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February 10, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-02-10

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)ispense will

Bids U.S.
1 Worries,

Two Conservatives Quit
Caretaker Government
OTTAWA UP)-Two more cabinet ministers deserted Canadian
Prime Minister John Diefenbaker's caretaker government yesterday,
charging his defense policy endangered Canada's security and ser-
iously harmed relations with the United States.
Trade minister George Hees, a key figure in Diefenbaker's Con-
servative party, and acting defense minister Pierre Sevigny handed
in their resignations in the dispute over Diefenbaker's failure to
accept nuclear arms * in its roles
as a partner in the North Atlantic
Treaty Organization and in North
America air defense. ---------

Blame U.S. for Crisis

) Cuba Arms Buildup

Lusk Wants
soviet Force,
ullout Date
Kohler To Press
USSR Over Issue


States asked Russia yesterday to
say. when it plans to withdraw
Soviet military forces from Cuba.
The question was put to Soviet
Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin by
Secretary ofState Dean Rusk in a
75-minute meeting at the State
Department yesterday.
Rusk had met with President
John F. Kennedy at the White
House earlier ,in- the day. United
States Ambassador Foy D. Kohler
participated in the, White House
conference and is expected to press
the troop issue with the Soviet
government when he gets back to
his post in Moscow next Thurs-
Unable to Answer.
Dobrynin, United States inform-
ants reported, was unabler to give
Ruskban immediate answer. That
had been expected and the query
in effect was a request from Ken-
nedy through Rusk to Soviet Pre-
mier Nikita Khrushchev for an ex-
planation of his Cuba policy on
the 17,000 troops and military
technicians retained in Cuba fol-
lowing the crisis of last October.
Dobrynin reportedly told Rusk
that the troops are there for
training the Cuban army in the
use of advanced weapons.
Both Rusk and Kennedy have
said at recent news conferences
that Khrushchev has promised to
remove the troops in "due course."
The purpose of the request put
forward yesterday was to find out
what he means by "due course"
and in general to press him to
carry out his promise.
Sending Message
Kennedy himself was reported
sending a message to Khrushchev
on the Cuban problem in advance
of Kohler's return.
When he reaches Moscow, the
ambassador will be in a position
to discuss the troops with Khrush-
chev and to try to impress upon
him the seriousness with which
the administration and Congress
regard the situation.
The Administration has been un-
der heavy criticism from several
Congress members because of the
continued presence of Soviet mili-
tary forces on the 'Caribbean is-
land. Kennedy and other admin-
istration leaders declared publicly
last week they were reasonably
satisfied that Khrushchev pulled
out of Cuba last fall all Russian
nuclear missiles and jet bombers
capable of direct attack on the
United States. But the President
also declared at a news confer-
ence Thursday that the Soviet'
military presence in Cuba is a
matter of very serious concern.

.. Cuban arms
Delay Talk
Ont Bases
WASHINGTON (P)-The start
ofnegotiations on a new lease for
American military bases in Spain
has been postponed, the Pentagon
said yesterday.
The official explanation here is
that both sides need more time to
get ready for the talks. But there
is evidently deeper significance to
the- indefinite postponement of
Deputy Secretary of Defense Ros-
well L. Gilpatrick's scheduled visit
to Madrid.
Signs point to a developing
three-way tug-of-war among the
United States government, Spanish
dictator Francisco Franco and
French President Charles de
Three Airdromes
At stake are three huge air-
dromes, a naval base at Rota and
communications facilities. The
United States leases them under
a 10-year agreement that expires
in September. In exchange, Spain
has received about $1.5 billion in
American economic and military
Gilpatrie was to have arrived in
Madrid next Friday to discuss re-
newal of the agreement. Reports
have been circulating in the.Span-
ish capital for a week that the
Pentagon official has been run-
ning into difficulties in trying to
set up interviews with top Spanish
No New Date
Finally, the United States em-
bassy reported "it appears neither
side Is yet ready to start talking"
and yesterday the defense depart-
ment said Gilpatric's trip will be
delayed for a while "by mutual
agreementof both countries." No
new date has been set, a Pentagon
spokesman said.
Earlier this week both the state
and defense departments denied
they were having any difficulty.

