Sir zbrn
Seventy Years of Editorial Freedom
'U' Fears
-AP Wirephoto
UN CAMP-Many members of the late Patrice Lumumba's national Congolese movement are among
the 200 persons who have sought refuge at the UN Malayan unit camp in Leopoldville. A trooper
and another man are shown watching the arrival of a Congolese mother, her baby and a small girl.
U.S. Cites Congo
sador Adlai E. Stevenson declar-
ed his "revulsion and shock" yes-
terday at reports of 11 more poli-
tical assassinations in the Congo.
They were reported carried out
this time by Lumumbist leftists
in Oriental Province.
Taking notice of reports that
Sen. Alphonse Songolo and about
10 other members of the Congo
parliament had been executed by
the. leftist regime of Antoine Gi-
zenga in Stanleyville, the United
States chief delegate said he will
seek new Security Council action
condemning political revenge kill-
He said he will consult with
Asian-African nations on the
Taken Prisoners.
Songolo and the others, all po-
litical foes of the assassinated ex-
premier Patrice Lumumba, were
taken prisoner in Stanleyville
weeks ago.
The Stevenson statement was
issued as President John F. Ken-
nedy and Australian Prime Min-
ister Robert G. Menzies in Wash-
ington joined in pledging support
to United Nations Secretary-Gen-
eral Dag Hammarskjold and in
deploring attempts "to twist the
tragic events in the Congo into
an attack upon the UN."
Reports from Brussels told of a
new blow by the Stanleyville reb-
el forces and an attempt to carve
out a new state-loyal to the Leo-
poldville central regime-in seces-
sionist Katanga province.
Gizenga Moves
The Belgian news agency said
forces of Gizenga entered Lulua-
Bourg, capital of, Kasai province.
The Congolese army garrison at
Luluabourg was said to have ref-
uge at UN headquarters there.
Leftist Government
Fi ght over Peace Plan
VIENTIANE ()-The government said yesterday hostile leftist
reaction to King Savang Vathana's peace plan "could have grave
consequences" for its policy of reconciliation with the rebels.
-An' announcement issued after a special cabinet meeting pre-
sided over by pro-Western Premier Boun Oum did not enlarge upon
what the consequences might be.
Government forces and leftist rebels in the central plain area
supposedly are preparing to take the offensive. But aside from some
This would give the rebels con-
trol of three provincial capitals-
Stanleyville (Oriental) and Buka-
vu (Kivu) and Luluabourg (Ka-
The Belgian radio said Jason
Sendwe, former central govern-
ment commissioner for Katanga,
announced the creation of the new
state of Luluaba in northern Ka-
tanga, in an apparent move to
take over for Leopoldville part of
secessionist Moise Tshombe's prov-
Nasser Speaks
In another development Presi-
dent Abdal Gamal Nasser of the
United Arab Republic was said
to have urged Kennedy, British
Prime Minister Harold Macmillan
and Soviet Premier Nikita Khrush-
chev to keep hands off the Congo
lest they touch off a war that
would set all Africa ablaze.
Diplomatic informants in Lon-
don said Nasser wants an African-
controlled UN command to take
over all responsibility for the
A United States delegation
spokesman here said the reports
of the execution of Songolo and
the others were not official, but
that they were based on sufficient
information to justify the Steven-
son statement.
Goods Seized
In Tennessee
tachment notices were placed on
tons of food and clothing sent by
sympathizers in the North and
held by John McFerren in a legal
squabble between leaders of a
Negro civil rights group yesterday.
McFerren is chairman of the
Fayette County Civic and Welfare
League which organized a drive to
register Negro voters and claims
Negro sharecroppers were evicted
because of the registration cam-
Scott Franklin, president of the
League and head of the other,
faction, went into court to seek
possession of all League assets
WASHINGTON (W - American1
airports started a return to theiri
normal, bustling pace yesterday
while the head, of a presidential
commission quietly sought a solu-
tion to the airlines dispute.
But, despite this hopeful air,
rumblings of trouble still could
be heard.
In Miami, a federal judge ig-
nored one element in the formula
that brought the nation's most+
crippling airlines strike to an end
Thursday. District Judge Emett
C. Chaote held the Eastern Air
Lines chapter of the Flight Engi-
neers International Association in
contempt of court.
Strike Continues
And the strike continued at,
Western Air Lines, which still re-
fused to- take part in the settle-
ment initiated by Secretary of
Labor Arthur Goldberg.
