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February 25, 1961 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1961-02-25

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ocal Area



seven years the city of Ann
r has been studying the de-
'ating north-central area and
ipting to develop a workable
for its rehabilitation.
e problem of old buildings,
of them overcrowded and
building code standards,
s completely unsound and
dous, still exists. This situ-
exists despite elaborate, but
rded, federal urban renewal
and the present, substitute'
am of voluntary rehabilita-
rk on the problem began
a petition submitted to the
Council in 1953 requesting
emoval of the junk yard and
ge factory on Summit Street,
esidential neighborhood. Dis-'
on of these blighting influ-
led to the recognition of
decaying conditions in the
and it was recommended to
ouncil that federal aid be re-
Final Plans
e request was made and
ed. Final plans for urban
val stipulated that the fed-
government was to bear two-
s of the cost of renovating a
re area north of the central
ess district and that city
s would cover the remaining'
e urban renewal program of-
a backlog of governmental.
'ience with similar problems.'
ig other things, it provided
he relocation of persons whose
s were to be razed or re-
d and loans for those who
d to make private improve-'
ban renewal'was a campaign
in two successive elections,
the subject of city-wide con-
rsy for six years until it was
d in the spring of 1959 by the
r elected Mayor Cecil 0.,
Voluntary Repair,
its place, Creal established
NTeighborhood Rehabilitation
hmprovement Committee. This
iittee, now beginning its sec-
rear, is encouraging a volun-
method of repair and renova-
in a 300-acre area which is
nlargement of the original
considered for urban renew-
e mayor's committee is com-
n., March 27, 8:30 P.M.

posed of "friends and neighbors of
the property owners in the north-
central area." It is aided in its
work by an advisory committee
of "bankers, realtors, architects,
builders, and others who have
professional or technical abilities"
which could prove helpful.
A housing coordinator is em-
ployed by the city to work with
the people, of the area, the Build-
ing and Safety Engineering De-
partment and, the committee.
In a report to the council, the
committee states that "four houses
listed as substandard have been
razed. Five other houses or struc-
tures listed as substandard have
been greatly improved." It also re-
ports that other structures have
been painted and roofing, siding,
electrical wiring, porches and
sidewalks have been repaired.
Loan Fund'
This report also states that
"because of financial limitations,
the residents cannot make major
changes." With this in view, the
committee is investigating the pos-
sibilities of a loan fund. In, addi-
tion, "an appraisal study commit-
tee is being appointed to deter-
mine the economic possibility'..
of private capital developing mod-
ern, multi-family dwellings."
Lack of cooperation from the
City Council, lack of funds, and
inadequate building codes. and en-
forcement measures are barriers
which, the committee says, are
blocking its further progress.
"The Rehabilitation and Im-
provement Committee, as author-
ized by the City Council, has 'no
statutory power and in no case

property owner in the name of
the City," Chairman Bert Root
said at the Jan. 5 meeting of the
Need Acceptance
"Only by offering suggestions
and recommendations to the prop-
er city authorities and having
them accepted and acted upon
can this committee hope to ac-
complish the many things neces-
sary to rehabilitate and improve

the north central area," he con-
"It would be useless for this
committee to submit a long list of
suggestions and recommendations
to the city and have them all ig-
nored or indefinitely postponed
Many of the things we have
suggested are still left undone.
So we must approach the coming
year with a new spirit of hope-
fulness and forget the frustra-

