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February 25, 1961 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-25

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Britain Hits Williams' African Action

LONDON (') - G. Mennen Wil-
liams was accused in Parliament
yesterday of meddling in Britain's
African affairs.
A member of the governing Con-
servative party urged the matter
be called to President John F.
Kennedy's attention.
The storm blew up over a re-
mark Monday in British Kenya by
the assistant United States sec-
retary of state for African affairs
endorsing "Africa for the Afri-
cans," a slogan of militant African
nationalists. His statement pre-
viously had provoked angry words
in South Africa's parliament.
In Uganda, Williams paused on
his fact-finding tour to reiterate
what he said in Kenya Thursday
--that he meant whites as well as
Negroes when he referred to Af-
rica for the Africans.
In Africa, the word "African"
generally refers to the original in-
habitants of the continent, in
other words the Negroes.
But British critics were not mol-
lified by Williams' explanation.
Anthony Fell, a Conservative, in-
troduced the Williams' question in
the House of Commons. Fell said
he wanted to know if Prime Min-
ister Harold Macmillan intends to
make representations to Kennedy
about William's "interference in
her Majesty's government's colon-
ial and commonwealth affairs in
Macmillan will reply March 7.
His government now is getting in-
-formiation on just what Williams

Daily Mail, followed up yes
with this:
"Would any British mini
any party government be si
less or short sighted as to
fere in Little Rock?"
Williams was asked abo
Africa for Africans statem
a news conference at Ka
capital of Uganda. The
governor of Michiggn replie
he had said in Kenya the
States wanted Africa for t
ricans and that Africans
selves should decide the p
political emancipation.
"I added that this in
white people in Africa bu
was deleted from reports," h
A reporter asked if by his
ment he meant the United
wants all external politic
fluence immediately witl
from Africa.
"This is largely true," W
replied, "but the British g
ment must obviously be in
and I think they are maki
honest effort to meet the
Williams said the United
wants a strong, stable, in
dent Africa. Otherwise, he
a vacuum would be created
"another kind of tyranny"
enter. Asked to explain the p
he said:
"Well, worse than they ev
fered before. But I withdra
phrase. I did not mean :
administration is Tyranny.

HAVANA (A') - Fidel Castro
yesterday moved economic czar
Ernesto Guevara into his cabinet
as chief of a new super-ministry of
Y ndustry and reshuffled otherposts
to tighten state' control over all
phases of Cuban economic life.
Guevara, an Argentine - born
leftist who fought in the hills
wth; Castro, was given broad
powers to reorganize and develop
this island nation's industria life
along lines some sources here re-
ported were drafted by Cuban and
Communist experts last year in
Includes Sports
State control was even extended
tq all sports activities through the
creation of a national institute of
sports, physical education and re-
creation. Mayor Jose Llanusa of
Havana, who recently returned
from a long tour behind the Iron
Curtain, was named director.
The Cuban cabinet, in a long
session extending into the, early
morning hours, also named Raul
Ceprero Bonilla, former minister
of commerce, as chief of the
national bank.
When Guevara headed the bank,
he used it to cut Cuba's economic
ties with the United States and
connect them with the Communist
bloc.. Under Ceprero 'Bonilla, one
of the few remaining ministers of
Castro's original cabinet, the
bank's capitalization was decreed
at 100 million pesos ($100 million
at the ofcial exchange rate). This
represents a rise from 25 million,
presumably covered by assets of
nationalized United States and
Canadian banks.
New Ministries
The cabinet shakeup involved
creation of two new .ministries in
addition to Guevara's. They are
foreign trade and interior com-
merce. The ministries of com-
merce and agriculture were abol-
ished. Direction of agriculture had
long since been taken over by the
government's agrarian reform in-
The government also revitalized
;he central planning board to over-
see development of Cuba's four-
year economic plan starting in
1962. Castro, as prime minister,
'heads the board and his brother
Raul, who Is also defense minister,
becomes deputy chairman.
Foreign experts said Castro ap-
peared to be reshaping his regime's
administrative machinery into a
form similar to that used in Com-
munist countries.
Hodges Urges
Swift Action
On Areas Aid
WASHINGTON (P) - Secretary
of Commerce Luther H. Hodges
pledged yesterday that if the job
of reviving depressed areas is
given to his department--some-
thing organized labor opposes-
he will not let it become a "boon-
' doggling," or make work, opera-
Urging swift action on President
John F. Kennedy's $390 million
depressed areas program, Hodges
told a House banking subcom-
mittee more than 100 city areas
and an as-yet undetermined num-
ber of rural sections must have
federal help in curing persistent
Supporting Kennedy's proposals,
Hodges sought to quiet concern
lest industries be pulled away from
'some economically healthy areas in
the course of pumping life into
ailing regions.
Hodges was leadoff witness as
the banking group began hearings
on the depressed areas proposal-
one of those near the top of Ken-
nedy's priority list of anti-
recession easures.

