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May 17, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-17

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j Z Mr Mir rigan D aI =
Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Preval".
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Athletic Fee Hike:
IS I t Justi*f ied?.
Pr .. . Con «...
THE $12 STUDENT athletic card is an un- THE BOARD IN CONTROL of Intercollegiate
fortunate way out of a bad situation, but Athletics seems to think it has the privilege
it is the only way to begin financing a new of raising tuition. The Board wants to build a
field house. The one thing everyone agrees on new field house. However, the Regents will not
is that the University needs a new field house pay for it and the Board does not have much
-and needs one badly. money of its own. The obvious solution is to
From all current indications, It is obvious soak the students to pay for a building only
that in order to proceed with such a project a few students will use and whose educational
something that has never been done before value is dubious.
must be put In effect. From the athletic de- Next fall students will have to pay $12 be-
partment to the Regents, it is generally ac- yond their tuition to attend the games. Stu-
knowledged that with the present balance of dents are already paying a mandatory .fee of
income and expenditures, as it is, the depart- about $10 to the athletic department. Of course,
ment is not at all able to 'take financial the $10 goes for more than just football fees;,
responsibility for a new basketball facility, it pays for the primarily freshman physical
With this in mind, the Board in Control of education program and the intramural pro-
Intercollegiate Athletics approved the $12 ath- gram.n
letic card, the first step toward the new The question is whether students should be
field house. The card will entitle the student charged for building a new basketball arena.
to a reserved seat at all seven home football I think not. Aside from the fact that the $22
games, plus what the Board termed "priority in total fee is exorbitantly high and represents a
admission to all other contests as long as seats 100 per cent increase in the cost of going to
are available." football games, students should not be assessed
for facilities not intended for general use.
HIS CHARGE will seem a lot of money to
many students, especially those not espe- STUDENTS HAVE already been cheated into.
cial fond of football in particular and athletics paying for non-student facilities in the
in general. But the fact remains that there analogous case of the Student Activities Bldg.
is no other way to raise money for a new A chunk of every student's tuition goes to pay
field .house; the alumni have given to the for and maintain the SAB. It was originally
utmost,,tax money for this purpose is non- intended as a building for the use of any and
,existent and a tuition raise would be more all student organizations. Any student group
than the traffic will bear. could and can use its meeting or office' fa-
An athletic card fee is justifiable on two cilities. But the function of the building has
counts. The first is that the people who will been expanded to include the entire Office
pay for it are the ones who will benefit from of Student Affairs. In effect, students are being
it. It stands to reason that people who attend assessed to pay for administrative office space.
athletic events ought to be the ones to con- Similarly, students should not be assessed
tribute toward athletic facilities, rather than to pay for inter-collegiate athletic facilities.
the student body as a whole. Whether the In the final analysis, only students are being
field house will be built in time to be ap- asked to pay for the new building. Ticket prices
preciate by the student buying a card next fall are not being raised for the genieral public.
is immaterial; in reality, he is paying to wit- In addition, the $22 total fee is simply too
ness an event, the proceeds of which will be high. It represents a cost of $3.14 per game for
used to finance a new field house. each student. For some students already hard
Secondly, most University students do not hit by the every other year tuition increases-
realize how well off they are regarding ad- seemingly a University custom-the $12 cost
mission charges to athletic events. At present, is simply too much.
most universities charge students admission
fees for football or basketball games or both, NOTHER PROBLEM is the $10 mandatory
in addition to many other sports. The Uni- fee payed with tuition. The non-freshmen
versity of Illinois, for example, charged $13 receive no benefit from that part devoted to
for football games alone this past year, plus the mainly freshman physical education pro-
$1 per game for basketball. gram. The intramural program, also supported
to a very small extent by this fee, has little
WITH SEVEN football games scheduled for import outside the residence halls and fra-
this fall, plus the prospect of the best bas- ternity system.
ketball team in the University's history, $12 In short, I do not think that the athletic
does not appear to be an unreasonable price to department or the Board should impose on the
pay for such entertainment. In fact, many students the responsibility for building its
other schools would consider it quite a bargain, facilities. The new building would be used only
If people object to paying an extra $12 a year in intercollegiate competition. The fee hike
for an athletic card, let them remember that falls entirely on the shoulders of students. The
the tuition raise that occurs biannually around only real justification is that it is easiest to
these parts is of a much higher magnitude. soak the students; I don't think that's much
And the tuition raise isn't even voluntary, of a justification.
Acting Associate Sports Editor Acting Editorial Director
Marjorie Brahms, Acting Associate Editorial,
Director 3 x' si w


