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April 20, 1963 - Image 1

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Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom

VOL. LXXIII, No. 148




Hatcher Notes Principles ... ''' sjs*'


For Allocating Increase


...completes report ...press conference
Board To Offer Cudldp
ivitation for Meetings
The Regents yesterday approved Regent Donald M. D. Thurber's
suggestion that William B. Cudlip, Regent-elect, be invited to attend
meetings in preparation for his taking office in January.
They also recognized the appointment of four department chair-
men, reviewed the University's position in establishing a branch at

Se nate Sets
C onstruction
Safety Rule
By The Associated Press
Another one of George Rom-
ney's legislative goals was reached
yesterday when the Senate passed
a safety construction bill, but his
high priority Ford-Canton bill was
reported in danger.
The construction safety bill,
first in Michigan history, passed
with bipartisan support 25-1. It
was accompanied by a $147,000
appropriation to establish a five-
member Construction Safety Com-
mission. This commission will
draw up safety rules and regula-
tions for the inspection and use of
equipment subject to approval by
the legislature.
But while the safety-construc-
tion was being passed, Senate Ma-
jority Leader Stanley G. Thayer
(R-Ann Arbor) warned that the
Ford-Canton bill, of even higher
priority to Romney, "might be
lost" because of efforts by auto-
mobile companies to tighten the
jobless-pay disqualifications.
He was particularld critical of
the "big three," Ford, Chrysler
and General Motors, for their en-
dangering the bill's progress.
The bill, which establishes new
definitions on when unemploy-
ment compensation may be paid
in labor dispute,- situations, has
had several compromise versions
written. The current version, work-
ed out by Senate and House Re-
publican leaders failed to' receive.
okayal by a House Republican
caucus yesterday.
While awaiting action on the
Ford-Canton bill, Romney has two
recently-passed bills on his desk.
The first of these is a two-year
voter registration law which clear-
ed, the Senate -by a 23-10 vote
Thursday. The bill, which requires
voters to either cast ballots at
least every two years or re-register,
passed over strong Democratic
Democrats fear that the meas-
uire, replacing a four-year regis-
tration law, will cut their Detroit
electoral margins.
The second measure awaiting
the, governor's approval was the
small-loan bill, which would raise
the maximum ceiling of loans
from $500 to $1000. Romney said
yesterday that he would sign the
bill, pending further study. A last-
ditch effort to defeat it Was start-
ed yesterday by Rep. Gilbert Wales
(D-Stambaugh) who said he will
ask that the measure be recalled
on Monday. He was absent w hen
the House sent the bill to Romney
on Thursday.
Grou s Begin

Delta College and renamed the
Dearborn Center.
Prof. Richard B. Brandt of
Swarthmore College will become
the new chairman. of the philos-
ophy department beginning in
September, 1964. He was the only
new department chairman; the
others were reappointed.
Reappoint Chairmen
Prof. Warren W. Chase was re-
named chairman of wildlife man-
agement department of the nat-
ural resources school. Also, in the
natural resources school, Prof.
Karl F. Lagler will continue as
chairman of the fisheries depart-
In the English department, Prof.
Warner G. Rice retains his posi-
tion as chairman.
Executive Vice-President Mar-
vin L. Niehuss brought the Regents
up to date on the legislative status
of the University-Delta resolution
to form a branch campus at Delta.
Resolution Dead
He told them .that the resolu-
tion will probably not report out
of the Senate business committee.
However, he indicated that al-
though the deadline for approp-
riations has passed, the resolution
could conceivably report out at
any time.
Vice - President Niehuss reaf-'
firmed that there was no "deal"
between University President Har-
lan Hatcher and Sen. Frank
Beadle (R-St. Clair), chairman of
the Senate Appropriations Com-
mittee, regarding the University's
intentiois at Delta.
He said that the University will
await legislative support before
setting up a branch.
Sacrifice Opportunity
Regent Eugene B. Powerof Ann
Arbor commented that the result
of the Delta negotiations were
very "discouraging." He charged
that an opportunity to provide ex-
tended higher education was "sac-
rificed on the altar of institutional
The Dearborn Center was of-
ficially renamed the Dearborn
In other action the Regents
granted Dean James H. Robertson
a leave of absence next spring to
study factors influencing academic
The Regents are waiting recom-
mendation from the administra-
tion before taking any action re-
garding the authority of Student
Government Council to enforce the
Regents' anti-discrimination by-
law where student organizations
are concerned.

