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February 12, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-12

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New Iraqi Rulers Move
To Crush Communists;
Get World Recognition

Jeffrey Cites Factors
Giving Ferency Control
A combination of four factors enabled Zolton Ferency to unseat
John J. (Joe) Collins as Democratic state chairman, a top Ferency
supporter said Sunday.
Mrs. Mildred Jeffrey, community relations director of the United
Auto Workers and Democratic national committeewoman, cited
Ferency's personal qualities as the first factor. "He was able to impress
the dierle p w ith hk s ab~ilitiP s1

Soviets Blast
U.S. A-Test
Resum tlon
:GENEVA (P)-The Soviet Union
asserted yesterday new United
States underground nuclear blasts
are a blow to hopes for a test
ban treaty.
Pessimism engulfed delegates on
the eve of the resumed treaty
talks. a ._
An official statement by Tass,
distributed from Moscow, said the
Nevada testing "gives impetus to
a new nuclear arms race" and "the
government of the United States'
bears full responsibility for the
possible consequences of this step."
Delegates of smaller countries
to the 17-nation disarmament con-
vention privately blamed their pes-
simism on the Soviet Union, the
United States and France, the lat-
ter for boycotting Geneva.
- The Americans and British tried
to lift some of the gloom by in-
i sting that an opportunity exists
sfors agreement on a treaty if the
Russians will discuss enforcement
details. But they hold that the
Russians still take a too rigid
The Americans and British want
the Russians to agree to eight to
ten on-site inspections a year and
to accept seven to ten black boxes,
or automatic seismic detectors, as
safeguards against secret testing.
The Russians insist they will
allow only two or three such in-
spections and have offered to take
three black boxes.
The one hopeful factor is that
the Russians have accepted again
the principle of on-site inspections
after assailing the idea for a year
and a half.
World News
*Round up
By The AssociatedPress
-BRUSSELS-Professors at the
Belgian State Universities of
Ghent and Liege went on strike
yesterday, asking for higher sal-
aries. The strike is expected to. last
a week. They are supported by
their 10,000 students.'
. « .
LOS ANGELES- Felix Slatkin,
violinist and arranger-conduc-
tor-composer, noted for his "Fan-
tastic Strings" and other record-
ings, died yesterday of a heart
range Polaris A-3 submarine mis-
sile raced to its second straight
success yesterday \and a Navy ef-
ficial said the weapon's early bas-
ic problems apparently have been
solved. The projectile flew more
than 1800 miles.
WASHINGTONI - The formal
nomination of Franklin D. Roose-
velt Jr. to be undersecretary of
commerce was sent to the Senate
yesterday ' by President John F.
NEW YORK-The New York
Stock Exchange suffered its sharp-
est setback since January. The
Dow-Jones average showed 30 in-
dustrials were down 5:18, 20 rail-
roads up .17, 15 utilities up .22 and
65 stocks down .88.



Rusk Calls Rift

In Red Camp


WASHINGTON (P)- Secretary
of State Dean Rusk said yester-
day the rift between Communist
China and the Soviet Union is a
"cause for encouragement about
the future of freedom."
But he said the West must not
relax its guard.
Communist threats still are ser-
ious and in some areas may in-
crease in the months ahead, Rusk
said in a television interview
over the national educational tele-
vision channel.- He was joined by,
three top aides in the most exten-
sive examination of the Peking-
Moscow dispute ever publicized by
the State Department.
Rusk said that the debate among
the Communists proves that Com-
munism-not modern democracy
as the Communists contend -
"contains within itself the seeds
of its own decay."
"This. is cause for encourage-
ment about the future of free-
dom and for confidence that if
we persevere, if we do not grow
weary and falter, we can move to-
ward a rule of law and a world
community truly at peace," he
With Rusk on the program were
U. Alexis Johnson, deputy under-
secretary for political affairs;
Averell Harriman, assistant secre-
tary for Far Eastern affairs, and
Roger Hilsman, intelligence direc-
All agreed that the unity of the
Communist movement has been
shattered by the ideological row
that has raged over the past five

To Continue
Efforts Concentrated
In Red Stronghold
BEIRUT (M)-Iraq's new rulers
were reported waging a bloody
campaign yesterday to annihilate
Communists throughout the na-
Moscow nevertheless j o i n e d
Washington and London in rec-
ognizing the revolutionary regime.
The machine-gunning of Iraqi
Communists died down in Bagh-
dad, the capital. But reliable re-
ports to other Arab capitals said
Communists were being wiped out
elsewhere in the fiercest offensive
in this part of the world since the
blood bath in 1959 in Mosul.
Premier Abdel Karim Kassem,
overthrown Friday and shot Sat-
urday, crushed an uprising in the
northern city that year.
Reliable sources in Damascus
said there had been mass killings
of Communists in the North and
South of the country. The cam-
paign was said to be particularly
violent in the southern province
of Alnaja, where Red strength was
With the country's borders clos-
ed, the Iraqi Reds were trapped.
Damascus sources said they were
fleeing Baghdad and going under-
ground in the provinces to con-
tinue resistance. to President Abdel
Salam Aref and the army junta.
Fighting was reported partic-
ularly savage in the river port of
Bssra of eastern Iraq.
Reports from the Iranian oil
center of Abadan said the Com-
munists seized the prison and
freed 1500 Reds and criminals.
Iraqi regulars were ordered to
leave their posts on the border
with Kuwait and help put down
the Communists in Basra, the
reports added.
Treasury Plots
Course of Debt
WASHINGTON (W) - The na-
tional debt might go as high as
$328 billion under President John
F. Kennedy's tax program, before
the budget reaches balance, the
Treasury estimates. But the same
estimates, published yesterday,
said that without the tax cuts and
.,evisions, the debt might be more
than $335 billion by 1967, and
still growing.