Council Vacillates on OSA Secrecy

DOUBLE-EDGED is the only
way to describe Student Gov-
ernment Council's attitude toward
the policy-making secrecy dis-
played by the Office of'Student
Affairs and the 'administration.
One minute Council members
are displaying their incisive stu-
dents-have-a-right-to-know atti-'
tude. They make digs at Vice-!
President for Student Affairs
James A. Lewis for withholding
pertinent information until after
policies have been set and stu-
dent criticism is functionless.
But. the next minute, the mem-
bers flip their attitude to its dull
side as they sit passively by and
defeat motions which, seek to con-
demn the OSA and the adminis-
tration for secrecy.
* * *
CASE IN POINT is the final
two SGC meetings where Council
members approved two anti-
secrecy motions while defeating
two of the same nature.
They passed a motion citing the
deplorable secrecy of the OSA and
a motion asking that the authority
to form extracurricular rules be
delegated to Council and 'taken
away from the privacy of the OSA.

At these same two sessions, the
Council let fall by the wayside a
motion which, in effect, criticized
Lewis for not consulting SGC
opinion, and a motion which called
for free public discussion of pro-
posed central campus expansion
S* * *
THE FIRST accepted motion
condemning secrecy, submitted by
Acting Daily Editor Ronald Wilton,
is designed to make the Regents
take a general stand for open dis-
cussion through agreeing to open
public considerations of the speci-
fic OSA bylaw.
The OSA bylaw, privately for-
mulated by the OSA, is coming
before the Regents for formal
Wilton's motion asked specifi-
cally that the Regents "postpone
adoption" of the bylaw until after
its release. He cited the "deplor-
able" secrecy in establishing the
bylaw and asked as a general prin-
ciple, that "all policy decisions of
the University should be open to
public discussion before adoption."
Moves to separate the motion
into two entities, the specific ap-
peal and the general principle
failed as Council members' in-
cisive attitudes refused to allow

any watering down of either part
of the motion.
This same incisive attitude pre-
vailed as Council passed a motion
submitted by Howard Abrams
which called for the placing of
power to set rules into student
Criticizing OSA "centralized de-
cision making"' as "inflexible" and
"not democratic," the Abrams mo-
tion flashed through unanimously.
* * *
attitude popped up.
A motion strongly requesting
the University to divulge its long-
range planning for central campus
was defeated.
Submitted by Wilton the motion
noted that "the administration is
keeping all information secret until
final Regental presentation" of an
extensive master plan for central
campus development.
With nimble-fingered caution,
Council members started picking
the motion apart. Sherry Miller
warned against releasing the plans
because "students tend to get over-
excited about these issues before
they know what's going on."
Union President Raymond Rus-
nak gave a second vote of no-
confidence in students as he said,
"I don't think that students have
the right to see future plans of
this nature since they won't be
Executive Vice-President Edwin
Sasaki felt that SGC should review
the plans in a "semi-public" man-
ner, warning that campus im-
provement 'was contingent upon
The three, joined with five other
nayites (including President
Thomas Brown) to defeat the mo-,
tion 8-6.