University President H a r 1 a n
Hatcher yesterday outlined the
general principles for spending the
$1.5 million increase in the state
He also said that the Regents
will probably discuss the delega-
tion of powers concerning their
non-discrimination bylaw at next
month's meeting.
At a' press conference after the
Regents meeting President Hatch-
er said that faculty salaries and
wage adjustments would be given
top priority in administering gen-
eral operating funds.
Second Priority
Some expansion relief will be
required in units which are espe-
cially crowded. Funds will prob-
ably be used to expand the literary
college's instructional facilities,
the library system and for main-
tenance of new buildings such as
the Physics - Astronomy Bldg.
which has just been turned over
to the University by the contrac-
"Maintenance will probably be
at subsistence level," since the $1.5
million increase will be "quickly
used up" by the other priority
items, the president indicated.
Concerning Student Government
Council's handling of discrimina-
tion in student organizations'
membership selection practices, he
said that the Regents need to
"spell out the nature and extent
of delegation of power and the
proper procedures for administra-
tion" of the Regental bylaw which
prohibits discrimination.
Investigates Legality
The decision will be made with
the aid and guidance of Dean Al-
lan F. Smith of the Law School,
who is investigating the legal re-
lationship between the University
and fraternities and sororities and
the delegation of Regental powers
to SGC.
Dean Smith has completed an
informal draft of his report, but
it has not been "finalized" yet.
President Hatcher stressed that
the "objectives are not in question.
The Regents share the . concern
for maintaining free, open and un-
biased associations of students on
this campus, which includes the
right of any organization to se-
lect freely their members without
dictation from outside or national
The objective is that there be
no discrimination based on race,
color or creed, he commented.
Also at the conference, Regent
Donald M. D. Thurber of Grosse
Pointe said that his suggestion to
invite Regent-elect William B.
Cudlip to subsequent Regents
meetings did not imply that he
had decided against asking for a
recount. The Democratic State
Central Committee will probably
decide whether to contest the close
election in which Cudlip edged out
Thurber on Sunday.
Director of University Relations
Michael Radock indicated that
President Hatcher intends to hold
more regular press conferences
whenever he deems them advisable.
Castro Fears
U.S. motives
KEY WEST (')-Prime Minister
Fidel Castro said last night Soviet
rockets were sent to his island be-
cause he knew Dr. Jose Miro Car-
dona and President John F. Ken-
nedy were planning a second in-
vasion of Cuba.
Miro resigned Thursday as
president of the Cuban Revolu-
tionary Council with an accusa-
tion that Kennedy went back on
his promise of another invasion.
He said the steps decided upon
"related to the strengthening of
our armed forces and the sending
of strategic projectiles to our
The United States state depart-
ment has described Miro's charges
as "highly inaccurate and distort-



University rocketers scored an
historic space first Thursday, fir-
ing a rocket within 25 miles of
the Explorer 17 satellite.
The rocket was shot from Wal-
lups Island under the direction of
George Carignan, director of the
Space Physics Research Labora-
tory, and Nelson W. Spencer, the
National Aeronautics and Space
'Administration director and form-
er director of the University lab-

The experiment was significant,
not only for its accurary, but be-
cause it provided a concurrent
vertical and horizontal profile of
the upper atmosphere and per-
mitted a "cross check" of satel-
lite and rocket measuring devises,
Prof. William G. Dow, chairman
of the electrical engineering de-
partment, explained.
Less Experience
"We have had a lot of exper-
ience with measuring instruments

on rockets, and know these well
and understand them. We have
had less experience with satel-
lites. So in a sense, we get an in-
flight calibration of the satellite's
instruments," Prof. Dow noted.
The rocket was launched short-
ly after 4 p.m. Thursday and was
timed within 10 seconds to come
close to the passing satellite in
the lower part of its orbit. It
met the satellite 180 miles up,
coming within 25 miles.

