Seventy-Third Year
Truth Wil Prevai"
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must b noted in all reprints.
"My, You Gave Me A Start! At First I Thought
You Had a Beard And A Cigar"
Business of Public
Is Public Business
Fair Housing Ordinance
Fights for Survival
F AIRHOUSING legislation for Ann Arbor Democratic councilman Lynn Eley leaves the
has reached the point where a second council.
reading is all that remains for final passage. Eley did not run for re-election because he
This is where the proposed ordinance stands has accepted' a grant to be an administrative
legalistically, but given the support and op- intern in California. He has worked as a mem-
position of the Ann Arbor City Council, how ber of the council fair housing committee and
close is it to law? with the Human Relations Commission to pro-
The longer the council waits, for second duce an effective ordinance. At the last work-
reading for fair housing legislation, the less ing session, Eley tried unsuccessfully either to
chance the city has to get an effective ordi- call a special session to hold second reading on
nance. fair housing or to set a schedule for -passage.
At last Monday's City Council work session, Instead, a public hearing was set for tomor-
a demonstration by about 400 people called row, the night before the next regular council
for enactment of fair housing without delay. meeting. Eley has warned the council that he
Delay can come in many forms. intends to call fair housing legislation to
second reading tomorrow, the last night of
REPUBLICAN MAYOR Cecil O. Creal has his term.
called for more public hearings. He has
said that everybody who wishes to speak on the ELEY IS JUSTIFIED in his attempts to have
topic should be heard. There is also some council hold second reading or to set a
feeling that the first public hearing was not deadline for passage.
very representative. Since new councilmen will be seated, fair
Another source of frustration to those who housing opposition may argue that the new
seek legislation soon is that Creal has seized members need some time to become familiar
on a letter from Rev. Lyman S. Parks of the with the situation. But this argument is merely
Bethel-A M E church as justification for put- a rationalization-a delaying tactic. Any newly-
ting off action. The letter called for unrushed elected councilman should have been following
deliberation and more study of the ordinance the issues before council.
by council. However, this view is not repre- After the city elections, fair housing opposi-
sentative of the views of other church leaders. tion may be able to bury legislation. The im-
Also, those wishing to see an ordinance mediate furor would die out before the next
passed soon have argued that more testimony elections.
would be redundant and unnecessary. Both
the Republican and Democratic parties have THE EXISTENCE of subtler delaying tactics
promised to work toward fair housing legis- also justify Eley's attempts. Opposition to
lation, so both recognize the need for legis- fair housing can employ the time-tested
lation foi an ordinance. Also, fair housing "merry-go-round" technique. Given an existing
legislation has been before the council for form of an ordinance, a public hearing must
more than two years, providing enough time be held. Then testimony and proposed amend-
for council to familiarize itself with the prob- ,ments must be referred to the HRC for recom-
lems of discrimination and possible provisions. mendations. After that, the fair housing com-
Further testimony is not necessary. mittee must meet to distill the new ordinance.
Then a new another public hearing must be
BUT THE "NEED" for more public hearings held, and so on until the legislation has'
has pushed the time for second reading past dropped out of the public eye.
yesterday's city elections. The elections will Unless the council sets a schedule with a
put the chances for fair housing legislation deadline for passage of a fair housing ordi,
in a new light. nance, the legislation will remain far from
There was a great deal of discussion during enactment. The council should show its good
the last work session as to whether the fair faith and not dlelay the legislation. It should
housing legislation should be brought to a vote at least present a set date for passage. And
before the old council is broken up. One coun- concerned individuals should not abandon the
cilman has objected to being "maneuvered" fight for fair housing legislation.
into voting on the ordinance before first ward -MICHAEL SATTINGER
Discrimination in Reverse
supposed to be a democratic
body, but it uses an undemocratic
device: secret committee meetings.
The meetings are closed especially
at voting time, when mocmittee
at voting time when committees
must vote to table or to send to the
plenary pieces of legislation.
The result is that outsiders-
who are everyone in the state ex-
cept the half-dozen committee
members - know neither what
opinions their lawmakers voiced
nor how their lawmakers voted.
The state Legislature should end
this practice immediately because
of a point that cannot be made
too often: the public's business is
the business of the public.
