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May 05, 1963 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-05-05

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Seventy-Tbird Year
Truth Will Prevail"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must be noted in all reprints.

NDAY, MAY 5,.1963


Catholic Solution
Can Only Buy, Time

TIERE ARE PLENTY of ways for Americans
to avoid facing the seriousness of the popu-
lation explosion and the pressing need for
birth control. In his Friday night Newman Club
talk on "The Catholic Solution to the Popula-
tion Explosion," Rt. Rev. Msgr. John T. Brad-
ley used most of them.
There was much truth in the things he said.
The recognition that "if present trends con-
tinue, we shall soon have a density problem,"
his assertion that there is no single, simple
solution to it, and his plea for action based on
human dignity are well commendable.
But as Msgr. Bradley moved closer to spe-
cifics, his "Catholic solution" emerged for what
it was: a short-sighted, ultimately cruel pro-
gram designed to fit the Church's birth-control
dogma but contradictory-in the long run-to
the principle of human dignity.


rTHE LATEST VOGUE in weapons in the
battle for racial equality, is the super-sym-
pathetic demonstration. It often uses students,
women and most recently children to arouse
the emotions of the public in support of the
cause. Such an incident occurred Friday in
Birmingham, Ala., where police employed dogs
and high-pressure, fire hoses to suppress dem-
onstrators, injuring at least five people.
Often, these demonstrations gain conces-
sions in the battle for equality under law as in
the Florida and Georgia sit-ins.
But when these demonstrations result in
violence and injury, especially to children, the
weapon, regardless of its seeming efficacy,
must not be employed.
FIRST, in such a situation the demonstration
is no longer effective. If one considers the
long run repercussions of the Birmingham dem-
onstration, it will be seen that no true racial
equality can ever be reached by such a method.
Violence does not. breed brotherhood. The ill
feeling produced by this incident can do noth-
ing but aggravate the present situation and
greatly hinder any future progress.
Second, physical harm to six year old chil-
dren who are not even partially able to com-
prehend the cause cannot be condoned. Six
year old children are meant for dolls, cowboy
hats and baseball games, not for anti-segrega-
tion marches.
In -order to obtain true racial equality, the
Negro must be able to look beyond his present
goal of equality under the law. Any racial har-
mony that is to come about in this country will
be the result of a social adjustment and not a
legal one. The Negro today suffers from a repu-
tation that has been built by prejudiced and
ignorant people. According to this reputation
he is dirty, Ignorant and lazy, with no con-
cept of law and order. The social adjustment
will be reached only when this false reputation
is destroyed and Negroes are seen as individ-
uals. Violence in demonstrations does not aid
in the formation of social adjustment.
Although the Birmingham method is some-
times effective in obtaining short range goals
of equality under law, it does little to aid the
long run efforts toward true racial equality.

MSGR. BRADLEY suggested voluntary mi-
gration to the world's still-empty areas
as one course of action. There are many ob-
stacles to this. How do we induce people to
leave their homeland voluntarily, especially
when the societies who need emigration are
generally the most conservative, tradition-
bound cultures? Most of these people have
neither the money nor the experience nor the
propensity to move permanently over long dis-
tances. How do we lower immigration restric-
tions in the receiving nations? What of the
problems of assimilation where the migrants
But most important is the fact that migra-
tion, even if it works as a very short-run safety
valve, will allow the "sending" nations to grow
faster, soon reaching and surpassing their pre-
migration population levels; while the "receiv-
ing" nations will soon face their own population
SIMILAR REMARKS apply to Msgr. Bradley's
advocacy of various means of increasing
food production and availability, and of various
ways by which the "have" nations can share
their wealth with the "have-nots." Aside from
the numerous technical and even more impor-
tant the social barriers to the implementation
of these humanitarian, suggestions, the same
final difficulty remains: they will intensify, not
solve, the population problem. United States
aid money pouring into the underdeveloped
nations has brought some improvement in some
places, but its major effect has been to keep
more people alive to bear more starving chil-
THE BASIC POINT is this: these and most of
Msgr. Bradley's other suggestions are wor-
thy proposals despite their problems. But even
if all of them could be implemented, the best
they can do is to postpone the day when man is
left with only two alternatives: lower the birth
rate, or see starvation, pestilence and war dis-
astrously raise the death rate, bringing misery
and oppression on an unprecedented scale.
* Msgr. Bradley's proposals should be tried.
But they should not be tried as ends in them-
selves, but as devices to buy time.
Fertility research is needed, and attitudes-
including those of the Roman Catholic Church
--must and will eventually change. But this will
take considerable time. The stopgap measures
should be used to hold off the most serious
consequences of the population explosion while
the work is done to make bith control a reality
around the world.
Birth control, as Msgr. Bradley points out,
is not a panacea for the world's ills. Aside from
the many obstacles to putting it into practice-
and the Church is not the only one-there will
be many new problems even after its use be-
comes virtually universal.
But the seeds of these problems were sown
long ago, when man first began to control his
environment and prolong his life. Unless the
Church is ready to propose that man abandon
this "death control," one of civilization's most
basic accomplishments, it must acknowledge
that birth control is necessary to counteract it.
For the sake of future generations, who must
bear the burden of our mistakes, we can only
hope that this acknowledgement will come in

