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May 23, 1963 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-23

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T uSDA'Y. MAY 23. 10ft

vaaa ata; NV aVV I

MIT Aims Laser Into Space

12-inch mirror of the telescope.
Besides, there is only a short Thirteen times, according to the
time in these days-a few hours at scientists, the 48-inch mirror of
most-when the .moon is in posi- the telescope gathered in the very
tion. This is only after sunset, a faint returning Ight-about a doz-
time when atmospheric dust is set- en photons or "bits" of light.
tling. On the night of May 9, the A sensitive electronic device
atmospheric dust was the lowest in called a photocell measured these
five years. photons-proof that the laser
The new telescope was. hooked beam had reached the moon and
up to the device that made the en- bounced back to earth.
tire operation possible-a laser. The laser light could reach the#
An instrument not even in exist- moon because in one 2000th of a'
ence a few--yea.rs ago; -the laser second- it -released 50 joules of
was being aimed into space for the energy-or 100,000 watts of power.
first time. Slightly Frustrated.
Unlucky Number? Prof. Peter A. Franken of the
Thirteen times from 8:55-9:07 physics'department has been
p.m. that night, the laser sent working with lasers since they
out its intense beam through a were first developed. He is just a
Ga'e Descrbes Thinking
As Psychological Process

put emphasis on a carefully or-
ganized structure to make sure
that students have the basic ideas
with which to work, he said.
Prof. Gagne listed four basic
research conclusions on thinking:
1) People tend to get into ruts
in their thinking;;
2) Thinking is greatly influenc-'
ed by what is said to the thinker;
3) Errors in thinking are not
usually errors in logic. In most-
cases the cause is distraction; and
4) "Successful" thinking is def-.
initely related to the number of.
ideas one has.
"We need to know more about
thinking conditions, such as nev-
vous system growth, learning pre-
conditioning and the immediate
communication -needed for think-
ing," Prof. Gagne said.
Five Stages
He divided problem solving-
directed thinking-into the stages-
of problem definition, concept for-
mation, determination of courses
of action, decision-making and
verification of that decision.
Successful problem solving is
not a matter of practicing a single
form of behavior, such as inven-
tiveness. or creativity. Also, stu-
dents cannot be made to solve
problems successfully by exhorting
them to be creative or inventive,
-Prof. Gagne concluded.
His talk was part of a series
on teaching and learning in the
field of medicine. The series is
sponsored by the Center for Re-
search on Learning and Teaching.

little frustrated because he and
his colleagues have been trying
since before the MIT experiment
to shoot a laser off the moon with
the University's 36-inch telescope.
Typical Ann Arbor weather pre-
vented such a "first" from being
accomplished. Some MIT officials
were irked that they had not been
told about the "stunt" beforehand
-it was a well kept secret among
those working on the experiment.
} "Of course,.it was just a stunt,"
Prof. Franken says. "But it catch-
es the public eye and gets in some
national magazine. It could do
more. for getting money for re-
search, for instance, from a legis-
lature, than some speeches."
Not Much Chance
Right now, Prof. Franken
doesn't see much of a chance of
ever getting a moon bounce done
here. He is at Yale University
now, on a sabbatical from his work
at the University, but if the equip-
-meat is set up and the weather is
good this spring, he will return to
the campus immediately to see if
his group can do what they have
trot been able to do for almost a
"We had six men working hard
to set the thing up last spring,
but the weather was always too
bad to conduct the experiment. Al-
so, our telescope scatters too much
light. It's a fine telescope, but it's
50 years old," he says.
Bouncing a laser beam off the
moon is like shooting a stream of
water at a target a quarter of a
million miles hway and hoping to
catch some of the drops as they
spray back.
Drop Diversity
With the sensitive instruments
existing today, those precious
"drops" can be caught, but they
have to be distinguished from
other "drops" that may not be a
part of the experiment but still
occlude the results.
Many conditions must be met to
catch the "drops" of light. The
moon must be in the right posi-
tion, a little less than half-illum-
inated, and the weather must be
clear all the way through tne at-
mosphere-not just near the sur-
face of the earth.'
The mirror of the telescope. is
the light gathering surface that
must be of a good enough quality
to capture the few photons that
return from the moon, and an ex-
tremely sensitive photocell elec-
tronically counts these photons.
Single Frequency
The heart of the entire opera-f
tion, the laser, sends out its light
at a single, sharp frequency The
most commonly used laser is made
of a ruby crystal. The wave length
of the' i lit eitted is singular
for, .the. ruby crystal-6,934 Ang-
This is at.die far end of the vis-
ible light spectrum, near the infra-
red. As the light passes through
the .atmosphere, it loses 10 per
cent of its power in both directions.
The light spreads about five in-
ches for every mile it travels,
reaching the. moon with a beam
radius of only 20 miles. For any
type of light, this is a very small
spread for such a great distance.
MIT scientists aimed their laser
to get maximum reflection from
the moon. A new moon or a moon
reflecting no sunlight back to the
earth cannot be used because it is
high enough in the sky only at
times when the sunlight would in-
terfere with the experiment.
Between Phases
So a compromise is taken be-
tween the moon's new and full
When the light returns to the
earth, filters remove all wave
lengths around 6,934 Angstroms
that would interfere with the pho-
tocell as it counts the returning
ph o t ons. Otherwise, ordinary
moonlight and light in the earth's
atmosphere would obscure the
photocell's operation.
MIT scientists "shot" the 13
separate spurts of light a minute]

