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April 20, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-20

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University High School

FreymondCites Neutral Role

"The Atlantic powers tend to
regard the neutral European states
with indifference, because these
neutrals are a part of the West-
ern world and the Atlantic coun-
tries think that in the end, they
will join the West," Prof. Jacques
Freymond, director of the Institut
Universitaire des Hautes Etudes
Doctors Test
New Teap
A relatively normal life for vic-
tims of complete kidney failure
may be a reality in the near future
if a new "do-it-yourself" treat-
ment developed by University
Medical Center doctors can be put
to use.
The treatment has been used
successfully on nine patients: four
at the University and five at Peter
Brent Brigham Hospital in Boston.
The University doctors playing
a part in therdevelopment of the
treatment outlined their work yes-
terdayat a meeting of the Ameri-
can Federation of Clinical Re-
search in Detroit.
Leading the team of researchers
is Dr. Harold P. McDonald, urolo-
gist. Co-investigators are Dr. John
M. Weller and Dr. Robert E.
The new procedure hangs on
two vital factors: the use of the
body's own peritoneum to replace
kidney function, and the develop-
ment of certain new plastics.
The procedure remains "experi-
mental, time-consuming and ex-
pensive. It. has not yet been de-
termined whether it can be applied
to general clinical use," the doc-
tors concluded.

Internationales at Geneva, said
Speaking on "The European
Neutrals in the Atlantic Commun-
ity," Prof. Freyrnond noted that
if one looks at declarations from
Finland, Austria, Sweden and
Switzerland, they all believe they
belong to the Western world.
"For example, the Finns insist
that their brand of democracy is
not to be confused with the
people's democracies bf the East
European states."
Another Aspect
is Another aspect of this solidarity
ito be seen in the trade and
economic relations these states
have with the Western world. Fin-
land shiped only 20 per cent of
her exports to the Eastern bloc
and some 60 per cent to European
AreaLawye rs
To{ Seek Post
Four Ann Arbor attorneys are
considered by Lansing lawmakers
to be "most likely" in the running
for Washtenaw County's newly
established circuit judgeship.
The candidates are: William F.
Ager, Jr., Douglas K. Reading,
Jacob F. Fahrner, and Ralph C.
If the bill authorizing the new
post is approved by Gov. George
Romney, it will become law as soon
as he signs it, under the "im-
mediate effect" proviso.
The bill, which will be the first
judgeship authorized this year by
the Legislature, would have passed
both houses sooner, according to
judicial experts at the state level,
except that GOP lawmakers pre-
viously hesitated to give opposition
governors' judicial appointments
in Republican counties.

Economic Community and Euro-
pean Free Trade Association coun-
tries, Prof. Freymond said.
Noting reasons for neutrality,
Prof. Freymond said that Finland
is a very sensitive security area
for the Soviet Union.
"The Soviets have followed with
greatest attention the moods of
Finish governments and have not
hesitated to exert political or eco-
nomic pressure.
The Swedish are insistent they
stay neutral in the interest of
Finland, since they are located
between the Atlantic community
and Russia and are concerned with
Russian foreign policy, Prof. Frey-
mond commented.
Austrian Policy
"Before completion of the Aus-
trian state treaty of 1955, the
Soviet Union placed Austria in a
situation of neutrality in order
to free it," he noted.
Switzerland is not as exposed
as the other countries to Russia,
but there is a close relationship
between Swiss and Austrian neu-
trality. Neutrality also grew out of
internal necessities, he added.
"Neutrality for these countries
is not a negative type. They are
helping to build up a community
of nations, while avoiding political
Neutral Nations
One reason the neutral Euro-
pean nations hesitate in joining
an Atlantic community is that
they do not know what form it is
going to take, he said.
"As far as I can judge, it will
be very difficult as long as the
Atlantic community is not better
defined and its boundaries shaped
so the neutrals can take a stand.
Even if the community gives an
impression of something to last,
the question will larise if these
frontiers should be fixed merely
to include the West."

