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May 23, 1963 - Image 1

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0fr i6au

:43 xiiy

Warming up today,
somewhat windy


Years of Editorial Freedom

------- -- ---

L. LXXIII, No. 176




SACUA Supports Requests

Civil I




The Senate Advisory Committee
on University Affairs recently ap-
proved and passed on to Vice-
President for Academic Affairs
Roger W. Heyns a report advocat-
ing continuance of the Academic
Affairs Advisory Committee.
The report came from the fac-
ulty Educational Policies Com-
mittee, which, along with the
SACUA chairman, has constituted
AAAC for its first year of ex-
perimental existence.
The new committee was formed
last summer to aid faculty-
Administration communication,
Prof. Lester V. Colwell of the en-
gineering college, chairman of
EPC, said last night.
Out of Touch
"With an institution as large
as the University, there are always
faculty members who feel they
are out of touch with the admin-
istration. AAAC is essentially a
forum in which items on the
agenda can come from Heyns
or from the faculty through either
The recommendations of EPC
with regard to the structure of
AAAC are basically repetitions of
what the committee gravitated
toward, Prof. L. Colwell said.
The EPC recommended that

SACUA give formal recognition to
the advisory function. It also ask-
ed that EPC be given AAAC as a
regular assignment on a continu-
ing basis.
Formal Commendation
EPC requested that SACUA
"formally commend Heyns for the
outstanding personal contribution

... commended

Senate Group Approves
Mental Health Measure
The Senate Labor Committee has unanimously approved Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's $840 million mental health program-
including $42.5 million in matching grants to universities.
These grants would aid in the construction of specially-designed
facilities for diagnosis, treatment, education, training or custodial
care of mentally retarded patients. The University will seek grants

he has made to the success of the
venture," to which it has agreed.
The committee specifically rec-
ommended that the AAAC agenda
for meetings with Heyns be the
joint responsibility of the EPC
chairman and the vice-president.
Further, a regular item of busi-
ness for both SACUA and EPC
would be to initiate and consider
agenda topics. Each agenda, sub-
ject to availability, would include
topics from these sources as well
as from the vice-president.
Plan To Attend
Under the recommendations, the
SACUA chairman would plan to
attend all of the meetings with
the vice-president. EPC would
plan to meet regularly twice a
month, once with the vice-presi-
dent and once by itself. All of its
meetings would take place on a
schedule to be integrated with that
Another suggestion is that the
membership of EPC include the
chairmen of its sub-committees
and at least three or four mem-
bers of SACUA.
"The informality of the first-
year meetings was conducive to
frank and thorough discussion and
their frequency permitted the in-
clusion of problems which con-
front the administration without
prior warning on an almost day-
to-day basis," the report said.
Quick Decisions
"Some of these problems call for
quick decisions, even though they
may involve matters of vital con-
cern to the faculty. The oppor-
tunity to discuss such problems is
important to both the faculty and
the administration and would ap-
pear to justify special meetings on
urgent matters."
For instance, in an AAAC meet-
ing with Heyns, Heyns raised the
Delta College question before it
became public to get the reaction
of the faculty to problems of that
nature. The committee held a
thorough discussion for informa-
tion purposes.
"Heyns also has indicated his
interest in continuing the advis-
ory function of EPC," the report
said. "The committee believes the
a b o v e recommendations w ll
strengthen that activity."
Lansing Body
Selects Pierce
To Lead Group
The 18-member joint legislative
Committee on Constitutional Im-
'plementation yesterday selected
Prof. William J. Pierce of the Law
School as staff director of sub-
committees which will organize
and research procedures for leg-
islative in plementation next fall.1
The joint committee will an-
nounce their selection of working.
subcommittees and point out main
areas of implementation next
month. The new document takes
effect Jan. 1, 1964.
Prof. Pierce, director of the Uni-
versity's Legislative Research Cen-
ter, was given an initial $8000
staff budget and will name sev-
eral law students to work with
the subcommittee.
He was instrumental in thee
preparation of material for the
1961-62 Constitutional Convention.
The joint committee also alert-
ed the Legislature's Research Bu-
reau to maintain a large summer
staff to assist in the work. The
committee will prepare recom-
mended legislation to carry out
immediately required constitution-
al implementation at the special
legislative session next fall. 1