apart to allow the laser to cool off
between "shots." They said that
they detected the returning pho-
tons-about 12 each time.
Members of the group that have
been working on the University's
moon bounce experiment with
Prof. Franken are Prof. Dean B.
McLaughlin of the astronomy de-
partment, Prof. Murray Miller of
the electrical engineering depart-
ment, Wes Vivian and Lee Evans
of a local engineering firm that
has supported the project, and
Lloyd Cross, Bill Fredricks and
Hank Laughlin of another local
firm that has supported the work.!

Issues 'U
S helter Plan
(Continued from Page 1)
the family must be kept together
as a unit, 2) survival rather than
comfort should be our objective
and 3) space should be utilizedl
The committee has preferenced
the immediate plan, which re-I
quires increases in stored food,
testing of warning systems (spe-
cifically the Heating Plant steam
whistle), provisions of assured
water supply, adequate auxiliary
lighting, air control, communica-
tions equipment, improvement of
the means of access to shelter
areas normally locked, and the
decision as to whether the Uni-
versity will participate in the Na-
tional Fallout Shelter Program.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The!
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Dramatic Arts
Center and Cinema Guild First Ann Ar-
bor Film Festival-Architecture Aud.
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.-Bureau of In-
dustrial Relations Seminar No. 89-Dr.
Lee E. Danielson, Associate Prof. of
Industrial Relations, Grad. School of
Bus. Admin.. "Manpower Aspects of
Research and Engineering Manage-
ment": Third Floor Conference Room,
Mich. Union.
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.--Bureau of In-
dustrial Relations Seminar No. 90-Dr.
Norman R. F. Maier, Prof. of Psychol-
ogy, "Effective Techniques of Coaching
and Counseling Subordinates": Rm. 3D,
Mich. Union.
2:30 and 8:30 p.m.-Ann Arbor Drama
Season-Julie Wilson In "Pal Joey":
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
4:10 p.m.-Dept. of Speech Student
Lab. Theatre-Presents "Miss Julie" by
August Strindberg (translated by Eliza-
beth Sprigge): Arena Theatre, Frieze
Bldg. Admission free.
4:15 p.m.-Hopwood Lecture - Arthur
Miller, playwright and novelist, "On
Recognition": Rackham Lecture Hall.
Announcement of the Hopwood Awards
for 1963 will follow the lecture.
4:15 p.m.-Asian Studies Course Lec-
ture-John W. Hall, Prof. of History,
Yale Univ., "The Tokugawa Legacy to
Japan's Modern Local Govt.": Aud. B,
Angell Hall.
Applied Mathematics Seminar: Dr. F.
B. Liewellyn, scientific adviser to IST
director, will speak on "Some Seeming
Paradoxes" today at 4:00 p.m. in Rm.
246 W. Engrg.
Master's Thesis for Elizabeth Well,
Physical Education Choreography, "The
Exiled." tonight, Barbour Gymnasium
Dance Studio, 8:30 p.m. Chairman,
Esther Pease.
General Notices
Regents' Meeting: Fr., June 21. Com-
munications for consideration at this
meeting must be in the President's
hands not later than June 7.
Peace Corps Aptitude Tests, leading
to 4,000 Job opportunities in 44 coun-
tries, are being given this week in Rm.
3C of The Michigan Union. The sched-
ule of the one-hour test: Tues. and
Thurs., 9:15 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 1:15 p.m.,
4:15 p.m., and 7:15 p.m. Wed. and Fri.:
10:15 a.m., 1:15 p.m., 4:15 p.m., and
7:15 p.m. Sat.: 10:15 a.m. Applicants
invited to begin training in June, July
and August will be notified within two
weeks. Liberal arts students, as well as
those with specialized skills and non-
students are much in demand. Those
interested should contact the Peace
Corps Information Center in the lower
lobby of the Michigan Union any day
this week from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Staff
members will be happy to answer ques-
tions, distribute free informational lit-
erature and questionnaires (or phone
Recommendations for Departmental
Honors: Teaching depts. wishing to
recommend tentative June grads from
the College of Lit., Science, and the
Arts, for honors or high honors should
recommend such students by forward-
ing a letter (in two copies: one copy
for Honors Council, one copy for the
Office of Registration and Records) to
the Director, Honors Council, 1210 An-
gell Hail, by 3:00 p.m. Fri., May 31.

