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May 05, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-05

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rezhnev May Follow Khrushchev

USSR Slips in Struggle with China'

Associated Press News Analyst
WASHINGTON-Red China has
scored some impressive gains re-
cently in its revolt against So-
viet leadership of the world Com-
munist movement.
Peking successes are believed to
be largely responsible for the grave
policy crises now gripping Moscow
and dominating the attention of
Soviet Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
The 69-year-old Russian leader
is in a tough spot, although Wash-
ington officials are convinced his
control of power in the Kremlin
is not presently in question.
Power Weakened
Khrushchev's position is weak-
ened, however, by the fact that his
-major policies toward China and
the West have not proved strik-
ingly successful and have resulted
in some sensational failures.
Now the strain within the Mos-
cow ruling group presumably has
been further increased by the of-
ficially reported' illness of Frol
rozlov, widely reputed to be
Khrushchev's hand-picked succes-
Kozlov's illness introduces a new
element of uncertainty into an al-
ready tense political situation in
which the conflict with Red China
is only one source of difficulty for
Khrushchev-though it is unques-
tionably the major one.
U.S. Conclusions
These considerations have led
United States authorities to con-
1). The "hard line" which
Khrushchev began following to-
ward the West last January prob-
ably will be hardened even further
because he does not seem to be in
any position to make accommoda-
tions-with the West-even if that
were his personal wish.
Ma Form New
Tax Cut Unit.
WASHINGTON (P)-Formation
of a new nationwide citizens com-
mittee to help mobilize support
for an early and substantial tax
cut is being considered by a num-
ber of labor, consumer and pro-
fessional organizations.
AFL-CmO leaders have express-
ed interest in setting up a counter-
part group to the recently-formed
Business Committee for Tax Re-
duction In 1963.
Like the business group-organ-
ized by auto industralist Henry
Ford II and 33 other nationally-
prominent businessmen-the pro-
posed "citizens' committee' would
have the blessing and help of the
Treasury Department.
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2) The quarrel between Moscow
and Peking really is beyond repair
and can only go on getting worse,
although Soviet and Chinese lead-
ers may from time to time patch
up their troubles temporarily-es-
pecially if one or the other gets
involved in a serious crisis with
the West.
3) The dispute with Red China
has forced a general policy review
by Khrushchev and his advisers
which began last year and still
continues. But there is no evidence
as yet that major new Soviet de-
cisions are at hand.
Castro Visit
The sudden visit to the Soviet
Union a week ago by Cuban
Prime Minister Fidel Castro un-
doubtedly is explained, Washing-
ton authorities feel, by Khrush-
chev's pressing need to provide
Moscow with a symbol of Commu-
nist success during this week's big
May Day celebration. Castro is
such a symbol but while he is
supported by Khrushchev his real
ideological leanings are toward
Red China.
The feeling here is that any
peacemaking talks between Mos-
cow and Peking will have small
chance of real success. The Chi-
nese, as the group in revolt, are in
position to ask a high price for
reacceptance of Kremlin leader-
ship and may well make demands
that are deliberately and impossi-
bly high.
Probably only a massive offer of
economic and military help from
Russia would seriously tempt the
Chinese to submit themselves to
Soviet direction again even for a
brief time.
Growing Influence
Evidence of the success the Chi-
nese have had in their struggle
with Russia is found mainly in
the extent to which their influ-
ence has grown in the Communist
A little over a week ago, Under-
secretary of State W. Averell Har-
riman conferred in Moscow with
Khrushchev on the crisis in Laos.
It is understood that Harriman
came away with this impression:
a year ago Soviet influence in the
Communist areas of Southeast
Asia was decisive but today the
Red Chinese have the upper hand.
In the far east generally, Com-
munist parties which listen more
to Peking than to Moscow are
those 'in Japan, Indonesia, New
Zealand, Thailand and Burma. Pe-
king's influence is also ascendant
in North Viet Nam and North Ko-
Latin Ameripo
The Chinese are 11-eved to have
made great inroac.. into the Com-'
munist movements in various Lat-
in American countries. And Chi-
nese advisers in Cuba are known-
to be outstandingly popular with
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..Khrushchev's successor?
Castro officials although Castro is
dependent on Khrushchev for sup-
In Western Europe the Chinese
Communists are reported to have
developed strong support in the
French and to some extent in the
Italian, Belgian and Norwegian
parties. In Eastern Europe only
Albania is clearly tied to Red
China but Rumania recently re-
established relations with Albania.
The Chinese have become inten-
sively and profitably active in Af-
rica. Last February in a confer-
ence in Tanganyika, they out-ma-
neuvered the Russian delegation
to the- extent that they defeated
Soviet proposals for entering an
Eastern European observer delega-
tion. They got their own way on
some other issues as well.
None of this means that the Red
Chinese are about to take over
leadership. It does suggest that
they have made important gains
at Russia's expense, have impair-
ed Soviet prestige, have triggered
disagreements within the Kremlin
and have magnified the effects of
Khrushchev's policy failures so
that he has been forced into a
thoroughgoing reappraisal.
For example, to carry out a
policy of expanding Soviet influ-
ence and laying a basis for sub-
versive operations against free na-
tions, Khrushchev embarked on
Soviet-type foreign aid program in
1954-55. His commitments to other
countries, particularly in Africa
and the Middle East and to some
extent in Latin America have
totaled $2.9 billion in military aid
and $5.1 billion in economic aid.
He has mostly setbacks and dis-
appointments to show for this.
And last year, significantly, he
reduced sharply the rate of new
More recently, at an interna-
tional "journalist conference" in
Indonesia the Chinese succeeded
in excluding a Russian delegation
from active participation on the
ground that the Russians are not
1209 South U. 663-7151