Boyd Gives
Of Research
Business and the University have
combined to make Ann Arbor a
"research - oriented community"
which "has the potential to grow
to a size comparable to the Bos-
ton or Palo Alto areas in the
next few years," Assistant Direc-
tor of Research Administration
Robert A. Boyd asserted yesterday.
Speaking at a Michigan Week
conference on business expansion,
Boyd cited the benefits businesses
receive when they locate research
centers near a university.
First, the research which a com-
pany must undertake to stay in
business these days is made easier
when its research personnel can
"attend lectures on topical sub-
jects, attend technical symposia,
and take refresher courses" at the
neighboring university."
No Need To Wait
Second, companies can learn of
university research developments
without awaiting their publication
"by personal contacts, formal em-
ployment of consultants," Boyd
Third, businesses can contract to
use the school's research facilities.
Fourth, the "cultural commun-
ity" around a university is a de-
sirable environment for the com-
pany's research personnel, Boyd
Dynamic Program
A dynamic research program
also is an asset to the educational
process of a university, Boyd con-
tinued. "Participation in spon-
sored research broadens the per-
spective of members of the teach-
ing staffs and adds an atmosphere
of reality to the instruction pro-
gram," besides giving students
practical experience in their field."
However, Boyd emphasized that
University research "is continued
only through the theoretical stage
-no attempt is made to apply the
results to product development or
improvement." Turning these dis-
coveries into products is up to
industry, he said.
Boyd has recently stressed that
business and industry has to be
"educated" to properly use Uni-
versity facilities. A recent survey
found that only 43 of 110 indus-
trial concerns having University
research contracts were Michigan-
Among the devices used in this
educational effort is the new Uni-
versity research newsletter aimed
at Michigan industry.
The new Institute for Science
and Technology Bldg. will house
conference rooms that will be used
for industrial research confer-
ences. The institute has already
sponsored several such gatherings,
including one on military procure-
ment that was held last winter.
Noting that the University and
local business together employ
more than 9000 research workers,
Boyd said "this total research
effort is as large, if not larger,
and more diversified, than that
in any other educational institu-

-Daily-Kenneth Winter
SAFETY ZONE-The above area on the second floor of the Administration Bldg. is one of the areas
in University structures designated as a fallout shelter by the Subcommittee on Special Hazards
of the University Safety Committee/ Their report indicates that, of the 493 people this area could
hold, only half would likely suffer from mild radiation sickness if the fallout level were maximum.
Such "adequate-protection" areas are away from windows, outside walls, roof and ground areas.
Robertson Cites 'U' Program

Board Meets
The State Board of Education
met with administrative officials
of' Eastern Michigan University
yesterday afternoon to review
further the recent North Central
Association of Colleges and Sec-
ondary Schools investigation of
low faculty morale at the Ypsi-
lanti campus.
Now, after having interviewed
all involved parties and discussing
the "pros and cons" of the report
with them, State Board of Edu-
cation President Chris H. Mag-
nusson hopes that in its official
session beginning tomorrow the
state board "will come up with a
conclusion as soon as possible."
The state board has previously
met with State Superintendent of
Public Instruction Lynn M. Bart-
lett, EMU President Eugene B.
Elliott and the EMU faculty
Magnusson indicated that inj
discussing the report, some of its
findings have been confirmed.
However, it has also been found
that "the situation has somewhat
been correcting itself."
In response to the allegations
that the state board had requested
the investigation in order to create
a spot for Bartlett, whose elec-
tive office was eliminated under
the new constitution, Magnusson
commented that Bartlett "is not
in line and has no intention of
becoming president of EMU."
Several EMU faculty members
had charged that with Elliott's
retirement coming up in three
years and with the state super-
intendency being abolished by the
new state constitution, Bartlett
has been extremely interested in~
the presidency.
Red Herring;
"These reports are Just an at-
tempt to transfer attention from
the campus and the basic issues to
t h e state board," Magnussonj
According to Magnusson, the in-
vestigation was requested after the
state board had received numerous
complaints about Eastern.
"We do not plan to release the
entire study ;because the details
and personalities mentioned would
serve no purpose to the general
public," he commented.
Foil Scheme