Teaching dept. In the School of Edu-
cation should forward letters directly
to the Office of Registration and Rec-
ords, Room 1513 Admin. Bldg. by -8:30
a.m., Monday, June 3.
Attention Faculty and June Gradu-
ates: College of Lit.. Science, and the
Arts, School of Education, School of
Music, School of Public Health, and
School of Bus. Admin.: Students are
advised not to request grades of I or
X in June. When such grades are abso-;
lutely imperative, the work must be
made up in time to allow the instructor
to report the make-up grade not later'
than noon, Mon., June 3.
Application Material for new and for
continuing NDEA Title IV Programs
have been received, and may be ob-
tained in Rm. 118 Rackham Bldg. Appli-
cations must be filed in the Grad
School by Sept. 25, 1963.
To All Faculty Members: Grades are
due within 24 hours for the exams
given on Mon., June 3 to degree and
certificate candidates. The Officeaof
Registration and Records will be open
the evening of Tues., June 4, to re-
ceive the grades. The grades will all
be recorded that night. Do not wait
until wed. to deliver them. Grades of
all degree and certificate candidates
whose exams come within the first
week of exams (Mon., May 27 through
Sat.. June 1) are due within 48 hours
of each exam.
Commencement-Sat., June 8, 5:30
Time of Assembly-4:30 p.m. (except
as noted).
Places of Assembly: Members of the
Faculties at 4:15 p.m. in the Lobby,
first floor, Admin. Bldg., where they
may robe. (Transportation to Stadium
or Yost Field House will be provided.)
Regents, Ex-Regents, Regents-Elect,
Members of Deans' Conference and oth-
er Administrative Officials at 4:15 p.m.
in Admin. Bldg., Rm. 2549, where they
may robe. (Transportation to Stadium
or Yost Field House will be provided.)
Students of the Various Schools and
Colleges on paved roadway and grassy
field, East of East Gate (Gate 1-Tun-
nel) to Stadium in four columns of
two's in the following order:
Section A-North side of Pavement-
Literature Science and the Arts.
Section B-South side of pavement-
Medicine (in front), Law (behind Medi-
cine), Dentistry (behind Law), Pharm-
acy (behind Dentistry), Engineering
(behind Pharmacy), Music (behind
Section C-On grass field in a line
about 300 South of East-Grad School
Doctors (in front), Grad School Mas-
ters (behind Dr.), Architecture (be-
hind Masters), Education (behind Arch-
itecture), Natural Science (behind Ed-
Section D-On grass field in line
about 450 South of East-Nursing (in
front), Business Administration (behind
Nurs.), Public Health (behind Bus.
Admin.), Social Work (behind Public
Health), Flint (behind Social Work),
Dearborn (behind Flint).
Schedules of Assembly are posted on
bulletin boards of appropriate, build-
ings. Markers will be placed at the
assembling places on Commencement
March into Stadium-5:00 p.m.
In case of rainy weather, the Univ.
fire siren will be blown between 4:00
and 4:15 p.m. indicating the exercises1
in the Stadium will be abandoned.
Members of the Faculties, Regents,
Deans ,etc., will assemble at the same
places as for the fair weather progrem.
Graduates will go direct to Yost Field
House at 5:00 p.m. and enter by the
South door.
Summer Storage: Sunmer storage of
bicycles on Univ. property is hot per-
mitted. Bicycles not in use during the
summer must be taken home or put into
storage at a local bicycle shop or on
private property.
Hold Order: Persons who will have
their bicycles in any rack on Univ.
property between June 6 and June 16
are asked to fill out a "hold order" at