He backed the proposed loans
and grants ' to encourage indus-
trial growth as the, best approach
for spurring the recovery of chron-
ically depressed regions.
Without listing them, Hodges
said that as of January a total
of 103 areas-20 major and 83
smaller ones-were struggling with
"substantial and persistent un-

-AP Wirephoto
SOAPY SAFARI-Former Michigan Governor, never one for
avoiding controversy, is in the middle of another one in Africa
over a statement urging "Africa for Africans." Above Williams
chats with F. L. Funmix, Nigerian representative, in Addis Ababa,

-AP Wirephoto
AUSTRALIAN VISITOR-Prime Minister Robert Menzies met with President Kennedy yesterday in
Washington to discuss the Congo and Labtian crises. Secretary of State Dean Rusk also visited the
President to discuss these developments.

said and what he meant. The
Prime Minister's reply is expected
to try to calm the diplomatic
But the issue is embarrassing
for Macmillan; because the rank
and file of Conservatives in Parlia-
ment have threatened to revolt

against his pollcy of speeding up
self-rule in African colonies.
Conservative party members
protested angrily against Williams'


at a party meeting
night. John Jelley,
in the Conservative

Co ME11


World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Senate Republican leader Everett M. Dirksen
of Illinois assailed as "unfair" yesterday President John F. Kennedy's
statement that the former administration resources policies took a.
toll in human life.
Dirksen told the Senate that Kennedy's statement, in a message
to congress Thursday, "cast a reflection on former President Dwight
D. Eisenhower and a very serious one."
The Kennedy message said the new administration reJects the
"no new starts" policy put into effect by Eisenhower, and added:
"Such a policy denied the resource requirements and potential
on which our economic growth hinges; and took a heavy toll in

Rusk canceled a news confer-
ence which had been scheduled
for shortly before his White'House
appointment. Presidential Press
Secretary Pierre Salinger said,
however, there was no connection
between the Kennedy-Rusk meet-
ing and the news conference can-
'No Crisis'
Rusk spent more than an hour
at the White House. Afterwards
he told newsmen "there was no
special crisis" and that he called
off his news conference because
"I just got jammed up with a lot
of appointments."
The Soviet-Vietnamese airlift of
arms 'and other aid to Laotian
rebels has been a major concern
here since it got underway in mid-
December. State Department Press
Officer Lincoln White reported
early this week that the flights
had stopped over the weekend.
White noted at the time that
heavy rains were drenching the
mountainous southeast A s i a n
kingdom, but declined to specu-
late why the Red airlift stopped.
Hopes Dampened
The airlift renewal further
dampened hopes for a quick solu-
tion to the Laotian crisis-hopes
which had temporarily risen fol-
lowing Laotian King Savang Vat-
hana's proposal last weekend of a
United States-backed neutrality
plan for his country.
Cambodia, one of three neutral.
neighbors the king would have on
his proposed commission to con-
firm Laos neutrality, has rejected
the plan and the Communists
have been increasingly vocal
against it.

O- N


1432 Washteriaw Avenue
NO 2-3580 '
Jack Borckart, Campus Pastor
Wi. S. Baker, Patricia Pickett, associate
Services: 9:00, 10:30 and 11:50 a.m.
Sermons: 9:00 and 10:30 a.m.-Dr. Henry
Kuizenga preaching: "The Faith of an
Intellectual." 11:50 a.m.-Rev. Malcolm
Brown "The Chosen People"
Sunday, Feb. 26
10:30 a.m. Seminar in Chaffee Room "The
Christian Man." Rev. Jack Borckardt
11:30 a.m. Student Coffee Hour in French
4:30 p.m. Bible Study "Key Concepts of the
New Testament" 217 S. Observatory, Pat
6:30 p.m. Presbyterian Student Fellowship
Forum, held in French Room. Questions
for discussion: 1. Is the Church necessary?
2. What about predestination?
Tuesday, Feb. 28
4:30 p.m. Bible Study "Key Concepts of the
New Testament" 217 S. Observatory, Pat
Pickett. (This is a repeat of Sun. Study)
9:00 p.m. Coffee, Tea and Conversation with
Pat, 217 S. Observatory
Thursday, March 2
4:15 p.m. "The Message of the New Testa-
ment," Jack Borckardt, Lane Hall - Con-
ference Room
Friday, March 3
6:15 p.m. Grad Group Dinner. Speaker: Prof.
Robert Longacre, "The Inerrancy Assump-
tion in Regard to Scripture"