' Fallout Shelter


"under the bill's provisions; but
definite plans are not likely to be
made until the bill is passed and
all of its details are made clear,
an Office of Research Adminis-'
tration official said yesterday.
He noted that, since matching'
funds are required, such projects
would have to be ranked in prior-
ity along with other University
The balance of the bill includes:
construction grants for community
mental health centers, $230 mil-
lion; assistance in initial staffing
of comprehensive mental health
centers, $430 million; matching
grants for building mental health
research centers, $30 million; aid
to state-run treatment facilities,
$67.5 million, and a three-year ex-
tension of federal aid to univer-
sities for training of teachers of
the handicapped, $33 million.
Prof. Donald J. Holmes of the
Medical School, assistant to the
director of the Neuro-Psychiatric
Institute, noted that the bill is
largely designed to improve re-
gional treatment facilities-bring-
ing adequate facilities closer to
the patients.
In this respect, he said, the
federal assistance would mainly
allow the University to expand its
present program. "We have long
worked to strengthen mental-
health facilities in Ann Arbor and
throughout the state." The Uni-
versity now provides advice and
consultation to many mental-
health agencies, he added.
Sen. Lester Hill (D-Ala) said
the bill will soon go to the Senate
floor, and he predicted quick pass-

Returning from a study of the
University's junior - year - abroad
p r o g r a m in Aix-en-Provence,
France, Associate Dean James H.
Robertson of the literary college
reports that the pioneer student
group has found it a "broadening
and maturing experience."
In its first year, the program,
sponsored jointly with the Univer-
sity of Wisconsin, sent 43 students
to the University of Aix-Marseille.
Fifteen of these students are from
the University.
In addition to their study of
the French program, Dean Rob-
ertson and Prof. Henry B. Hill of
the University of Wisconsin visited
universities in Germany and Aus-
tria to investigate possibilities of
establishing a similar program for
German study.
Exploratory Effort
"The trip to Germany was an
exploratory effort to find out more
about housing and course arrange-
ments and talking to faculty mem-
bers. Some universities which ex-
pressed willingness to have such
a program implemented were very
Put School Tax
On June Ballot
The Ann Arbor Board of Edu-
cation voted 5-3 last night to place
a 412 mill tax increase proposal on
the June 10 school board election
The board also postponed plac-
ing an advisory vote on supply-
ing free textbooks to Ann Arbor
High School students. A possible
third ballot issue, a $3.75 million
bond issue for a second high
school, will be considered at a
special board session Saturday
Superintendent of Schools Jack
Elzey outlined a series of priori-
ties, ranging from maintaining
full-day first grade classes. and
the pupil-teacher ratio to minimal,
capital improvements that will be
financed by the approximately $1.2
million tax boost.

attractive," Dean Robertson said.
Plans for a German program
probably will be submitted for
faculty consideration in the fall.
Dean Robertson noted that the
pattern and structure of the
French program have been very
satisfactory and will probably be
duplicated in a German program.
"Hopefully a new program could
be established by the fall of 1964,"
he added.
Pilot Program
The pilot program at Aix is be-
ing carried out under the direc-
tion of Prof. Jean Carduner of the
French department, who is serv-
ing as the resident faculty direc-
"With its program at Aix, the
University is a leader in the field,"
Dean Robertson said.
Explaining this success, he noted
that the University has been de-
termined from the beginning not
to maintain a parasite program;
thus the relationship has been
that of educational partners.
Visiting Professor
The program provides a visit-
ing professor, currently from the
University of Wisconsin, to work
with the French students. Stu-
dents in the program' are urged
to participate in activities as well
as classes with French students.
Dean Robertson mentioned also
that there have been discussions
concerning possible exchange pro-
fessorships and the establishment
of a supplemental library collec-
Library books at the University
of Aix-Marseille a r e notably
scarce, D e a n Robertson com-
Free Hand
Among the problems that were
encountered in setting up the pro-
gram at Aix is the fact that pro-
fessors, who have a very free hand,
don't always teach what they in-
dicate beforehand; and the pro-
fessors also have a very casual
attitude concerning class attend-
There is no contact between'
French professors and students,
which is one of the reasons that.
the program maintains an admin-
istrative director at Aix.