* * *
A PUBLIC in a democracy ro-
quires the maximum amount of
information about any given issue
or concern, in order to be able to
reach the most enlightened of de-
cisions. To be meaningful in a
democracy, decision-making is
hinged upon choice and alterna-
tives that are in turn hinged upon
full and comprehensive informa-
It is as decision-makers-it is in
order to best fulfill this vital dem-
ocratic role of choosing between
many alternatives-it is in this
role that the citizen has a right
to know.
Off-the-record meetings violate
all this. Such meetings by their
nature place bars between the
governors and the governed, which
block the flow of information. This
obstacle is all the more repre-
hensible since in a Democracy the
governors are supposed to be re-
sponsible to the governed.
* * *
THIS IS the theory that should
be practiced-that the governors
get their power to govern only
from the people. For the governors
to use this power to censor, is for
them to misuse this power and
directly to negate what this power
is supposed to mean.
This power is supposed to mean,
and be based on, wisdom in the
conducting of public affairs and
action based upon this wisdom.
Wisdom is not confined to a mi-
nority, or should not be; on the
contrary, in a democracy wisdom
is to be the collective thoughts of
all the people. To make wisdom
the possession of a few, is to deny
the definition of Democracy, which
is rule by an enlightened majority
with the concurrence of an en-
lightened minority.
* * *
YET THIS DENIAL is what is
done"every time a meeting about
public affairs is made off-the-
record. Every time this occurs,
some knowledge is denied the col-
lective citizenry-knowledge that
would go into the molding of the
collective wisdom. Those who make
their meetings off-the-record say,
in effect, "we shall make ourselves
wise about this issu.e at the ex-
pense ofuanyhcontribution from
Every citizen shall contribute to
a democracy if it is to be most
effectual. When meetings are de-
clared off-the-record, some citi-
zens are denied their contribution.
When contributions are minimized,
Democracy becomes less total and
less effectual.
This occurs even when reporters
are allowed to write up a meeting
while leaving out attributions of
opinions or vote scores, because
then the write-up tends to be
more timid. This is in addition to
the factor that the citizenry can-
not then attach responsibility for
individual opinions that help mold
legislation to individual governors.
Of course, the worst situation is
when no write-up about the sub-
stance of a meeting results at all,
when both citizens and citizen-
journalists are kept out of the
hearing room.
JOURNALISTS and governors
should do everything in their
power to see to it that all meetings
are open and that any secret
meetings will be reported as fully
and completely as possible. If a
meeting is' declared secret, legis-
lators should leak information out
about what happened, and report-
ers should write what they can get.
But a better step would be for
the House and the Senate to
change their policy and make all
committee meetings open. The
open society calls for an open
Change in The Student Body
PRESENTLY there is one Jewish "seat" on
the Supreme Court. Although the first ap-
pointment of a Jew had no symbolic meaning,
a Jewish position on the Court has now be-
come almost mandatory.
It is foreseeable that in the future, a Presi-
dent will appoint a Negro to that august body;
and from then on at least one Negro will
always be present on the Court.
Last year, President Kennedy attempted to
establish a Cabinet position which was to con-
cern itself with urban affairs. Kennedy desired
to make Robert Weaver, a Negro, the head of
this post. Although Weaver's race was not the
primary reason for his being chosen to head
the position, it was certainly an important fac-
tor. Congress did not believe that a department
of urban affairs deserved a cabinet position
and so this country was deprived of its first
lNegro cabinet member.
The National Aeronautics and Space Ad-
ministration is now in the process of selecting
this country's first Negro Astronaut.
ALL THESE EVENTS make the headlines.
The government makes these appointments,
the news services stress the "backgrounds" of
the selected persons and the people rejoice and
point to the progress being made in the fight
for racial equality. However, equality does not
mean appointing a person to the Supreme
Court because he is a Jew or choosing a test
pilot to fly into space because he is a Negro.
If anything, these are examples of inequality.
Special consideration is being given to one
group over another. Differences instead of
being neglected are being accented. If this
view continues to persist, no real advance to
end prejudice and discrimination can be made.
Whenever a person is selected because of
his race and not in spite of it, discrimination
remains but in an altered form. The all Pro-
testant fraternity that selects one Catholic
is not ending its bias procedures just as the
seven Negro students attending the public
school in Little Rock are not ending discrimi-
THE JEW on the Supreme Court or the Ne-
gro Astronaut represent only the symbols
of equality where no equality in fact exists.
