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Fair and cool
with showers Friday
Years of Editorial Freedom
Bill on Education Progresses
Special To The Daily
LANSING-The House yester-
day sent the higher education ap-
'propriations bill, including the
University allotment, to third
reading without much debate or
Rep. Arnell Engstrom (R-Trav-
erse City), chairman of the House
Com ittee on Wayns and Means,
explained that his committee had
added $200,000 to the appropria-
tions for Michigan. State Univer-
sity's extension and research serv-
ices.: This is a fraction of the
$386,000 that had been deleted by
the Senate. The total MSU appro-
priation is now $32.2 million.
The appropriations bill remain-
ed completely unchanged and,
thus, the University figure stayed
at $38.2 million.
No Amendment
Rep. E. D. O'Brien (D-Detroit)
questioned Engstrom on the addi-
tion to the MSU figure but failed
to enter an amendment to delete
the figure.
The House also sent the mental
hygiene appropriations bill to
third reading after heated dis-
cussion and defeated a move to
discharge the civil rights commi -
sion bill from the House Commit-
tee on State Affairs.
Rep. Lloyd Anderson (R-Pon-
tiac) tried and failed to amend a'
bill requiring the transporting of
nonpublic school children to school
if public school children have
Neutralist Troops Fall Back
In Laos Highland Fighting
VIENTIANE (P)-Laos was plunged into the cold war again
yesterday as outnumbered neutralist troops fell back before pro-
Communist forces that bottled them up in the Laotian highlands.
Peking radio accused 'the United States of resorting to terrorism
and bribery in a prelude to intervention in Laos. The Chinese Com-
munists had the support of Moscow, which chimed in with charges
the United States is seeking to
Panty Raid
Students participating in
panty raids will face severe en-
forcement of University regula-
tions, according to a recent
statement from Joint Judiciary
Violations not only apply to
students in the raid, but to
"male and female residents in
the Residence Halls" who take
part. Current lax enforcement
inside the women's dormitories
will be strengthened, Joint
Judic Chairman Lawrence
Schwartz, '63, explained.
Punishments include fines,
social probation for women, and
possible expulsion from the
University in case of the dam-
age of property.
Joint Judic's authority comes
from the University regulation
stating that "No student shall
be involved in inciting, leading,
or participating in student riots
or raids which could result in
injury to persons, destruction
of property, or violation of a
University regulation,-state law
or city ordinance.'
Panty raids are considered as
unauthorized demonstrations in
these categories.
Schwartz cited incidents in
the last few raids in which wo-
men not following regulations
in Alice Lloyd Hall were punish-
ed, but all violations in Mary
Markley were ignored.
Schwartz explained that how-
ever small the number of stu-
dents brought before Joint Ju-
dic charged with taking part in
a raid, the defense that many
others took part will not be con-
sidered a valid excuse.
To Organize
Protest Action
Against Stores
NEW YORK (AP) - Combined
forces of big labor unions and
major Negro groups were marshal-
led yesterday} for a nationwide
boycott campaign against four
dime-store chains to protest seg-
regation policies in Birmingham,
The plans disclosed here called
for picketing this Saturday of
stores" of the four companies by
25 organizations in all 50 states.
"This will be the start of a na-
tional boycott campaign, asking
all people of good will not to buy
in these stores until the Birming-
ham stores are desegregated," a
union spokesman said.
Tell Plans
David Livingston, the spokes-
man, said the boycott appeal
would stay in effect, and other
nation-wide demonstrations would
be held from "time to time" until
"the Birmingham situation is
The stores are those of F. W.
bribe the neutralists and turn the
Southeast Asia kingdom "into an-
other Congo."
The British labeled the Com-
munists the primary troublemaker
in Laos. A foreign office statement
said the Chinese Reds were using
anti-United States charges as a
smokescreen for intervention by
Communist North Viet Nam.