added costs and even human life
and homes by postponing essential
flood control projects."
WASHINGTON-The country's
first over-the-air pay television
shows will go into operation in
Hartford,' Conn., as soon as enough
subscribers are signed up, prob-
ably in about six months.
The Federal Communications
Commission yesterday issued final
authorization for a three-year
trial of the pay system after 10
years of controversy over whether
it should be allowed.
Opponents contended that pay
television, once it got started,
would gradually lower the curtain
on free television as it is known
today by taking over the best
* * *
NEW YORK-Two stockholders
sought yesterday to saddle man-
agement with any losses suffered
by General Electric Co. and West-
inghouse Electric Corp. as a result
of recent anti-trust action against-
the firms.
The stockholders filed federal
court suits asking that directors,
officials and executives he held
personally responsible to the cor-
porations for any such losses.
* * *
anthropologist ;yesterday reported
discovery of the earliest "human"
yet known to science-bones of
an adult and a child he estimated
lived considerably more than 600,-
000 years ago.
Dr. L. S. B. Leakey said the
bones, found in Tanganyika, in-
dicate that the child had been
murdered in what would be, he
said, "the oldest crime pver to
come to light."
MOSCOW - The Soviet govern-
ment yesterday renamed Friend-
ship University, opened here last
fall for students from Asia and
Africa, for Patrice Lumumba, the
slain Congolese leader. Tass said
the school now will be known as
"Patrice Lumumba Friendship of
the Peoples University."
Study In.

Cites 'Mess'
In Construction
WASHINGTON ()-The chair-
man of a House appropriations
subcommittee said yesterday
"things are in a mess" in the
program to construct bases for
Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles.
Rep. Harry R. Sheppard (R-
Calif) suggested more centraliza-
tion of authority is needed to im-
prove the Air Force program.
Discussing a closed-door hear-
ing on the program, Sheppard said
in an interview "there are too
many people in too many in-
decisive positions, either unable or
unwilling to make decisions."
"We have got to have one man
on top to run the show," he said.
"It is getting too far behind."
A military subcommittee headed
by Sheppard is expected to re-
commend next week that the mis-
sile base program be revised and
put under the direction of a single
person instead of being directed
by different people in different
branches of the armed services.




sings from 9 to 12
admission 75c




State and William Streets
Dr. Fred E. Luchs, Minister.
Rev. Edgar Edwards, Student Minister.
Guild House at 524 Thompson.
Services 9:30, 10:20, and 11:00 a.m. "My
Name is Judas Iscariot, Dr. Fred E.
Bible Lecture at 10:20, Proverbs, Dr. Preston
Church School: 9:30-10:40 and 10:55-12:00,
crib through 12th grade
Student Guild, 524 Thompson: Evening Pro-
gram at 7:00 p.m.
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Avenue
Rev. Ernest Klaudt, Pastor
Orville H. Schroer, Parish Minister
9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship
9:30 a.m. German Service, chapel
(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister
9:30 a.m. Seminar: Christian Thought, Rev.
J. Edgar Edwards, Guild House
11:00 a.m. Morning Worship, Rev. Robert
7:00 p.m. Student Guild
530 W. Stadium at Edgwood
John G. Makin
Phone NO 2-2756
10:00 A.M. Bible School
11:00 A.M. Regular Worship
6:30 P.M. Evening Worship