The same holds true for the fraternity which,
through fear of being charged with discrimina-
tion, admits one lone Negro.
Persons should not become symbols. A frater-
nity should accept a person not because it is
afraid of bias charges but because it wants to
have the student in the house. Appointments
to governmental positions should not be made
to please any special minority group but on
the basis of who is most qualified for the post.
When this country does not have to worry
about putting up a front of equality, then
racial and religious equality will be achieved.
The absence of this pretense will not cause the
end of prejudice and discrimination. Instead
it will be the effect of it. When press releases
neglect to mention the race of new astronauts
it will mean that people are no longer in-
terested. If people do not care or notice the
difference between themselves and others, then
discrimination and inequality will be at an
end. When citizens do not have to wonder
whether a governmental appointment was made
on account of competence or on account of
race, token equality will be at an end and
the true form will have come in to take its
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of three articles on social change
within universities.)
THE STUDENT personnel work-
er is often in a very unenviable
position. He will usually be some-
body who generally likes students
-he would not spend his whole
life in contact with them if he
Yet because of his position in
the administration he is often
identified by the students as one
of "them" the aloof ruling hier-
archy that makes University policy
and regulates the student's life.
Usually he can please nobody-
he students are constantly pressing
-for a liberalization of University
regulations while parents and the
Legislature often register disap-
proval if the reforms are effected.
Thus his immediate troubles
come from specific groups re-
questing specific actions on speci-
fic issues. What is usually not
realized is that these pressures are
the results of trends and changes
in our society which these groups
are reacting to.
* * *
A STUDENT 3ODY is a large
unit of various component groups
which tends to remain fairly sta-
tic from one year to the next.
When one or several segments
change in one direction there is
usually a countervailing change in
others which tends to balance
things out.
Yet over long periods of time
shifts occur which have important
implications for institutions and
the people- within these institu-
tions responsible for dealing with
the students, especially in their
non-academic lives.
This type of change has been
noticeable over the past five to
10 years. They are not changes
that originate spontaneously in the
student body. Rather the student
body is reacting uniquely to
changes and trends in society as a
The reactions to the changes
have been emphasized because of
the growing number of students
seeking college educations. With
38 per cent of the 18-21 year old
age group in college and predic-
tions that this will double in 20
years, it is almost axiomatic that
students as a body will be dif-
ferent. This difference reflects it-
self in. changing attitudes, values
and desires for life, all of which
have been brought about through
social causes.
* * *
CAUSES OF the changes go
back to the end of World War II.
At that time America fundamen-
tally changed her view of her
role in the world, going from a
policy of isolation to one of par-
ticipation and leadership. The re-
sult of this policy and indeed the
war itself was a broadening in the
cosmopolitan outlook of many
Americans. It was augmented by
the number of servicemen and
women who returned from over-
seas. Internally, the movement
from the farms to the defense
plants of the cities added to the
The end of the war brought with
it the start of an unmatched
period of prosperity. The public
became consumption-minded as
installment buying became the
rage. At the same time, automa-
tion was reducing the need for
unskilled workers and many young
people, rather than becoming part
of the labor force, continued on
in school.
During this time the birthrate
shot up. A revival of interest in
the family was observed which
was countered by the growing :mo-
bility of Americans.
ALL THIS while the cold war
hung like the damoclean sword
over America. Consolidation and
patriotism grew but so did anxiety
and a tendency towards black and
white thinking.
As a result of these social trends,
the young have become more of
a separate cultural sub-group
than they had been before. Being
away at school longer and having
one or both parents working and
thus away from home most of the
time forced young people to find
a large amount of support within
their own peer groups.
Money was fairly easy to come
by for most of them and thus
hunger for material possessions
was not as important a drive as
it had been in the past.
Their new distinction as a cul-
tural sub-group has led to an
increased feeling of independence
on the part of adolescents..
* * *
THE ADVENT of the space age
and the launching of Sputnik I
brought about a whole reappraisal
of certain segments and institu-
tions of our society, particularly
in education. Five years ago in
an issue comparing Russian and
American education, "Life" could
say that while a Russian student's
hopes for success rested on his
going up the educational ladder
as high as possible, this was not
true in American society.