Ill Kozlov.
Loses Place
As Favorite
MOSCOW (A') -The apparently
grave illness of Frol R. Kozlov, the
choice of Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev as his successor, has
whipped up speculation as to who
might be next in line.
Informed sources said the 55-
year-old Kozlov has a blood clot
on the brain and is likely to be
hospitalized for months.
Most Westerners here considered
the mantle of heir apparent will
fall on Leonid I. Brezhnev, age 56,
the hearty, beetle-browed presi-
dent of the Soviet Union, if Koz-
lov is eliminated from the political
Khrushchev Protege
Brezhnev has long been a pro-
tege of Khrushchev, who told a
recent Kremlin gathering that old
age is creeping up on him-"I am
already 69 and I have the right
to say so"-and that he cannot
hold the Soviet helm forever.
The Soviet Communist Party's
central committee confirmed in an
unprecedented announcement that
Kozlov, one of its secretaries and
a member'of the 11-member party
Presidium, is ill.-
Officials declined to elaborate,
but the announcement at least
authoritatively explained his ab-
sence from the reviewing stand on
Lenin's tomb at the May Day
parade through Moscow's Red
Missed May Day
"In connection with requests
received," the announcement said,
"the central committee of the
Communist Party reports that
member of the Presidium, secre-
tary of the central committee of
the Communist Party, F. R. Koz-
lov, could not participate in the
May 1 celebration because of his.
There is no automatic succes-
sion, either in the government or
in the Party. There are several
deputy premiers, the most senior
being Anastas I. Mikoyan. He is
Khrushchev's closest friend, but
is rarely considered a likely suc-
Brezhnev's job as president of
the Presidium of the Supreme So-
viet makes him a figurehead chief,
of state. While virtually nothing
as a job, he has been called con-
stantly into the full party and gov-
ernment councils under Khrush-
chev. This has brought him more
and more into the limelight as a
potential successor, even if tem-
porary, in the event Khrushchev
should die or should choose to re-

U.S. Views
N-Test Ban
Talk Status1
The current impasse in nuclear
test-ban negotiations is giving the
United States time to reassess its
position in the talks, the Christian
Science Monitor reports.
The Soviets are expected to re-
ply unfavorably to the latest Unit-
ed -States-British initiative on the
subject. Meanwhile, United States
officials see these results from the
most recent rounds of talks:
1) The variable Soviet position
indicates that Russian foreign pol-
icy is drifting pending the settle-
ment of Premier Nikita S. Khrush-
chev's power position.
The Geneva talks had been
seen an indicator of Soviet for-
eign policy in the post-Cuban
crisis era. As a result of the drift,
no definitive "action" toward be-
ligerence or relaxation can be
taken until Khrushchev's status
is finally settled.
2) The neutral members of the
Geneva disarmament committee
have learned nuclear arms control
is more complex than ambiguous
Russian proposals make it seem.
3) World opinion has shifted'
more toward the United States po-
sition. "Testing no longer hurts
us as it once did" at the United
Nations, American diplomats re-
port. The talk's failure is seen
as a joint United States-Soviet re-
sponsibility in the eyes of the'
4) The impasses have taken the
United States off the diplomatic
hook both abroad and at home.,
French President Charles de Gaul-
le's desire to build his own nu-
clear striking force and Congres-
sional opposition to a treaty with
limited on-site inspection had put
the United States in a difficult
Meanwhile, the State Depart-
ment is closely watching a Latin
American proposal for an atom-
free zone in the region. While giv-
ing it "faint praise," it is con-
cerned that a denuclearized zone
will impair the strategic defense+
of the hemisphere.
Red Terrorists
Hit Army Post
CARACAS (P)-Armed terrorists
set fire to an army commissary
yesterday while others hoisted
flags of their pro-Communist or-
ganization in various parts of
Extremists hoisted flags of their
self-styled armed forces of na-
tional liberation from buildings
in various sections of the city.
Unofficial sources said police
made more than 100 arrests.