Services Held Constant

"IN MATTERS OF grave importance, style not sincerity, is the vital
thing!"-Oscar Wilde, "The Importance of Beting Earnest." It is
this quote which underlies the title of Jack G. O'Brien's "A Matter of
Style" which opened last night at Trueblood Aud. to run through
Saturday night.
The play is truly "a matter of style" in the sense Wilde would
have liked and understood. And like Wilde's writing, it does not lack
sincerity for all its style.
The characters are each and every one of them stereotypes, but
none the less real, sincere or Interesting for this. As a matter of

NN ARBOR is in a period not
only of expanding services but
also of a rising standard of ser-
vices, and the city's departments,
tend to reflect these public de-
mands in their budget proposals.
The future of the services depends
upon the city budget.
It is essential that the services
to the community be expanded to
meet demands of the city. How-
ever, in City Council action Mon-
day night the proposed budget
for the coming year puts a plateau
on the level of services.
Council raised the budget to
$4,607,000 for the fiscal year be-
ginning July 1; this is $240,000
higher than the current plan.
Even though the budget was in-
creased, it does not provide for
the expansion of the current fa-
cilities such as police, building and
safety, health, and public works.
These increases were necessary
for building services of the new
city hall, a city pay plan which
increases, salaries five per cent
annually and an increase in the
fire department budget for man-
ning and equipping the new fire
station, among other needs.
THE BUDGET adequately fi-
nances the current public services.
However, since the community is
expanding, it will be impossible for
the public services to increase
enough under the current plan to
meet the demands of the city.
An increase in the budget is,
necessary to allow maintenance
of the public services at the level
to which the community has been
Mayor Cecil 0. Creal has said
that in the next year the city
will be looking into other means of
raising the city income without
raising the property tax rate.
There may be some changes in
the state financial operations
which will return more money to
the cities, but at this time no one
can say anything concrete about
the future.
It will be necessary for the city
to come up with some new plan
next year. Otherwise, the raising of
the current tax rate by at least

one mill will be needed-or pos-
sibly the curtailing of certain city
operations. It would seem the
citizens would not favor a cur-
tailing of certain city operations.
REGARDLESS off the apparent
financial need of the city the
council managed to reduce the
current tax rate of $18.60 per $1000
assessed valuation to $18.54 for
the new year. .
It was estimated that a $1 in-
crease would be necessary to fi-
nance the budget. Current sources
of money such as fees, fines, taxes
and' other methods-while yield-
ing approximately the same rev-
enue in the coming year as this
year-are still inadequate.
Also, the year end budget this
year is greatly reduced from that
of last year. $215,000 was avail-
able last year which was used for
the city budget. The balance on
hand this year, is only $107,000. A
new sources of revenue had to be
* * *
THE GENERAL operating fund
has loaned $180,000 to the special
assessment fund for its operation;
if $165,000 of this is returned, it
would finance the budget and not
require a tax increase.
The special assessment fund
which provides for city improve-
ments will in turn borrow neces-
sary operating money from the
sewage disposal fund. The latter
currently has a balance of $1,534,-
436. Of this, only $522,000 is neces-
sary for recurring expenses, leav-
ing approximately one million dol-
lars which could be utilized.
However, such a plan will not
work again; using the funds on
hand depletes any future use of
the general operating fund. Never-
theless, such a plan does not place
the city in any danger presently,
although in the future the city
will not have anything to lean
back on.
* * *
does meet the needs of the com-
munity in a limited way. Natural-
ly, if the people object to the
limitations on expansion of city's
services, Ann Arbor will have to
seek a solution.


* * *

COUNCIL had no intention of
changing its bland attitude. It
refused to back a motion sub-
mitted by Abrams which asked for
withdrawal of SGC from the OSA
advisory committee.
Established last year to advise
Lewis on the problems that his
new OSA authority would bring
him, the Committee-consisting of
faculty and student members-
had met strong SGC opposition as
providing a special group which
would cloud student opinions.
After a year's trial period, in
which Lewis called the committee
to session once, Abrams argued
that the committee was useless.
But Council heeded Kenneth
Miller's advice thatd"this whole
subject should be left unsaid." The
motion was tabled.
And taking its two-edged at-
titude, Council then moved into
a secret executive session to con-
sider further and criticize what
the Regents were secretly plan-
ning on the Harris and Smith re-
'THAT SINNERS have always,
for American Negroes, been
white is a truth we needn't labor,
and every American Negro, there-
fore, risks having the gates of
paranoia close on him. In a so-
ciety that is entirely hostile, and,
by its nature, seems determined to
cut you down-that has cut down
so many in the past and cuts down
so many every day-it begins to
be almost impossible to distin-
guish a real from a fancied injury.
One can very quickly cease to at-
tempt this distinction, and, what
is worse, one usually ceases to at-
tempt it without realizing that one
has done so -
-James Baldwin,
"The Fire Next Time"

