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May 21, 1963 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-21

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Proposes Union-Le

'line Union-League Study Committee has released its final
recommendations calling for the establishement of a university
center through a merger of the Michigan Union and Women's
The Robertson Report suggests "a real university center, a
coeducational organization serving the needs of all segments of
the University community: students, faculty, alumni, administra-
tion and their quests."
The report is named after Study Committee Chairman Dean
James H. Robertson of the literary college.
Coed Activities
The report recommends that a single university center govern-
ing board replace the present Union and League Boards It also

recommends that a single coeducational activities organization
replace the existing Union and League activity groups.
The report also suggests the immediate appointment of an
implementation committee to work out details for establishing the
center, hopefully by the spring of 1964.
The report will be referred to a closed meeting of the
League board tonight and the Union board Thursday night. If
it receives approval, it will go to the Regents for final ratifica-
Service Center
"The proposed center provides for a more representative and
efficient group to operate a service center," former Union President
Robert F. Finke, '63, member of the study committee who drafted
the final recommendations, explained.

It recognizes the responsibility of students to direct their
programs independently. It places upon the University administra-
tion the responsibility to expand service facilities and programs
without further delay.
"One of the reasons the new University Center will be better
than existing facilities is that it could logically expand to some-
thing like the North Campus Student-Faculty Center," Union
President Raymond L. Rusnak, '64, added.
Physical Facilities
The single governing board which the report proposes will
be responsible directly to the Regents. Its "real mission will be the
management of physical facilities." It will also supervise the
financing of student activities.
The proposed board consists of four faculty members from the

gue Mergei
University Senate, four alumni from the Alumni Association and
four executive officers of the proposed student activities organiza-
tion. The vice-president for Business and finance or his represen-
tative and the center's general manager as an ex officio without
vote will also sit on the board, whose chairman may not be a
The report explains the board's structure "as entirely new
rather than an amalgamation of the present boards. It gives no
single interest majority control," but stresses "equal rebresenta-
tion" between students, faculty and alumni.
Union Board
The proposed board eliminates the present Union Board, con-
sisting of the three student officers, the president of Student
See STUDY, Page 2






See Editorial Page

Scattered light showers,
considerable cloudiness

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom
SupremeCourt Forbids Interference wih.















Tribunal Bars Action
To Reject Customers
Lunch Counter Drives Determine
Basis for Integration Decision
WASHINGTON (AP)-The United States Supreme Court ruled yes.-
terday that a state or city may not interfere, in any fashion, with
peaceful racial integration sit-in demonstrations in public places of
But the multiple rulings did not clearly spell out the legal posi-
tion of the individual shopkeeper who may wish to restrict his clientele
without the support of segregation laws.
The tribunal not only struck down laws and ordinances against
peaceful sit-in demonstrations, but barred action or statements by
-- -fiit f- - mi~u i'fli--n n '



Report Proposes
Associated Unit
Residential College Intended To Aid
Future Literary College Expansion
A proposal for a small residential college has been sent
to the literary college faculty.
Attempting to provide top-quality education within the
confines of a very large institution, the new college would
more closely link students' classroom experiences with their
residence hall lives.
It would be "associated with but- separate from" the pres-
ent literary college and would provide a somewhat different


NCA Scored by EMU Faculty


Eastern M i c h i g a n University
faculty members yesterday charged
that a political move to oust EMU
President Eugene B. Elliott was
behind the recent North Central
Association of Colleges and Sec-
ondary Schools investigation into
"low faculty morale and adminis-
trative difficulties" at EMU.
The widely reported successor
for Eliott is State Superintendent
of Public Instruction Lynn M.
Bartlett, whose post was eliminat-
ed as an elective office under the
new state constitution.
State Board of Education Presi-
dent Chris H. Magnusson had "no
comment" when asked if the board
planned to replace Elliott or other
top administrators.
'No Objective Evidence'
Bartlett yesterday denied that
he was seeking. the position, while
Elliott said he had "no objective