their residence hall desk or in this of-
fice (Rm. 1011 SAB.)
Impound Program: Bicycles will be
subject to impoundment if:
1) A "hold order" for the period in-
dicated above has not been filed.
2) A 1963 Ann Arbor Bicycle License
is not attached.
3) It is left over 48 hours in a cam-
pus hack without a "hold order."
Service Charge Plus Storage: The
service charge on all bicycles impound-
ed is4 3.00. An additional storage charge
of $4.50 will be charged on bicycles
not reclaimed until the fall semester.
Bicycles not claimed by Sept. 12 will
be sold at auction on Sept. 14.
Lost or Stoley Bicycles: Persons who
have lost bicycles are urged to check
at the storage garages when they re-
turn in the fall. If you have lost a bi-
cycle but do not have the license or
serial number to file a stolen bicycle
report, you may check with our office
for further information.
The Bicycle Storage Garages, located
on E. Washington St. just off Forest
Ave., will be open on Mon. and Thurs.
between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. through June
13. Summer and fall hours will be an-
nounced later.
MCA Grad Fellowship in Creative
Writing (Drama, TV, Motion Pictures):
Applicants should appear for interviews
in the Hopwood Room (1006 Angell
Hall), Fri., May 24, at 4:00 p.m.
Placement I
Attention Registrants: All students
registered with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, both General & Education Di-
visions, are requested to notify the
Bureau when you have accepted a posi-
tion in order that your records may be
kept up to date. If you are still avail-
able, let us know where you can be
reached after Commencement,\ since
new positions come in all summer and
we may need to contact you.
Attention Men Registered with the
Bureau of Appointments: All men who
are receiving a BA or MA this June are
requested to let us know by the end of
the month all offers you have received
for jobs and also acceptances.
U.S.I.A.-Applications are now avail-

able for this year's exam for Foreign
Service Career Reserve Officer Corps.
The written exam will be held on Sept.
7 and applications must be in no later
than July 22. The foreign service exams
for both the State Dept. & USIA are
given on the same day & applicants
must determine in advance which exam
they prefer to take. Applications are
available at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3200 SAB.
National Cash Register Co., Lansing,
Mich.-1) Cash Register Salesman. 2)
Accounting Machine Salesman. Train-
ing program. Individuals must have 1
yr. of basic accounting. Prefer alumni
with 1 to 2 yrs. exper. or a senior
with some sales exper. Must have own
car. Limited travel, home every night.
Sales territory covers 8 counties.
Wilson & Co.. Jackson, Mich. - Sales
Trainee. On-the-job training & class-
work. Meat sales to stores, institutions,
hotels, restaurants, etc. Graduate-Bus.
Ad., Liberal Artsetc. Must have cwn
car for limited travel, home every night.
(Continued on Page 6)
Lutheran Student Assoc., Ascension
Day Service, May 23, 7:15 p.m., Luth-
eran Student Chapel, Hill St. at S. For-
WAA Coeducational Fencing Club,
Meeting, May 23, 7:30 p.m., WAB.
* * *
Christian Science Organization, Meet-
ing, May 23, '1:30 p.m., 528D SAB.

to your
R o ommante"

.. defense report

Prof. Joy explained the "thou-
sands of details" to be taken care
of in any catastrophe that would
hinder the effective working of
any program.
The University, with one-sixth
the total resources of the city of
Detroit and more than twice those
of the rest of Washtenaw Couty,
has taken only a "tentative ap-
proach to the problem" with no
strategic or policy assumptions,
Ostafin said. It does not believe
in civil defense exercises, or site-
ilar preparations and is relying on
students "to behave in a mature
and ingenious manner" he added.
Solari pointed out that any civil
defense program has the tendency
to make people feel safer and as
a result more antagonistic to the
problem of international relations.
However, they explained the report
as devoid of any moral or ethical
justification and merely as an an.-
alysis of the problem facing the
The report points out that the
steam tunnel system, previously
believed to be an ideal means of
communication and transportation
between shelter areas, has inade-
quate ventilation and is poorly
identified. In addition, any rup-
ture of steam pipes in any tunnel
area would immediately make the
areas unlivable.
The question of whether or not
the University should join the pro-
gram of the federal government,
whereby some monetary assistance
is exchanged for making its shel-
ters open to the public at large,
has been sent to the administra-
tion w i t h o u t recommendation
either way.



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The Student Laboratory Theatre
will present August Strindberg's
"Miss Julie" at 4:10 p.m. today at
the Arena Theatre at the Frieze
Bldg. in its last production of the
Hall Speaks ...
Prof. John W. Hall of Yale Uni-I
versity will speak on "The Toku-
gawa Legacy to Japan's Modern
Local Government" at 4:15 p.m.
today in Aud. B.
. His speech marks the conclusion
of the Asian Studies course devel-
opment program which he initiat-
ed six years ago when a member
of the history department. The
course is ending its period of
sponsorship by the Carnegie Foun-
dation and is serving as a model
for similar courses at other uni-

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.$1000per month
Satisfaction guaranteed
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A' -

MAY 23-26
GREYS by Scbrvarda TRAVELOGUE by McConkey

I ' 'v: t I

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