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May 12, 1963 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-12

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Great Debate

Seventy-Third Yea,
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.
Integration or Bust
HE CRISIS is over in Birmingham-for the Probably they will decrease in severity as more
moment, anyway. Negro and white leaders and more communities give way without a
in this Alabama city have reached a tentative fight.
agreement. If it is not broken, the agreement Why did rioting succeed where other forms
is one of the most significant developments in of action have failed?
race relations since 1954. Not since that year,
when the Supreme Court ruled segregated THE ANSWER to this question would do
schools unconstitutional, has a single action Karl Marx proud. It is simply economics.
had greater possible implications. Businessmen in Birmingham realize that the
The agreement calls for the release of Ne- image of a strife-torn city will do very little
groes jailed during the' rioting of the past to encourage the growth of new enterprises or
few weeks, desegregation of lunch counters and an influx of tourists, and both of these are
rqst rooms, re-establishment of communica- vital to Birmingham's economic well-being.
tions between Negroes and whites and an offer Furthermore, there is grave danger to per-
of something like equal job opportunities to sonal property when rioting and fighting get
Negroes. In turn, the Negroes will cease their out of hand. Also a strife-torn business district
mob actions. is not the most conducive shopping area.
This action is significant, not because of The businessmen are quick to put their
what the Negroes won by it, but because of the economic well-being ahead of their convictions
wsay in which they won. Sit-ins, Freedom on segregation. Of course they do appreciate
Riders, voter registration drives, all have aimed the fact that they are being traitors to their
at accomplishing desegregation; but in the past fellow citizens and that is why all but one of
they all have failed where mass rioting here them chose to remain anonymous. This is not
succeeded. to say that there is no personal distaste for
violence or other such motive in the minds of
T WILL NOT require genius on the part of these businessmen; but it may be seen that
Negro leaders to realize the obvious con- they play a secondary role when we turn to
elusion. There are go'ing to be a lot more riot's. view city officials who oppose the agreement.
THESE PERSONS cannot nearly as easily
cC S. ey t "'"betray the citizenry. They would soon be
Re e out of jobs. It is in their economic interest to
fight against any integration efforts. That is
HAITIAN DICTATOR Francois Duvalier, a why the city officials keep claiming that they
former University student, does not seem will not be bound by the agreement.
to have learned very much from his stay in However, the city is only directly connected
Ann Arbor. with one of the four parts of the agreement.
Duvalier -reportedly a very nasty fellow- It can only block the section which promises
apparently did not get the message about re- the release of jailed Negroes. But even here
ligion, morality and knowledge being necessary there is very little chance that it will act. To
for the conduct of good government. It also keep the Negroes in jail would be to resume
seems that the University failed to educate the rioting, upset the businessmen and perhaps
the whole man. bring in the federal government. This is even
For ithirepotdthmore than the diehard-segregationists would
For it is reported that Duvalier and his choose to face.
henchmen have been rather autocratic int
running Haiti. Duvalier has been leading the.
way as Haiti has been making a valiant effort THE AGREEMENT will be upheld. The riot-
Ing will spread to other cities, though it will
diminish in violence. And, before too long, the
SECOND THOUGHT, maybe be learned Negro will have taken a large step toward his
ON Edue role as an American citizen.
Malaysia: Bleak Future

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Research ParkGrowth
Benefits Area