306 North Division
:00 A.M. Holy Communion.
:00 A.M. Holy Communion followed by
breakfast at the Canterbury House.'
(Morning prayer on first Sunday of
11:00 A.M. Morning prayer and sermon
7:00 P.M. Evening prayer.
(Holy Communion on first Sunday of
9:15 A.M. Holy Communion.
7:00 A.M. Holy Communion followed by
breakfast at the Canterbury House
(over in time for 8:00 classes)
12:10 Holy Communion followed by lunch
at the Canterbury House.
5:15 Daily evening prayer.
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
(The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod)
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor
Arthur Dauer, Vicar
Sunday at 9:45 and at 11:15: Worship Ser-
vices, with sermon by the pastor, "The
Ability To Endure."
Sunday at 9:45 and 1 1:15: Bible Classes.
Sunday at 6:00: Gamma Delta (Lutheran
Student Club) Supper, followed by show-
ing of new movie, "Time Out," telling
about Gamma Delta.
Tuesday at 8:00: Pastor's Class, "Survey of
Christian Doctrine."
Wednesday at 7:30 and at 9:15: Midweek
Lenten Vespers.
1917 Washtenaw at Berkshire
Church School 10:00
Church Service 11:00
Adult Discussion Group 10:00 a.m.
Student Group 7:00 p.m. Transportationavail-
able from Quads, Alice Lloyd, Markley, and
Stockwell Halls
Corner State and Huron'Streets
William C. Bennett, Pastor
10:00 Sunday School 1
8:45 and 11:00 Morning Worship Services,
"The Divine Imperative" by Mr. Keith Hunt
of Inter-Varsity Christian Fellowship.
5:30 Student Guild
7:00 Evening Service, "Life Reproducing" by
Mr. James Reapsom of.Inter-Varsity:
Christian Fellowship.-
Wednesday 7:30 p.m. - Prayer Meeting
Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan
Washtenaw at Forest
The Reverend Leonard Verduin, Pastor
10:00 A.M. Morning Worship Service
11:15 A.M. Coffee hour
7:00 P.M. Vesper Worship Service'
YMCA Building, 350 S. 5th
Morning Service 10:00 a.m.
Evening Service 7:30 p.m.

State and Huron Streets Tel. NO 8-61
Dr. Hoover Rupert, Minister
Rev. Gene Ransom, Campus 'Minister
February 26, 1961
9:00 and 11:15 a.m. Morning Worship. L
ton Sermon Series. Words To Live By:
Atonement. Sermon by Dr. Rupert.
10:15 Seminar: "Meet the Professor" ser
Prof. James N. Morgan, Economics I
partment, andProgram Director, Sur
Research Center, speaking on "Ethi
issues in Social Welfare Legislation." F
7:00 Worship and Program. The film, "
Man on Campus." Wesley Lounge.
7:00 a.m. Holy Communion, Chapel, follom
by breakfast in Pine Room. (Over in t
for 8:00 classes). Faculty and stude
5:30 p.m. Wesley Graduate Student Fello
ship. dinner followed by program. F
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 a.m. Sunday services
8:00 p.m. Wednesday services
9:30 a.m. Sunday school (adults up to
years old)
11:00 a.m. Sunday school (children 2 to
years old)
A reading room Is maintained at 306
Liberty, 10:00 to 5:00.daily except S
days and holidays 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
502 East Huron
Rev. James H. Middleton, Minister
Rev. Hugh D. Pickett, Assistant Minister
9:45 Student Bible Class, The Old Testam
taught by Prof. Edgar E. Willis
11:00 Worship.
6:45 Student Fellowship Program
1131 Church St.
Mr. Alvin Hoksborgen, Pastor.
Morning Services, 8:45 and 11:00 A.M.
Evening Worship Service, 7:00 P.M.
411 Fountain St.
Rev. Wm. F. Nicholas, pastor
Sunday School 9:45 a.m.
Morning Worship 11:00 a.m.
Training Union 6:30 pm.
Evening Worship 7:30 p.m.
Prayer Meeting Wed., 7:30 ,p.m.
Cooperating with the Southern Baptist
National Lutheran Council
Hill Street and Soyth Forest Avenue
Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
Phone NO 8-7622
9:00 a.m. Worship Service
10:00 a.m. Bible Study
11:00a.m.. Worship Service and Holy Co
7:30 p.m. "Cuba Today"-with slides,
Boris Volpe!, speaker


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Serving the following Special dinners
This Friday, Saturday & Sunday

" CHOICE BEEF CUBE STEAK, Smothered Onions,
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1 .15

0 ITALIAN SPAGHETTI with Tangy Meat Sauce






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