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March 31, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-31

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L 194IN THE MIE~II1A UItK.V-- , Ml

U.S. Pledges

To Guard

Against Rebel Attacks
From American Shore

Arevalo Bids
For Ouster
Of Yidgoras
GUATEMALA (P) -- Former
President Juan Jose Arevalo, who
paved the way for a Communist-
line government in the 1950's, has
returned to Guatemala secretly in
a new bid for power.
Defying President Miguel Ydi-
goras' efforts to keep him out,
Arevalo entered Guatemalan ter-
ritory in fulfillment of a pledge
to return by today to begin a cam-
paign for the presidency in the No-
vember elections.
Ydigoras, who considers Arevalo
a Communist, said earlier this
month that the ex-President "must
state in a clear-cut manner"
whether he is a Communist before
being allowed back into the coun-
try from his home in Mexico City.
Arevalo is a bitter critic of the
United States.
Rumors Confirmed
Arevalo's whereabouts were not
disclosed, but rumors that he had
entered Guatemala were confirm-
ed when he saw and spoke to
The government earlier in the
week declared a state of siege, or
modified martial law, and yester-
day it announced a 12-hour cur-
few beginning at 8 p.m.
The only persons allowed on the
street will be those bearing de-
fense ministry passes. The gov-
ernment also banned gatherings
of more than four persons.


Views Size
For Fleets
By The Associated Press
Secretary of Defense Robert S.
McNamara yesterday presented
two views of. the future of the
Navy's fleets.
He revived hopes for more
atomic-powered surface ships but
at the same time expressed con-
cern over the future size of the
On one hand, McNamara has
indicated he is sympathetic to the
idea of building a nuclear-power-
ed carrier and possibly other
atomic ships-provided the Navy
can prove the cost would be with-
in bounds.
There are also indications that
McNamara feels the Navy can get
along with fewer ships over-all,
including the possible layup of
troop transports.

... department policy
Publishers, Set
Contract Pact
NEW YORK (/)-Publishers ac-
cepted "re-arranged" contract
terms yesterday in a drive to settle
a strikeby photoengravers and end
a 113-day shutdown of eight news-
papers by tomorrow.
The rank and file of the AFL-
CIO Photoengravers Union is
scheduled to vote on the proposed'
pact today.
Acceptance of the revisions, pro-
posed by the union's negotiators,
would open the way for the presses
to start running tonight.
Terms of the revised contract
proposal were not made public,
but New York Mayor Robert F.
Wagner said they were within the,
framework of a package accepted
by other unions involved in the
The photoengravers last Wed-
nesday rejected the originally pro-
posed terms.
Wagner said the publishers, in
agreeing to the revisions, declared
"this is absolutely and uncondi-
tionally the final offer they will
make no matter how long this dis-
pute remains unsettled."

Impose Censorship
Censorship was imposed
official communiques were
up. Commercial plane flights
cancelled today.


The capital, a city of 300,000,
was calm and apparently normal.
Arevalo's 1945-51 regime was
followed by the Communist infil-
trated government of Jacobo Ar-
bens. Arbenz was overthrown in
"The Communists have not of-j
fered me their backing, but on the
contrary, have attacked me fur-
iously," Arevalo said.

