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April 20, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-20

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20, 1963






Of Weishing


Kelley Brief
Sets Contest
Against Nord
L4ANSING (MP-It is too late now
to question' the validity of Michi-
gan's ,April 1. election which adopt-
ed a new State Constitution, At-
torney General Frank J. Kelley
told the Supreme Court Thursday.
The Attorney General and Soli-
oltor General Robert Derengoski
fileds ahbrief with the Court in
answer to a suit by Detroit attor-
ney' elvin Nord.
Nord, a Democratic delegate to
the Constitutional Convention,
asked the court to cancel the adop-
tion of the Constitution.
He contends the failure to pro-
vide separate ballots on the ques-
tion in voting machine precincts
made the election invalid.
The Attorney General argued
that even if Noerd's claim is cor-
rect, the /obection} would have to
have been raised prior to the elec-
Kelley also told the Court that
Nord failed -to show that the re-
sult of the election would have
been any different if separate pa-
s per ballots had been provided in
machine precincts.
Also, he argued, the voting ma-
chine arrangements did meet the
requirement for a separate ballot.
"The, present requirement of
'separateness' .is met when the
proposal is placed upon a separate
section of the voting machine, in
distinctive colors, and the voter
pulls down a separate lever to vote
on the proposition, and the vote
thus cast is registered upon a sep-
arate tape in the voting machine,"
Kelley said.
Kelley asked the Court to dis-
miss Nord's request for an order
to stop the State Board of Can-
vassers from certifying results of
the election.
The Board met Wednesday but
failed to act when Democratic
members said they wanted to wait
for a court decision in Nord's case.
The Court is expected to rule on
Nord's suit early next week. The
Board has until May 11 to certify
the election returns.
World News
By The Associated Press
MAPRID-Gen. Francisco Fran-
co's ,cabinet last night refused to
commute the death sentence of
Spanish Communist leader Julian
crlmau Garcia. A government
spokesman dismissed an appeal for
clemency sent personally to Fran-
coby Soviet Premier Nikita S.
'. Khrushchev as "clearly an instru-
ment of propaganda."
ST. LOUIS-Catholic educators
were told here recently that, al-
though Congress had not voted to
underwrite education in their
schools, there had been an appre-
ciable swing of public opinion'to-
ward such support.
HAVANA--Cmdr. Pedro Miret,
a Cuban army leader, asserted yes-
terday Cuba's military strength in
men and arms has increased so
heavily that Cuba could fend off
50 invasions like that at the Bay
of Pigs two years ago.
NEW HAVEN - A. Whitney
Griswold, president of Yale Uni-
Versity, died yesterday of cancer
at his home. The 56-year-old pres-
ident had been ill for many weeks.

He was admitted to Grace-New
Haven Hospital Aug. 6 in what a
Yale spokesman described as a
weakened condition.
* U *
WASHINGTON -- Secretary of
4bor W. Willard Wirtz proposed
. the nation's editors in light of
the recent New York and Cleve-
land newspaper strikes the crea-
tion of a newspaper industry "con-.
structive bargaining counsel" to
help avert serious shutdowns.
* * *
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
the Treasury Douglas Dillon asked
a Senate Appropriations subcom-
mittee yesterday to restore $43.8
millionof $57.3 cut from his budg-
et by the House.

PRESIDENT SPEAKS-President John F. Kennedy addr
American Society of Newspaper Editors yesterday in Was
He covered a wide range of subjects going from the da
possible budget cuts to a discussion of a Bay of Pigs
Can lie' Long, Navy
WASHINGTON (P)-The search for the lost submarin
can go on for "weeks or months," the Navy said yesterday.
Rear Adm. John S. McCain, chief of information, told
that the search area has been narrowed still further, but n
been found which might be the wreck of the atomic subm
129 aboard.
Working in the general area 220 miles east of Cape
sonar and other instruments, search ships have made ,rec
a number of protuben