Among the student's gains from
participating in the program, Dean
Robertson pointed out that re-
evaluating their customary ways
and realizing that they were the
"foreigners" was a fresh and val-
uable experience. Students had to
rely on their own resourcefulness
in living and communicating with
the French students and com-
Students also become more ap-
preciative of what they had at
home, including the higher quality
of instruction, closer faculty rela-
tionship and better facilities of
their American universities.

Marks Out
Safe Areas
In Buildings
Committee Sends
Proposals, Study
To Administration
A civil defense study of the
University's needs and resources in
case of nuclear attack has marked
out 162 shelter areas in University
structures for 64,000 people and
has suggested three separate shel-
ter plans for adoption by the ad-
The three plans-immediate, in-
termediate and long range-were
drawn up by the Sub-Committee
on Special Hazards of the Univer-
sity Safety Committee as possible
alternatives, because of the "colos-
sal" expense involved in imple-
menting the most comprehensive
The immediate plan, "designed
to make possible fallout protection
for only those persons living and
working in University owned resi-
dences," uses the dormitory system
for shelter almost exclusively. The
exception is Mary Markley Hall,
where all 1,162 residents will have
to be relocated in a normal non-
living area, probably the Kresge
Medical Research Laboratory.
All Are Eligible
The intermediate plan extends
protection "to all members of the
University community." Under it
all shelter areas will be provided
with the "necessary" suppiies and
services, and a co-ordinating con-
trol center will be established,
preferably in the basement of the
Rackham Bldg.
The long-range plan will "in-
corporate additional resource im-
provemets.. . accomplished over
a period of years" of a more perm-
anent nature.
Each University building has
been surveyed for adequate pro-
tection areas-floor spaces away
from windows, outside walls, and
roof and ground levels. In the Ad-
ministration Bldg., for example,
only the middle areas of the base-
ment and second floor have been
judged suitable.
'Formidable Task'
For the implementation of the
long range plan, the committee
calls it a "formidable task" to pro-
vide the necessary supplies includ-
ing 500,000 gallons of water, or
26,000 17-gallon containers, which
would have to be refilled every
few months.
Prof. William W. Joy, director
of the department of environ-
mental health and safety; Arthur
J. Solari, radiological safety of-
ficer, and Peter A. Ostafin, assist-
ant to the vice-president for stu-
dent affairs, who developed the re-
port, stressed that the University's
commitment to civil defense plans
was a question of how much money
and how much effort should be
spent on something "everyone
hopes will never be used."
The committee's concept of an
acceptable program is based on:
1) Assigning students and staff
to specific shelters;
3) Providing the essentials for
survival in each shelter area;
3) Advising students and staff
of action they can take to increase
their probability for survival; and
4) Making known the limita-
tions of the program.
"The program is also based upon
our firm convictions that ... 1)
Judge Orders,
Negro Pupils'

ATLANTA () - An appellate
court judge last night ordered the
immediate reinstatement of more
than 1000 Negro pupils suspended
from school for taking part in
anti-segregation demonstrations at
Birmingham, Ala.
In doing so, Chief Judge Elbert
P. Tuttle of the Fifth United
States Circuit Court of Appeals

. 'broadening experience'




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telescope for the National Aeronautics and Space
was a tracking

As Progress
Viewing the decision made by
the Senate Advisory Committee on
University Affairs to allow stu-
dents delegated by Student Gov-
ernment Council to participate in
subcommittee m e e t i n g s, SGC
President Thomas A. Brown,
'63BAd, yesterday said the SACUA
ruling will give students the "first
look at student-faculty govern-
The SACUA decision, made at
last meeting of the year, clears
the way for 18 members of SGC's
Committee on University Affairs
to request seats on SACUA sub-
Their request must be approved
by faculty subcommittee chair-
men. These chairmen will also
determine the extent of student
participation on the subcomnit-
*Brown said he would personally
send a letter to the chairman of
SACUA and the chairmen of its
subcommittees at the beginning of
the fall term to request that these
students be given seats on SACUA
While Brown thought t h a t
SACUA's decision to seat students
on its subcommittees did not nec-
essarily increase 'student power.'
he said that it "hopefully is recog-
nition of the fact that students

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