Prof. Dow stressed the closeness
of the approach. He indicated that
it had virtually been at the same
place and time in space with the
Particle Density
Satellite carrying instruments
to measure the composition, tem-
perature and density of particles
in the upper atmosphere was
launched April 2 and varies from
150 to 520 miles high in its orbit.

It carries several University de-
signed experiments aboard.
The rocket's instruments meas-
ured the temperature of electrons
and the density of nitrogen in the
Stressing the amount of data
gathered by Explorer 17 and this
particular experiment, Prof. Dow
said that there will be probably
no similar University rocket shots
in the near future.

'U' ROCKETERS-This rocket was fired from Wallups Island Thursday. The vehicle came within 25 miles of the Explorer 17
pices of the University and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

Regents Reveal Expansion





-University News Service
satellite, and was fired under the joint aus-
Miss ile


'To Sponsor
On Tropics
To Offer Courses
At San Jose Site
The Regents adopted plans for
University participation in a trop-
ical studies center yesterday.
The center, to be operated by
the University and several Ameri-
can universities, will be located at
the University of Costa Rica. It
will begin teaching courses in
tropical biology and hopes to ex-
pand into economics, sociology,
anthropology and regional lan-
The center will use the facilities
of the University of Costa Rica at
San Jose until it obtains enough
funds to build its classroom-office-
laboratory structure.
Most Central
Dean Stephen H. Spurr of the
natural resources school, a Uni-
versity representative on the board
of directors, said that the loca-
tion was picked as the best and
most central place to place a gen-
eral education facility in Central
He said that when the support-
ing universities met last fall,. the
original idea of a tropical studies
station was broadened to include
both teaching and researcU in
tropical subjects.
"What we seek is not just a
biological station, but a general
education facility for both Anglo-
Americans ane Latin Americans
to provide courses best taught in
the tropics," Spurr explained.
First Course
Courses will eventually be taught
in both English and Spanish al-
though the first course will be
taught only in English.
Harvard, Southern California,
Washington, Florida and Miami
universities, the Associated Col-
leges of the Midwest and the New
York Botanical Gardens are also
sponsoring organizations.

-University News Service
PROPOSED NEW RESEARCH FACILITY-The photographed model reveals an architect's concept
of where the initial expansion on North Campus will occur. The 200,000 sq. ft. rare metal research
facility will be built by the Climax Molybdenum Co. of Detroit.
Pathet Lao Resumes Fighting

Sell Acreage
For Building
Metals Lab
Board Approves
Transfer of Land
For U.S. Faeilities
A major expansion of the Ann
Arbor area research capacity was
announced at yesterday's Regents'
The Regents approved the sale
of 30 acres of North Campus land
to the Climax Molybdenum Com-
pany of Detroit to build a 200,000
sq. ft, rare-metal research facility
and the transfer of 13 acres to the
federal government fisheries and
water pollution control labora-
tories at the eastern end of North
Campus. ,
The University also announced
the establishment of a laboratory
to research industrial systems.
Strengthen Potential
The new facilities "are going to
strengthen the economic and re-
search potential of the area. Ann
Arbor is reaching a breakthrough
in research industry. It is nearer
to that goal than the University
had ever hoped," University Presi-
dent Harlan Hatcher declared.
"Its impact is significant. It
demonstrates that there is more
dynamic activity in Ann Arbor
than any other area of the state."'
The rare-metals facility will be
located on Plymouth Rd., between
the Parke-Davis Corp and Bendix
Corp. research facilities. The first
unit will encompass 53,000 sq. ft.
and employ an estimated 100
scientists and an undetermined
number of technicians.
Current Research
The new structure will expand
its current research activities in
Detroit where approximately 60-
70 researchers now work "in
crowded conditions," Vice-Presi-
dent for Business and Finance
Wilbur K. Pierpont told the Re-
"This is another example of the
University's drawing power. The
firm had been invited elsewhere
including the West Coast and had
gotten some good inducements, in-
cluding free land," he added.
The company, Pierpont said, will
eventually center its research ac-
tivities at the North Campus site,
Close Association
"Location of the Climax re-
search laboratory on North Cam-
pus will bea real benefit to both
students and faculty. Members of
the faculty have been familiar
with the company's research pro-
gram for many years. The closer
anoiation nf the University's in-