tions and disappointments of the
past year."
At that same meeting, Root, in
discussing the election of officers
for the coming year, remarked
that "being treasurer of this
committee is an empty honor, for
at no time have we had any mon-
ey in our treasury."
'Damning Evidence'
It is statements such as these
that Prof. Gerhard Weinberg of
the history department, city Dem-
ocratic chairman, terms "damn-
ing evidence" that the committee
has not accomplished much.
"I have read their report," he
said, "and it is apparent that they
have done next to nothing, that
they have no authority, no funds
and no means of getting funds.
Their own report shows that the
committee is becoming aware that
their approach is ineffective.
"The concern of the Democrat-
ic party is that, while the city
plays around, citizens of Ann Ar-
bor are forced to live under con-
ditions which the city itself says
are unfit for human habitation."
Prof. Richard Cutler of, the
psychology department, publicity
chairman for the Democratic par-
ty, echoed Weinberg's sentiments
in saying, "It is widely known that
the Democratic party is utterly
dissatisfied with the progress of
the Neighborhood Rehabilitation
Committee." He emphasized that
the problem "is definitely a cam-
paign issue."
Problem Complicated
Prof. A. Nelson Dingle of the
engineering mechanics depart-
ment, head of Democratic local
issues committee, said the problem
is complicated by lack of cooper-
ation on the part of the council.
He also pointed out that build-
ing code enforcement is necessary
to the effectiveness of a rehabili-
tation program, but that it would
involve dispossessing people who
would then have no place to live.
After seven years as a recog-
nized and crucial problem, the
north-central area remains in a
blighted condition. Once again it
is a campaign issue.
"The problem requires coopera-
tion from the City Council, revised
building codes and the legal au-
thority to enforce them, suffi-
cient financing, and a city-wide,
workable program, chairman Root
said. "The city itself plays an im-
portant part in this and we would
like the cooperation of all city
"Deterioration= isa problem the
city will have to face for some
time to come, in the north-central
area and in others as well," Mrs.
Dorothee Pealy, Democratic can-
didate for mayor, speculates.
"Urban renewal is dead, but
the problem is still here"



it take action against any



USE OF THIS CQLUMN for announce-
ments is available to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
tions only. Student organizations plan-
ning to be active for the spring semnes-
ter must register by MARCH 31, 1961.
Forms available, 3011 Student Activities
Challenge, Feb. 26, 2:30 p.m., Angell
Hall, Aud. B. Speaker: Dr. D. Apter,
"Social Change and the Erosion of Tra-
dition." Discussants: Profs. W. Schorger
& M. Sahlins.
.* . *
La Sociedad Hispanica, Tertulia, Feb.
27, 3-5 p.m., 3050 FB.
Wesley Fdn., Seminar; "Meet the Pro-
fessor"' Series-Prof. J: Morgan, Econ.
Dept., 10:15 a.m.,' Pine Rin.; Fim- Sig
Man on Campus," 7 p.m., Wesley
ILounge; Feb. 26, 1st Meth. Church.
* *. *,'
Comm., for Improved Cuban-Am. Re-
lations, Regular Business Meeting, Color
Slides of Cuba, Feb. 27, 7:30 p.m., Un-
ion, R m. 3D.
- Folklore Soc., Workshop-Guitar &
Banjo Instruction, Feb. 25, 2 p.m. SAB.
Bill McAdoo in charge.
Newman Club, Marriage Series: The
Natural & Supernatural Aspects. of
Christian Marriage, Feb. 26, 7:30 p.m.,
331 Thompson. Speaker: Rev. E. Scheu-
erman, Prof. of Religion, Sacred Heart


-Daily-David Giltrow
ATTRACTIVE HOME-Many houses in the north-central area
are well cared for and structurally sound', as is this one. Many,
others have undergone extensive improvements. The house in the'
background, however, was cited by George L. Powell, city housing
coordinator, as "a former brewery, now overcrowded." It is a
reminder of the degenerating living conditions which, while
natural results of city expansion, present the community with a
complex problem of improvement and rehabilitation.

Sing Tonight
8:30 Ann Arbor High
good seats still available
Box office opens at 7:00


r rU,


and his Company of
singers and Musicians
Main Floor $2.50, $3.00
Balcony $2.00, $3.00
Send stamped, self-addressed
envelope for ticket return.