Coup Fails
In Turkey
ISTANBUL, Turkey VP)-Turk
ish rebels led by a once-pardoned
revolutionary ex-colonel attempt
ed to seize power in Turkey yester-
day, but the government claimed
the coup d'etat had failed.
Government troops quickly
crushed the plotters in, Istanbu
and ordered insurgents reported
cornered in the war college in
Ankara, the Turkish capital, to
surrender or be bombed by air
force jet planes already buzzing
the besieged rebels.
- The dissidents announced their
coup shortly after midnight last
Well in Hand
By dawn, Turkey's high com-
mand declared loyalist forces had
the situation well' in hand and
appealed for calm in this strong
pro-Western nation.
Ex-Col. Talat Aydemir, the reb-
el leader making his second "bid
for power, was reported among
those holed up in Ankara's War
College of Cadets after many ar-
my troops ousted the insurgents
Ifrom Radio Ankara.
In serving the ultimatum, Tur-
key's chief of staff, Gen. Cevdet
Sunay, indicated that war college
cadets had joined dissident army
officers in a bid to unseat '78-
year-old Premier Ismet Inonu's
Misled Cadets
Speaking over Radio Ankara,
back on the air after a period of
silence, Sunay declared, "I order
some misled cadets and officers to
surrender and retire to their bar-
racks. Unless this is done, air force
planes with all other armed forces
units will attack."
Sunay did not mention where
the rebels were holed up, but
earlier reports reaching Istanbul
from Ankara said the insurgents
had withdrawn to the war college
and that army troops had it sur-
Soon after Sunay's warning
President Cemal Gursel, in a mes-

curriculum as well as housing
"The committee is unanimously
of the opinion that if the Uni-
versity is to grow at all the es-
tablishment of a small residential
college is the optimal plan tc
follow," the report said.
Faculty Consideration
d Prof. Lawrence Slobodkin of the
- zoology department, chairman of
- the Residential College Committee
d which drew up the report, said
yesterday that faculty considera-
tion of the plan would probably
l come this fall.
If the idea is accepted, a final
action committee would then be
appointed to work out the admin-
r istrative, curricular and logistical
"Our proposals describe a col-
lege which would not differ in
either student-faculty ratio or
running-cost expenditure per stu-
dent for the college as a whole
from the literary college," the re-
port states.
Requirements Maintained
Maintenance of existing distri-
bution and concentration require-
ments in their essential form is
recommended by the report.
However, the number of course
offerings in the residential college
would be smaller.
To retain graduate school recog-
nition of work done in the resi-
dential college, the report asks
that conventional grades, course
hour credits and meaningful
course descriptions be kept.
"This does not mean that inter-
disciplinary courses or other de-
partures from the present curricu-
lum are not advisable but rather
that we should be in a position, at
all times, to translate our course
descriptions and evaluations into
those that are conventionally ac-
ceptable to graduate schools.
Build De Novo
"Since we are able to build our
curriculum and course require-
ments de novo, we can try to
avoid some of the uneconomical
and educationally dubious repeti-
tion of subject matter that has
grown up in the literary college."
For example, a student's first
two years in the new college may
differ from his first two years in
the literary college in the follow-
ing ways:

I Clark Terms
The newly formed Conservative
Federation of Michigan is a non-
partisan group, having no specific
platform but revolving around a
set of basic political principles,
Prof. John A. Clark of the en-
gineering college said yesterday.
Prof. Clark, who was elected
one of the federation's three vice-
presidents at its first convention
May 18, noted that anyone could
join the federation, regardless of
his political affiliations, if he
agreed with the basic principles.
Among these is the idea that
"man is a moral being and has
the right to his own free will. He
should be allowed to manage his
own affairs to the extent that he
does not interfere with the rights
of another person under law."
Free Market
Prof. Clark added that the fed-
eration also supports a free mar-
ket and encourages the initiative
of the indivial. "We believe that
taxation should not be oppressive,
nor should it be subjected to the
arbitrary whims of the govern-
ment," he said.
"We are concerned with the
threat of international Commun-
ism to the sovereignty of the Unit-
ed States and our freedoms and
to the entire free world," Prof.
Clark went on.
"We also believe that there
should be a realistic program to
combat this threat, to replace the
name-calling practices employed
by certain extremist groups. We
feel that the problem can be ap-
proached on a positive basis, ra-
ther than on a negative basis as
it frequently is now," he noted.
Endorse Candidates