"Ugh -- It Sounds Like That Dnmn Cavalry Again"
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:. By RONALD WILTON, Acting Editor

Apres Qoi. .?

Censoring News
Creates Distrust

night and Student Government
Council is in session. A janitor
walks into the Council Room and
asks if the body has a permit to
stay later. Invariably the answer is
no; the room's lights flicker off
and on in a gentle hint; the mem-
bers quickly wrap up their busi-
ness and go home.
The midnight adjournment time
is not forced by the University--
late permissions are available
whenever Council wants them. It's
just that the agenda is usually
-tructured so that the number of
items under discussion and the
ime allotted for their consideration
neatly add up to a midnight ad-
journment time.
This incident sums up the dif-
ferences between today's Council
and those of the past. As a fresh-
man and sophomore I remember
going to meetings where two or
three in the morning was the
expected adjournment time. De-
bate continued through the eve-
ning and was followed respect-
fully and attentively. Council work
was not unpleasant business; it
was something in which members
were vitally interested. This atti-
tude is what has changed, and the
attitude has affected- the issues
and dynamism of the group.
* * *
THE WORDS that many Coun-
cil members like to use to describe
the present body are "moderate"
and "consensus." For the first time
in a long while, certain Council
members say, there is no liberal-
conservative split. This, they claim,
has hurt Council in the past. The
factionalism and personal animns-
ities built up by past splits are
ills many present Council mem-
bers are anxious to avoid. They
take great pleasure in proclaim-
ing their success.
Although I have only been on
Council for two weeks the attitude
is already slightly disconcerting.
Moderation and consensus are not
cure-alls for the problems Council
faced in the past. The argument
that they are now is based on a
superficial analysis of the present
Of the two catch words con-
sensus is the more popular. It is
true that Council has been operat-
ing recently without deep factional
splits; the possibilities for con-
tinued agreement on all issues are
not very great. By and large the
areas in which SGC has been deal-
ing recently are not the issues that
cause ideological splits. For ex-
ample, nearly all students can
agree on that student-faculty gov-
ernment is desirable. Similarly the
idea of direct election of the stu-
dent body president can be sup-
ported both by liberals and con-
servatives. The direct election
idea is so new that neither side
has a stake in the process which
would cause it to oppose the plan
for political reasons.
* * *
HOWEVER before the next
elections, roll around SGC will
probably be considering questions
which I am sure cannot be de-
cided by consensus. Such an issue
is student control over student
rules and regulations. This issue
invni a m a1dnmont.1 imnninme.

ment it a split on the bias ques-
tion is almost inevitable. Ideolog-
ical differences between Council
members are as deep as they al-
ways have been; the reason for
the present consensus is that these
differences have not been touched
by present issues.
The splits are bound to come.
When they do they will be de-
cried as unfortunate, partisan,
selfish and all kinds of derogatory
adjectives will be applied to-them.
Yet when the splits come they will
be good. They will mean that
Council is finally interested in
the end product of strong issues
rather than in reaching a bland
agreement for the sake of consen-
sus. Because consensus will be un-
likely, a wider range of issues and
solutions will be presented. This
variety will stimulate students to
view their concerns in wider dind
different contexts t h a n they
presently do.
TO A LARGE degree the pres-
ent stress on consensus stems from
a desire on the part of many
Council members to appear mod-
erate. The moderation in turn ap-
pears to stem from a basic fear;
a fear of alienating the adminis-
tration in general and Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis in particular.
When a liberal proposes a mo-
tion to a moderate, the latter will
often reply, "I agree with you in
principle but it would be imprac-
tical to implement and would only
get the administration mad at us.
Let's not do it or at least let's
settle for something less." This
something less is usually a string
of amendments which emasculates
the proposal out of any recogniz-
able shape.
The basic issue here is whether
Council's duty is to placate ad-