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study on Ann Arbor's Research
Park, the University has again
proven itself on top of new devel-
opments in the rapidly expanding
field of research.
The business administration
school predicts that in about ten
years Research Park could create
15,000 new jobs to improve the
city's economy. Over half of these
would be in skilled scientific work
calling for imported personnel but
the remainder could easily fall to
Ann Arbor's {and Ypsilanti's un-
It isn't that Ann Arbor has a
high unemployment rate. In fact,
Washtenaw County is among the
top five Michigan counties in job
YPSILANTI is the thorn in the
side of a near perfect record. Its
unemployment rate is annually
high and tends to perpetuate in-
ter-city rivalry and hard feelings
with the idea that Ann Arbor is
the elite half of the two cities.
In some respects this is ac-
curate. Ann Arbor does have the
University and with it a wealth
of good income jobs.
By lending its prestige to the
Research Park project, the Uni-;
versity can help attract qualified
scientists. Increased job openings
for unskilled labourers; will follow
as the facilities' are expanded to
accommodate the influx of highly
trained workers.
The unemployed of Ypsilanti
are largely unskilled laborers-
well suited to openings such as
these. Research Park expansion
would bring only benefits to Ann
Arbor and Ypsilanti and the Uni-
versity can be proud of its part in
helping the city develop the pro-
No Bus Progress
ALTHOUGH attempting to solve
the current bus problem, City
Council has actually made no pl'o-
gress.The Public Bus Company,
created to replace the old City
Bus Company, is essentially the


same and will perpetuate the same
It is impossibl* for the new bus
system to show a profit operating
under practically the same policies
which the City Bus Company did.
The City Bus Company began to
lose money when the number of
daily riders slipped and at the,
same time the drivers received a
30-day contract for increased
wages. Fares were raised five
cents to combat the loss of profits.
Immediately patronage fell off
even more. The City Bus Company
decided to cease operations since
it could no longer run at a finan-
cial gain.
The new bus system, managed
by Leonard B. Jones, has reduced
the fares to their original twenty-
five cents and the drivers have
reached a new wage settlement.
* * .
HOWEVER, the new company's
future looks unencouraging. Ex-
cept for a few changes in the new
system which have already proven
to be financially unsuccessful, no
real solution to the current city
bus problem has actually been
Fortunately, the city keeps look-
ing for a solution to the bus
problem. Mayor Cecil 0. Creal said
that the future of the new bus
system looks fairly good if the
people will get out and ride the
buses. However, the new manager
refused to give such an optimistic
outlook of the bus company.
If the people refuse to ride the
buses-not because of higher fares,
but because they would rather not
-then it seems that Ann Arbor
doesn't need a bus system.
* * *
HOWEVER, there are always a
few people who need a bus such
as older people and school child-
ren who do not receive the services
of the school busy system. The City
Council is trying to work out a
system which will benefit the en-
tire community and still not be a
profit losing operation.
At any rate, the new bus com-
pany is not the answer. Perhaps
the newly formed committee to
study the bids problems in Ann
Arbor will find a solution.

E96 3

By RONALD WILTON, Acting Editor

THE PROBLEMS of the proposed Federation,
of Malaysia have darkened its future and
diminished its chances for survival. It appears
today that Athe federation will create many
new difficulties to replace the ones it will
solve: the economic differences of its member
states, the varied cultures of its peoples and
the hostility of its neighbors have caused un-
foreseen troubles for the new Asian country.
The economically unstable city of Singapore
is to be politically linked with relatively pros-
perous Malaya and the British colonies in
northern Borneo. Singapore has been marked
by increasing Communist activity; the other
states believe that this threat of Communism
will be lessened by the absorption of the city
into political federation with the militantly
anti-Communist Malays.
However, the inclusion of Singapore and
its large Chinese population has been 'the
source of a new problem. The Malays are a
proud people, envious of the success enjoyed
by the middle-class Chinese minority within
Malaya. They fear that the addition of Singa-
pore's Chinese masses will give new political
power to the successful Chinese businessmen,
enough perhaps to dominate the government.
This not only is a political and economic con-

