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May 07, 1963 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-07

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aot an Premier--
.a . PStern Analyzes Coming Geneva
als in Attempt By MARY LOU BUTCHER on Tariffs and Trade in Geneva, "Another conflict relates to cer ri
Underdeveloed countries stand prnf R+- n *a f r + ,.. fi n nr+. mntc t- +. mA , P PY -

ng agricultural p
a .. a ..4;;

To Make


VIENTIANE YP)-Laotian neutralist Premier Prince Souvanna
Phouma declared yesterday that the chances for keeping the peace
in Laos "are very slim," while even as he spoke, the Pathet Lao
threatened to launch another drive similar to the one a year ago
that. forced the United States to rush troops to nearby Thailand.
Souvanna returned discouraged from truce talks Saturday night
with his half-brother, Prince Souphanouvong, head of the Pathet Lao.
SNot only did the Pathet Lao hand
him a stiff set of demands, it shot
u two International ControlCom-
mission helicopters in the Plaine


F For Schools
mour E. Harris of Harvard Uni-
versity, writing for a Catholic
magazine, made a strong plea for
federal aid for Roman! Catholic
colleges, the New York Times re-
ported recently.
Prof. Harris, who is not a Cath-
olic, wrote, "I see no constitutional
obstacles here, and federal money
has been given to institutions of
higher learning with religious af-
filiations for many, many years."
He noted that by 1970, the fi-
nancial demands of all of Ameri-
can higher, education will double
the present total.
The publicly supported schools
will obtain much of the needed
monies from taxc funds. The non-
church-connected institutions are
generally in better financial con-
ditions than are t he Catholic
schools. The latter will have to
depend on tuitions increases and
gifts, Prof. Harris said, and, in
proportion with greater govern-
ment contributions to higher edu-
cation, will face an increasingly
difficult problem of competing
with government -subsidized Insti-
Return of Color
Color has re-
turned. Now <
women make :
up for "chorac-
ter" - blondes
strive for the
pale and fragile.
look of ladies in
Renoir paint-
ings. Brunettes
come *on stron-
ger for the dra- ='
matic, dynamic took of a Goya
model But the tones are always
translucent, non-heavy. The pale
look is out and completely faded
from the facial scene. Goodby to
the white-powdered face, white
lips and strange eye makeup.
Let color go to your head. You
couldn't make a wiser decision,
fashion-wise. Complement your
current wardrobe.
mari n Mars
548 Church Street, Ann Arbor
NO 2-3055

des Jarres area, scene of the nego-
"I have no confidence in any-
body, including Pathet Lao," Sou-
vanna said in response to ques-
tions submitted by the Associated
Press. "Promises given me have
too frequently not been honored."
Chances "Slim"
Souvanna said chances of real
peace "are very slim and every-
thing will depend on the next
meeting" with the Pathet Lao at
its headquarters at Khang Khay,
in the Plaine des Jarres area 120
miles north of Vietnaiane.
"When this meeting will be
held," he added, "I don't know."
The civil war theoretically end-
ed with the Geneva accords of last
July. But Gen. Kong Le's neutral-
ist forces were attacked on the
Plaine, des. Jarres in March. He'
charged the Pathet Lao was trying
to squeeze him out of northern
Souvanna said he now is study-
ing the proposals made by the
Pathet Lao in last week's meet-
ings at Khang Khay.
Pathet Lao Proposals
These demand formation of mix-
ed police in Vientiane, where Dep-
uty Premier Phouma Nosavan's
rightest forces are in control, re-
turn of the veto to each party in
the neutralist-rightist-Pathet Lao'
coalition regime, withdrawal of
ICC teams from the Plaine des
Jaries, and removal of all right-
ist forces from Pathet Lao areas.
It was to back up the demand
for withdrawal of rightist forces
that the Pathet Lao- threatened to
launch another offensive.
Technical Literature
exhibited at
401 Washington Blvd., Detroit
May 2 thru May 26
All books exhibited can
be purchased from
156 5th AVE., N.Y. 10, N.Y.
Write for Catalog

SITTING IT OUT-High pressure hoses are used to break up
a recent demonstration against racial discrimination in Birming-
ham, Ala. This scene was almost repeated yesterday when
comedian Dick Gregory led a group of demonstrators through the
streets of Birmingham.
Arrest Negro Hundreds
In Racial .Demonstration
BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (M)-Hundreds of banner-waving young Ne-
groes led by comedian Dick Gregory were arrested yesterday in another
mass demonstration against racial segregation in this Deep South city.
The demonstration had an almost clocklike precision-groups of
approximately 50 walked out of a church in twos and marched about a
block to a waiting line of police officers. Police took away the placards
and methodically shuttled the demonstrators into school buses. As
2 the buses pulled away, the young-
sters shouted and sang freedom
College Sees songs.
Cheering Crowd
" daA crowd of approximately 2000
Negroes gathered nearby to watch
and cheer the demonstration, but
there was no serious disorder. Po-
SAVANNAH (IP)-Rebellious stu- lice began dispersing them about
dents at Savannah State College midafternoon.
fos decidedataThe demonstration began short-
or Negroes da campus ly after noon and followed hours of
mass meeting yesterday to go waiting while Negro leaders mar-
ahead with their mass withdrawal shaled the young demonstrators.
movement. School officials reported some
Willie Ludden, national field di- Negro schools were nearly empty
rector, of the youth division of the yesterday morning and one leader
National Association for the Ad- said more than 1000 children were
vancement of Colored People, said ready to participate in the demon-
all but about 100 students of the stration.
1200 enrollment are trying to with- Police Dogs
draw. Police dogs were in the area
After the mass meeting, a crowd and firemen set up high pressure
of students estimated by Ludden water equipment around a park
at 1100 lined up to apply for with- where trouble broke out in pre-
drawal forms. vious demonstrations.
Meanwhile in Washington, the The Rev. James Bevel asked po-
Justice Department asked for a lice to arrest the demonstrators
federal court order forbidding the and not to turn the hoses on them.
sheriff of Ranking County, Mis- Police used water, night sticks and
sissippi, f r o m attempting by dogs to quiet unruly crowds during
threats or violence to discourage similar marches Friday and Sat-
the registration of Negro voters. urday.
* orld Ne ws Roundup,
By The Associated Press retired Marine Lt. Gen. Kim Dong-
LONDON-Per Jacobsson, man- Ha and Army Lt. Gen. Park Im-
aging director of the International Hang. The others were ten army
Monetary Fund since 1956, died officers, five of them retired, and
in a hospital here Sunday follow- eight civilians.
ing a heart attack. He was 69 *
years old. WASHINGTON - Senate con-
S* * ferees dropped yesterday their in-
SEOUL-Two former members sistence of turning over a $73-
of South Korea's military junta million fund to the Philippine
and 18 others have been indicted government in final settlement of
on charges of~-plotting an anti World War II damage claims filed
government coup. The indictments by Filipinos. Instead they worked
yesterday in Seoul were against out with House conferees a plan
-tn cntinue indivirial navments



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