Says Troops
Only Present
For Training
Claims Nuclear Arms
Absent From Island
MOSCOW ()-Soviet Premier
Nikita Khrushchev said yesterday
the United States need not worry
about a Soviet arms buildup in
Cuba, that Russian troops are
based there only to instruct Cu-
bans in the use of modern weap-
ons. ,
Khrushchev's message was re-
layed by Roy H. Thomson,
Canadian-born newspaper mag-
nate, after a 2 -hour talk with
the Soviet leader in the Kremlin.
In another appearance, a re-
corded television interview broad-
cast to the Russian people last
night, Khrushchev blasted France
for signing a friendship treaty
Jan. 22 with West Germany, a
pact which he charged would "help
revive the old origins of war dan-
Nuclear Arms Absent
Thomson advised newsmen
Khrushchev told him there are no
Soviet nuclear arms in Cuba and
only a certain number of Russian
troops are there, engaged in train-
ing duties.
Asked how many such troops
are on duty, Khrushchev said he
did not know, but "many have
left Cuba and are continuing to
leave Cuba."
(The current Washington esti-
mate is 17,000. President John F.
Kennedy recalled at a news con-
ference Thursday that Khrush-
chev promised the Russians would
be withdrawn in due time. Ken-
nedy said the United States is
trying to ascertain when. He con-
ferred Saturday with Ambassador
FoyD. Kohler, who may take up
the troop withdrawal issue on his
imminent return to Moscow.)
Thomson told Khrushchev that
Americans were expressing great
concern about reports of a buildup
of Soviet arms in Cuba and asked
if there was any basis for this
"None at all," Khrushchev re-
As to the missile situation, the
publisher quoted him as saying:
"All the atomic weapons are in
our hands and we do not need to
place them there. We can reach
anyone we want with our own
weapons from our own territory.
It is more reliable to have them
on our territory."
Russia Makes
T alks Offer
To Red China
MOSCOW () - Extending an
olive branch to Red China; the
Soviet Union said today it is
agreeable to a ,top-level meeting
to iron out ideological differences
provided that first the air can
be cleared of name-calling.
An editorial in Pravda, organ of
the Soviet Communist Party, de-
clared that unity in the Commun-
ist movement and among socialist
nations "is required as never be-
A Tass account said the Soviet
Communist Party "favors the con-
vocation of another meeting of
Marxist-Leninist parties if the
fraternal parties regard it as ex-
"The success of such a meeting
would be promoted by its neces-
sary preparation and give time a
chance to do its work and clear
away all the extraneous, irrele-

vant stuff that has been intro-
duced in the passion of polemic."
The crux of the argument is the
Soviet policy of peaceful co-exist-
ence, which Red China viewsas
a self-serving device that hinders
the worldwide Communist move-

This was the issue-sparked by
sharp United States state depart-
ment questioning of Diefenbaker's
policy-that brought the downfall
of the Conservative minority gov-
ernment last Tuesday and forced
an election for April 8.
Not First
Hees and Sevigny were the sec-
ond and third members of Diefen-
baker's cabinet to turn on the
Prime Minister, who is reported
preparing a hard anti-American
line for his campaign for re-
Defense minister Douglas Hark-
ness quit last Sunday, saying Can-
ada should have nuclear warheads
for its missiles and planes based
in Canada and under NATO in
Commenting yesterday, Hark-
ness said:
"I'm not a bit surprised. I would
not be surprised if there are more
'Deep Divisions'
Opposition Leader Lester B.
Pearson of the Liberal party, Dief-
enbaker's chief opponent in the
election, said the resignations con-
firm "deep divisions within the
cabinet which would appear to be
threatening a breakup of the gov-
ernment." The Conservative gov-
ernment remains in power in a
caretaker role until the elections.
T. C. Douglas, leader of the
New Democratic party said the
resignations "underline the fact
that the government has had no
clear-cut-policy because it couldn't
agree on one."
In their letters of resignation,
Hees and Sevigny denounced any
anti-American attitude in the
campaign or in the dispute over
nuclear weapons. They indicated
they believed the United States
was right in its demands on Can-
ada to accept nuclear weapons.