fact, as opposed to style, the result
is closer to that of a collection of
tours de force which combine to,
create one of the shortest two
hours of tour de force comedy seen.
in this town in a long time.
WITH FEW and minor excep-
tions the acting was excellent and
in marvelous harmony with the
concept of being "a matter of
style." ,
Barbara Sittig opened the show
as Kitty Harrison, who in turn
was closing three and a half years
of "Too Sudden, My Stanley."
While this bit of style was well
carried off, as was the whole role,
it is the only somewhat uncom-
fortable and questionable part of
the play. There was something
discomforting about a play open-
ing with wild, and taped, applause
for the major character. Some of
the audience went along with the
gag and joined the applause and
perhaps if there had been more of
this, the idea would have worked.
Most of the rest of the cast and
characters are as excellent as Miss
Sittig. They include such charm-
ing and well-worked and, if I may
use the term and not be taken
sarcastically original stereotypes as
H. Alexander Brockworth, senior
senator from Connecticut, loud-
mouthed, played by David Hir-
vela; Grundy Bates, playwright
from Queens and Zen Buddhist,
played by Charles Edelman; and
sexiest of all, Toy Labolle, prima
ballerina converted from Minsky,
played to navel and nasal perfec-
tion by Linda Heric.
The set, designed by Neil Bier-
bower, was grand as a bright red
Auntie Mame setting for a theatre
PERHAPS THE best thing, and
most historical thing, about this
production is that it was done
entirely by students, and, with the
exception of very minor technical
difficulties, was not merely com-
petent but also bright, exciting
and original.
The play itself was written by
O'Brien in a University play-
writing course. The set was de-
signed by Blerbower, graduate
student in speech. The play was
directed by George Bedard, grad-
uate student in speech.
The results more than justified
the confidence placed in these stu-
dents and one can only hope that
the precedent, now set and proved,
will be followed more often in the
Basically, it was an extremely
exciting and entertaining evening
of young theatre and well worth

Of 'Decay
"LONG DAY'S Journey. into
Night" wasn't so long this
time; somewhere along the distri-
bution line, someone had theasin-
inity to reduce the original by al-
most a full third (from nearly
three hours to just over two), pre-
sumably so that those folks out in
the provinces could sit through it.
The cut version retains the spirit
of the original and manages to
extract from the viewer what Eu-
gene O'Neill undoubtedly intend-
ed-a deep sympathy for the char-
acters and the knowledge that
they need our pity and under-
O'Neill telescoped years of men-.s
tal and physical decay of a fam-
ily, admittedly his own, into a day
and a night. During this time, each
of the four characters reveals the
roots, if not the reasons, for his
own degeneration.
mother and central figure in the
family, tells of her early desires
and possibility for a talented ca
reer, which she gave up for her
husband and a life of loneliness
and despair.
Ralph Richardson, as the former
matinee idol father, denies that
this is the full story and claims
she was too full of life to be a
nun and too much in love with
him even to want her own career.
Jason Robards, Jr., the talented
first son, now a drunken hulk, is
the one who bears the brunt of
his parents degeneration and
raises the younger son, whom he
loves but also hates, for causing
his mother's affliction.s
Dean Stockwell, the younger,
poetic son, modeled on O'Neill's
own life, has just discovered he
has tuberculosis. This knowledge
pushes the mother into another
bout with dope and sets the stage
for the others to play upon.
* * *
THE BROTHER and father feel
the need to explain their lives to
him before he leaves for the sani-
tarium. The mother's dope takes
her into the past, first by remi-
niscence in a moving scene with
the maid, then completely into the
past, out of reach of the rest of
the family.S
O'Neill doesn't give a complete-
ly sympathetic picture of any of
the characters, for they no sooner
enlist our pity then they behave
abominably toward each other.
The effect is to show that the
tragedy in each of their lives is
partly their own fault, partly ex-
We don't weigh one character
against the other, though we are
etmpted to with the father, who
is so cheap he'll send his son to a
quack sanitarium out of fear that
the doctors are gypping him.r
There are no weak characters in
the movie: They take turns ex-
ploding into rage, then melt with
the love they feel for each other.
This, together with the dim, claus-
trophobic summer house, keeps
the tension high. Even the comic
scenes, and some are hilarious,'
possess a grimness that won't let
the viewer forget this is a story of
THERE IS LITTLE change from'
the stage version. The movie opens
outside, with the family in a de-
ceptively happy mood, then moves
to the torture chamber of a living
room, which grows gradually dark-
er and more depressing.