FRANCE, 1930
(CLAIR, 1924)
" "The only true international sound
film, Le Million' dispenses with
English subtitles because none are
needed to clarify its story." Mu-
seum of Modern Art Film Library.
Monday, February 27, 8 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheatre. Admission is by
subscription only. A subscription to
the remaining five programs of the
spring semester costs $2.50. For fur-
ther information, call NO 2-6685 or
NO 2-9359.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which , The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3519 Administration Building,
before ,2 p.m. two days preceding
General Notices
'Make-up Exam for Political Science
67 and 160 Will be held Mon., Feb. 27,
from 2-5 p.m. in 2440 Mason Hall.
Office of Veterans' Affairs will be
open this month on Sat., Feb. 25, from
9:30 .,a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for the conven-
ience of veterans who are enrolled for
classes,' on Saturday only.'
Detroit Armenian Women's Club
Scholarship Award:. Applications for the
Detroit Armenian Women's Club Schol-
arship Awards are available at the
Scholarship Office, 2011 Student Ac-
tivities Bldg. This is open to young
men and women of Armenian parent-
age whose residence is in the Detroit
metropolitan area. The award is made
to undergraduate students only who
have completed 'at least one year of
college work. Applications must be com-
pleted by April 15. Interested students
should inquire at the Scholarship Of-
Eugene G. Fassett Scholarship appli-
cation forms are now available at the
Scholarship Office, 2011 Student Acti-
vities Building. Undergraduate students
with an average of "B" or better and
financial need are eligible to apply.
Those students completing a General
Undergraduate Scholarship application
will be considered for this scholarship
and others of the same type. These
awards will be announced later' in the
spring and will take effect with the
fall semester.
Placement Notices
VIEWS: 128H West Engineering. Seniors
& grad students pls. call Ext. 2182.
FEB. 28-
Armour Research Foundation of Ill.
Institute of Tech., Chicago, Ill. - All
Degrees: Ch.E., E.E., M.E., Met., & Nu-
clear. June and Aug. grads. Res. & Dev.
Boeing Airplane Company, Seattle,
Wash.; Wichita, Kans. (4 days) -- All
degrees: A.E., Applied Mech., C.E.
(structures), E.E., E.M., Instru., M.E., &
Nuclear. Summer Employment: Please
sign Mr. Dunn's schedule on Mar. 1,1

1961. Program is restricted to JUNIORS,
Graduate students & Faculty. Des., R.
& D., Sales & Prod.
Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co.,
Engrg, Offices at Cleveland, Ohio -
B.S.-M.S.: C.E., E.E., I.E. & M.E. Feb.
('61), June & Aug. graduates. Both
men and WOMEN. Des., Sales, Prod.,
Data Processing.
Consolidated Edison Co. of New York,
Inc., Public utility for City of N.Y. &
Westchester County-B.S.-M.S.: Ch.E.,
E.E. & M.E. B.S.: E. Math. Planning,
Des., Construction, Operation.
W. R. Grace & Company, Dewey & Al-
my Chemical Co., Cambridge, Mass.; Ac-
ton, Mass.;. Chicago, ,Ill.; Montreal,
Canada; Owensboro, Ky.; Quagertown,
Pa.; San Leandro, Calif.; Worcester,
Mass:-All Degrees: .Ch.E. B.S.-M.S.:
M.E. June grads. Men only. Non-Citi-
zens must be in process of getting U.S.
Citizenship for career in the U.S., or
must be from the countries in which
we have locations. Des., R. & D., Sales,
Production, Product Dev., Process,
Project & Mfg. Engrg.
Arthur D. Little, Inc., Cambridge,
Mass.; Chicago, Ill.; & San Francisco
(a.m.)-All Degrees: Ch.E., E.S., Met.,
M.S.-Ph.D.: M.E. Both Men & WOM-
EN. Des., R. & D.
Stewart-Warner Corporation, Chica-
go, Ili.-All Degrees: E.E. & M.E. B.S.-
M.S.: I.E. B.S.: Met. Des., R. & D., Sales
& Production.
Sunbeam Corporation, R. & D. Dept.,
Chicago, Ill. -B.S.-M.S.: ME Men only.
Des., R. & D.
Union Carbide Cor?., Linde Company
& U. C. Silicones Div., Eastern & Mid-
western part of U.S. (Feb. 27 & 28) -
B.S-M..:Ch.E., C.E., E.E., E.M., M.E.
& Met. Des., R. & D., Sales, Prod. &
United States Graphite Co., Div. of
The Wickes Corp., Saginaw, Mich. -
B.S.: Ch.E., E.E., Met. June graduates.
R. & D., Sales,
U.S. Gov't.- Commerce Bureau of
Public Roads, Locations in all 50 states
-B.S.-M.S.: C.E. & Mat'ls. M.S.: Con-
struction. June grads. Des. & Construct.
Personnel Requests
H. J. Heinz Co., Holland, Mich.-Re-
cent grad. in Chem.'& related science
for position in Quality Control Dept.
(in food technology).
Children's Hospital, Columbus, O. -
Therapeutic Dietitician. Must be A.D.A.
registered. Immed. opening.
Dorr-Oliver, Inc., Stamford, Conn. -
Grad. Engnr. for job in pulp .& paper
field. Chem.E. or grad, of pulp &paper
school. Five-ten yrs. exper. in bleach-
ing processes desirable. To give tech.
(Continued on Page 4) 1

