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May 21, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-21

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TUESDAY, MAY 21,196?



Faculty Retiuer
Prof. Albert Luconi IM F ,
(Fourth in a Series)'

Prof. Albert Luconi, clarinetist,
remembers during World War I,
in which Italy and Germany were
opposed; when Arturo Toscanini
was a guest conductor of the St.
Cecilia Symphony Orch. of Rome.
Toscanini headed the program
with the "Funeral March" from
act four of "Die Gotterdam-
merung" by Wagner. As the music
began the audience commenced
with disturbing noises in objection
to the composer's nationality.
Toscanini stbpped conducting,
waited for the audience to quiet
down and then with renewed de-
termination, began again. This
time he was permitted to finish
the work. The next day a piece by
Toscanini appeared in the paper
which read that on that previous
evening "Rigoletto," an opera by
Verdi, an Italian, was performed
in Berlin. "This points out," Prof.
Luconi says, "that music is inter-
national; it transcends both poli-
tics and war."
National Academy
Prof. Luconi, born in 1893, was
educated at the National Academy'
of St. Cecilia in'Rome, where
upon graduation in 1919 he was
one of three recipients of the
Prize of the Province of Rome.
Set Conference
To Aid Writers
The 11th Michigan Writers'
Conference, sponsored by the Eng-
lish department, will be held
Thursday and Friday in conjunc-
tion with the Hopwood Awards
presentations and Michigan Week.
About 150 people are expected
to take advantage of the practical
advice and criticism to be offered
by University professors and pro-
fessional writers.

in Detroit-where he lives with
his wife-first for two, then three
and finally five days a week.
Prof. Luconi recalled that when
he first taught here, the faculty
was so small that it did not af-1
ford a specialized teacher for each
instrument as it does now. "The"
music school has made great
strides since my early days here,"'
he remarked.
Prof. Luconi, a founder ot tne
UniveIsity Woodwind Quintet, said+
that the group was originally a
quartet. "It was composed of four
professors-of horn, bassoon, oboe,
and clarinet-who lived in Detroit.
Later a flutist was added, making
a quintet."
Staff Musician
While on the faculty Prof. Lu-
coni simultaneously occupied a
post on the cooperative faculty of
Wayne State University and was
a staff musician for .a radio sta-
Recently Prof. Luconi, who has
used the same Selmer clarinet
since 1918, designed a new custom
mouthpiece. His many requests for
it include one from the United
States Air Force Band.
An appreciator of modern music,
he is on retirement furlough for
the 1962-63 academic year. He will
return to the University for the
1963 fall semester to fill in for the
present clarinet professor, who will
be on leave of absence. After that
he and his wife plan to return to
Italy and live with his brother.

Faculty Considers Residential College

(Continued from Page 1)
4) The social science distribu-
tion could be taught as two eight-
hour courses, one of which would
center on history and the other on
empirical analysis of individual
and collective behavior.
Class Load
5) Course depth and student
course work could be increased so
that a 16-hour class load would be
all a student could handle in a!
"The general image of the cur-
riculum as we visualize it would
permit students to transfer from
the new college to almost any
other liberal arts college. We would
not, however, want to accept
transfer students to the new col-
lege since this would negate its
communal features," the report
Enroll Elsewhere
"Students who consider fratern-
ities and sororities of primary im-
portance should enroll in other
undergraduate schools in the Uni-
versity. It may be expected that
some students would live outside
the residence halls. Most or all of
these would be either married,
more than 21 years old or other-
wise distinguished.
"The n e w college residence
buildings would be used as more
than sleeping and eating accom-
modations. Except for some labor-

atories and large lecture rooms,
all of the teaching facilities and
most of the studying facilities of
the new college, it is hoped, would
be in the residence halls. This
would facilitate intellectual inter-
action between students."
The residential college could be
as economical as the larger literary
college, the report continues.
The loss of economy associated
with more personal attention to
advanced students could be made
up by greater economy in other
areas. As proposals which seem
both feasible and desirable for re-
ducing teacher effort, the report
1) Pooling large lecture sections
whenever possible.
2) Eliminating unnecessary dup-
lications of course content.
3) Assigning students in one
course to certain lectures in an-
other course.
Reading Periods
4) Scheduling reading periods
either as part of the academic cal-
endar or as part of indvidual
5) Using programmed learning,
achievement tests and other incen-
tives and aids to self-teaching.
"These procedures should, how-
ever, be used with extreme cau-
tion least we change our defini-
tion of education to meet the cap-
ability of a machine," the report