ministrators or to seek to improve
the student's position in the com-
munity, which right now is not
commensurate with his ability.
The proposition that students
should have the right to set their
own rules is something that stu-
dents should favor whether they
are liberal, conservative or mod-
erate. The real split here is be-
tween those people who believe
that both they and students, as a
whole are responsible to handle
their own affairs and those who
take a dimmer view of student
IF A PROPOSED motion is
faced with administrative disap-
proval the answer is not to give
up and refuse to act. Rather the
motion should be passed and then
SGC should go through the avail-
able official and unofficial chan-
nels for political action on campus
to get the motion adopted by the
community. This means rounding
up allies and putting pressure
where pressure will work; we must
conduct strong political lobbying
campaigns. It may mean an ex-
tended period of hard work on the
part of students but the results
could be well worth it.
Barring resignations, Council is
now set the way it is until next
fall's elections. For the past few
months, while student organiza-
tions were appointing new ex-
officios of unknown political lean-
ings the Council was "moderate"
and "coisensus" oriented. Now
with the probability of such issues
as bias in affiliated units and a
student bill of rights coming be-
fore Council, these catch-words
will probably fall by the wayside.
If Council reorients its thinking
toward ideological differences, it
will enjoy an exciting and possibly
eventful year.

A TENDENCY remains among
many campus organizations to
withhold information about their
actions, a practice which harms
the organizations involved, their
constituents and the news media
which should report these actions.
Organizations withhold infor-
mation in one of two ways: either
they close their deliberations to
the public and release what in-
formation they wish, or they open
deliberations on the condition that
only what they allow be publicized.
The former method is, of course,
worse. Whether or not an inter-
ested party publicizes the infor-
mation learned in closed sessions,
he finds such information essen-
tial to an understanding of what
is happening. A simple release
presents only final settlements; if
it does mention rationale, it men-
tions only one side, that which
justifies the final conclusion.
Without the rationale behind it,
an action is open to misunder-
* * *
EXECUTIVE committee meet-
ings of Inter-Fraternity Council,
closed last spring, offer a prime
example. Very little news emanat-
ing from IFC finds its way to the
average fraternity man or to the
campus at large. Neither the
Michigan Fraternities Report, an
official IFC publication, nor The
Daily reports much of the ration-
ale behind IFC actions, which are
thus open to misinterpretation.
The result is that the executive
council presents an image to the
fraternity man of administration
tools who act as spies and issue
edicts. To the non-affiliate they
appear as vested reactionaries
drinking Lowenbrau and plotting
evil. A true understanding of the
rationale behind IFC actions, a
presentation of both sides and of
the compromises reached, would
destroy these false images.
A case in point is executive
council's recent judicial action in
which some houses were fined for
initiating men with grades below
2.0. To the fraternity man vitally
interested in the freedom of his
house, the action may have seem-
ed unjustly harsh. To an non-
affiliated Daily reporter the action
seemed mild as to justify license.
Were the judicial actions open to
interested parties, the true ration-
ale behind them would have been
understood and possibly incorrect
speculation would have been pre-
THE OTHER form of withhold-
ing information - opening meet-
ings but allowing only selected
information to be publicized - is
often justifiable. Considerations of
personalities is one type of delib-
eration which is the business of
nobody but the organization. But
when a deliberation affectsanyone
outside the organization, it should
be publicized. Too often such in-
formation is withheld; organiza-
tions censor arbitrarily and thus
deny their constituents knowledge
of and hence influence in deci-
A Glorious
assigned for an English course
it would be called a college outline
of cliches, definitive edition. From
that fate at least, it is fairly safe.
There are undoubtedly many for
whom this title, "Come Fly With
Me," rings a clannish bell of
nostalgia, Sinatra-type. However,
the producer was admirably true
to his scholarly purpose of cata-
loguing and therefore the title
song is sung by none other than
Frankie Avalon, who lacks a lot in

