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April 18, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-04-18

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TWO Y .d.


a .THIISnA .,. uA S4UAA S1!t_


i1.Iu"O",Sx, tlrnil. 18, 1. fbS


?inds Halt in London Reform

Sailing Season Begins

"Although individual citizens of
London remain silent on the issue
of governments reform, I have been
assured that every single citizen,
indeed every animal of London,
opposes any change in the exist-
ing 'utopian' way of life," Prof.
William Robson of the London
School of Economics and Political
Science said recently.
He addressed the Political
Science Grad Round Table on
"Reform of Greater London Gov-
Problems in London are similar
to problems in other world metro-
polises: transportation, housing,
education, water supply, sewage
disposal, health, welfare, traffic,
and many others. These have

never been satisfactorily solved
anywhere, he declared.
Large Population
About 8.75 million people inha-
bit greater London. This is one-
sixth of the United Kingdom's
total population.
Controlling the elephantine size
of cities and planning their de-
velopment is becoming more and
more difficult as metropolitan
communities are outgrowing their
present administrations. The 1889
government under which London
operates is especially obsolete, he
A study of the metropolitan
situation was entrusted to a royal
commission, the members of which
were not very well acquainted with
local government, Prof. Robson
said. No research staff or funds

Robson Feels French Veto
Promlpted by Fear of U.S.

French President Charles de
Gaulle feared Great Britain would
be the "Trojan horse" by which
the United States would be brought
into the European Economic Com-
munity, Prof. William Robson of
the London School of Economics,
and Political Science said yester-
Speaking at a political science
round table, he explained that
when de Gaulle vetoed the British

application for entry into the Com-
mon Market, his action "was di-
rected as much against the Unit-
ed States as it was against the
United Kingdom."
De Gaulle has worried about the
oversupply of United States private
capital investments in WesternEu-
rope and at the time of the veto
was particularly motivated by his
"vexation at the Nassau agree-
ments conducted between the
United States and Britain," Prof.
Robson said.
Beyond its United States tie, de
Gaulle found Britain objectionable
because of its other international
interests. The British have a
strong "sentimental attachment"
to their Commonwealth nations
and an interest in the African-
Asian movement, he noted.
De Gaulle realized that "no Brit-
ish government would enter the
Common Market unless it were free
to exert full pressure and influ-
ence on these interests outside of
Europe," he said.
Prof. Robson pointed out that
Britain had other basic differences
stemming from its geographic po-
sition and its status in World War
II of being neither defeated nor
occupied. There were also practi-
cal details, such as Britain's sub-
sidized agricultural policies and
its attachments to the European
Free Trade Association, which de
Gaulle found unfeasible.
Mixed Public Opinion
Despite these numerous compli-
cations and the mixed public and
party sentiment in Britain itself
as to the advantages of entering
the Common Market, the govern-
ment decided to push, for member-
ship, Prof. Robson said.
Prof. Robson suggested that in
its bid for entry Britain was re-
sponding to the overall needs
which have prompted the Euro-
pean unification movement since
the war. These included the de-
sire "to create a large political,
economic and social unit parallel
in power and prestige to the Unit-
ed States and the Soviet Union,"
he noted.

were available to the commission,
and it was obliged to invite biased
testimony from interested parties.
Sir Adrain Herbert led a drive
for objective testimony by carry-
ing on independent investigations
and by appealing to university
scholars. Prof. Robson chaired a
London School of Economics com-
mission, which made several pro-
posals to the royal commission.
The Herbert report urged the
need for the central government
taking over some of the larger
functions, such as establishing
special districts, consultation
among local governments, and
local authority of wider scope. The
report recommended that the
directly-elected Greater London
Council be responsible for planning
and administrative services and
that everything else be entrusted
to a second tier of local authority
-London boroughs.
As a result of these studies,
greater London has been divided
into 32 districts, each containing
170,000 to 340,000 persons. The
Greater London Council will be
responsible for highways, fire bri-
gades, garbage collection and dis-
posal, water supply, sewage dis-
posal and traffic management.
Boroughs are to be concerned
with housing, welfare, health, li-
braries, and food and drug regu-
Implementation of the reforms
has been opposed by almost every-
one-teachers, architects, social
workers, doctors, and nearly all
local governments.
Is Left' Right?
Prof. Robson warned that "when
speaking of government reforms,
the words 'left' and 'right' are
meaningless. The 'left' labor
party opposes the plans for reform,
while the conservatives favor radi-
cal change." For the most part,
the opposition is unwilling to see
boundaries of boroughs change be-
cause of their historical signifi-
Educator Cites
Training Need
Future college deans and presi-
dents should receive formal train-
ing for their jobs, Prof. John S.
Brubacher of the education school
said recently.
"Fortunately, the tools are at
hand. The University, with its
faculty of public administration,
the Institute for Social Research,
to say nothing of the Center for
the Study of Higher Education,
has shown itself alert to this ave-
nue of development."
Prof. Brubacher notes that most
college and university administra-
tors were formerly professors.
Thus, they were trained to do re-
search, not administration. Any
training in administration came
through experience.
This is the way doctors learned
medicine a century ago, Prof. Bru-
bacher said. Medicine would never
have achieved a high position in
the professions if it had continued
at this level of training.
Prof. Brubacher advocates the
same step for college administra-
tion. It must develop a theory and
train administrators formally.