"As a begining, existing facili-
ties in larger dormitories might be
used to get the operation of the
new college underway as early as
possible," the report said.
Ask Broad Support
As a prerequisite considered in-
dispensable for the success of a
residential college, the committee
asked that "broad support from
the faculty, and formal evidence
for this support satisfactory to the
executive committee," exist be-
fore proceeding further.
If the plans for the new college
are carried through, student en-
rollment in the literary college
should not be increased beyond
the present level, the report asks.
If in the future the need for
growth should exceed the capacity
of the residential college, the pat-
tern of further growth should be
reconsidered in the light of the
success of the residential college.
Report on Success
A review committee would re-
port on the success of the college
approximately five years after its
"The University has a historic
responsibility to grow and to meet
the needs of the college education
of the youth in our state," Roger
W. Heyns, vice-president for aca-
demic affairs and former literary
college dean, said. "The residen-
tial college is intended to provide
the means of growth of liberal-

arts education within the Uni-
"The residential college, as a
potentially exciting attempt to.
solve a very basic educational
problem, may attract financial
backing which would not other-
wise be attracted to the Univer-
sity and in that sense may earn
its own way," the report says.
The members of the Residential
College Comipittee are Professors
Slobodkin, Paul J. Alexander of1
the history department, Otto Graf
of the German department, James
H. Meisel of the political science1
department, Theodore M. New-
comb of the psychology and so-
ciology departments, Noah Sher-
man of the physics department
and Charles J. Titus of the mathe-
matics department.
Peace CorpS
To Give Tests
John D. Rockefeller IV, opera-
tions officer for the Philippines ini
the Peace Corps Far Eastern Divi-
sion, will arrive at the University
tomorrow to join a team of Peace
Corps officials from Washington
engaged in an intensified recruit-
ment program of Peace Corps
The team is giving a one-hour
aptitude test four and five times
daily this week
The one-hour test is being given
in Rm. 3C of the Michigan Union
according to the following sched-

Study Group
Favors Plan
For Merger
(Continued from Page 1)

... Toscanini soloist

While touring France and England
with the Royal Band of Rome;
during World War I, Prof. Luconi
met troop commander Guglielmo
Marconi, inventor of the wireless;
In 1920 Toscanini heard him
perform and invited him to join
the Toscanini Orchestra of La
Scala as solo clarinetist. Prof. Lu-
coni joyfully accepted!
This decision, it later proved,
was a turning point in his career,
because it was Toscanini who
brought him to America.
Detroit Symphony
While on a concert tour with
the Toscanini Orchestra Prof.
Luconi was heard by the manager
of the Detroit Symphony, who
askedhim to Join the ensemble.
The result was his three-year ten-
ure as first clarinetist in Detroit.
In 1927 he relinquished this
post to spend time concertizing as
both a soloist and chamber en-
semble member and teaching pri-
vately. In 1941 the music school
asked him to join the faculty. He
did so, commuting from his home

Excerpts from LSA Unit Report

C e Rou'ndup
By CARL COHEN signed to "face the realities of the
PRINCETON-Thirteen Prince- 20th century. The program will
ton University students were found last six years. At its conclusion
guilty by a magistrate court last the student will be placed in the
week on charges coming out of third year of a medical school.
the "spring riot" of May 6. More * * *
than 1500 students were involved BERKELEY-About 10 students
in the riot, and damages are esti- of the University of California at
mated at thousands of dollars, Berkeley were arrested last week
* * as they demonstrated outside of
NEW HAVEN - Similar "spring San Quentin prison against capital
riots" were staged early this month punishment.
at Brown, Columbia and Yale uni- * * *
versities. The Brown riot lastedW
seven hours, and as a result the ITHACA - Women at Cornell
university has postponed action University voted to change curfew
on parental rules and banned all hoursaforsfreshmen last Tuesday.
social functions until commence- Upperclass hours-midnight--will
ment. . go into effect after next Thanks-
ITHACA-The Cornellx Univer-
sity Interfraternity Council voted ' URBANA-CHAMPAIGN - Uni-
to accept with clarification two of versity of Illinois President David
three non-discriminatory pledges Dodds Henry answered the censure
proposed by its Commission on of the American Association of
Discrimination. The newly pro- University \Professors Wednesday.
posed pledges bar external, inter- He said that the firing of Prof.
nal and individual discrimination Leo F. Koch of the biology dept.
in choosing members. was "in accord with the statutes
S h g s of the university," and that Prof.
PROVIDENCE-Brown Univer- Koch had "formal hearings before
sity will institute a new medical the Senate Committee on Aca-
education program this fall, de- demic Freedom."