The British accused the Pathet
Lao of blocking investigations by
the three-man international con-
trol commission into the fighting
threatening to plunge Laos into
a new civil war. The Pathet Lao
has rejected a Western proposal to
put permanent teams in the
trouble zone.
The commission was given spe-
cial powers by the 1962 Geneva
conference to carry out the guar-
antee, of neutrality for Laos and
its isolation from the cold war.
But the angry words from various
capitals indicated a lack of suc-
The neutralist forces of Gen.
Kong Le were reported to have
fallen back almost entirely to the
strategic Plaine des Jarres in the
East Central Highlands.
About 5,000 neutralist soldiers
were encircled by larger pro-
Communist Pathet Lao and dissi-
dent neutralist forces in the hills
surrounding - the six-mile-long
plateau 115 miles northeast of
Neutralist sources said Kong Le's
troops lost Ban Ban, about 25
miles northeast of the plateau.
This could not be confirmed of-
ficially because government offices
were closed for the extended Lao-
tion new year holiday. The neu-
tralists had a 150-man garrison at
Ban Ban.
The neutralists were routed the
day before from Dong Danh and
Ban Kosi, their last outposts on
the main dirt road between the
Plaine des Jarres and the provin-
cial capital of Xieng Khouang east
of the plateau.
Informants returning from the
area said about 100 of Kong Le's
troops and three tanks made their
way through jungle paths to the
Plaine. Three neutralists were re-
ported killed, two wounded and
six missing.
A neutralist garrison at Phon'
Savan, nine miles northeast of
the Plaine, was said to be sur-
rounded by the Pathet Lao.
transportation. Anderson moved to
add an amendment to the bill
which would allow school districts
to charge not more than ten
cents per ride for every child on a
public school bus. The charge
would be fixed at the discretion
of the local school board.
Parliamentary Debate
After a parliamentary haggle,
Anderson withdrew his motion but
then attempted to enter the
amendment in the House journal
in order to "notify the citizens of
Michigan." Again, a parliamentary
question caused a fairly lengthy
discussion and Anderson withdrew
his comments.
The motion to discharge the civ-
il rights bill fell many votes short.
The vote was 44-46; 74 votes are
needed for discharge.
Rep. Robert Waldron (R-Grosse
Pointe) objected that the items
covered in the bill would be in-
cluded in the new constitution, and
therefore the bill in question was
Rights Commission
This bill provides for the es-
tablishment of a civil rights com-
mission and would ban discrimina-
...APA resolution
tion in housing and real estate.
This is aimed at replacing the re-
cently voided Rule Nine.
In the discussion on the mental
hygiene appropriation, Democrats
noted that the House Committee
on Ways and Means had deleted
$52,000 from the Senate total for
the University mental health serv-
ices. Rep. Alexander Petri (D-
Ecorse) claimed that there was no
justification for the deletion be-
cause the units involved could not
transfer any available money from
one area to another.
R e p u b1i c a n representatives
pointed out that the total appro-
priation for mental hygiene had
been increased from last year. Rep.
Harold W. Hungerford (R-Lans-
ing) noted that the $52,000 was
"inadvertently" put into the Sen-
ate appropriation but is unneces-
sary because the Veterans Read-
justment Center had been phased
out and transferred to the Grand
Rapids Veterans Hospital.
No Decrease
Therefore, Hungerford said, the
total money involved has not de-
creased. Petri then withdrew his
motion to consider this part of the
appropriation separately and the
House voted to send the bill to
third reading.
In other action, Rep. Gilbert+
Bursley (R-Ann Arbor) introduc-
ed a resolution to congratulate
the University's Professional The-1
atre Program. The resolution says+
that the University has "taken the
lead in a new national movement
to. return the best professionally
presented drama to the nation un-
der non-commercial auspices." I
Bursley is asking that the House
congratulate the PTP for "its con-,
tributions to the educational and<
cultural growth of Michigan and
its citizens."f
. .. responsibility
Fisk Views
"Engineering must be more than
applied science," Dr. James B.