Fish Sound's
"Sounds are extremely impor-
tant in the lives of some fishes.
Each species has its own language,
so to speak," Prof. John E. Bar-
dach of the natural resources
school said recently.
Prof. Bardach explained further
that purposeful sounds ;made by
fish and some other underwater
creatures probably could mean
"Come here, I love you," or "go
away, I hate you."
Research has established that
a few reef fishes can hear sounds
ranging as high as 13,000 cycles
per second-better than some hu-
mans. "Fish sounds aren't as wide
in range as the communications
among some other animals, cer-
tainly not as wide as in'humans,
but in some species serve as a
system of communication."
"Each sound has a very specific
meaning. In some darters and
minnows, for instance, it is nec-
essary for the male to emit a cer-
tain sound before courtship can
go to its completion--the 'I love
you' sound."







SAILING CLUB-Member completes deck fastening on a Jet-14
Class Sailboat in the basement of the SAB, prior to the start of
the Spring season. The Sailing Club owns ten such boats. The
public is welcomed to the club's open meeting at 7:45 p.m.
tonight in the Michigan Union Ballroom.
McCracken Asks Business
To Support .Federal Tax Cut


..'Trojan horse'
"The Idea of Michigan," the!
University's prize-winning docu-
mentary film, has been nominated
for a blue ribbon award in the an-'
nual American Film Festival.
The festival will be held next
month in New York City and is
sponsored by the Education Film
Library Association.

The business community should
give its support to the Kennedy
administration's program for a re-
duction in federal taxes, Prof. Paul
A. McCracken of the .economics
department said yesterday.
Prof. McCracken told a retailers
conference meeting that President
John F. Kennedy had taken a
"wise position" in urging tax re-
duction as more important than
tax reform.
"The businessdcommunity should
now get behind a broad tax re-
duction program, resisting the
temptation to keep shooting at the
ill-fated 'reform' measures that
are by now probably dead," he
Offer Exams
On Classics
The third annual Phillips Classi-
cal Prize Examination in Latin
and Greek will be administered to
36 contestants at 7 p.m. tonight
in Rm. 25 Angell Hall.
The examination is financed by
a bequest from Henry Phillips giv-
en years ago to stimulate inter-
est in classical studies. Originally
used for scholarships, for ;which
it is now insufficient, the be-
quest is now used for freshmen
and sophomores.
Exams in beginning and inter-
mediate Greek and Latin will be
offered, including such exercises
as sight translation and interpre-
The seven prizes will consist of
two books, valued at approximately
$25 and probably including the
Oxford Classical Dictionary, each
with the Phillips inscribed book-

There are persuasive reasons for
a more optimistic view in business,
he explained.
"First, there has been a broad-
based improvement of business
conditions since February. Retail
sales are up. There was a good
gain in employment. And indus-
trial production even moved a
little. Auto sales continue in the
7.5 million zone.
"Second, indicators of future
businessare encouraging. Busi-
ness expenditures on new facilities,
after a fourth-quarter dip, should
rise about six per cent during the
year. Government outlays will rise
$8-10 billion. Consumer sentiment
is solid, and buying intentions
look strong," he continued.
If the current business indica-
tors are taken at face value, the
Gross National Product should be
at the rate of $590 billion by the
end of the year, a five per cent
rise from the $564 million rate that
prevailed at the close of last year.
Nevertheless, there are two per-
suasive considerations that con-
tinue to make tax action desirable,
Prof. McCracken explained.
"First, . failure to get tax re-
duction in this session of the Con-
gress, after the broad support that
has developed, could have an ad-
verse effect on sentiment.