"- EXCELLENT undergraduate
education has been provid-
ed by colleges that have made
radical departures from the course
hour-grade standard curriculum
It is. possible to argue that the
arbitrariness of grading and course
hours is bad for the educational
experience=and most of the com-
mittee would agree.
It is nevertheless the case that
many of our best graduate schools
specify certain course and grade
requirements for their applicants.
Since we see one major function'
of the residence college as prep-
aration for graduate school, we
feel conventional grades, course
hour credits and meaningful course
descriptions should be retained ...
our curriculum and course re-
quirements "de novo," we can try
to avoid some of the uneconomi-
cal and educationally dubious rep-I
etition of subject matter that has
grown up in the literary college.1
For example (and without con-'
denmation since this type of thing
is probably inevitable in a large
enough school), the meiotic proc-
ess in gamete formation is taught
at the moment in the departments
of zoology, botany, anthropology,
psychology and sociology ...
Unnecessary repetition of sub-
ject matter can be minimized by
suitable cooperation and mutual
communication between staff
members, both within and between
The curriculum to be followed
by a student in the new college,
while not differing in principle
from that of a student in LSA,
would differ somewhat in orga-
nization and timing.
WE FEEL that freshmen and
seniors require maximum freedom
in their choice of courses. The
freshmen are not clear as to their
own interests and must to some
degree shop around. The seniors,
having definite intellectual goals,
must have freedom to get the in-
tellectual material that they need.
Starting with the second semes-
ter of the freshman year and ex-
tending through the junior year,
the student may be considered ma-
ture enough to understand the
necessity for course requirements
but not mature enough to dis-
pense with them.
Freshmen entering a liberal arts
college expect, in our opinion,
either a continuation of high
school or a vaguely defined but
glorious intellectual awakening. A

literary college is not doing its job
if it permits the first expectation1
to persist or does not, to some de-
gree, foster the second.
By the end of a student's first
semester, his image of the college
has usually crystallized to a large'
extent ... * * *
DURING the first two years a
student would take:
a. Two required courses of eight
hours each-one in great books
and composition, the other in
either history of political, social
and economic thought, or individ-
ual and collective behavior.
b. Sixteen hours of language plus
eight of science.
c. Free electives in various de-
partments (20-24 hours, for a to-
tal of 60-64 in the first two years).
In the student's last two years
he will take:
Courses in major - up to 40
Cognate-approximately eight
Electives - approximately 12.
hours (or around 60 for the last
two years)...
THE FIRST two years in the
new college would differ from the
first two years in LSA in these
1) Great books and composition
would be taught as one eight-hour
course in the first semester to ac-
custom the entering student to the
idea of extensive reading and writ-
ing, to establish a common back-
ground for all the students of
material read, to reinforce the idea
of college as an intellectual ad-
venture and to break away from
the high school routine.
2) Foreign language would be
postponedsuntil the second semes-
ter and presented as two intensive
eight-hour courses to provide a
foreign language proficiency in a
reasonably short time. The stu-
dent would be required, it is as-
sumed, to apply his lanuguage
skill regularly in concentration
and cognative fields.
3) All students in the elemen-
tary laboratory science courses
would be required to attend at
least one lecture a week which
would tend to illustrate the con-
vergence of scientific activities on
certain common problems.
These lectures would be attend-
ed by all such students whatever
elementary science course they
were taking .. . (They would at-
tempt) to foster communication
between students taking different
sciences and to provide a broad
view of science as a whole in addi-
tion to knowledge of special scien-
tific areas.
4) The. social science distribu-
tion would be taught as two eight-
hour courses, one of which would
center on history and the other on
empirical analysis of individual
and collective behavior.
IT MAY BE NOTED that the
general image of the curriculum
as we visualize it would permit
students to transfer from the new
college to almost any other lib-
eral arts college. We would not,
however, want to accept transfer
students to the new college since
this would negate its communal