the way of nostalgia.
For nostalgia, one is given such
stars as Karl Malden, Lois Nettle-
ton, and Hugh "Wyatt Earp"
* * *
IN KEEPING with the foreign
movie fad, this film was made in
England and uses such exotic lo-
cales as Paris and Vienna (you
were told it was the definitive out-
line of cliches). Its use of these lo-
cales would put Hans Christian
Andersen to shame as a teller of
fairy tales. Belief in their very
existence is permanently suspend-
ed, two whole cities wiped off the
face of reality forever.
To add interest this catalog is
put into fiction form and follows
the adventures of three steward-
esses (a pretty, naive child, an
older, slightly homely and bitter
woman ,and a cynical lover of
money in men) as they cross the
paths of a Texas millionaire, a jet
Jockey with a girl in every port,
and a moneyless Austrian Baron
with heart and hair of gold but
forced by royal poverty to smuggle
diamonds. Shuffle these six into
three couples and add sugar, and
incipient orange blossoms and the
love of children of all nationalities
and lo, you have a movie.
* * *
ACTUALLY the movie is very
interesting. Somehow into this

The Union-League Study Com-
mittee, studying the Union-League
merger, typifies this form of n:ews
suppression. The committee's re-
fusal to allow publication of its
deliberations may stem from a fear
that the information will be pub-
licized inaccurately. -However,
since those who would publicize
such information check back with
their sources for accuracy, this
fear is totally unjustified and is
only offered as a weak rationaliza-
The committee's censorship may
be motivated by a fear that its
actions, made public, would arouse
disapproval. But this is what the
committee should welcome - a.
chance to gauge the acceptability
of its work before its recommenda-
tions are put into effect. It is
unspeakably unethical for the
committee to withhold informa-
tion from those it should be serv-
ing in order to push through pos-
sibly unpopular proposals. If its
actions, made public before put
into effect were to win approval,
the committee might feel more
confident in acting as it has.
Much of the secrecy surround-
ing campus organizations stems
from days when the campus was a
political hotbed. If the secrecy re-
mains, so may the mistrust which
operation among the new staffs
of campus organizations is worth
at least a try-and the place to
start is a re-examination of un-
necessary secrecy.
CYCPWorthw hile
datioon fair huigwr
worth the wait.
Although University President
Harlan Hatcher was the target of
much abuse during the original
fair housing crisis in February, he
weathered them well and directed
three intelligent and informed
men to prepare a report deserv-
ing the most serious consideration
from City Council.
It is impossible for ten council
members who are compelled by the
nature of their jobs to be busy
with Many laws and to be recep-
tive to the complaints and wishes
of many people to know much
about one subject.
WITH A CRISIS in bus service
and a full schedule preparing next
year's city budget, councilmen will
not know all the pertinent facts of
fair housing unless they learn
them from a comprehensive report
like President Hatcher's.
, The councilmen will discover a
number of flaws in their ordinance
if they study the report.
* * *
THE BASIC FLAW is that the
definition of housing unit is not
inclusive as it covers only multiple
dwellings of five or more units and
publicly assisted housing. Three
other cities with fair housing or-
dinances, Pittsburgh, Toledo and
New York City, all offer broader
Also, there are a number of le-
gal loopholes by which landlord
could escape the coverage of the
ordinance. For instance, discrimi-
nation is prohibited in the selling
of five or more adjoining lots un-
der one ownership. But a landlord
could evade this clause by offer-
ing the same number of lots in
groups of four.
Two prominent and valuable
features of the other three cities'
ordinances are not covered in the
Ann Arbor document. There is no
provision regarding discriminatory
practices in advertising housing
nor is there one preventing or
punishing aiding discrimination.

