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May 17, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-17

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Iritarn Modifies Plans'
'or Nuclear Proposal,
['o Gain Allied Support

Vote To Cut Off Funds
Ifai To Deseregate
WASHINGTON (A')-A House Education subcommittee voted to
deny federal funds to segregated schools which do no come up with
a desegregation plan this June and do not have a plan in operation
by June 30, 1964.
The subcommittee also put school districts on notice that during
the next few months it will try to make major revisions in the im-
pacted areas program and cut out some children now included.
The anti-segregation amendment was attached to a bill to con-
tinue for one more year the impacted areas program. This grants

Race Tensions Persist in South

Pathet Lao Continucs
To Bombard A ir Strip
VIENTIANE (P)--Pro-Communist Pathet Lao forces shelled the
tralists' air strip' near the Plaines des Jarres yesterdlay for the
)nd straight day, Premier Prince Souvanna Phouma's office said.
Despite the shelling from heights overlooking the Muong Phanh
strip, neutralist planes continued landing with supplies, a com-
inique reported.
The air strip, about eight miles west of the plain has been the
n source of supply for Gen. Kong Le's neutralists since they were

To Investiga te
If AMC Gains
From New, Bill
By The Associated Press
LANSING - House Democrats
yesterday passed a resolution call-
ing for a bipartisan committee to
investigate how Gov. George Rom-
ney and American Motors Co. may
benefit from the signing of a con-
troversial unemployment compen-
sation bill.
Although called into session only
as - a token move to permit the
Senate to confirm an appointment,
the Democrats mustered 44 of their
52 House members.
Republicans charged that it was
an attempt to "embarrass" the
Democrats demanding an in-
vestigation of the effects of the so-
called Ford Canton bill's provi-
sions that certain firms may have
their negative balances in the
state jobless pay fund wiped out.
The Democratic demand for an
investigation by a six-member
House committee also named
Chrysler Corp., and Mitchell-Bent-
ley Corp., firms with the highest
negative balance in their. rating
Although the bill was supposed
to be designed to satisfy both labor
and management, with a com-
mittee composed of representatives
from both factions making recom-
mendations to Gov. Romney, the
Democrats now feel the final form
of the bill is too favorable to

driven from most of the plateau
area by the Pathet Lao last month.
Sent Protest
From his headquarters at Khang
Khay, Prince Souphanouvong of
the Pathet Lao sent the neutralist
premier a strong protest against
the supply of United States arms
to the neutralist forces.
His message warned Souvanna
that the premier would be held
responsible for the "dangerous
consequences." Earlier this week,
the United States State Depart-
ment confirmed that some arms
were included among supplies de-
livered to the Laotian government
at the premier's request.
Use U.S. Arms
Informed sources said Kong Le
recently equipped most of his 5,,.
000-man force with United States
arms to be in a position to meet
any new Pathet Lao attack.
Souphanouvong also charged
that United States planes were
transporting a large "number of
troops of the third Laotian faction
--the rightists headed by Deputy
Premier Phoumi Nosavan - to
Muong Phanh to help the neu-
The Pathet Lao also called "fla-
grant interference in Laos in-
ternal affairs" a speech by United
States Ambassador Leonard Unger
'last week. Unger charged that
Pathet Lao was disrupting the
peace and declared the United
States would not abandon Laos to
the Communists.
Souvanna did not reply direct-
ly to the Pathet Lao charges. But
he informed Souphanouvong that
he will return for talks to Pathet
Lao headquarters.

Strike Units
To Compose
New Force
Seek Nuclear Treaty
For NATO Nations
LONDON (P)-In a bid for
American and French backing, the
British government has substan-
tially modified its project for a
North Atlantic Alliance Nuclear
Force, qualified officials reported
last night.
The force, consisting of national
nuclear-strike units, will be stud-
ied by the North Atlantic Treaty
Organization's Council of Foreign
Ministers meeting in Ottawa next
Modifications of the Plan
Informants listed the following
modifications to the British plan:
1) A proposal to set up a new
nuclear command structure with-
in NATO has been dropped mainly
to please the French. President
Charles de Gaulle's men at NATO
headquarters have argued in-
formally that a command struc-
ture, made up of countries par-
ticipating in the nuclear force,
would create "an alliance within
the alliance."
Instead, the British now want a
deputy commander appointed un-
der Gen. Lyman Lemnitzer, su-
preme allied commander in Eur-
ope, with special responsibility for
nuclear tactics and strategy.
In Charge of Forces
2) A move to have a British
three-star general appointed as
deputy commander in charge of
the nuclear force also has been
dropped. The job is expected to
go to the nominee of a smaller
nation like Italy, Belgium or Hol-
land. He will be under orders to
build up an establishment from
all NATO members-not just from
those countries which contribute
to the inter-allied force.
3) A project to set up an inner
council of 10 countries which
would formulate NATO's nuclear
policies also has been abandoned.
The 10 were to have been the
United States, Britain, France,
West Germany, Belgium, Italy,
Holland, Greece; Turkey and Can-
ada. Washington objected that
only those countries which con-
tributed men and money to the
NATO nuclear force should share
in control of nuclear policy.
Plan Goldwater
By The Associated Press
LANSING-A "draft Goldwater"
demonstration has been planned
for a convention of the Conserva-
tive Federation of Michigan this
Saturday at nearby Holt.
Arthur Brandt, Jr., chairman of
the convention committee, dis-
closed plans for the demonstra-
tion to promote Sen. Barry Gold-
water (R-Ari) for the 1964 Repub-
lican presidential nomination.
The federation was formed last
year for the avowed purpose of
supporting the conservatives.