Fisk, president of Bell Telephone
Laboratories, said yesterday.
Speaking at the second annual
Engineering Convocation, he talk-,j
ed on "The Responsible Engineer."
Following his talk, he was award-
ed an honorary Doctor of Engi-
neering degree by University Pres-
ident Harlan Hatcher.
Fisk used the development of
the Telstar satellite by Bell to
illustrate his topic. Work on this
project began in 1955, and in-
volved the skills of engineers of
all branches, before it was launch-
ed in July, 1962.
Engineering is changing, he
pointed out, and, as a result, the
responsibilities of the engineer'
are increasing too. In addition to
solving problems, the engineer of
the future must be able to com-
municate his results to others
and to instruct his juniors.
"We have in our grasp today
qn almost limitless capacity to
change the material conditions of
our society," he said. But the "re-
sponsible" engineer should never
countenance a shoddy solution to
an important problem.
The convocation is held to rec-
ognize outstanding achievements
in the field of engineering. This
year 33 students were given
awards. Outstanding achievement
awards were given on a basis of
"distinguished scholarship, exem-
plary character, leadership and
potentiality for success."
Residence Hall
Forms Ready
Applications are now available
in Rm. 3011 SAB for the new co-
educational residence halls which
open next fall, the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs announced yesterday.
The OSA pointed out that un-
dergraduates not presently in resi-
dence halls may apply, as well as
those now in. the system. "The op-
portunities for informal contact
between men and women in the
co-ed units may interest some
students who previously left the
residence hall system," Robert Le-
vine, '63, co-chairman of the co-ed
housing study committee, com-
Some openings for men and wo-
men remain in Mary Markley Hall,
although South Quadrangle, the
second co-ed hall, .is full, Levine
Eillis R~a, AAtA ar dAQrec-
tor, will return. The inner group
of this year's APA troupe, includ-
ing Will Geer, is also expected
back, pending final contract set-
Repertory Systemj
The fall festival will feature a
full repertory system, similar to
that of the Old Vic, the Comedie
Francaise, the Stratford Festivals,
Minneapolis' T y r o n e Guthrie
Theatre and the new Lincoln Cen-
ter Repertory Theatre in New
"Repertory aids the actor toI
keep his work fresh, and gives
the audience a wider choice of
dates by keeping the plays avail-
able for a longer period," Prof.
Schnitzer said..
The plays will be chosen from
"the best of classic and contem-
porary repertory." Authors now
under consideration i n c 1u d e
Shakespeare, Shaw, Moliere, An-
ouih, Giradoux, Fry, Hellman,
Williams and Miller.
Members Get Priority
Current APA members will be
given priority in renewing sub-
scriptions during next week and
selecting seat locations and dates.
In its first year as the Univer-
sity's first resident theatre com-
pany, the APA played sold-out
productions to 60,000 viewers, of
whom nearly 60 per cent were
University students and 3500 were
The troupe this year also pre-
sented a spring Shakespeare fes-
tival, which was sold-out in ad-
vance. This was presented as a
special program in honor of the
400th anniversary of Shakespeare's
birth, as the APA hopes possibly
to perform in New York next
In its fall festival, the APA
sold-out completely for "School
for Scandal," "Ghosts" and "The
Tavern." Its other two shows were
"Penny for a Song" and the ex-
perimental "We Comrades Three."
In the Shakespeare Festival, the
cast presented "A Midsummer
Night's Dream," "Merchant of
Venice" and "Richard II."
reParcel Post
WASHINGTON (A')-Postmaster
General J. Edward Day yesterday
raised the possibility that his de-
partment may have to shut down
its parcel post service July 1.
This intimation, which he had
not voiced before, was in testimony
before a Senate appropriations
subcommittee in which Day
strongly urged restoration of $92
million cut out of his budget by
the House.