PROTEST CLOSING-An effort on the part of the student body
at-University High School to preserve the school gained momen-
tum yesterday as the group began circulating petitions among
parents and students calling for a "careful reconsideration of
the University plan." The University has announced that when
the Ann Arbor School District's new senior high school is built,
it will discontinue operation of grades 10, 11 and 12, transferring
the students to the Ann Arbor public school system.
1Kolaja RpotDescribes-
R"otPopulation Movements

To Analyze
Voter Action
On con-con
Three University political scien-
tists are studying the processes
involved in the campaign for rati-
fication of Michigan's new con-
The project is a "rare opportun-
ity to enlarge our understanding
of the mechanisms operating in
a constitutional revision cam-
paign," Prof. John P. White of the
political science department said
Prof. White is chairman of the
directing committee which also in-
cludes Professors Norman Thomas
and Eugene N. Feingold.
Included in the project will be
a detailed analysis of the election
statistics of the referendums in
1958. 1960 and 1961 on constitu-
tional revision as well as the 1963
ratification vote. Prof. White said
that the group would try to trace
the change in voter behavior which
led to the constitutional conven-
tion and ratification.
He said that the Survey Re-
search has selected a number of
precincts for a testing sample.
This sample will be used to quan-
tify the effects of paper ballots
versus voting machines on voter
"Articles on constitutional re-
vision have been clipped from
papers all over the state," Prof.
White said. "By working with
papers from the sample precincts,
we're going to try to measure the
impact of press coverage and edi-
torial policy. Though we haven't
had time to look at the data, we
surmise that most newspapers gave
editorial support to the new con-
The project will include a study'
of the perception and presentation
of the issue by leaders in the poli-
tical parties and pressure groups,
he said. Here too, an attempt will
be made to measure the leaders'
impact on the campaign.
District Winners
TO Hold .Debates
The winning debate teams from
each of Michigan's school districts
will compete today in the "High
School State Forensic Champion-
ship Debates" at Rackham Lee-
ture Hall.

Regents Note Expansion
Of Research Facilities


(Continued from Page 1)

grams for graduate students in
metallurgical engineering.
The first of the laboratory fa-
cilities will be built in three parts
-an administrative office build-
ing, a laboratory and staff office
building and a technical opera-
tions building-connected by glass
walled corridors.
Living Sea
The federal laboratories will be
located next to each other on
Green Rd. at the southeastern end
of North Campus. The Bureau of
Fisheries laboratory will occupy
a 3.86 acre site. and will be con-
cerned with environmental and
other studies of living sea crea-
Funds for construction of the
facility have been already appro-
priated by Congress. The new lab-
oratory will replace its current one
on Fuller St., now a University
building, and will provide space for
University research.
The Public Health Service re-
gional water pollution control lab-
oratory will be located directly
north of the fisheries laboratory
on a 10-acre site. Congress has
only voted planning money for the
structure and has not appropriated
funds for its construction.
Water Control
The $2.5 million laboratory is
one of seven water pollution con-
trol research facilities to be built
throughout the country.
Thegindustrial systems headed
by Dean H. Wilson of the indus-

trial engineering department lab-
oratory will be run by the In-
stitute of Science and Technology
and the industrial engineering de-
It will work on such problems as
inventory and supply, production
systems, quality control, data pro-
cessing and automated control of
industrial processes by computer,
Wilson said.
. Provide Space
The laboratory will be staffed
by the industrial engineering de-
partment and will use space pro-
vided by the department.
"Some of the basic work done
by this laboratory will have ap-
plication to some of the problems
of Michigan industry. The labor-
atory will co-operate with Michi-
gan firms interested in improve-
ments of their operations," Prof.
Wilson said.
It will also be engaged in re-
search involving "the newly de-
veloping areas of the world and
their attempts at industrialization,
he noted, adding that the federal
government is interested in spon-
soring this type of research.
Prof. Wilson also cited the lab-
oratory's educational function.
"This type of activity serves as a
source of doctoral thesis topics for
industrial engineering graduate
students. And the. work provides
a means for a graduate student to
obtain financial renumeration
while working for an advanced de-

Poland and Czechoslovakia are
moving ecologically closer to each
other, Prof. Jiri Kolaja of the
University of Kentucky claimed in
a report presented before the Mid-
west Slavic Conference yesterday.