The recent break-up of Cana-
dian Prime Minister John G. Dief-
enbaker's government in Ottawa
was fomented by Diefenbaker's
consistant refusal to permit U.S.-
controlled nuclear warheads to be
installed on Canadian soil.
As a matter of fact, the cry
of "American interference" has
been so strong from our "neigh-
bor to the North" that Diefen-
baker used it as a popular issue
to take to the public, Prof. Harold
K. Jacobson of the political science
department said yesterday.
"The Diefenbaker government
has been in trouble since its last
election-it hasn't had a clear
majority," Prof. Jacobson said.
"Diefenbaker has been looking
for a sufficiently popular issue to
arise to call for a new election,"
he continued.
Apparently the anti-American
feeling is strong enough to have
have provided the Prime Minister
with his cause.
"There has always been some
anti-Americanism coming from
Canada-it has been partly based
on our Big-Brother, Little-Brother
attitude," Prof. Jacobson said.
The nuclear weapons controversy
came to a head on Jan. 30, when
the U.S. told Canada that nu-
clear weapons are essential to joint
Byrd Predicts
Long wStruggle
Over Tax .Bill

... leaves cabinet

U.S.-Canadian defense of the'
North American continent. This
Washington note came a few
weeks after Gen. Lauris Norstad,
on retiring from command of
NATO forces in Europe, chided
Canada for not having lived up
to an agreement to arm Canadian
NATO units with nuclear weapons.
The defense issue may be solved
by the general election to be held
April 8, when the Canadians will
go to the polls to choose a new
Court Rule
Raps State
U.S. Court of Appeals has taken
the criminal contempt case against1
Mississippi's governor and lieuten-
ant governor under study after
first rejecting a plea to let the
state bear the responsibility.
The court gave no hint when it
might rule on the battery of mo-
tions presented yesterday and
move ahead with the charges.
However, Chief Judge Elbert P.
Tuttle of Atlanta said the court
would not delay its, study of, the
motions made in behalf of Gov.
Ross Barnett and Lt. Gov. Paul
B. Johnson Jr.
Want Reasons
The two have been ordered to
show why they should not be held
in criminal contempt for trying
to block the enrollment of James
H. Meredith, a Negro, into the
University of Mississippi.
At the outset of yesterday's
hearing, the court-with eight of
its nine judges on the bench-
made it clear that Barnett and
Johnson must shoulder any blame
for their acts themselves.
The ruling came when Missis-
sippi attorneys asked that the
state be made party to the case.
The actions of Barnett and John-
son-who each personally turned
Meredith back from the Ole Miss
gates-"were acts of the state,"
they claimed.
'Want a Fine?'
"You are willing to risk a sen-
tence against Mississippi . . . a
fine?"-Judge Richard T. Rives of
Montgomery, Ala., asked.
"Yes," said Garner Green, a
Mississippi special assistant at-
torney general. ". .. its laws were
complied with by the two men ...
they spoke for us . . . the state
stands before the court as the one
who performed the acts."
Barnett and Johnson alone were
involved, government 'attorneys
argued. "They and they alone are
asked the answer,'' the govern-
ment said. 0
After a brief recess, the judges
turned down Mississippi's request.
But they allowed state attorneys to,
argue for Barnett and Johnson--
neither whom have appeared at
l any of the lengthy contempt hear-

government. Diefenbaker's Con-
servative minority government has
been shaky from the start. It is
possible that the main issue of
the campaign will be whether or
not to accept U.S. nuclear weapons
for Canadian defense.
Liberal Opposition
Opposition Liberal leader Lester
Pearson personally opposes nu-
clear weapons for Canada, he has
charged that it was up to the
Diefenbaker government "to end
its evasion or responsibility by
accepting nuclear warheads."
"There is also the chance that
Pearson's party will concentrate
on the high level of unemploy-
ment in the Diefenbaker regime,
and the Conservative government's
inability to take care of its eco-
nomic problems," Prof. Jacobson
The question remains whether
the current wave of anti-American
feeling -can be sustained long
enough to carry the Diefenbaker
government back to office in April.
Desire Neutralism
Anti-Americanism, however, is
not the only reasod many Cana-
dians resist the nuclear arming
of Canadian bases. "There is a
segment of Canadian opinion
which wants the country to be
neutral in.the Cold War. They are
also opposed to Canadian mem-
bership in NATO," Prof. Jacobson
This segment of the population
is not closely tied with any one
of the four major parties, "it
pyramids across the population.'}
There are also some Canadians
who interpret the NORAD agree-
ment as disadvantageous to them,
he continued. "They think it gives
a U.S. general the command of.
their forces. This is really a mis-
statement of the facts of course."
China Lodges
Protest over
Indian Moves
TOKYO (P)-Communist China
has lodged a serious protest with
India against alleged intrusions
by Indian troops into the Chinese-
claimed territory in Ladakh, the
New China News Agency reported
A broadcast news dispatch said
the Chinese foreign ministry,
charged in a note to the Indian
embassy in Peking Thursday that
Indian troops "intruded into the
Spanggur Lake area in Tibet,
China, sabotaged the cease-fire
and created border tension" after
the Chinese proclaimed the uni-
lateral cease-fire and troops with-
drawal last Nov. 21.
The note was quoted as saying
there were 11 cases of "intrusions
by Indian troops into the Spang-
gur Lake area for reconnaissance
and provocation from Dec. 4,
1962, to Jan. 20, 1963."