VIENtANE (P) - Pathet Lao
pro-Communist forces estimated
10,000 strong began a drive yester-
day to crush the 5000 neutralist
troops surrounded in the strategic
Plaine des Jarres.I
. Theattack wasnannounced by
a spokesman for neutralist Pre-
mier Prince Souvanna Phouma,
who called on Britain and the So-
viet Union to take the lead in
ending the conflict.
The spokesman gave this pic-
ture of the grave situation in east-
central Laos 110 miles north of
this capital:
Pathet Lao
Moving from 'the mountain tops
and through the passes of the
Eastern highlands the Pathet Lao

knocked out the last garrison neu-
tralist Gen. Kong Le had posted
at Phong Savan outside the per-
imeter of the six-mile-long pla-
See related story, Page 3
Then they laid down artillery
barrages that forced abandonment
of the principal airstrip and be-
gan closing in on the Plaine.
Kong Le had established his
headquarters in a wooden hut near
the airstrip. There were reports
that his whereabouts became un-
known during the afternoon.
Air Strip
It was believed the only air link
Kong Le now has with Vientiane is
an auxiliary air strip near Moung
Pan,3 miles to the north of his
Kong Le had furnished the 10,-
000 estimate of Pathet Lao
strength. An estimated, 250 dissi-
dent neutralist troops, commanded
by Col. Deuane, former aid to
Kong Le, was fighting alongside
the Pathet Lao.
Informed military sources said
Kong Le's troops have ammunition
for their Russian weapons to last
them two or three days in any
showdown battle.
The spokesman for Souvanna

Only Thursday s o u v a n n a,
speaking at a religious ceremony,
turned against his former Pathet
Lao allies and accused them of fol-
lowing a pattern of conquest that
would push Laos to the brink of.
new civil war.
Officials Move
To Halt Hazers
In Fraternities
By The Associated Press
EUGENE-After months of in-
vestigation of fraternity initiation
practices, University of Oregon
President Arthur Flemming has
issued an ultimatum to campus
fraternities: they must abandon
all hazing or be eliminated from
the college community..
He indicated that henceforth
university officials would tolerate
not the slightest deviation from
their rules against hazing, a term
which includes paddling, mental
or physical "abuses" or any other
He stated that the most im-
portant objective of fraternities
must be, "to make the maximum

McRae Links Race Bias with Capitalism
H .

"Racial segregation came as a
result of the growth of capital-
ism," Leroy McRae, organizational
secretary of the Young Socialist
Alliance, said recently.
In pointing out some of the al-
leged misconceptions about Civil

begun to fight in effective ways
for their civil rights. He ^alled
non-violence (a tactic used by or-
ganizations such as Student Non-
Violent Co-Ordinating Commit-
tee), one of the most effective
integration techniques ever used.
McRae claimed that the only

gle for civil rights through the
various action groups in the coun-
try which fight social and eco-
nomic structures perpetuating in-
tegration. In the day-to-day fight,
McRae said, it is necessary for
leadership to become largely
Negro, with the so-called "white


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