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The Daily Official Buletin is an;
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. NoticEs should be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form 'to
Room 3564 Administration Building
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
8:00 a.m.-11th Annual Institute for
Teachers of Machine Shop and Drafting
-Michigan Union.
8:45 a.m.-lth Annual Conference for
Teachers of Driver Education-Rackham
9:00 a.m.-ilgh School State Forensic
Championship Debates-Rackham Lec-
ture Hall..

10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.-School of
Nursing Open House-Medical Science,
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild -
Lotte Lenya, Rudolph Foerster, Carole
Neher, and Fritz Rasp in Kurt Weill's
"The Three Penny Opera": Architecture
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Concert-
"An Evening of French Horn and Brass
Ensemble"': Hill Aud.
8:30 p.m.-School of Music Degree Re-
cital-Elizageth Erskine, mezzo-soprano:
Lane Hall Aud.
General Notices
Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Business Administration,
Education, Music, and Undergraduate
Public Health: Tentative lists of seniors
for June graduation have been posted



From 1 P.M.



It is a film that receives such great word of mouth praise
that every one wants to see it.
It takes more than advertising and the winning of awards
to get audiences so enthusiastic that a picture becomes the
most popular and successful film in Ann Arbor.

on the bulletin board in the first floor
lobby, Admin. Bldg. Any changes there-
from should be requested of the Re-
corder at Office of Registration and
Records, window Number A, 1513 Admin.
At the Request of the 1963 General
Co-Chairman of Spring Weekend, Wom-
en's Judiciary extended hours on
April 25, Thurs., until 12 midnight for
freshman women and on Sat., April
27 until 2:00 a.m.
vents Sunday
The Greenhouses of the Univ. of Mich.
Botanical Gardens will be open to
visitors on Sun., April 21 from 3-5 p.m.
Faculty Recital: Robert Glasgow, or-
ganist, will present a recital on Sun.,
8:30 p.m., Hill Aud. Mr. Glasgow will
play the compositions of Le Begue,
D'Aquin, Grigny, Couperin, Franck,
Vierne, and Widor. Open to the public.
Degree Recital: Margaret Johnson,
pianist, will present a recital on Sun.,
4:15 p.m., in Lane Hall Aud. in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
degree Bachelor of Music. Compositions
Miss Johnson will play are by Bach,
Beethoven, Ellis Kohs, Medtner, and
Chopin. Open to the public.
Wayne Community Schools, Wayne,
Mich.-Construction Supervisor-super-
vise maintenance services. Exper. in
Arch.,' Mech., or Elect. Engrg. Degree
pres., extensive training acceptable. Ex-
per. required.
Trude Jr. of Calif., San Francisco,
Calif.--Firm manufacturers junior dress-
es. Interested in selecting & training a
young man with a Bus. Ad. degree to
represent us in the states of Mich. &
YWCA, Aurora, IlL.-Opening in Sept.
for June grad to be Youth Director.
Should have major in Recreation, Soc.,
Psych. or related fields. All facilities
are new & working conditions are above
B. F. Goodrich Co., Akron, Ohio - 1)
Supervisor Automotive Services-College
educ. or exper. in automotive services
field. Will relocate to Southeast. Ex-
tensive travel required. 2) St.,Product
Engnr.-Tire Div.-Degree Aero, Mech.
or Civil Engrg. Minimum 2 yrs. exper.
in tire construction. 3) Sr. Product En-
gnr.-Tire Div.-Degree Chem. or Chem.
Engrg. At least 2 yrs. development ex-
per. in tire compounding.
Ayerst Laboratories, Franklin, Mich.-
Pharmaceutical Sales Rep. To contact
physicians, nurses, hospitals, etc. in the
Flint, Saginaw, Bay City to Straits
area. Travel approx. 30 per cent of