Says Nobody
Gave Word
of Invasion
Says Budget Cutting
'Ruinous' To Security
WASHINGTON (AR) - President
John F. Kennedy personally re-
jected yesterday a charge that he
welshed on a promise of a second
invasion of Cuba.
Responding to the angry accu-
sation by exile leader Jose Miro
Cardona, Kennedy asserted that
"obviously nobody in the United
States government ever informed
Dr. Cardona, or anyone else, that
we would launch an invasion."
In a question and answer ex-
change before the American So-
ciety of Newspaper Editors, Ken-
nedy reiterated his stand that un-
wirephoto der present circumstances, either
Wasep hot an invasion or a blockade would
essed the a mistake of incalculable global
shington. consequences.
[anger in Federal Spending
invasion In discussing federal spending
he asserted vehemently that multi-
billion dollar slashes in his pro-
posed $98.9-billion budget would
be "ruinous to the security of our
nation and our economy."
The President also made plain
he won't do battle with the steel
industry over their recent selec-
tive increases. He said the com-
panies showed "some restraint." He
figured the over-all increase at 1
per cent and expressed hope it
e Thresher could be absorbed by steel-using
industries, "particularly the auto-
d newsmen mobile industry which is making
iothing has very high profits."
arine, with Moving to the Mississippi prob-
annewithlem, he indicated strongly he won't
move to cut off federal funds
Cod with from Mississippi, as urged by the
cordings of federal Civil Rights Commission.
rances and The government should not have
m at more spending programs that encourage
But in each or permit discrimination, he said,
d the pro- but a 'wholesale cut-off is some-
thing else."
~reck. He said he d6esn't think a pres-
ry difficult ident has power to do that, and
ain said. probably shouldn't have the pow-
said the po- er. But he remarked that the fed-
ally (which eral government puts twiceas
"d a t u m much money into Mississippi as it
se. He also takes out in taxes and added:
dous depth In Mississippi
e Thresher I hope the people (in Mississip-
e Thrsern pi) realize the benefits that come
yscaph Ti- from the union as well as what
m mth wstatthey may feel are the disadvan-
m the west of living up to the Constitu-
ed by the ion."
,Lt. Cmdr. Kennedy expressed the "greatest
Penagn aonconcern" over the situation in
a Pentagon Laos, where the pro-Communist
yyscaph canPathet Lao has been attacking
pth, but its neutralist forces. The next few
from bat- days, he said, should tell whether
area over the Soviet Union and other signa-
about onertories "are going to be meeting
their obligations" under the Gene-
be ms-va accord. This guaranteed an in-
se tode- dependent and neutral Laos.
lbsve tvide- More than 750 editors attended
bserve vis- the luncheon. Because they were
ically what spread out over two big hotel ban-
quet rooms, questions were not
asked directly, but were written
out on slips of paper and then
sorted out according to subject
matter by ASNE President Lee
innen Hills, executive editor of the
Knight newspapers.

Fren'ch Seit
To A dvance
On A-Force
PARIS (PM-President Charles de
Gaulle expressed determination.
last night to forge ahead with his
own nuclear strike force.
He also kept the door tightly
closed against British entry into
the European Common Market.
Survival of France in the nu-
clear age requires a purely French
national atomic force, the 72-year-
old de Gaulle told a nationwide
radio-television audience. He spoke
disdainfully of efforts to dissuade,
him, calling them the "voices of
immobilism and demagogy."
No Hint
While promising that France
would cooperate with its allies in
the Atlantic defense system, de
Gaulle gave no hint that he would
extend this cooperation to the
multinational nuclear forces back-
ed by the United States and most
of the other NATO allies.
A French nuclear strike force is
scheduled to be operational in
late fall.
De Gaulle spoke publicly for the
first time since the historic Jan.
14 news conference at which he
rejected a United States offer of
Polaris missiles to be employed in
an allied nuclear force.
Much Less
De Gaulle said that in the fu-
ture France cannot be sure of the
intentions of its allies, much less
of its enemies.
"Taking into account this im-
mense and inevitable uncertainty,"
he said, "France must possess the
wherewithal to reach any state
which was its aggressor, that is
the wherewithal to dissuade it,
from aggression, and according to
the circumstances, the wherewith-
al to contribute to the defense of
its allies . .
"Who knows?" he asked. "This
may include America."
French Sovereignty
De Gaulle underscored his in-
tention of asserting French sov-
ereignty in the Common Market,
too, saying that if the six states
were dissolved in the customs un-
ion this would "inevitably end in
foreign subjection."
He said France wanted to see a
unified Europe "constituted by na-
tions who really wish and can be-
long to it."
His implication was that Britain
could not now be included in this
"We hope that one day, per-
haps, the great English people,
having detached itself from that
which holds it outside our com-
munity, will come and join, ac-
cording to the conditions of the
(Common Market) institution."