Cihena uild
TON IGHT and SUNDAY at 7 and 9
Will be shown at silent speed.
Short: Image in the Snow
CANNE'S Film Festival Prize

I know all of you have important things to do in the morning-
like getting down to breakfast before your roommate eats all
the marmalade-so you really cannot be blamed for not keeping
up with all the news in the morning papers. In today's column,
therefore, I have prepared ,a run-up of news highlights from
campuses the country over.
Dr. Willard Hale Sigafoos, head of the department of anthro-
pology at Southern Reserve University, and internationally
known as an authority on primitive peoples, returned yesterday
from a four-year scientific expedition to the headwaters of the
Amazon River. Among the many interesting mementos of his
journey is his, own head, shrunk to the size of a kumquat. He
refused to reveal how his head shrinking was accomplished.
"That's for me to know and you to find out," he said with a
tiny, but saucy grin.
Dr. Mandrill Gibbon, head of the department of zoology at
Northern Reserve University, and known to young and old for
his work on primates, announced yesterdaythat he had re-
ceived a grant of $80,000,000 for a twelve-year study to deter-
mine precisely how much fun there is in a barrel of monkeys.
Whatever the results of Dr. Gibbon's researches, this much
is already known: What's more fun than a barrel of monkeys is
a pack of Marlboro. There- is zest and cheer in every puff,
delight in every draw, content and well-being in every fleecy,
flavorful cloudlet. And what's more, this merriest of cigarettes
comes to you both in soft pack and flip-top box wherever cig-
arettes are sold at prices that do no violence to the slimmest of
purses. So why don't you settle back soon and enjoy Marlboro,
the filtered cigarette with the unfiltered taste.
The annual meeting of the American Philological Institute,
held last week at Eastern Reserve University, was enlivened
by the reading of two divergent monographs concerning the
origins of early Gothic "runes," as letters of primitive alphabets
are called.
Dr. Tristram Lathrop Spleen, famed far and wide as the dis-
coverer of the High German Consonant Shift, read a paper in
which he traced the origins of the Old Wendish rune "pt"
(pronounced "krahtz") to the middle Lettic rune "gr" (pro-
nounced "albert"). On the other hand, Dr. Richard Cummer-
bund Twonkey, who, as the whole world knows, translated
"The Pajama Game" into Middle High Bactrian, contended
in his paper that the Old Wendish rune "pt" derives from the
Low Erse rune "mf" (pronounced "gr").
Well, sir the discussion grew so heated that Dr. Twonkey
finally asked Dr. Spleen if he would like to step into the gym-
nasium and put on the gloves. Dr. Spleen accepted the chal-
lenge promptly, but the contest was never held because there
were no gloves in the gymnasium that would fit Dr. Twonkey.
(The reader is doubtless finding this hard to believe as



A Festival of Musical Premieres




Tonight at 8:30-Inttrumental and Electronic
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ickets: single $1.77, week-end $3, DAC members
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5 l

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