flict, but also one of basic cultural differences.
Although the inclusion of the principally Malay
north Borneo states will serve to dilute some-
what the new Chinese strength, the conflict
will remain a continous threat to Malaysian
LAST FALL it appeared that the economies
of the several member states of the pro-
posed federation would comfortably mesh into
one solid program. The exploitation of the
northern Borneo jungles would be greatly aided
by the availability of cheap labor from Singa-
pore, and that city's poverty would be reduced
by association with the prosperous Malaya.
It seemed to the federation's founders that
the security of Malaya would be extended by
the expansion of its land area.
Unfortunately, the situation has not remained
so promising. The states of Brunei, Sarawak
and North Borneo have come to resent the idea
that their resources are to be developed by
"foreigners." Since these states are now thinly
populated, they feel that any great influx of
Chinese from Singapore will completely upset
their cultural balance and serve to disrupt
their economies. It is for this reason that the
Borneo countries have insisted that certain
immigration restrictions be included in the
proposed constitution.
Another provision in the new constitution
directs that each member area be entitled to
retain its own native language instead of
adopting one nation-wide official tongue. These
restricting clauses indicate that the federation
will be less than completely united and not
a true nation "in the strictest sense.
TO COMPLICATE the situation further, the
Malayans have become obsessed with' their
own prosperity and a wave of nationalistic
spirit has been spreading through the penin-
sula. The anti-federation groups in that coun-
try claim that the other states of the proposed
alliance will be parasites, robbing the Malayan
economy and adding nothing. These inter-area
conflicts are not likely to decrease once the
federation comes into effect Aug. 31.

IN ADDITION to going to classes,
there are several things a stu-
dent should seriously consider do-
ing before leaving the University.
One is to explore the honeycomb
of steam tunnels under the cam-
pus; another is to stand on the
floor of the football stadium with
a date at one in the morning. A
third is getting controversial in-
formation from the administra-
I have tried to get such informa-
tion many times in the past. The
latest was last week and the re-
sults were similar to all my pre-
vious experiences; after running
from office to office,'I finally got
the information I wanted. In the
process, I increased my abhorrence
of the University's administrative
4 * -
student use of a postal permit
which allows the University to
send out bulk mailings at a re-
duced 'rate. The matter came to
my attention early Tuesday after-
noon and it took me until late
Friday to find out who had made
the decision prohibiting students
to use the permit.,
While tracking down the respon-
sible official, I came across ad-
ministrators who were ignorant
of the whole matter; secretaries
who tried to assure me thathno-
thing was wrong and that there
was no necessity for my seeing
their boss; and invented reasons
for a policy that had never been
publicly announced.
Although I first found out about
the story Tuesday it really began
late last week. Joe Chabot, chair-
man of Voice Political Party want-
ed to find a cheaper method of
sending out a bulk mailing than
pasting four cent stamps on each
envelope. Learning about the Uni-
versity's permit, he decided to ask
for permission to use it.
His first stop was the office of
Assistant Controller Harlan J.
Mulder. Joe explained the situa-
tion to Mulder and was told that
Voice could probably use the per-
mit but to be on the safe side he
(Mulder) would icall Maurice M.
Rinkel, auditor of student organ-
izations. Rinkel assured Mulder
that Voice was a recognized stu-
dent organization and agreed that
Voice should be allowed to use
the permit.
MULDER TOLD Joe to go to
the University printing office on
North Campus to get the en-
velopes run through the printing
press. This would stamp the Uni-
versity as a return address on
them. Before Joe went toNorth
Campus, the administration issued
him an official printing requisi-
At North Campus a hitch de-
veloped. The envelopes were al-
ready stuffed and thus were too
thick to fit through the machine.
While Joe was standing around
trying to decide what to do a
call came through telling the
people there to hold off the print-
ing. He went back to the assistant
controller's office where he was
told that the mailing did not
qualify for the reduced rate be-
cause it contained political ma-
+mi .1.