In addition, President John F.
Kennedy acted in a separate
though related strike. Hescreated
an emergency board to investi-
gate the Northwest Airlines strike
and ordered the flight engineers
there back to work. The union
said the men were ready to go
back to their jobs.
Meanwhile, Nathan Feinsinger,
chairman of the presidential com-
mission in the major dispute, con-
ferred with lawyers for the air-
lines and the flight engineers.
Arranges Inquiry
He 'presumably was arranging
the course of the inquiry. The
two other members of Feinsinger's
commission have returned home.
A formal hearing will not be held
until late March.
In the truce Thursday, flight
engineers of six airlines agreed to
go back to work while the Presi-
dent's special commission investi-
gated'the case for 90 days.
In turn, the airlines promised
(1) there would be no reprisals
against the returning union mem-
bers and (2) an attempt would be
made to stop all court actions
started by the airlines to force the
engineers back to work.
Action Continues
But Eastern was unable to stop
the legal action in Miami. Its at-
torney, William Bell, told Chaote:
"At this time Eastern Air Lines
is not seeking reprisals and is not
pushing these proceedings."
But the judge replied:
"I am not concerned about
Eastern. It is important to this
country that we shall obey the
orders of the court. If we don't
there won't be any Eastern nor
will there be any union nor any
Choate, who had ordered the
flight engineers back to work last
Saturday, held their Eastern chap-
ter in contempt of court.
On Tuesday, the federal judge
had held the Miami chapter of
the flight engineers in contempt
and fined it $200,000 or whatever
part of that total the council had
in its treasury.
nearly full, "semester" of classes it
HUAC Film.
The defense department is pre-
paring a new film on Communism
to replace "Operation Abolition"
and "Communism on the Map"
which have been attacked as
"biased" and "distorted."
Announcement of the depart-
ment's action came in the wake of
a recommendation by the National
Council of Churches that its mem-
bers not show "Operation Aboli-
tion" without a "full and fair
presentation of the facts" behind
the student demonstrations against
the House Un-American Activities
Committee shown in the film.
The council expressed concern
about statements in the film "re-
flecting adversely upon the repu-
tation of students" and about the
film's "effect upon freedom of ex-
pression" by implying that a criti-
cism of the committee is Com-
It questioned whether the film
contains "errors of fact and in-
Arkansas Group
The other film, "Communism on
the Map," is put out by a private
group in Arkansas. It claims to
show how America was duped by
Red advances in the past few
After a public showing for Sagi-
naw Rotary Club members was
canceled at the last minute yes-
terday, a spokesman said the Navy
Department had reviewed the film
and did not consider it "appropri-
ate for Navy sponsorship before
civilian audiences." It has been
restricted to use for naval audi-
Lt. Commander Arthur Lavenau
said the film could be "open to
All Aspects
The film the Pentagon is making
will cover "all aspects" of Com-
munism and its methods. Among
other things it will include the
Venezuelan rioting against former
Vice-President Richard M. Nixon.
Whatever material the film con-
tains on the San Francisco dem-
onstrations will be taken from
"the original unedited pictures"
and not from the HUAC version,
a spokesman for the Defense De-
partment said.
California Adopts
Trimester Schedule
The University of California regents last week approved a resolu-
tion which would introduce the trimester system within the next two
or three years, provided additional funds are forthcoming.
This move by the largest state university system in the country
was the latest in a trend which has seen a number of institutions
change to the three-period program. The University calendaring
committee has often discussed the possibility of such a move itself.
Third 'Semester'
California's change involves the introduction of a third full, or
nto a regular academic year. Pro-
ponents of the plan say it will
enable more students to be edu-
cated at a lower cost per student
by.full-time utilization of the uni-
versity plant, much of which now
stands idle during summer months.
Opponents say that it will re-
sult in "assembly-line" education
of lowered quality.
The California action was pri-
marily aimed at preparing for an
influx of, new students expected in
the next few years. It authorized
the establishment of a summer
operation consisting of either two
six-week sessions or one twelve-
week session, at the option of the
individual campus.