Day also noted that it may be
necessary to suspend Saturday
mail deliveries, hold service to only
those buildings in areas where
service is now in existence and
cut back the department's re-
search and development programs
unless the needed fundspare re-
Day won some sympathy from
subcommittee members but also
met skepticism that any substan-
tial part of the money would be
put back.
Chairman A. Willis Robertson
(D-Va) said he certainly opposes
suspension of Saturday deliveries,
and he agreed with Day that the
$92 million cut was the largest
ever imposed on the Post Office
But he said the House nearly al-
ways had voted some reductions
in the past and that the Senate
had restored only about half of
Cites Past
Then, he went on, about half
of the restoration has been lost in
Senate-House conference, so that
the final outcome usually has been
to put back about one-fourth of
the House cut.
And Robertson pointed out that
it took four months of wrangling
in conference between members of
his subcommittee and their House
counterparts to get even this much
restored in 1962.
... to return
Canvassers Deadlock
APA Announces Fall Return Of Document
The Association of Producing Artists will return next fall for an
extended season of nine weeks of full repertory theatre; Prof. Robert
C. Schnitzer of the speech department, executive director of the Democrats Walk Out
Professional Theatre Program, announced yesterday. Of Board Meeting;
The fall festival of four major productions will run from Oct. 7 Ref tifi
o Dec. 15 in Trueblood Aud., four weeks more than this year's fes- _:s:"::r...
ival. The APA will then tour theBE
tate for two weeks under Univer- *
ity sponsorship. :>/f>jrg,": City Editor
TliThA ii ir l e : A =A -and WILLIAM BENOIT
'NAS :
Birth Rate
By The Associated Press
Academy of Sciences called yester-
day for an international effort to
cope with the world's "uncontrol-
led population growth."
"Other than the search for
lasting peace, no problem is more
urgent," the organization of scien-
tists and engineers said.
Meanwhile, in New York, the
Ford Foundation announced 2.8
million in grants to help under-
developed nations stem their rapid
population - growth rates. The
funds will go to research and
training in family-planning and
reproductive biology.
Population To Double
Citing growth rates that will
double the earth's population by
the year 2000, the Academy's re-
port asked that "responsible groups
in the social, economic and scien-
tific communities' of nations with
acute population problems join
with them in seeking solutions.
The Academy recommended "a
common effort to disseminate
present knowledge on population
problems, family planning, and re-
lated bio-medical matters-and to
initiate programs of research that
will advance our knowledge in
these fields."
"Any comprehensive program for
solving population problems must
seek to enhance motivation and
also to improve procedures for
voluntary control of fertility.''
"All nations," the document
said, "are committed to achieving
a higher standard of living for
their people-adequate food, good
health, literacy, education and
gainful employment. These are
the goals of millions now living
in privation.
"An important barrier to the
achievement of these goals is the
current r a t e of population
Explains Problem
The report called population
growth "an important barrier"
which "imposes a heavy burden
on all efforts to improve human
"Moreover, since we live in an
interconnected world, it is an in-
ternational problem from which
no one can escape."
Though the population explo-
sion's greatest impact is in the
underdeveloped nations, "even in
the wealthier nations many in-
dividuals and families experience
misery and unhappiness because
of the birth of unwanted child-
ren," the report added.
Pakistan Project'
Population grants constitute'
over half of the $53 million in'
national-assistance grants Ford
announced yesterday. The biggest
single amount, $975,000, will help
in setting. n 3 .00l hirth-onntrnl
Special To The Daily
LANSING-Two members of the
four-man Board of State Can-
vassers yesterday refused to ratify
the passage of the new state Con-
stitution, thus temporarily dead-
locking its status.
Chairman David Lebenbom and
Mrs. Ester Waite, both Democrats,
walked out on the marathon meet-
ing yesterday rather than approve
the figures from the biennial
spring election April 1.