stand on the election and urged a
yes vote. The pamphlet's return
address was The University of
Michigan; it had been sent out
under the reduced rate permit,
although Mulder could not say
from which University office.
Opponents of the board's posi-
tion thought this, was an outright
case of the University's interfering
in town business for its own in-
terests. Indeed, these opponents
did have a case. If the election
had gone in favor of. the board,
the city would have been able to
build a high school on North
Campus, The University wants to
use this proposed new high school
to expand student teaching facili-
As Mulder explained it, he had
remembered about the complaints
generated by the pamphlet mail-
ing after Joe left his office. He
had checked with somebody higher,
about it and was told that Voice
should be prohibited from using
the permit.
Joe called and explained the prob-
lem to me. Then he went to see
Mulder. He was greeted with the
statement that according to the
regulations under which the Uni-
versity was granted the permit, its
use was restricted to official Uni-
versity business. Student were pro-
hibited from using it. He added
that he wasn't aware of this when
talking to Joe the day before. As
far as he knew this was the first
time such a case had arisen.
After hearing about this ex-
planation, I tried to see both
Mulder and Controller Gilbert Lee
but was told that they were both
unavailable. Their secretary told
me that the incident had been
cleared up and there was really
no reason for me to continue my
The same afternoon a Daily re-
porter called the post office. She
was told that as far as could be
determined the restriction against
students was University not post
office policy.
Wednesday, I went back to see
Mulder. He admitted to me that
if it hadn't been for the pamphlet
incident, heprobably would have
let the Voice mailing go through
without checking. He also said he
did not have a copy of the post
office regulations handy. He ex-
plained that the policy decisioh
against student use had been
made by somebody higher up the.
financial office ladder, presumably
Vice-President for Business and
Finance Wilbur K. Pierpont or
to the
To the Editor:
I7M CROW is back again this
spring and sanctified by a Uni-
versity tradition. The men of Phi
Gamma Delta fraternity can be
seen prancing around the campus,
with darkened skin and whitened
lips, celebrating an annual spring
dance. And in this manner our

SINCE BOTH these men were
unavailable Wednesday afternoon
I went to see Director of Univer-
sity Relations Michael Radock,
and finally found out that the
pamphlet had been sent out from
his office. He explained that Uni-
versity employees were interested
in education; many of them had
children attending Ann Arbor
schools. Therefore; the University
was providing a service to its em-
ployees by sending them the book-
let. He admitted to getting several
complaints. He did not know of
any regulation prohibiting student
use of the reduced rate. Neither
did John Bingley, director of Stu-
dent Organizations and Activities
in the Office of Student Affairs
when I saw him after my visit
with Radock. If anybody should
have been consulted on the policy
decision it is Bingley. The only
reason they could give for pos-
sibly not allowing student organ-
izations to use the rate was that
they were not official University
bodies. I pointed out that they had
been recognized by Student Gov-
ernment Council which was the
body designated by the Regents to
perform this task and the argu-
ment was dropped.
Wednesday night, a Daily re-
porter called Pierpont and found
that he too knewhnothing about
such a policy. Neither did Univer-
sity President Harlan Hatcher.
This left Lee as the most likely
person to have made the decision.
* * *
LEE IS AS HARD to see as
many University vice-presidents.
He was unavailable Thursday and
finally saw me late Friday after-
noon after hissecretary had again
told me that the incident had been
'Lee seemed very reluctant to
discuss the case as a whole. All
he would say for publication was
that he had made the policy
decision several years ago, and
that some student groups had
tried unsuccessfully to use the re-
duced rate in the past, although
he couldn't say which ones. The
policy decision had never been
written dowh and obviously he
was the only one who knew about
case I was amazed at what a
beautiful illustration it was of the
University's bureaucratic adminis-
trative operation. Mulder's deci-
sion to prohibit Voice from using
the permit was based on the ex-
pedient that it would be best for
the University to wait a while
before sending out anything of a
potentially controversial nature. I
was constantly told by administra-
tors that students should get their
own permit even though it would
be an unnecessary expense; there
is no financial or administrative
reason for prohibiting them from
using the University's permit. The
fact that students were not even
consulted on the policy decision
shows how unimportant they are
considered by some members of
the administration. The reluct-
ance of Lee to talk about the case
and his keeping the policy state-
ment in his head rather than on
paper emphasized a belief in se-
crecy which left his assistant un-