Prepare Estimates
The Berkeley, Los Angeles and
Santa Barbara campuses were in-
structed to prepare estimates of
the increased cost that introduc-
tion of the third session would
If financial support is assured
this year, the trimester plan could
be in operation in 1962. A delayin
support would force a correspond-
ing delay in implementation of the
The proposed California sched-
ule would differ from that of other
schools operating on a trimester,
in that the summer session would
be several weeks shorter than the
other two. The ordinary trimester
plan has three sessions of fifteen
weeks each.
University of California Presi-
dent Clark Kerr said that the tri-
mester was an "experimental pro-
cedure. It might be later altered
or extended to other campuses if
it proves academically and eco-
nomically successful."
Asks Return
Of Teamsters
By The Associated Press
Executive Council was told today
that to step up lagging organizing
success, the Teamsters should be
readmitted to the organization.
James T. Curran, president of
the National Maritime Union, an
AFL-CIO union, said that incor-
poration of the Teamsters and
other non-affiliated unions would
enable organized labor to do a
more effective job.
He noted that none of the Team-
ster leaders had been convicted of
crimes since the union's ouster
three years ago on charges of cor-
rupt leadership.
Officials Act
To Stimulate
LSA Students
The literary college has taken
a tentative first step toward stim-
ulation of academic "floaters"-
students who work below their
Associate Dean James Robert-
son said that the administration
board recently sent out some 260
letters to students whose average
dropped below a 2.0 for the first
time last semester. The letters
expressed concern for the lowered
performance and suggested a visit.
to the faculty counselors.
Explains Rationale
Robertson explained that occa-
sionally a student with a good re-
cord will suddenly dip below a
2.0-"sometimes only a little,.
sometimes very dramatically. In
the past, the administrative board
has taken no official cognizance
of this, with the result that the
drop has often continued."
The letters were not a discip-
linary action, Robertson empha-
sized, since most of the students
involved were in little danger of
being placed on probation. Rather,
the letters were one manifestation
of growing concern in the dean's
office for students who fail to
perform to the best of their abili-
No Other Action
No other action has been plan-
guerrilla activity, the front was
quiet yesterday.
If Boun Oum intends to step up
military 'operations, he must do
so quickly. The rainy season be-
gins soon in this jungle kingdom,
making land movement and even
air operations extremely difficult.
The king proposed Sunday that
Laos steer a neutral course under
the eye of a commission sent by
valaya, Cambodia -and Burma.
Since the king, traditionally above
politics, exercises A strong hold
on his country, government circles
hoped his proposal would help
break the present deadlock.
Shock and concern were created
in Vientiane, therefore, by denun-
ciation of the king's plan from
ex-Premier Souvanna Phouma and
his half-brother Prince Souph-
anouvong, leader of the pro-
;ommunist Pathet Lao that con-
trols a large area of Laos.
Souvanna, who arrived -earlier
this week in rebel territory from
self-exile in Cambodia, called the
proposal "facetious and devoid of
my practical value."
Missile Fads
and a probable miss was the day's
score for this missile test center
A new, more powerful Atlas
missile, designed to hit an enemy
faster, harder and farther away,
' Budge
The complexities of the Michi-
gan tax structure will have a direct
bearing on the operating budget
requested by the University for the
coming year.
The University request of $43,-
894,214 was answered with a re-
commendation of $37,130,050 by
Gov. John B. Swainson.
"There is no doubt in our opin-
ion that the amount recommended
is not adequate," Vice-president
and Dean of Faculties Marvin L.
Niehuss said. Niehuss then- ex-
plained the difficulty of the sit-
uation for the governor and legis-
Tax Reforms
Swainson has proposed a gen-
eral program to reform the tax
system in the state. Under the
Swainson program, there would be
no change in the general fund
revenue received, as the increases
and decreases will balance.
There would be a total revenue
increase of $418 million by in-
stalling a 3 per cent personal in-
come tax, yielding $230 million; a
3 per cent corporate profits tax,
yielding $65 million; and a state
specific tax on tangible personal
property, yielding $123 million.
In turn, there would be also a
total revenue loss of $418 million.
Local governments would be re-
imbursed for the loss of tangible)
personal propertyhtax revenues by
$226 million; the repeal of the
Business Activities Tax would
mean a loss of $75 million, and the
exemption of food, prescription
drugs and medicine from sales
tax would lose $95 million.