Now, however, it has become al-
most essential for a student in
this country to have a college de-
gree if he ever hopes to become
anything in the world. The high
school was upgraded as were the
sciences and mathematics.
Increased pressure was put on
the student to get serious about
school and work for grades to in-
sure getting into college and then
graduate school. At the same time
the schools responded by increas-
ing specialization and putting
more emphasis on the vocational
objectives of the students.
* * *
education and other social insti-
tutions and values helped put an
end to the fear of intellectual ex-
pression and controversy that re-
sulted from the McCarthy period.
As an essential part of the process,
students could not but be affected
and many of them began to take
an increasing interest in the world
around them.
It was a foregone conclusion
that students would react to these
changes within the specific con-
text of the campus situation, and
it was also obvious that these re-
actions would engender counter
reaction from the society. Caught
in the middle was the student
personnel worker, whose job it
was to formulate policy on non-
academic student affairs. The re-
sult was that once again instead
of being the standard bearer of
society, the University meekly fol-
lowed in its wake.
CLASSICAL guitar-playing, as
exemplified by the playing of
Julian Bream Sunday at Rack-
ham Auditorium, is a highly for-
malized art. As opposed to the
folk style, pieces for the classical
guitar are generally either written
by identified composers for the
guitar itself or transcribed for
guitar; at any rate, classical guitar
compositions are not "passed from
generation to generation."
Julian Bream has been called by
some the prime candidate to in-
herit "the mantle of Segovia." In-
deed, the two men are alike in
many respects; but as Segovia can
perhaps be classed in the Spanish
tradition, Bream's playing, as a
glance at the program will indi-
cate, is in the British tradition.
* * *
THE FIRST PART of the pro-
gram was composed of composi-
tions for the lute, all of which
were Elizabethan in origin. They
were for the most part pieces
composed for, and dedicated to,
specific people; as: "Henry Noel's
Galliard"; "Sir John Langton's
Pavon," and "Lady Clifton's
Spirit." The three composers rep-
resented in this part of the pro-
gram ranged from the well-known
William Byrd to the relatively un-
known Francis Cutting (and in-
cluding John Dowland).
The pieces were for the most
part played with a great stylistic
sensitivity, and with clear, full
tones. Bream appeared quite ner-
vous at the beginning, wringing
his hands as he made a short
explanation of the program. He
relaxed as the performance con-
tinued, however, the constant need
to tune 'and re-tune his instru-
ments notwithstanding. The gen-
eral tone of the performance can
perhaps be called one of restrain-
ed excitement, of a constant
awareness of the music and a good
control over it.
The second portion of the pro-
gram was devoted to guitar pieces,
and was quite as good as the first.
Especially enjoyable was the "Pre-
lude and Fugue in D Major" by
Bach; however, work of the rest
of the composers represented
(Purcell, Cimarosa, Villa-Lobos,
Albeniz) was also excellently ren-
Bream does well not to follow
slavishly either the style or the
programmatic compositions of
other and more experienced clas-
sical guitarists, as must be at
temptation to such a relative be-
ginner in the field, for it is when
he is in his own medium (as he
was Sunday) that we see the
greatness of his style and the epi-
tome of his excellence.
-Steven Hendel
-Joan Goodwin
PRESIDENT, de Gaulle has not
disclosed the purpose he in-
tends for French diplomatic in-
dependence. All he has actually
made clear is that he intends to
chart French foreign policies in
Paris; no longer will they be blue-
printed at the French desk in the
United States Department of
-Minority of One
Strengthening IQC
RECENTLY A MOTION was brought before
the Inter-Quadrangle Council calling for
the dissolution of the body.
The motion was soundly defeated. However
the primary purpose was not actually dis-
solving IQC, but making more apparent to the
council members the. weaknesses that exist
within the current IQC structtire. Since a new
year was beginning it was hoped the members
would remedy such problems and make the
IQC a more effective and efficient body.
A , T AS TWEK'S ,iarZ TC me mnne anse
presidency, the newly elected candidate spends
much time in acquainting himself with the
operations of student government. Thus valu-
able time has been lost in getting the work
for the new year effectively under way.
The amendment opens the contest to more
qualified candidates including house judiciary
and corridor representatives.
A SECOND constitutional amendment passed
by IQC gives the president the power to
break of tie decisions, and takes the
voting power away from the vice-president,
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