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May 12, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-12

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FAY 12, 1963


[AY 12, 1983 FilE MIChIGAN DAILY

Leaders Reach Accord: Diplomats Report Cuba
Desires Rapprochement
ii FL, A~ I HAVANA (kP)-Some Western diplomats here say there are indi-
i au a s e cations the Cuban government is earnestly seeking a way to resume
some kind of direct contacts with the United States.

Domiiicans Stay

U.S. Nuclear
Discontent in Quebe

An AP News Analysis
OTTAWA-One of the pressing
problems facing Prime Minister
Lester B. Pearson on the home
front is growing discontent of
Quebec Province with its role in,
the century-old Canadian confed-
During this spring's election
campaign Pearson, like other Lib-
eral Party leaders, acknowledged
the need for urgent action to im-
prove the lot of the country's 5%/
million French-speaking citizens.
He indicated he would propose a
commission to study the problem
and make recommendations.
Most. French-speaking Canadi-
ans live in Quebec, which includes
Montreal and is, after Ontario,
the second most populous province.
Extremist Bombings
A terrorist organization ,called
the Quebec Liberation Front has
pulled off several bombings in the
past few months. It says its object
is to separate Quebec from the
rest of Canada.
More peaceful French-Canadi-,
ans say there is discrimination
against them, especially in the
choice of business executives and
national officials. They demand
that this end. Many prominent
leaders aresupressing for cfficial
steps, to insure a dual 'culture in
Canada instead of efforts to assim-f
ilate French-speaking Canadians
into an English-dominated cul-
ture. Both French and English are
official languages.
Quebec's Liberal premier, Jean
Lesage, has hit hard at the na-
tional government's - attitude in
the past. The fact that the Lib-
erals are now in power in Ottawa
is not expected to make him pull
any punches on this issue. He has
already indicated recently that he
will press Quebec demands hard
in the next parliament.
Seek News
The Canadian Press asked a
number of prominent> Quebec resi-
dents to state their views on their

... agrees with Kenne

province's role in confed
Almost invariably they ex
a belief that Lesage is
toward a stronger role for
in the national picture.
Novelist Hugh MacLenn
French-Canadians are exas
when Canadians of Englis
ground cling to the noti
Canada is bound to develo
sort of British state.
Historian Michel Brunet
University of Montreal sa
sage's program is "nat
enough" so that separatists
who would split Quebec o
Canada-cannot find any
mental quarrel with it. Hes
collective ambitions of Q
citizens for a sense of
depend for fulfillment large
the power and compente
the Quebec government.
Jean Marchand, presiden
Confederation of Nationa
Unions, said separatism
strong at the moment."

c Nations Set
:..FOn Warheads
May Equip Bases
Before End of Year,
Continue Negotiations
HYANNIS PORT ()-President
John F. Kennedy and Canadian
Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson
ended two-days of talks yesterday
with a disclosure that Canada is
ready to accept nuclear weapons
as soon as arrangements can be
A high United States official
said Canada's two Bomarc missile
bases might be supplied with nu-
clear warheads well before the end
of the year.
- The communique did not men-
tion the nuclear warheads specif-
ically, but it said Pearson had
N confirmed his government's in-
dy tention to carry out defense com-
mitments previously made. In-
eration. formed quarters said this was a
pressed reference to the 1959 agreement
moving which Pearson declared is a com-
Quebec mitment to accept nuclear weap-
an said United States officials said
perated Pearson had definitely accepted
h back- this commitment and had express-
on that ed a desire to carry it out with
op as a the utmost speed. One informed
United States participant said the
of the negotiations probably could be
aid Le- concluded by early next month
ionalist and storage facilities be ready
s-those within three more months.
ff from Well before the end of the year,
funda- he said, they "can get the birds'
said the nests out of the Bomars"-a ref-
suebec's erence to the fact that the mis-
identity siles have been standing without
ly upon warheads for many months.
ence of A vital issue in the Canadian
election that boosted Pearson to
t of the power last month was the failure
1 Trade of the preceding administration of
"isn't Prime Minister John G. Diefen-
baker to fulfill a commitment to
accept nuclear warheads for two
Bomarc missile bases in Canada.
The communique referred to the
necessity of constantly improving
d e f e n s e arrangements between
Canada and the United States.
'Outer Seven'
To End Tariffs
LISBON () - Ministers of the
British-led European Free Trade
32 Association agreed yesterday. to
abolish all tariffs on industrial
- products among the member na-
tions by the end of 1966.
Special reservations were noted
however, for Austria, which an-
nounced that its negotiation for
membership in the rival European
Common Market might come in
conflict with the EFTA program.
The Free Trade Association,
known as the Outer Seven, is made
up of Britain, Norway, Denmark.
Sweden, Austria, Switzerland and
Portugal. In addition to the gen-
eral accord, the member nations
approved a number of bilateral
trade agreements.

