whenever pay raises are
received by those , on active
duty, can be a flat percentage
rate increase dependent on the
cost-of-living or a recomputa-
tion of retired pay based on
current active duty rates.
The report will be submitted
by June 1.

Forces Join
To Vanquist
Communique Denie
Political Alliance,
Official Recognition
avubu and Tshombe governmer
joined forces in a military pE
yesterday along with the splin
regime in southern Kasai, prc
The result, on paper at least,
a united anti-Communist force
about 13,000 troops in a posit:
to take on the Lumumbist regi
of Antoine Gizenga, recognized
the Soviet Union as the Cong
central government.
The agreement came as a 4
zenga military thrust toward L
poldville dissolved and Congol
leaders clparted a roundtable n
week with the announced aim
untangling the Congo's politi
Leaders Sign

tuarial one, Prof. Fischer said.
Rather, the group is under-
taking an economic and socio-.
logical study.
The aim of the committee is
reflected in its composition.
Members are Prof. William Ha-
ber of the economics depart-
ment, Prof. Morris Janowitz of
the sociology department and
author of "The Professional
Soldier" published last year,
Prof. Dallas Jones of the in-
dustrial relations bureau, Prof.
Paul McCracken of the busi-
ness administration school and
member of former president
Dwight D. Eisenhower's three-
man Council of Economic Ad-
visors, Prof. Fred Munson of

G us kin , Hayes Favor Plan
1 41

University personalities con-
nected with the peace corps.move-
ment yesterday indicated their
support for the inter- and non-
governmental aspects of the youth
corps proposal sent to Congress
AlanE. Guskin, Grad, one of
the founders of Americans Com-
mitted to World Responsibility,
and Prof. Samuel P. Hayes of the
economics department, who has
worked with the administration in
planning for a corps of American

youths to work abroad, empha-
sized, however, that they did not
have detailed or complete infor-
mation on the proposal and could
only give 'general comments.
Prof. Hayes said that the ele-
ment he felt should be stressed in
any peace corps program was the
idea of jointness with other gov-
Albertson Commission
The study group commissioned
by Congress to do the report,

Chilean Students Visit U.S.,
Under Sponsorship of NSA
Five student leaders from Chile are visiting the University this
week, to learn about the American student cooperative movement.
The students are participating in a four-week seminar tour of the
United States sponsored by the United States National Student Asso-
ciation. They have also spent a week at the University of Texas in
Austin, and five days at UCLA. Visits to California farms, and to
San Francisco,_Detroit, and Chi

headed by Prof. Maurice L. Al-
bertson of the Colorado State Uni-
versity Research Foundation, vis-
ited several African, Asian and
Latin American nations during,
its survey and investigated atti-
tudes and needs there.
Prof. Hayes suggested that this
concern for the desires of other
governments should continue into
the program itself.
Corps Independent
Guskin indicated particular sup-
port for the portion of the report
asking that the corps not be di-
ectly administered by the United
States government, but perhaps;
would be financed by grants to
private organizations or even
United Nations action.
The corps "should be indepen-
dent of any other governmental
organizations," he said, emphasiz-
ing particularly that it ought to
be "not attached in .any way to:
the foreign policy and the Ameri-
can anti-Communist role."

The agreement was signed
Elisabethvillg by Premier Jose
Ileo, representing President
seph Kasavubu and the ceni
government that the Ulited I
tions recognizes; Moise Tshom'
president of the secessionist I
tanga regime; and Albert Kal
ji, leader of the southern Ka
section called the mining state
It was a strictly military aff
stressing that Kasavubu's gove
ment did not recognize the in
pendence of Tshombe and Kal
ji, while in turn "Katanga E
South Kasai do not recognize
Leopoldville government."
A communique said, "The agr
ments were made to form a cc
mon bloc against the danger
United Nations trusteeship, Cc
munist tyranny and arKore
style war . . ,t They are not
rected as such against the g
ernments of Oriental and E
provinces but they do denou
the danger of Communist tyra:
over the whole of -the Congo.'
Roundtable Conference
In announcing ,the roundti
conference to start next Mont
Ileo, Tshombe and Kalonji E
phasized it will be held in w
they called "an African
mosphere," on the island of M
agascar. Previously it had b
planned for Geneva.
Gizenga, the Soviet-backeds
cessor to slain Patrice Lumu
in Stanleyville, is being invi
along with Anicet Kashamura
Kivu province.
Themilitary pact adds to
Leopoldville government's scat
ed and disorganized troop V
of 7,500; the 5,000 well paid trt
of Tshombe, trained and led
Belgian officers; and about 1
soldiers and an undetermi
number of Baluba tribesmen c

trolled by Kalonji.



Dray Analyzes Historians' Problems

Prof. William Dray of the Uni-
versity of Toronto last night
analyzed some of the problems
faced by historians.
"Can history dispense with value
judgments, in other words be ob-
jective, or has the idea of his-
tory itself implicit in it the idea
of making a value judgment?" he
The concept that the historian
inserts value judgments in his
work is based on the argument
that the historian cannot relate

To be specific, it is perfectly
acceptable for different historians,
studying different aspects of the
same problem, to arrive at differ-
ent evaluations. However, when
different historians, studying the
same aspect of the same problem,
arrive at different answers, then
objectivity is in doubt.
"All historical inquiry is rela-
tive to a problem," Prof. Dray
said. This problem must be pre-
sented in a light free from the
predilections of the historian.
Nevertheless, a literary prob-
Tam mearwhanf. a i .4ninn+-

depravity, t h e concentration
camp, was cruel, and so it may be
called cruel."
The, historian seems to be caught
between two contradictory goals,
he added. He cannot relate all
events, and so he must select those
he considers important. Selectivity
itself has been accused of being
a value judgment.
The historian must also refrain
from being too selective. If he
omits too many facts which he
does not consider important, then
although the information in his
wnrk is entirely true the work

cago are part of the tour. In Phila-
delphia, next week, they will meet
with the officers of NSA. The final
days of their tour will be spent in
New York City.
Particular Systems
In each of the places they visit,
they are shown the particular in-
dustrial or agricultural systems of
the area, so they can understand
the complex, diverse character of
American society.
These students are especially
interested in the cooperative move-
ment because they would like to
begin similar programs in Chile.
"Economic problems are a formid-
able barrier to achieving maxi-
mum educational benefits" in
Chile, the NSA report on the tour
Economic Conditions
Cfiim nrflac I -illd, - a m _

:14, i


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