"Your Styling",
Of the
Hair has to be
more than just 42
a tre n d . It m u stineninltt h s a o
f it th e season . s a s w o g v
IPersonality and stars who give $
es iryed f-the performances
fect hove to be of their lives
r"" ,.ktaken into con-
sideration be -
fore the correct
hairline, type of hair, body.of hair, TW O W EEKS ONLY!
height of the person and best fea-I:00p.m., 4:30 8:00 p.m
tures of the face must be con-3 Performances daily :3p0.p~m,
sidered along with the face'classi- ,
fication. Your hair style frames nZM
your face and must seem to be a DARRYL F ZANUCCS
part of you. Enhance your looks {
with a lovely new hairdo.
wLet us adapt one of the current
hair styles to suit your personality.
It takes the care and efficiency of :,.:.
a top stylist to do it right. DAY
m ar~llyn %I 7/arY SCHEDULE OF PRICES:
Matinees til 5 p.m. $1.00
HAIR STYLiSTS Evenings & Sunday All Day $1.50
548 Church Street, Ann Arbor Wu:Box Office
NO 2-3055 blvyhs.r Opens Dial
HURON TOWERS saved the lives Daily at 2-6264
663-8155 '.of 67 men 12:45 p.m.
Gift Certificates Available I



Dial 5-6290

dof 3 Academy Awards!
including BEST ACTOR


The Daily Official Bulletin is an 4:00 p.m. Cent
official publication of The Univer- Solomon B. Lev
sity of Michigan for which The Massachusetts I
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial "Labor and Poli
responsibility. Notices should be ference Room, R
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building Applied Math
before 2 p.m. two days preceding R. F. Millar, of1
publication. Royal Military C
will speak on
THURSDAY, APRIL 18 Wave by a Semi
bitrary Element
Room 246 W. En
Day . a endar Refreshments
3:30 p.m.-Baseball*-U-M vs. Eastern Engrg. at 3:30p
Michigan University: Ferry Field. Mathematics1
4:05 p.m.-Arnold -Air Society Film- 8:00 p.m. in A
"Catch a Falling Star" and "The Man Aksell Wiin-Nie
Behind the Badge": Multipurpose National Center
Room, Undergrad. Lib- search, Boulder
4:15 p.m.-Deit. of. Political Science from Denmark,
Colloquium - Prof. Jacques Freyrond, matical Problem
Director, Institut Universitair des (Contin
Hautes Etudes Internationales, Geneva,
Switzerland, "The European Neutrals in
the Atlantic Community:" Aud. C, An-
gell Hall.
4:15 and 8:15 p.m. - Old Testament
Studies-Judah Goldin, Prof. of Jewish W
Studies, Yale Univ., "On Coming Into
Contact with the Greeks": Aud. C, An-
gelI Hall, 4:15 p.m. "The Midrash: The
Way to! Interpret with Daring and_0
Truth:" B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation,
8:15 p.m.
7:00 and 9:00 p.m. -Cinema Guild*-,
Sidney Poitier, Ruby Dee and Claudia W E
McNeal in "Raisin in the Sun": Archi-
tecture Aud.
4:10 p.m.-The Dept. of Speech Stu- APR
dent Lab. Theatre, presents Eugene
lonesco's "The Chairs" in Truebood
Aud., Frieze Building. Admission Free.
t _

er for Japanese Students
ine, Prof. of Economics,
nstitute of Technology,
tics in Japan": W. Con-
Rackham Bldg.
hematics Seminar: Dr.
the, Mathematics Dept.,
College, Ontario, Canada,
"Scattering of a Plane
i-infinite Grating of Ar-
ts" today at 4:00 p.m. in
will be in Room 350 W.
Club: Meets today at
ud. C Angell Hall. Dr.
elsen, presently at the
r for Atmospheric Re-
r, Colo., and originally
wil speak on "Mathe-
is in Meteorology."
nued on Page 8)

r -Time Magazine
S 8.



KEIR DULLEA est Actor :
HOWARD DA SILVA in Film Festival
eDAVID & LISA" "Best New Director!"
Produced by PAUL HELLER -Venice Film Festival
Directed by FRANK PERRY
A Continental Distributing Corp.
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Wafter ReadeeStorhing op



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