Last times tonight at 7 and 9
witty expose of
Forget Liz and Dick-
See Vivien Leigh as the Nile temptress
who conquered the conquering hero!

federal money to school districts
burdened because of federal activi-
ties within their borders. It is the
only program of federal aid to
public elementary schools in exist-
Unanimous Approval
The subcommittee approved the
amendment unanimously and by
the same vote sent the bill to the
full Education and Labor Commit-
Under the program, the govern-
ment pays out about $350 million a
year to 4000 school districts reach-
ing into all 50 states.
Under the amendment, offered
by subcommittee chairman John
H. Dent (D-Pa), each segregated
school district would be required
to file a desegregation plan with
the United States Office of Edu-
cation by June 30 this year in or-
der to receive any funds for the
school year beginning next Sep-
tember. Each district would have
to have the plan in actual opera-
tion by June 30, 1964, to stay in
the program.
Heard Testimony
The subcommittee last year
heard testimony that 2000 of 2,-
837 school districts in 17 Southern
states had not taken a first step
toward ,complying -with the 1954
Supreme Court integration ruling,
requiring the filing of a plan.
Dent said the subcommittee is
dissatisfied with the program and
wants to come up, after further
study, with rules to make it "true
impact" assistance. Under the
original legislation enacted in 1950,
the subcommittee said, the pro-
gram has been so distorted that
many school districts not intended
to be included are :receiving sub-
stantial federal suport.
The committee took one such
step yesterday by voting to strike
from the program enough children
to save about $400,000 a year.
Among those removed would be
children of emyloyes of federal
World News
By The Associated Press.
quarters said yesterday the Haitian
government has asked the chief of
the United Nations technical aid
mission here, Jean B. Richardot, to
get out. They reported he is sched-
uled to leave today.
ROME - Franziskus Cardinal
Koenig of Vienna arrived in Rome
last night for possible finishing
touches on a reported agreement
that will allow Joseph Cardinal
Mindszenty to leave for Budapest.
ST. LOUIS-Several Washing-
ton University students tore down
civil defense shelter signs on the
university campus Wednesday
claiming the shelters were ::mani-
festly inadequate."
Investigations Subcommittee is
looking into allegations of "gross
corruption" involving $100 mil-
lion of United States aid to Iran.
nois Supreme Court recently turn-
ed down an appeal by former Uni-
versity of Illinois Prof. Leo Koch,
who was fighting' his dismissal
from the faculty. He was dismiss-
ed after he wrote a letter to the
student newspaper advocating pre-
marital sexual relations between
students in some cases.
* * *
NEW DELHI-Indian and Paki-
stani negotiations appeared to be
setting the stage for a third-party
mediation of the Kashmir dis-
NEW YORK-A rallying stock

market ran into more sales than it
could handle and ended irregular-
ly lower yesterday. Dow-Jones
averages showed 30 industrials
down 1.50, 20 railroads up .27, 15
utilities down .52 and 65 stocks
down .42.
"Kick a Puppy, Today," ~Pray
for War," and 28 more protests
against creeping readers diges-
tism and simpering sweetness.
Superb for pasting on foreheads
of peace marchers, bad folk-
singers, Rotarians. Deface mon-
uments, ranch houses, mail. Set
of 31: $1 ppd.
ALSO:.T-SHIRTS * protest-im-