The, Republican members of the
board, determined to force action
in the matter, would not recess or
adjourn the session until the Con-
stitution was passed upon, so the
Democrats finally walked out.
How Permanent?
There has as yet been no indica-
tion whether the Democrats in-
tend to deadlock the canvass per-
manently; but in the event they
do, the decision in the matter
would be put to the state Supreme
Court, which is presently control-
led by the Democrats, 5-3.
Lebenbom and Mrs. Waite In-
sisted the board await a decision
from the State Supreme Court
a suit filed to hold up certifica-
tion of April 1 voting on the con-
The suit, filed by Detroit lawyer
Melvin Nord, a constitutional dele-
gate, seeks an injunction to pre-
vent approval by the board of the
Gov. George Romney said today
that as far as he was concerned
"the vote was legal and there is
no possible reason for the delay."
Await Next Meeting
Robert . Montgomery, secretary
of the board by virtue of his post
as director of elections, noted that
the board is now in a state of
"suspended animation," and will
probably not meet again until At-
torney General Frank Kelley files
a brief, in answer to Nord's.
Solicitor General Robert Deren-
goski, who is preparing Kelley's
brief, said it will probably be
ready for the court today.
Derengoski informed the board
today that a decision from the
court could be expected "in a
few days."
Lauds Democrats
"I feel the Democrats were sin-
cere in their action;" Montgomery
Zolton Ferency, chairman of the
Democratic State Central Commit-
tee, maintained the members who
walked out only sought a short
postponement. "Republicans were
unreasonable in not granting it,"
he said.
Ferency stressed that the board
had 40 days after election day to
certify results, or until May 11.
The new constitution was adopt-
ed by an apparent majority of 7,-
766 votes.
Romney Plans
To Open Camp
To Aid School
Special To The Daily
LANSING - Gov. George Rom-
ney yesterday announced plans to
open a camp for boys as a tem-
porary measure to relieve the
crowded conditions at Boys Train-
ing School.
Romney said that under a co-
operative plan between the state
corrections department and social
welfare department, Camp LaVic
toire near Grayling will be operat-
ed as a boys camp through July
1. 1964, when additional BTS fa-
cilities are due to be finished at
Council Members Consider
Election Procedure Revision
In an uneventful session last night, Student Government Council
members considered a plan for all-campus election of SGC officers,
and then sent it back to committee for further consideration.
The plan, proposed by Council's executive committee, asked that
the SGC president and executive vice-president be elected as a slate
by a majority vote of the campus. It also suggested that Council's
DU Walks Away WithIF Sing Prize
By MICHAEL ZW EIG j:;' :.>:<:"::;.> :;,:;.:::<; ;....3:..... .r
Delta Upsilon fraternity walked
out of Hill Aud. last night after"
winning the annual Inter-Frater-
nity Council Sing with a medley
of songs from "The Music Man."
The best support on the part
of a participating sorority was
awarded to Alpha Delta Pi. The
sorority happened to be teamed
with the first place fraternity.
Director of the University Glee
Club Prof. Philip Duey of the mu-
sic school announced the awards,
saying that the competition this
year was "greater" than any pre-
vins var. "Al lwere of connis-;
"administrative vice-president and
treasurer be appointed by the pres-
ident with the approval of SGC.
The executive committee plan
aimed at a strengthening of Coun-
cil's chief executive, and a reduc-
tion in the president's administra-
tive duties.
Supporters of the plan also ar-
gued that all campus election of
Council officers would increase
general interest in SGC.
SGC member Howard Abrams,
'63, asked in a letter that Council
consider such changes in the con-
text of over-all structural change
and student-faculty government.
Such structural changes require
Regental approval.
Opposition to the plan, and to
a similar officer election proposal
from the Committee on Student
Concerns came from Daily;Editor
Michael Olinick, '63, who attacked
the proposal on several grounds.
He called the argument that all-