time. Graduate pref. At least 2 yrs. col-
lege required-pre-med., sciences, bus.
ad., etc. Must be interested in sales.
Exper. helpful.
Michigan Civil Service-Crippled Chil-
dren Commission Dir. VIII-Doctor of
Medicine degree, a MA in Public Health
& certification by the Amer. Board of
Pediatrics. Possession of a license to
practice medicine. Prefer pref. medical
Calif. State Personnel Board Exam-
Supervisor, Chemical Testing Sect., Hy-
draulic Lab. BS with major in Chem. or
Chem. Engrg. 5 yrs. exper. in chem.
analyses at least 3 of which shall have
been in the investigation & determina-
tion of the quality & usability of water
or of major indust. or construction
Protection Products, Div. of U.S. Ply-
wood Corp., Kalamazoo, Mich.-Opening
for June grad or Chemist with field
exper.to be a Chemist for Product Dev.
Dept. Will involve testing of raw ma-
terials for use in existing formulations
as well as dev. of new products. Div.'
currently markets a wide line of glues,
adhesives, finishes, etc. & majority
of work will be along these lines. Should
be strong in applied chem.
U.S. Civil Service, Detroit Arsenal-1)
Contract Specialist & 2) Procurement
Agent. For both positions a degree is
required in Bus. Ad., Mktg., Indust.
Mgmt., Law, Engrg., Econ., or .Acc't.
Plus 2 yrs. specialized exper. (MA may
be substituted for 1 yr. exper.).
Boeing Co., Seattle, Wash.--Openings
for Librarians in research & cataloging
depts., involving the servicing of the
Div. in a wide range of scientific, tech-
nical & Mgmt. fields. MS in Library
Science & if possible some prof. library
exper. A foreign language and/or some
scientific bkgd. also desirable.
Swedish Crucible Steel Co., Detroit,
Mich.-BS Mech Engnrs. having as a sec-
ond major-chemistry. For training in
the Plastics Molding Industry. Capable
of promotion to mgmt. responsibilities.
(Continued on Page 5)

Prof. Kolaja noted that this
phenomenon has come about be-
cause the Polish center of popu-
lation is moving westward, while
that of Czechoslovakia is moving
eastward, bringing the people in
the two countries closer togther.
During World War II, two mil-
lion Poles were forced to migrate;
in 1947 alone, 15 per cent of the
Polish population moved. Czecho-
slovakia underwent a migration
of some 10 per cent of its Popu-
lation, including 20 per cent of
the population of Bohemia.
In 1956 Czechoslovakia moved
4.5 per cent of its population,
while Poland relocated twice that
number. The population in both
countries is now fairly well dis-
tributed, Prof. Kolaja said.
The greatest differences between
Czechoslovakia and Poland lie in
the differences of their main cities,
Prague and Warsaw, respectively.
Warsaw is growing at a higher rate
than Prague, and Warsaw domi-
nates its whole region, while
Prague does not, Kolaja explained.
There is a serious problem in
both countries in maintaining
enough people to work on farms.
In 1950, 40 per cent of all Poles
worked in agricultural areas and
37 per cent in Czechoslovakia. In
1960 the percentages decreased to
38 and 24, respectively.
Prof. Kolaja attributes the de-
cline to the forceful collectivation
of farms. Young people who would
rather be in cities are forced to
work on Czech farms; people are
not permitted to move from one
occupation to another.
Industry in Czechoslovakia is
more evenly distributed than it
is in Poland, where one area might
be 20 times more industrialized
than another. In both countries,
though, industry is concentratedI
in western frontier regions, Kolaja

A.A. News drama critic


s qo co


Tonight and Tomorrow Night at 7 and 9
The story of "Mack the Knife"
the Threepenny Opera'
(Die Dreigroschenoper)
Music by Kurt Weill, Lyrics by Bertolt Brecht
Starring Lotte Lenya - Rudolph Forster



"Jack G. O'Brien played the rabbity Rev. Arihur
Humphry.. .with hysterical results."
"... a quick evening of plain fun that will LEAVE

... kept the Lydia
Mendelssohn stage
a n d its audience
jumping during
most of two hours
last night . .
Box Office
NO 8-6300


I -

4 SHOWS Shows 1:05-3:40-6:20-9:00
DAILY * Feature 1:30-4:00-6:45-9:25


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