... reported successor
evidence" that he was involved
"in a political battle."
Prof. Robert Belcher, chairman
of the EMU faculty council, said
the faculty does not "think that
college presidencies should be!
berths for politicians."
"It is almost taken for granted
on the campus that Bartlett is
interested in the presidency. He
was active in seeking the presi-
dency of Western Michigan Uni-
versity, but was blocked by the
state board," Prof. Donald F.
Drummond, chairman of the his-
tory and political science depart-
ments, noted.
Interested In Job
"Many have felt that with El-
liott close to retirement (three
years) Bartlett is interested in
the job," he said.
The NCA study was ordered by
the state board last January after
Magnusson claimed they had re-
ceived "repeated complaints" of
low faculty morale and internal
administrative problems at EMU.
Conclusions of the study were
reported at a private meeting
Thursday between the state board
and the NCA investigating com-
mittee. The state board revealed
the contents of the report to

Elliott and the faculty council at
a meeting Saturday.
The report, of which only ex-
cerpts were released, placed EMU
problems in two categories, accord-
ing to Elliott. First were "minor
faculty gripes," w h i c h Elliott
claimed he could clear up himself.
The second category concerned
"a greater definition of goals" for
EMU, Elliott said. The NCA rec-
ommended that the university be-
come more involved in research.
"Research is a sensitive issue
with the faculty, simply because
we don't have the funds for it.
This would require more people
and more equipment and, ncessar-
ily, more money," Elliott noted.
Detrimental Reputation
Meanwhile, a student group, the
Organization for EMU Action,
charged that the "NCA probe has
been handled in such a way as to
be very detrimental to the uni-
vessity's reputation.
"The terminology used to de-
scribe the problems of the univer-
sity has been vague, general and
evasive. This report should be
made public," the group argued
in a leaflet distributed on campus.
Magnusson said, "At the pres-
ent time the board has no inten-
tions of making the full reportl
public, but if we keep getting re-
ports that attempt to sidetrack the;
issue, we may."
The state board plans to meetl
with the EMU administrative staff
at 1 p.m. tomorrow. Magnusson in-l
dicated there would probably be
a release following the meeting.1
Gov. George Romney yesterdayj
asked Bartlett for a copy of the<

Negro Pupils
From School,
By The Associated Press
BIRMINGHAM-More than 1,-
000 Negro pupils were ordered ex-
pelled or suspended from school
yesterday for their part in anti-
segregation demonstrations.
Negro leaders reacted by decid-
ing to use legal means to fight
the order.
"We are authorizing our lawyers
to look into the legal aspects of
this matter and file suit in federal
court on the grounds that the
pupils had been expelled without
a hearing," Martin Luther King,
Jr., said.
Negro Students
In Cincinnati F. L. Shuttles-
worth, head of the Alabama Chris-
tian Movement for Human Rights,
said yesterday expulsions or sus-
pension of the Negro students
means "we may have to get back
on demonstrating."
In Greensboro, S.C., mass ar-
rests of Negroes demonstrating
against segregation policies re-
sumed last night and in Durham,
some 55 miles to the east.
300 Arrested
About 1000 singing, hand-clap-
ping Negroes converged on down-
town business establishments and
at least 300 were arrested. They
were taken to the Central Caro-
lina Hospital, where about 500
other demonstrators have been
held in temporary jail facilities.
At Durham, arrests of an unde-
termined number followed the
march of about 1500 Negroes from
city hall to the main business sec-