BONN (M-)-A conflict looms be-
tween France and West Germany
this week on the Common Mar-
ket's approach to world trade.
One major issue: What stand
should the six member nations
take in the talks that start in
Geneva May 16 with the Unitedf
States and the other major trad-
ing nations on plans for the next
big round of international tariff-
Europeans are already calling
these negotiations, which start
next year, the Kennedy round.
That stems from the fact Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy is empow-
ered to cut almost all United
States tariffs by 50 per cent.
Prospects for the negotiations
have worsened because of a dis-
agreement within the Common
failTo1'0 End'
Vale Strife
Efforts by the United States
and Britain to help India and
Pakistan resolve their Kashmir
dispute have been balked and
settlement talks are about to break
off, the New York Times reported
The talks began last December
at the urging of the United States,
which has been worried that the
dispute would open the way for
Communist Chinese advances upon
Indian territory.
The talks, currently being con-
ducted between Pakistan and In-
dia at New Delhi over territory
rights to the Vale of Kashmir,
will be broken off May 15, the
report says.
Secretary of State Dean Rusk
in visits yesterday with Indian
Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru
and members of the Indian parlia-
ment urged a settlement "as a
practical move in the defense of
this subcontinent."
Rusk was reported to have made
it clear that "political precon-
ditions" had not accompanied
United States arms aid to India
but that "from the point of view
of United States interests" the
abortive attempts to settlemeint
have created "extreme distress."

French, Germans To Collide

Market, typified by France's veto
of Britain's bid for membership.
Foreign ministers of the six
Common Market nations-France,
West Germany, Italy, Belgium, the
Netherlands and Luxembourg -
will meet in Brussels Wednesday
and Thursday. The ministers make
up the council that rules the or-j
Ministers Meet
West German Foreign Minister
Gerhard Schroeder and French;
Foreign Minister Maurice Couve
de Murville will try to smooth
over differences in the spirit of
the new Paris-Bonn treaty, but it
will be uphill'work.
"French-German relations do
not consist exclusively of prom-
enades in a garden of roses," a
West German official observed.
West Germany is eager for an
agreement that will widen markets
for its industrial products. As a
big food importer, it has no ob-
jection to American insistence on
including farm products in the
tariff cutting.
France Reluctant
France, traditionally a high tar-
iff country, is much less eager to

make a deal. When it comes to
farm products, France wants to
increase sale of its surpluses with-
in the Common Market and shut
out the United States as much as
For the Brussels meeting West
Germany gives first place to the
need for reaching an agreement
among the six members on a poli-
cy for the Geneva talks.
In the German proposal is a
plan to set up a system for regular
consultation between the six and
Britain. The French are known to
be cool to any such plan.
Delay Agreement
The West German program
would put off for a year an agree-
ment within the Common Market
on the marketing of beef, dairy
products and rice. The French are
pressing for a quick agreement.
They want to know where they
stand on these major products be-
fore going into the Geneva talks.
Among West German officials
there is a feeling their country is
making too much of a contri-
bution to the Common Market
and France is getting too many of
the benefits.

Read about:
* The Union-League merger
o Research on residential living
s Philanthropic Efforts of Greeks
e And a candid editorial: "What's
Wrong with 'Women's Roles'?"


hers sLove
rs Fresh"
ter' D ay is May 12
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World News Roundup

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Need we spell it out? Mother's Day is
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smother her with flowers. .. but
nothing really says it like a fashion
gift from Ann Arbor's finest store
p.s. Don't forget, houseMOTHERS rate, too!
open Mondays and Fridays 'til 830


. --

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK - Gov. Nelson A.
Rockefeller married newly di-
vorced Margaretta Murphy yes-
terday. Several Republican na-
tional committeemen had advised
him publicly last week that mar-
riage could hurt his chances for
the presidency.
BELGRADE-Secretary of State
Dean Rusk conferred with Yugo-
slav President Josip B. Tito last
night on improving United States-
Yugoslav relations and handed
the Communist leader a personal
letter from President John F. Ken-
nedy. The message was believed to
contain Kennedy's renewed assur-
ances that his administration
would seek to restroe Yugoslavia's
most favored nation trade status
with the United States. Congress
cancelled Yugoslavia's favored
status last year when Tito's re-
gime seemed to be swinging back
toward the Soviet camp.
WASHINGTON - A potentially
explosive document in the hands
of a House subcommittee is re-
ported to lay down administration
guidelines for restricting the
movements of American corres-
pondents covering the warfare in
South Viet Nam. Its reported ad-
vice : keep American reporters
away from areas where fighting
is being done entirely or almost
entirely by United States troops;
and away from any area which
will show the extent of President
Ngo Dinh Diem's failure to attract

the full allegiance of the South
Vietnamese people.
* * .
NEW YORK - Israeli Prime
Minister David Ben-Gurion pro-
posed yesterday that the United
States and the Soviet Union join
in a mutual guarantee of Israel's
borders to assure stability in the
Middle East. He said there can be
no stability in the Middle East asI
long as Egyptian President Gamal
Abdel Nasser maintains a state of
war with Israel in violation of the
United Nations charter.
Clayton Powell (D-NY) predicted
yesterday that Washington may
have one of the worst race riots
in American history unless Negro
equality is achieved soon. He in-
dicted both the white leaders of
the community and its middle-
and upper-class Negroes a n d
urged them to act promptly to
avert such a catastrophe.
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MAY 6 through MAY 13





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