Stern Concert UpholdIs
Seri Ecen
STUDENTS AND TOWNSPEOPLE of Ann Arbor can consider them-
selves exceptionally fortunate to be able to enjoy concerts of such
extraordinary distinction in the May Festival. Each concert of the
present series proves the extent of our good fortune. Last night's
concert was dominated by Isaac Stern, violinist, who played two
concertos with the Philadelphia orchestra under the direction of
Eugene Ormandy. That, with the curtain raiser, Purcell's Trumpet
Voluntary, would have been an entire program under most circum-
stances, but the orchestra topped the evening with a superb perform-
ance of the Brahms Symphony No. 2.
* * * *
ISAAC STERN played the Mendelssohn Concerto in E minor,
Opus 64, perfectly and beautifully. There is an attractive simplicity
about his playing, an avoidance of noticable eccentricities of expression.
Everything he did in the Mendelssohn Concerto seemed right and
even obvious, but these are perhaps the last and most elusive qualities
an artist can achieve.
It seems remarkable that Stern could play two large concertos
with only an intermission in between, but he did so with apparent
ease. Prokofiev's Concerto No. 1 in D major, Opus 19, is a readily
accessible work which shows off the violin. to great advantage.
Prokofiev writes especially well for the low register of the violin, or
more precisely, for the high positions on the two bottom strings.
THE HIGH ART of accompanying a soloist was brilliantly
demonstrated by Eugene Ormandy in both concertos. So jnatural and
precise was the orchestra that sometimes it was possible to forget
that it was there-the ultimate tribute.
We are so saturated by records that it is hard to£ believe that
a performance .of a standard symphony such as the Brahms Symphony
No. 2, Opus 73, would generate as much excitement as it did last night.
That it did is a tribute to live performance in'general and performance
by a great orchestra under a great conductor in particular.
-David Sutherland
Soloists Distinguished
I tConcertante

THE DELTA Community College administra-
tion and Board of Trustees just never give
up. First, they wanted to convert Delta into
a regular four-year, degree-grantinlg institution.
Heavy legislative opposition led by former Sen.
Lynn 6. Francis (R-Midland) forced them to
give that thought up. Then they decided to
sponsor a University junior-senior branch.
That idea also died as it ran into community-
college fears of sprawling universities gobbling
them up and a rival "piggy-back" plan for two
Their latest brainstorm involves converting
Delta into a four-year private college, support-
ed in part by state grants. This suggestion
indicates that Delta leaders are grasping at
frail straws. It would be legally difficult, if
not impossible, to convert a public community
college into a private four-year college. Further,
the Legislature would not care to subsidize pri-
vate education. It already has 10 increasingly
expensive public institutions to support and
such a Delta precedent would open the door
to state aid to other private institutions.

ILLIAM SMITH led the Philadelphia Orchestra in two staples of
the 19th century orchestral repertory and a seldom heard duo
concertante for the third concert of the current May Festival series.
The program began with Brahms' "Variations on a Theme by
Haydn." The concern for form and sensitive and masterfully wrought
orchestration in these variations foreshadowed the four great Brahms
Conductor Smith produced a straightforward and, throughout
most of the work, well-played performance. As a result of this very
straightforwardness, however, Variations Seven and Eight failed to
achieve their respective poignancy and veiled mysteriousness, and
the finale did not realize its full breadth and power.
THE JUSTLY FAMOUS "Philadelphia Sound" is partly the result
of the exceptional tone quality of the individual orchestra members.
Clarinetist Anthony Gigliotti and bassoonist Bernard Garfield, first
chair men, gave ample proof of this quality in Strauss' "Duet-
For the accompaniment, this late Strauss work employs a reduced
string orchestra augmented with a harp much like that used in the
Classical period. The solo parts take the form of a dialogue, the
orchestra that of aicommentary.
From the challenging legato skips of the opening theme to the
technically demanding florid section which constitutes the final
sections. both soloists distinguished themselves with playing and

Malaysia, proposed as a bulwark against
Communist expansion in Southeast Asia, ap-
pears in fact to be instigating its spread. Singa-
pore's Communists will probably be able to
operate more openly and successfully once the
British influence is removed from the city.
The Communists in Indonesia have long
harbored ideas of infiltrating the territories
of northern Borneo but were hesitant to do so
while the British held the upper hand in those

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