ollicials mat mignt innuence

shopkeepers to

turn away Negro

This ruling was laid down in
seven cases, mostly centered on
arrests during the 1960 campaign
to integrate lunch counters . and
other businesses in the South. In-
volved were cases from Alabama,
Louisiana, North Carolina, South
Carolina, Georgia and Maryland.
These appeals involved 44 indi-
viduals but about 3000 other dem-
onstrators adjudged guilty in sim-
ilar cases long have been looking
to the Supreme Court for word
that might free them of these con-
The nine justices were unani-
mous in laying down the princi-
ple that public officials cannot
See related story, Page 3
interfere with sit-ins so long as
they are peaceful. However, the
court did not draw a clear line of
when a shopkeeper may on his.
own refuse to serve Negroes or call
police, to have them evicted from
his property. ,
But a dissenting justice said a
shopkeeper's right to bar certain
customers on his own "has cer-
tainly become a greatly diluted
right, if it has not, indeed, been
totally destroyed."
Chief Justice Earl Warren,
speaking for the court, said, "It
cannot be disputed that under our
decisions private conduct abridg-
ing individual rights does no viol-
ence to the equal protection
See COURT, Page 3

1Court (Ruling
The United States Supreme
Court avoided the narrower ques-
tion of whether individuals may
discriminate in business yesterday
when it reversed the trespass con-
victions of Negroes involved in
sit-ins, Prof. Paul G. Kauper of
the Law School said last night.
The decision set a precedent in
cases involving trespass charges
where under local laws a shop-
owner is placed under a duty to
discriminate. Where there is no
such law, the question of the con-
stitutionality of discrimination by
individual businessmen remains
unanswered, he said.
"This decision was not unex-
pected. As long as local laws re-
quire discrimination, there is
strong pressure to comply." The
Supreme Court decided that such
practices, in accordance with state
or local laws, violated the 14th
amendment, Prof. Kauper said.
Trespass Statutes
"The court has, up to this point,
carefully avoided the question of
whether state enforcement of tres-
pass statutes to protect the in-
terest of a private person who
pursues a discriminatory policy is
unconstitutional," he noted.
In making its decision, the court
stopped short of ruling that an
individual's business practice when
enforced by a state trespass law is
unconstitutional, Prof. Kauper
pointed out.
"The court said that it could not
analyze a shopkeeper's motives in
practicing discrimination since it
could not say that the policies of
the store owner were not influ-
enced by the state law."
Private Property
If a state does have a law re-
quiring discrimination, the state
cannot justify trespass convictions
as a protection of private property,
Prof. Kauper noted.
"In that case, the court must
assume that a store owner is act-
ing under compulsion and there-
fore the state's action in enforc-
ing the trespass statute is a viola-
tion of the 14th amendment, since
the state is using its power to en-
force an unconstitutional state
Solicitor General Archibald Cox
argued that as long as local laws
require discrimination, the state
must assume the responsibility for
violating the Constitution because
the shopkeeper is forced to refuse
to serve Negroes by law, not by
choice, Kauper pointed out.
Private Discrimination
"However, the court has not de-
cided that it is unconstitutional
for a state to protect and enforce

Dedicate Kresge Institute

Cite Distortion
Republican study group accused
the Kennedy administration yes-
terday of misinforming the public
about the situation in Cuba and
distorting intelligence with pre-
conceived ideas about likely Soviet
steps in the Caribbean.
A Republican policy committee
group on Cuba and subversion in
the Western Hemisphere said "a
change of policy toward Cuba is
urgently needed.
"Patting ourselves on the back
for the 'victory' of last October,
putting a stop to Cuban exile raids,
issuing optimistic statements about
the cost of the Soviet operation in
Cuba and hopefully waiting for

... .......

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