Other Losses
In addition $12 million would be
used in increased state aid to
counties for direct relief costs,
$5 million would be spent in in-
oreased intangible tax allocation
to local governments, and $5 mil-
lion would be 'the maximum ad-
ministrative cost of the new tax
The so called "nuisance taxes,"
including such items as tobacco,
liquor and corporate franchise
taxes, are due to expire in July,
and Swainson has recommended
that they not be renewed. This
would mean a decrease of $50.3
million in revenue. If this tax
were continued, the additional rev-
enue might be made available for
state services.
Niehuss explained that the prob-
lem of unemployed also entered
into the considerations for keep-
ing taxes down.
"On one hand, if unemployment
is serious, one way of increasing
employment is to carry out build-
ing, as in the 30's. He said the
University would naturally strive
to complete the constructions now
under way.
"Our situation in Michigan is
not unique. Costs are increasing
and the public wants increased
facilities at the same time," Nie-
huss said. "We need more money
to meet demands or we must
reduce activities."
University officials expressed
"serious concern" last night that
funds from Governor John B,
Swainson's proposed building pro-
gram would not be made available
in time for the University to meet
financial obligations on structure
now under construction.
Swainson has asked the Legis-
lature to approve the expansio
of a state building corporation}
which would float a single bond
issue to raise $38.2 million for
capital improvement. The loam
would be repaid by charging state
agencies rent for the new build-
ings they would occupy.
If part of the University's $5,-
472,000 building appropriatior
does not arrive before the end o
the current fiscal year on July 1
current contracts for the comple
tion of the Institute of Science and
Technology Bldg., Physics-Astron.
omy Bldg. and continued renova
tion of University Hospital wil
have to be dropped and renego-
tiated at "unquestionably highe
prices," Lyle M. Nelson, vice-pres-
ident for university relations
Called 'Inadequate
S w a i n s o n's recommendation
which was termed "very inade
quate" by President Harlan Hatch
er, appropriates a total of $6.J
million to the University to con
tinue construction of the threi
projects already contracted. -
No funds were proposed for nel
buildings for the University, Mich
igan State University or Wayn
State University. But Swainso
asked $8.3 million for new proj.
ects at Michigan College of Min
ing and Technology, Central Mich
igan University, Eastern Michi
gan University and Norther
Michigan College.
In its original budget reques
the University asked for mor
than $20 million for building proj
ects to help compensate for th
state's recent moratorium on ne
Plans Complete
Final plans have long been com
pleted for such top priority struc
tures as a new music school an
the second unit of the fluids en
gineering bldg. -while preliminar
planning for a pediatrics hospit
has also been finished, Marvin I
Niehuss, Dean of Faculties, ex
Still in the conceptual stage I
a Medical Sciences Bldg., a ne
home for the architectural schoo
and new engineering building:
Niehuss said.
He warned that lack of researc
and study space is a "discourag
ing element" to members of th
faculty and indicated that thi
was a factor in Prof. Irwin Gold
berg's resignation last year."
Cites 'Need'
Wilbur K. Pierpont, Vice-Pres
dent for Business and Finance
emphasized the "urgent need" fc
the planned projects "which shou
have been finished by now."
Nelson predicted that even
the Republican-dominated Legi
lature were to reject Swainson
proposal, it is "not too probable
that they will increase the Un
versity's building funds above tlh
governor's recommendation.
While most GOP legislatoi
postponed comment on the bulk
ing proposal, Rep. Wilfred G. Bas
sett (R-Jackson) opposed tt
measure because it "simply posi
pones financial decisions until tC
Band Lauded
In Leningrad.
MOSCOW (A)-The Universil
Band's first Leningrad conce:
Wolverines Skate over Huskies, 4-2
special to The Daily
HOUGHTON-Two last period goals by Joe Lunghamer gave
Michigan a 4-2 victory in the first round of the important two game
series with Michigan Tech.
The loss makes it virtually impossible for the Huskies to finish'
in second place in the WCHA. Michigan, with the win, is still in the
race and needs a second win tonight over these same Huskies to keep
its hopes alive.
Ironically, despite the win the Wolverines slipped back to third
place as Minnesota moved a few percentage points ahead via a
12-2 victory over Colorado College.
The Huskies still remain to be reckoned with, however, as it
took a determined three goal effort in the final stanza and some
outstanding goaltending by Jim Coyle to overcome a 2-1 Tech lead.
The lead was accomplished on two goals by firebrand Louis Angotti.
Early Lead
Carl (Stubby) White had given Michigan an early 1-0 advantage
in the first period when he took a pass from Pat Cushing and fired