The following proposals seemt
both feasible and desirable:
-Increasing the depth of eacht
course and the student work ini
each course so that a 16-hourf
class load is all that a student
can handle in a semester. At pres-
ent, students often take 18 or moreI
hours since the normal 16-hour
load does not make sufficient de-
mands on them.
Obviously, we are not advocat-
ing busy work, but are asking for
richer, more demanding teaching.
-Pooling large lecture sessions
whenever possible. If a lecture is
to be large, let it be very large.
In several subjects one large lec-
ture section can provide certain;
types of basic information for all
the students. The discussion and
lab sections associated with the
course may then differ among
themselves to accommodate dif-
ferences in student ability, interest
and objectives.
-Making the lecture sequence
of each course public so that, for
example, a physics professor may
assign his students to a lecture on
chemical bonding that is part of
a chemistry course and a chemist
may assign his students to a
physics lecture on atomic struc-
This not only saves the effort of
preparing a lecture in an area out-
side of one's customary region of
competence but also ensures that
the most able lecturer available
presents the matter to the stu-
-Scheduling reading periods
either as part of the academic
calendar or as part of individual
courses. To be effective these would
require that teaching be strongly
oriented towards making the stu-
dents intellectually independent.
-Using programmed learning,
achievement tests and other in-
centives and aids to self-teaching.
These procedures should, however,
be used with extreme caution lest
we change our definition of edu-
cation to meet the capabality of
a machine ...
TO AID communication between
students and to foster the growth
Ackley To Speak
On U.S. Economy
Prof. Gardner Ackley of the eco-
nomics department, on leave
from the University to serve on
President John F. Kennedy's Board
of Economic Advisers, will speak
on "The Federal Budget and the
Dynamical Economy" at 3 p.m. to-
day in Rm. 130 of the Business
Administration Bldg.
DIAL 2-6264
-wLOR Of (AIX!
'low sweet it is,, ..

of an intellectual community, we
would suggest that all students in
the new college maintain residence'
in contiguous University housing
Students who consider fraterni-
ties and sororities of primary im-
portance should enroll in other
undergraduate schools in the Uni-
It may be expected that some
students would live outside the
residence. Most of all of these
would be either married, over 21
or otherwise distinguished. Out-
side residence would be much less
common than in LSA.
The new college residence build-
ings would be used as more than
sleeping and eating accommoda-
tions. Except for some laboratories
and large lecture rooms, all of the
teaching facilities and most of the
studying facilities of the new col-
lege, it is hoped, would be in the
residence halls.
This would facilitate intellectual
interaction between students..."

Le -.
Today: 9:15 and 11:15
1:15, 4:15 and 7:15 p.m.
Tomorrow: 10:15 a.m.;j
4:15 and 7:15 p.m.
Thursdayn: 9:15 and 11:15
1:15, 4:15 and 7:15 p.m.

Friday: 10:15 a.m.; 1:15, 4:15
and 7:15 p.m.
Saturday: 10:15 a.m.
Applicants who wish to begin
training this summer (or later)
for Peace Corps projects must take
the aptitude test and complete a
questionnaire obtained from the
Corps information center in the
lower lobby of the Union.
MCA To Offer
$1500 Fellowship
The Music Corporation of Amer-
ica is offering a $1500 graduate
fellowship in creative writing for
1963-64. Those interested should
appear for an interview at 4 p.m.
Friday in the Hopwood Rm.


Government Council, two graduate
and four undergraduate elected
members, four alumni, and a Re-
gent. The Union Board also in-
cludes a representative from the
Office of Student Affairs, the Of-
fice of Business and Finance, and
the faculty, as well as the Union's
general manager as a guest.
The new board will eliminate
the Regents, the OSA representa-
tive, the SGC president and the
elected student members, while
raising the number of faculty
members to four. Its student-non-
student ratio of voting members
will drop from the present 5-4
ration to the proposed 1-2 ratio.
The present League Board,
which will also be eliminated on
acceptance of the report, includes
four student officers, four alum-
nae, two women faculty members,
one female Regent, one woman
from the OSA and three ex-officios
without vote-the alumnae council
eecretary, the business manager
and the program director. Its stu-
dent-non-student ration stands
at 1-2.
The coeducational activities
committee will operate "indepen-
dently of close supervision by the
board except for funds and fi-
nancial guidence."
Its four executive officers, who
will sit on the governing board,
will be chosen by a selections
committee of four students and
three non-students.Executiveof-
ficers will choose their own com-
mittee chairmen.
The proposal activities: group
differs from the present Union
groups in that it will derive its
funds directly from the governing
board. The present Union group
derives its funds from the con-
stitutionally independent Union
Finance Committee.
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6:50 and 9:05




In Eugene O'Neill's OF THE YEAR"
Aon Cook, World Tels. &Su


11400 East Shore Drive
,mles north of Ann Arbor by way of U.S. 23

Wesley Foundation, Holy Commun-
ion, May 22 at 7 a.m. at the Chapel.
* ' *
U. of M. International Folk Dancers,
Dance meeting, May 21 at 8 pm., 1429
Hill St.
* * a*
Sociedad Hispanica Annual Picnic,
on Sat., May 25, from 1 to 8 p.m. at
U. of M. Fresh Air Camp. For further
information and ticket purchases, con-
sult the Romance Languages Office,
Frieze Bldg.

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