THE ORDINANCE does provide
excellent procedures for handling
First there is an attempt at
conciliation to be conducted by
the Human Relations Commission.
If this attempt fails, the city at-
torney is empowered to seek an
injunction that would prevent sale
of the housing in question until
the dispute can be settled in court.
The penalty for a violation can
be a fine up to $100, jail up to 90
days, or both.
The ordinance now lies dead,
probably until fall, in the Fair
Housing Committee. This provides
an excellent opportunity for the
members of council to study and
learn ways of improving it before
final passage.
President Hatcher's report could
be a springboard for improvement.
The crowd is untruth. Hence
none'has more contempt for what
it is to be a man than they who
make it their profession to lead
the crowd. . . There must be
hundreds at the least. And when
there are thousands, he defers to
the crowd, bowing and scraping

LUDWIG ERHARD, Germany's economics
minister, had a long wait but the waiting
culminated in a recent promise by the Chris-
tian Democrats that they will make him Chan-
cellor Konrad Adenauer's successor upon Ade-
nauer's retirement next fall.
Trying to stall the inevitable, Adenauer urged
the party not to name his new successor so long
before his retirement.
Nonetheless, the Christian Democratic Union
Party went ahead with its ratification of Er-
hard as successor, much to Adenauer's dismay.
While he pledged to instruct and aid Erhard,
he made it known that he thought the decision
was a poor choice..
BEHIND ADENAUER'S stalling and hedging
lies the resentment which he feels toward
the party he has led for 14 years but which is
now rejecting him. The Chancellor's authori-
tarian ways have been the bulwark of party
strength for so long that he cannot easily step
Since the establishment of the German Fed-
eral Republic in 1949, Adenauer through his
guiding genius has united both party and coun-
Moreover, he has radically altered Germany's
foreign policy, wiping out the strong national-
istic views of the country and inspiring pro-
Western; pro-European sentiments.
p E TENACITY and supreme self-confidence
with which the Chancellor has wrought these
changes are still evident in his desire to "hang
on" to his post.
Even now, he seriously doubts that Germany

knowledge that Erhard, so different in tempera-
ment and outlook, is expected to stray from the
Chancellor's policies. Whereas Adenauer has
been stern and immovable, the economics min-
ister prefers to avoid a struggle whenever pos-
Why has the CDU felt it necessary to oust
Adenauer? Primarily, the party has had to
face up to the fact that there is a demand for
a change. Moreover, with the 1965 parliamen-
tary elections to consider and the loss of
strength in the 1961 elections, CDU officials
have had to prepare for the party's future.
WITH ERHARD in the driver's seat, the party
hopes to achieve many goals which it has
been unable to reach in the past.
Among these is a desire to form a coalition
government between the CDU and the Social
Democrats (Germany's second strongest par-
ty), a union which Adenauer has opposed. Such
a coalition could serve not only to break the
conservative immobility plaguing the govern-
ment but also to resolve the lack of confidence
in the Federal Republic. Underlying this move
is the decline in the CDU-Free Democrat coali-
tion which has ruled since 1961 and is no
longer a stable government.
The end of the "Adenauer Era" may also
lead to a new mobility in Germany's domestic
policy, which the Chancellor tends to overlook
while focusing on foreign affairs.
THE CRUCIAL QUESTION which the world is
asking is whether Germany can bear the
switch from a stern, almost dictatorial leader
to a man who professes "confidence in, the

To The Editor

To the Editor:
I WISH to give an account of
an accident that took place
around 11:15 last Friday night
at the East Quadrangle.
Ken Holgenson received a punc-
ture head wound from a protrud-
ing metal object in a door way
in the basement of the East Quad.
He immediately came up stairs
to the south desk holding his
laundry bag against the side of
his head to stop the flow of blood
which by this time covered the
entire left side of his face and
asked for help.
I was talking with the night
watchman, who was on duty at
the south desk, when Ken asked
for help. Immediately, I gave first
aid to Ken as I had learned in
Scouts by applying pressure to the
side head arteries and had John
Paton, who was there at the time,
get some cold wet towels from
the adjacent cafeteria which he
did immediately. I asked the night
watchman to call for an ambu-
lance or scout car. The night
wathman reiued and called a

BY THIS TIME, we had stopped
and coagulated the blood from
the wound. Still applying the pres-
sure points we got out to the
street where John Paton tried to
flag down a car and another
student called for a cab.
The cab arrived quickly. He got
us to the University Hospital
where the wound was cleaned and
stitches taken.
One hour later I arrived back
at the Quad, where I was repri-
manded by the same night watch-
man for taking the situation into
by own hands, which I as a
"Quaddie" had no right to do.
AS FAR as Ken Holgenson is

concerned, he is lucky. However,
if he had not been conscious and
not been able to climb up the
stairs, he might have bled to
death in the basement of the East
Quadrangle. Or he could have
lost much more blood if when
he came to the desk no one was
around to administer first aid
while the right procedural chain


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