World Trade:
Talks Open
GENEVA (P)-Christian A. Her-
ter, President John F. Kennedy's
chief trade negotiator, called yes-
terday for unanimous approval by
the world's great -trading nations
of a project for doing away with
customs duties on tropical pro-
ducts as a way of helping poorer
He spoke to delegates represent-
ing 73 nations. They opened a
weeklong conference yesterday.
Herter endorsed a five-point pro-
gram asking:
Five-Point Program
1) Free access to markets for.
tropical products.
2) Agreement that unstable
prices and low earnings for their
products are the main economic
problems of tropical countries.
3) A standstill on any move to
build new barriers against tropical
products, until action is taken to
remove old ones.
4) Special attention to charges
levied on home markets that limit
sales of tropical products-like the
big taxes some European coun-
tries put on coffee.
Attack on Barriers
5) A decision that the attack
on barriers to trade in tropical
products be handled as part of the
next big round of international
tariff cutting.
"No task this meeting faces is
more important than that of find-;
ing ways to improve the export op-
portunities of less developed coun-
tries," Herter said.
Herter's appeal was made in the'
face of some skepticism from those
countries that anything useful to'
them can be done in this frame-
work. Antonio Balbino Carvalho
Filho, Brazil's minister of industry
and trade, told the delegates that
conferences such as this have been'
a monotonous repetition of un-
satisfied requests and frustrated
Fateful Session
Diplomats at the conference see
its fate largely determining the1
short-run success or failure of the
Trade Expansion Act, passed by
Congress last year.
The act, giving the President3
wide discretionary powers to ad-
just United States tariff rates,
especially with the Common Mar-.
ket, is being used by President
John F. Kennedy to lower foreign
barriers and expand United States
Franco Meets
With Salazar
MERIDA-Generalissimo Fran-
cisco Franco and Premier An-
tonio de Oliveira Salazar of Por-
tugal endeda conference here
The presence of experts on
United States and African ques-
tions indicated the scope of their
It was speculated' that Salazar
might have sought Spanish sup-
port for his rejection of self-
determination in the near future
for Portugal's African territories.
It was not known if Franco was
willing to pledge more backing
for the Portuguese overseas policy
than Spain has given so far.

By The Associated Press
NASHVILLE - Racial tension
lessened in most American cities
yesterday after having reached a
peak in recent weeks while new
demonstrations were fomenting in
areas previously untroubled by
massive segregation protests.
Comparative quiet reigned In
Birmingham, Philadelphia, Nash-
ville, and Trenton as city adminis-
trators and civic leaders agreed
to either meet the demands of
demonstrating Negroes or hold
talks on ways of ending racial
In Greensboro, two main busi-
ness groups yesterday urged an
end to segregation. However, a few
hours later Negro college students
who last night streamed into the
downtown area in anti-segregation
demonstrations, returned there,
attempting to integrate two down-
town theatres and a cafeteria.
Picketing continues.
In Nashville and Philadelphia
the city mayors held conferences
and resolved Negro-white differ-
ences to put a halt to picketing
and sit-ins while strife-ridden
Birmingham was host to an un-
easy truce as judges meted out
penalties to demonstrating Ne-
Police Remain
However, police still remained
on seven-day duty and 3000 Army
troops were maintained at Ala-
bama bases. The troops will stay
ready to enter Birmingham if Pres-
ident John F. Kennedy decides
they are needed to keep order.
Kennedy called the troops into
the state after the Sunday riot fol-
AC ;LU Drops
California Suit
On Speakers
By The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES-The American
Civil Liberties Union moved re-
cently to drop a suit to force the
University of California to allow
Communist speakers on its cam-
The unusual move was under-
stood to be based on the belief
that the university regents may
reconsider its policy on speakers.
The University of California,
one of the nation's largest educa-
tional institutions, promulgated
the anti-Communist speaker policy
in 1953.. The Civil Liberties Union
has pressed the suit against the
policy on behalf of students of the
university's Riverside campus who
were refused permission to invite
Communist spokesmen to debate
the merits of outlawing the Com-
munist party.
Applying to the Appellate Court
to withdraw the appeal, the
Union's lawyers noted that stu-
dents on the university's Los An-
geles and Berkley campuses had
petitioned the regents to rescind
the policy. They said they feared
the suit might block the regents
from such reconsideration.
The appeal had contended that
the ban was inconsistent with the
practice of inviting ,ultra-rightists
to speak.
Students with telephone ser-
vice: help ease the year-end
rush by placing your order
NOW to have your service
discontinued later when you
leave town. It's one less detail
to think about. Why not do
it now? Just call the tele-
phone business office, 453-


lowing the bombing of the home of
a Negro integration leader and a
motel used by Martin Luther King
as a headquarters for the desegre-
gation campaign.
State Education Commissioner
Frederick M. Raubinger called a
halt to "extreme racial imbalance"
in a Trenton elementary school
which has 99 per cent Negro en-
Pickets Continue
ia. Greensboro long ago integrated
most downtown lunch counters

Architecture Auditorium

50 cents

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I can make :
1 1
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S.........Registration? I
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