Git gtaes w1G111 capa 11Ge6 ,
she commented, characterizing
Ferency as "a very able person
with high principles, who can
transmit these to others, and an;
excellent organizer.''
Swainson Support
Second, the "terrific reception"
given former Gov. John B. Swain-'
son when he came to the conven-
tion to endorse Ferency was a
major factor, Mrs. Jeffrey con-
tinued. She said that the Ferency
supporters were not sure this
would happen, and were somewhat
worried that a lukewarm recep-
tion for Swainson might damage
Ferency's chances.
Third, she observed "resent-
ment" among the delegates against
"the heavy push by elected of-
ficials" for Collins. "Democrats
tend to have great respect for the
officials they helped to elect, but
they don't like the officials telling
them how to run things within the
party," Mrs. Jeffrey remarked.
Fourth, while Ferency had ac-
tive support, there was no "zeal
or enthusiasm" for Collins him-
self. "There had been all kinds
of unrest around the state. If
Collins had been a strong can-
didate he would not have been
defeated," she added.
Maintain Status Quo
She represented the collins sup-
port primarily as a desire not to
"rock the boat" by changing lead-
ers, rather than as enthusiasm for
However, Mrs. Jeffrey asserted
that Collins' ousting was not a
result of Swainson's defeat in the
fall election. "The past has no-
thing to do with Collins. During
the whole fall campaign it was
agreed that no one would be per-
sonally blamed if we lost. There
was no bitterness or recrimination
"The only question was, 'Who
is the- best man to lead the party
for the next two years?'
No Indication
She noted that "Swainson was
in support of Ferency, to my
knowledge, since mid-November,
at least," but said that the fact
Swainson's man now heads the
party was "no indication at all
that Swainson plans to run Jr.
"I've heard him say that his
candidate for governor is (Con-
gressman-at-large) Neil Staebler,"
she added.
However, she pointed out that
"there was never any question
that Swainson would stay in
Michigan politics."

Kennedy Asks
Speedy Action
On New School
WASHINGTON (R) -- President
John F. Kennedy asked Congress
yesterday for fast action to create
a new academy to train civilians
who serve the nation overseas.
Kennedy proposed the estab-
lishment of a National Academy of
Foreign Affairs in or near the
District of Columbia,
He noted that nearly a million
Americans now serve the nation
abroad and that their operations
involve nearly every government
department and agency.
State Department officials have
said that the department still
would obtain recruits for the dip-
lomatic corps from graduates of
private institutions and then they
would go through training courses
at the new academy with persons
already in foreign service.
This would make the proposed
academy more of a graduate
school than a diplomatic equiva-
lent of West Point. Officials said
no degrees will be granted and
there would be no set time for
the training program.

Lockheed, Labor Sign Contract
union shop in the company. Al- the Lockheed Sunnyville, Calif.,
Before the Taft-Hartley injunc- though a majority of the workers plant (where Polaris missiles are
tion 90 day cooling-off period had favored the union shop, the neces- manufactured) for 10 days basic-
expired, the dissident Lockheed sary two-thirds vote was not gain- ally over this issue and failed to
Aircraft Corp. and the machinist ed. win the union shop," he said.
union settled the dispute. "Since the machinists made the The o ns a
Ltockheed signedspatecontractde whhmhns au hh The aerospace industry is a last
Lockeedsignd acontactdeal with Lockheed without the holdout against the union shop
which may begin a new trend in union shop, their bargining posi- contracts among major industries,
union bargining. It included a tion is lowered at Boeing," Prof. he noted. The union shop con-
provision whereby the company Charles M. Rehmus of the In- tracts are now in force in the
will send letters to new employees stitute of Labor and Indutsrial e ndmsta
suggesting that they give ":on- Relations said recently. transportation and manufactur-
sideration to joining the union." Prof. Rehmus was speaking ininidutes
S r gg regard to the machinist union's The union which does not have
upon mutually by the union and bid to gain a union shop at Boeing union-shop contracts tends to be'
the company. Aircraft Corp. At a vote taken weaker in bargining than the one
In the process, the union, how- there over 70 per cent of the which does, Prof. Rehmus said.
ever, lost its bid for a "uon workers favored the union shop Although Boeing is fighting the
shop" clause in the contract. Lock- but the election was "advisory" to union shop now, it does have such
heed President Courtland Gross the parties, he explained. contracts with other unions in
had opposed the union shop con- Old Dispute some other areas.
tract on the grounds that workers "The question of the union shop There is speculation that Boeing
should have the right to join un- is not a new dispute. It is at least will settle only on the terms Lock-
ions voluntarily. 12 years old in the aero-space heed gave and thus avoid the un-
Union Shop? industry. In 1960 the union struck ion shop issue.
The union shop clause would . ..
have provided that workers join.,......._a._...
the union within 30 days of hiring..
if they were not already members
of the union. The new contract
gives the workers time to speakY '
to the shop steward about join-
ing the union on company time.
The contract was signed aifter a :;~ .
Presidential panel recommended A L
that a vote be taken on the ; y
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