Associated Press News Analyst f
States officials received with
growing alarm yesterdaydreports
of continuing heavy Communist
military attacks on neutralist forc-
es in Laos.
The whole policy of Laotian neu-t
trality, a shaky though highly
advertised experiment in cold war
compromise, appeared to be in in-
creasing danger of collapse.t
If the worst fears are bornej
out and the power of the neutral-
ist force at the center of the Lao-
tian coalition is destroyed, Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy will be con-
fronted directly with a questiont
whether the United States should<
intervene militarily in Laos.f
Bed Rock
Militarily, the bed rock concern
of United States leaders is to denyt
the use of the Mekong River Val-
ley to the Communists for moving
troops and supplies to pro-Com-
munist forces in Viet Nam. Poli-
tically the United States does not
want Ito see all of the little South-
east Asian kingdom's territory fall1
to the Communist Pathet Lao.
The Communists, however, have
demonstrated such military force,
reportedly with the backing of
tough troops from North Viet Nam,
that the survival power of the
neutralist forces under Gen. Kong
Le is now seriously questioned.
Reject Boeing
Contract Offer,
WICHITA (A) - Overwhelming
rejection of a new Boeing Co.
contract offer by its Wichita em-
ployes yesterday apparently spell-
ed a union-wide turn down of the
The Wichita rejection, by a
vote of 3,927 to 298, was a re-
versal of the approval given the
proposal at Boeing's other instal-
lations where the vote was 8,415
for it and 5,663 against.
The total vote as reported by
union officials was 9,590 against
accepting the contract and 8,13
Vita Mazzacano, union coordi-
nator at Wichita, emphasized that
this was a vote on the proposed
contract and not a strike vote.

If Kong Le loses the position in I
the Plaine Des Jarres, the Me-
kong River Valley may prove to be
the chief line of division in Laos
between the pro-Western forces
and those of the Pathet Lao. One
of the big questions which Kenne-
dy and his advisers will have to
decide in that event is whether
the presence of strong United
States forces, in the area, such as
were introduced in Thailand,
would be necessary to make even
the strategic Mekong River de-
fense effective.
Wider Implications
But the new Laotian crisis has
wider implications. Should the
Communists score continuing suc-
cesses there in spite of all the
efforts made in recent years to
stop them, the security of other
lands in the region would be more
directly threatened.
Laos also has become a symbol
and test of Russia's coexistence
It is a land sufficiently remote
from the immediate interests of
either of the great powers to make
compromise possible, and the neu-
trality solution worked out only
last year was such a deal. But for
months United States officials
have been getting bits and pieces
of evidence, which they generally
did not talk about publicly, that
the Communists on the scene were

U.S. Alarmed About Laos

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Leighty Clains
Healthy State
Of Railroads
George Leighty of the Railway La-
bor Executives Association said
yesterday that rather than being
broke the railroad industry "as a
whole is actually in the healthiest
financial state in its history."
The rail labor union chief speak-
ing before a National Press Club'
luncheon accused the industry of
conducting a "Madison Avenue
propoganda" drive in an effort to
"hoodwink the Congress, the pub-
lic and railroad employes."
"Relying on clever words and
catchy phrases," Leighty said, "the
railroads have not missed one bet
in their massive propaganda drive
to convince the American people
that they are on the brink of fi-
nancial disaster, that they are be-
ing squeezed out by the competi-
tion of other forms of transporta-
tion, that they are the victims of
unfair government regulation . .
and that ,, because of so-called
'featherbedding,' they are being
forced by greedy union leaders to
pay excessive labor costs.
"The facts dispute every one of
these claims."
Leighty said the railroads are
the largest and most prosperous of
the common carriers. He said rail-
roal financial reports often con-
ceal their real financial position.
The carriers, he said, have been
steadily reducing their debts while
increasing dividends.
In the four decades since World
War I, Leighty said, railroad traf-
fic increased by 61 per cent while
labor man hours declined by 60
per cent yet "rail management
clings to its own fiction and wails
about high labor costs and too
many workers."
As for government regulation,
he said," "the fact is the railroads,
instead of being over-regulated,
have won more exemptions from
federal laws designed to protect
the public interest than any other
Leighty called for a moratorium
on railroad merger proposals pend-
ing a complete financial study of
the industry by Congress. He
pledged that if the industry ceases
trying to contract its services,
railroad workers will make the in-
dustry more successful than ever.