Private information from Washington sources says a rapproche-
ment could be effected upon certain conditions.
Yet diplomats found nothing new in Prime Minister Fidel Castro's
overture to the United States made yesterday in a television inter-

view filmed before his departure
for the Soviet Union.
In it, he commended President
John F. Kennedy for curbing at-
tacks by Cuban exiles. He said this
could be a step in the right direc-
tion and said he is willing to work
toward a settlement for United
States investments confiscated
during Cuba's march toward Com-;
It has become evident from re-1
cent speeches of Castro and other
government officials that an effort
is being made to tone down refer-
ences to the United States. Similar
restraint can be noted in the press.
There is a report here that a
few weeks ago an influential party
with access to high government '
circles in Washington and Havana
said "only two points stand be-'
tween Cuba and the United
These are, informants say:
1) Removal of all foreign troops
from Cuban soil; and'
2) An end to the export of Cu-
ban revolutionary ideology and
Castro demands the "Five Points
for Peace." These include United
States withdrawal from Guantan-
amo Naval Base and an end to
the economic embargo.
Groups Protest1
Dean Demotion
At Muskegon
Students and faculty of Mus-
kegon County College protested
Thursday and Friday the demo-
tion of Dean of Acedamics J. Har-
old Caesar to the position of head
of the humanities department.
President Lionel L. Booth of the
board of trustees promised a "full
hearing" on the matter but ex-
plained that it was "not a demo-
tion, but merely a routine change
of assignment."
Caesar rejected the new contract
offer- which called for a raise in
salary but also an "unreasonable
increase in work load," because
he objected to the fact that he
was not told about the proposed
switch until'after it had been de-
cided upontand the contract had
been drawn up.
College Director James M. Syn-
der, who had recommended the
c h a n g e, explained that he.
"thought Caesar would do better
in the other kind of work." Syn-
der declined any further comment.
Booth explained that the board
is now "considering all angles on
the basis of Caesar's statement of
objection." The matter will be dis-
cussed at the next board meeting,
at which three members of the
student government will be pres-
The next scheduled meeting is
May 22, but according to Booth,
there may be an earlier one to
consider the matter.
Angel Announces
Plans of Mission
WASHINGTON ()-The special
mission of the Organization of
American States plans to leave
Tuesday for Haiti to seek peace
between that country and the Do-
minican Republic, its chairman,
Ambessador Alberto Zuleta Angel
of Colombia, said yesterday.

GOP Attacks1
Moon Plans Y
WASHINGTON-Senate Repub-
licans issued a report Friday at-
tacking the administration's crash{
program to place men on the
moon at a cost of $20-$40 billion.t
The report warned that Project
Apollo is designed as a propaganda
triumph over Russia and may be
"a fatal error" because the So-
viets may move to dominate the
atmosphere 100 miles above the
earth's surface in the meantime.
Scientists and technicians have
been placed on the moon project
at the expense of other important
scientific and military ventures, it
added. The report also claimed<
that the crash program is produc-
ing enormous wastes.-
The report continued that "a
decision must be made as to
whether Project Apollo is vital to;
our national security or merely anf
excursion, however interesting, in-
to space research. If our vital se-
curity is not at stake, a less ambi-
tious program may be logical andj
Prepared by the staff of the
Senate Republican policy commit-
tee under the direction of Sen.
Bourke B. Hickenlooper (R-Iowa),
the report asks for a "cold, careful
examination" of the situation.
Administration sources defended
the project by asserting that
knowledge gained through the pro-
gram concerning rocketry tech-
niques and man's ability to per-
form in space would help prepare
the United States "for whatever
we are called upon to do for both
civil and military uses" of space.
The report pointed to greater
emphasis on the multitude of hu-
man problems here on earth.
Cooper Flight
Still Remains
On Schedule
hitch develops, Astronaut Gordon
Cooper will be lifted into space
.sometime between 8 a.m. and 10:30
a.m. Tuesday. His Faith 7 space
vehicle will be shoved into a 17,-
500-mile-an-hour orbit 100 to 170
miles above the Earth. His plan-
ned mission will cover 22 orbits, or
a total of nearly 600,000 miles, in
34 hours.
The 36-year-old Air Force maj-
or received an hour-long briefing
yesterday from engineers on their
constant checks of the 300,000
parts that make up the eight-story
high Atlas rocket that will power
Faith 7 aloft,
Officials will hold their first
weather briefing t 0 d a y. The
Weather Bureau said that with
the exception of a small Pacific
storm, there was little weather to
worry about.
Major object of the Cooper
flight is to study the effects of
prolonged weightlessness on man's
efficiency as a space pilot. Several
experiments will be performed by
the astronaut, with medical stud-
ies receiving top priority.