... leaves too

WASHINGTON ()- Chairman
Harry F. Byrd (D-Va), said yes-
terday he does not see how his
finance committee can get Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's tax bill
to the floor for debate until after
Labor day.
The Virginian said in an inter-
view this estir ate is based on the
assumption that the measure will
clear the House 'and reach his
group in June' He said he has
been told this is the earlier pos-
sible time.
The length of the finance com-
mittee's hearings will depend in
part on the shape the bill is in
when it passes the House, he
said. adding that in any event
several weeks will be required.
The committee began its hear-
ings last year on Kennedy's tax
revision bill April 2 and voted it
out four and a half months later,
on Aug. 16 Byrd noted.
"And the bill this year affects
many more people than the one
we considered last year," he
If Byrd's committee should re-
ceive the bill on June 1 and take
the same time that it did on the
1962 measure, it would be mid-,
October before the bill would
reach the Senate.

New York Governor Claims
Kennedy Policy Dangerous'

CHICAGO (P)-Gov. Nelson A. Rockefeller accused the Adminis-
tration yesterday of pursuing erratic foreign policies and engaging in
heated controversy with the nation's key allies.
The governor said the United States government has used ruth-
less tactics and "these actions have shaken confidence." He also de-
clared that a dangerous situation exists in Cuba. And he expressed
an opinion that the administra-
tion has been "less than forth-
right" about it.
Rockefeller, a high-ranking pos-.
sibility for the Republican presi-
dential nomination next, ye'ar,
slapped at President John F. Ken-
nedy on both foreign and domestic
issues in a statement and at a
news conference.
"The erratic and vacillating na-
ture of our policies calls attention
to the need for a clearer determi-
nation of national purposes and a
strategy to attain them," Rocke-
feller set forth in a prepared state-
The New Yorker came to Chi-
cago to visit fellow-Republicans
andspa at a $ 100a-plate fund-
raising dinner last night.E

World News Roundup'
By The Associated Press
BRUSSELS-The huge Katanga mining concern Union Miniere
said .yesterday its European and African employes refuse to leave
their homes for work in Kipushi, Katanga, because United Nations
Ethiopian troops are stationed there.
MOSCOW-Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev yesterday accused
an old acquaintance of his-former Ambassador Llewellyn Thompson
-of knowing about an alleged anti-Soviet spy ring. e
KARACHI-Pakistan and India looked closely at each other's
principles for partitioning disputed Kashmir state and found them-!
selves far apart.

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s* * a: *

VIENNA-Albanian Communist leaders say Soviet Premier Nikita'
Khrushchev back in 1960 secretly tried to get them to desert Red
China-first by persuasion, then by browbeating.
* * * *
GENEVA-The chief United States disarmament negotiator
expressed hope here last night the 17-nation disarmament talks re-
suming Tuesday will lead to a treaty banning nuclear weapons tests.
TAIPEI-The Independence Evening Post of Taipei said yester-
day the Chinese Nationalists have sent more guerrilla warfare spe-
cialists to the Communist-held China mainland since Jai. 1. The
newspaper attributed its information to an intelligence source in
SEATTLE-The first three-jet airliner built in America-Boeing's
new model 727-made its initial flight yesterday.
PORT AU PRINCE-Ambassador Raymond L. Thurston left for
home this week and there is speculation his trip deals with future
United States recognition of Haiti's Duvalier regime.

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