elevations in the botto
than 8000 feet depth. B
case it has been decide
tuberance was not the w
"It is going to be ve
to find Thresher," McCa
When asked why, hes
sition estimated origins
submarines call the
point") was not preci
noted that the ,tremen
of water is a major hand
Until and unless th
is located, there will be
sending down the bathy
este, now en route fron
coast aboard a dock shin
This was emphasize
skipper of the Trieste,
Donald L. Keach, ina
news conference.
Keach said the bath
dive to almost any dep
limited power supply,
teries, restricts the;
which it can operate to
square mile.
Keach said that the
sion of the trieste will
scend to the wreck, o
ually and photographi
it can.
U1AR Offe-
To Quit Y(
spokesman for the U:
Republic said yesterda
ernment is ready to en
tary intervention in Y
UN team can arrange
the withdrawal of Sau
Agreement on sucha
been reported near sir
turn of United State
Ellsworth Bunker from
the area last week.
"We have always in
we would withdraw ou
Saudi Arabia will stop
sions and its inciteme
us," the UAR spokesma
have no objection ift
Nations wants to send
server team to supervise
'It was reported earlie
that the withdrawal of
or more UAR troops w
by the.end of the week
all the troops would be
two months.
a _ _

3, 4 MAY





UP) - A
nited Arab
y his gov-
nd its mili-
Yemen if a
and verify
adi Arabian
a plan has
nce the re-
s mediator
a visit to
sisted that
ur forces if
its incur-
ent againstj
in said. "We
the United
in an ob-
e the agree-
ir this week
the 20,000
would begin
k, and that
out within


(Disciples of Christ)
Hill and Tappan Streets
Rev. Russell M. Fuller, Minister
Sunday, 7:30 p.m. Open House for new stu-
dents at Guild House, 802 Monroe.
Tuesday, 12:00 noon-Luncheon and Discus-
Donald Postema, Minister
Washtenow ot Forest
Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan
10:00 A.M. Worship Services
11:15 A.M. Coffee Hour
7:00 P.M. Vesper Worship Service
United Church of Christ
423 South Fourth Ave.
Rev. Ernest Klaudt, Pastor
Rev. A. C. Bizer, Associate Pastor
9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Worship Service
9:30 and 10:45 a.m. Churc' School
7:00 p.m. Student Guild
1432 Washtenow Avenue
NO 2.4466
Ministers: Ernest T. Campbell, Malcolm
Brown, Virgil Janssen
Worship at 9:00 and 10:30.
Presbyterian Campus Center located at the
Staff: Jock Borckordt and Patricla Pickett
NO 2-3580


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National Lutheran Council
Hill St. at S. Forest Ave.
Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor
Anna M. Lee, Associate
9:30 a.m. Worship Service.
10:00 a.m. Bible Study.
11:00 a.m. Worship Service and Communion.
7:00 p.m. Speaker: Dr. Herman Larsen from
Concordia College, "An Aspect of the
7:15 p.m. Vespers.
1833 Washtenaw Ave.
11:00 a.m.'Sunday Services.
8:00 p.m. Wednesday Services.
9:30 a.m. Sunday School (up to 20 years of
11:06 o.m. Sunday School (for ciildren 2 to
6 years of age.)
A free reading room is maintained at 306 East
Liberty St. Reading Room hours are Mon-
day thru Saturday 10:00 a m. to 5 p.m.
except Sundays and Holidays. Monday
evening 7:00 to 9:00.
(The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod)
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Alfred T. Scheips, Pastorr
James H. Progman, Vicar
Services at 9:45 and 11:15 with Vicar Pro-
gram preaching on "Easter -Emotions."
Bible Classes at 9:45 and 11:15.
Gamma Delta (International Association of
Lutheran Students) supper and programi be-
ginning at 6 p m. with the Rev. R. C. Seitz
speaking on ;Lutheranism in America."
Wednesday Evening Devotions at 10 p.m. with
the Rev. Luther Kriefall preaching.

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