WHILE BIRMINGHAM explodes from fright-
eningly severe internal pressures, New York
City's Harlem, Detroit, Chicago and numerous
Southern cities strain mightily to hold in
their discontented. The Statue of Liberty pro-
claims, "Send me your tired, your poor ..."
Yet once they are here, people in this country
do not comfort them, do not care-at least,
not enough.
Sociologists proclaim that education and
government assistance are the answers; with
them, the deprived will gradually be elevated
and all people will learn to live together in
some sort of harmony. While we await that
harmony, race riots continue, gang fights
erupt, housing projects deteriorate and the
poor are exploited.
A long term solution is not adequate; pro-
gress must be made now. A group such as the
Black Muslims shows the necessity of imme-
diate action. It embodies all the discontent and
frustration of a mistreated people. Its power
and rate of growth are alarming.
BELIEVE it is the responsibility of the
universities in this nation to foster social
progress and social consciousness. That respon-
sibility presently is not being accepted. In
the affluent, middle-class United States, young
people seem primarily concerned with their
own well-being and secondarily or not at all
with the preservation of the society which has
given them so much.
Assistant Dean Charles Lehmann of the
education school has stated the- problem well:
"The education school is supposed to serve the
state and yet it is clear that our education
graduates pay no attention to the education-
ally deprived areas of the state."

where does the solution to society's serious
troubles lie? Sociologists warrant part of the
blame. With the exception of a notable and
highly respected few, they are an academic
group concerned more with research than with
action. I do not underestimate the importance
of research in this highly significant and
relatively young field. It is precisely because
they are researchers that sociologists are best
equipped to initiate action: they are the people
with the knowledge of how best to reform
Yet there is an intrinsic problem involved
here. No group, be it knowledgeable or not,
has the right to impose its moral judgments
on the rest of society. Each of us is equal in
deciding what should be; each is not equal,
however, in determining the bes.t way to
achieve the socially approved goals. Herein
lies the role of the sociologist.
THE MOST immediately necessary step to be
taken is the creation of a program to edu-
cate teacher-social workers. A teacher is not
enough to handle a classroom-of 45 in Harlem;
a social worker does not command enough
power and does not see the individual con-
stantly enough in most cases. By fusing these
functions, deprived children may be helped.
The Domestic Service Corps is another step
in the right direction. Before we clean up the
mess in underdeveloped nations, we must re-
habilitate the pathology and poverty on our
own shores. In Chicago, a successful program
is being carried out to combat adult illiteracy.
Evening classes for certain illiterate reliefers
are mandatory if they wish to retain their
relief. It is an intelligent, well accepted plan
which should be adopted nationally.


-John Herrick

to the
To the Editor:
MONDAY evening I watched
"Communist Encirclement," a
film depicting the Communist
ideology which has been shown in
Hamtramck public schools as part
of an anti-Communist program.
The viewers tore into the film as
propaganda rather than fact (a
semantic error) and as anti-intel-
It's about time we stopped using
"propaganda" as a dirty word.
Just as we talk of the Communist
"ideology," we must express our
American id e oIogy. It seems
strange to me that these same
critics never espouse our own ide-
ology. Over-intellectualizing can

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