On Miitary Alert
SANTO DOMINGO (P)--The government of Dominican Presi-
dent Juan Bosch will remain on a war footing against neighboring
Haiti until President Francois Duvalier is overthrown.
That's the opinion of Dominican government sources and other
reliable informants. They say Duvalier's downfall is a long way off
unless the United States lends a hand to the small but determined
Haitian opposition.
This is needed, the sources say, to prevent a bloodbath of reprisal
by Duvalier forces against remaining persons who have taken refuge
in Latin American embassies in-
Port-au-Prince-as well as Ameri-
cans and other foreigners who live I d i o eek
in Haiti. The evacuation of de-
pendents of American and Cana-F l Relations
dian government personnel in Hai- 10JL
ti was one step taken to prevent BUDAPEST () -- Hungarian
this. Premier Janos Kadar indicated
A top Dominican army officer last night that Hungary is seek-
said there was never any serious ing to settle its disputes with the
plan among Bosch's military cab- United States in negotiations aim-
inet to invade Haiti last week ex- ed at full United States diplo-
cept in three eventualities all of matic recognition
t a Following the 1956 Hungarian
which he classified as defensive: revolution, the United States cut
1) Further violation of Domini- diplomatic ties with Hungary to
can sovereignty in Port-au-Prince, a minimum.
including the embassy;
2) Haitian invasion of Domini-
can territory, or
3) The killing of even one Do- JUST OUT!
minican living in Haiti. 32 stickers promoting
He said this was all that was phony National Weeks.
considered after action was taken Use them for l e tte rs,
May 3 to build up Dominican forc-
es on the Haitian border. postcards, mirrors, note-
Many Dominicans would wel- books, bulletin boards,
come a war with Haiti. But most etc. They are planned es-
are just not vitally interested at pecially for college stu-,
this point in taking on the job dents and include such
of knocking out the Duvalier re- captions as:
gime. I PII A UII c

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By The Associated Press
cius D. Clay asked the nation's
business leaders yesterday to sup-
port the foreign-aid program, say-
ing " that deep appropriation cuts
would damage the national inter-
est. "A cut with an ax would de-
stroy much of our prestige and
standing throughout t.he world,"
he said.-
BERLIN-A jet plane carrying
Press Secretary Pierre Salinger to
West Berlin. last Thursday was
shadowed by a Soviet jet fighter
plane, an authoritative, source said
last night. The Russian plane,
which was being tracked- on Unit-
ed States Air Force radar, always
kept a distance of about five miles,
the source said.
* a ba l e'
MOSCOW-The Soviet Union
announced yesterday plans to test
new carrier rocket designs on

ranges in the Pacific Ocean be-
tween May 15 and July 15. It
warned ships and planes to stay
out of the impact areas.
* * *
MOSCOW-The highest Soviet
military court yesterday sentenced
Col. Oleg Penkovsky, a confessed
traitor to the Soviet\ Union, to
die before a firing squad for spy-
ing for Britain and the United
MARHAM, England-About 500
ban - the - b o m b demonstrators

marched on the Royal Air Force
nuclear bomber base last night.
Seventy made it over the barbed
wire fence and 30 were arrested.
The invasion followed a meeting
organized by the Committee of
100, militant wing of Britain's nu-
clear disarmament movement.
* * *
ROME-Pope John XXIII said
yesterday his $160,000 Balzan
Peace prize "shall be destined for
a perpetual fund in favor of
peace." He did not say how his
money would be administered.

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