Issue Joint
Coast Guard, FBI,
Customs Take Actions
ed States announced yesterday it
will "take every step necessary"
to make certain that American soil
is not used as a base for Cuban
refugee raids on Cuba and on So-
viet shipping.
The steps will include intensi-
fied Coast Guard and customs
operations in the Florida area, of-
ficials said, plus stepped up in-
vestigation by the FBI and Immi-
gration Service.
Investigations now underway
may lead to some prosecutions for
violation of the Neutrality Act,
they said.
Increase Watch
Coast Guard ships and aircraft
also will increase surveillance of
United States coastal areas to pre-
vent raiders from slipping out, the
officials added. They said the
Coast Guard has authority to stop
and search small craft to see if
they are adhering to safety re-
The announcement reflected the
concern within the Kennedy ad-
ministration that the raids could
light a spark in the explosive Car-
ibbean atmosphere.
The Soviet Union, seemingly
concerned with two raids on its
ships i Cuban ports, has hinted
that it might provide military pro-
tection for Russian vessels.
May Do Harm
The statement also repeated
United States views that the at-
tacks may do much more harm
than good in the following ways: .
1) By inducing the Russians to
keep a stronger force on the is-
2) By possibly provoking "arm-
ed reprisals, the brunt of which
would be borne by the armed forc-
es of the United States."
Recent Attacks
The announcement reported
that . preliminary results from
United States investigations into
the two recent attacks on Soviet
vessels indicate the assaults were
ndt mounted from American ter-
ritory. The raids were on March
18 and 26.
"We intend to take every step
necessary to insure that such raids
are not launched, manned, or
equipped from United States ter-
ritory," the announcement declar-
State and Justice Department
officials indicated that the main
legal weapon they would use
against hit-and-run raiders would
be the American neutrality law.
Neutrality Law
The law provides penalties up
to three years imprisonment and
$3000 fine against those taking
Some prosecutions for violation
of the Neutrality Act may be un-
dertaken as the result of investi-
gations now under way, officials
The Michigan Union will send a
5-man team to Iowa City April 26
and 27 to compete for the Big Ten
Union Bowling Championship.
Preliminary qualifying lines must
be bowled by April 6.
For further information see Mr.
Roopus at the Bowling Alley.

The defense chief has ordered
the Navy to conduct separate
studies which are well under way
and may be completed by May.
The Navy for some years has
been noting its fleet is aging, and
claiming it needs considerably
more money to modernize.
Because of the pressing demands
of modernization, the decision was
made to build only conventional
powered surface ships. Navy lead-
ers felt they could have three con-
ventional ships for the price of
two atomic vessels.
Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student
Group, Supper, 6 p.m., Movie: "Dust
& Destiny," 6:45 p.m., March 31, 1511
Lutheran student Assoc., Discussion:
"Problems of Authority for Today's
Lutherans," led by Arland Hultgren,
March 31, 7 p.m.. Hill & Forest.
Ui. of M. Physical Therapy Club, Meet-
ing: Elections & Speaker-Miss Virginia
Wilson, R.P.T., April 2, 7 p.m., Beal
Voice Political Party, Forum, Robert
Ross speaking on "Towards a New Poli-
tics," April 2, 8 p.m., UGLI, Multipur-
pose Rm.
Wesleyan Guild, Seminar, March 31,
10:15 a.m., Pine Room; Cabinet Meet-
ing, March 31, 5:30 p.m., Pine Room;
Dr. J. R. Nelson of Oberlin School of
Theology, H. M. Loud, Lecturer, March
31, 7 p.m.; Wesley Lounge; Open
House, April 1, 8-11 p.m., Jean Robe's

... navy fleets

U. S. Sends Submarines
Into Mediterranean Sea
WASHINGTON )-Potential targets deep in southern Russia
came under Polaris missile range yesterday as a United States sub-
marine took up patrol in the Mediterranean.
The defense department announced briefly that the first of three
Polaris submarines, planned for the Mediterranean force was "on
For reasons of security, it did not name the submarine or say
whether it is equipped with the first Al model missiles or the longer-
range A2 series.
Arrives Early
The submarine appeared to have reached its station a little
earlier than had been planned originally. An earlier defense de-
partment announcement said the first Polaris submarine would
arrive sometime in April. A spokesman said yesterday that a 'second
submarine is now due in Apri1.
A spokesman said yesterday that
a second submarine is now due in
The speed-up in getting the
first Polaris on station in the Med-
iterranean apparently was to pre-
vent a gap in missile firepower in
that part of the morld. The now-
obsolete Air Force Jupiter missiles
are being dismantled and removedM 0
from Turkey and Italy.

Dismantle Jupiter
The spokesman said the first of
the Jupiters, presumably those in
Turkey, would be dismantled
The Jupiter weapons, designed
by the Army and then turned over
to the Air Force, were the first of
the intermediate range ballistic
missiles, along with the Air Force
Thor. Both the Jupiter and Thor
use liquid-fuel engines.
The Navy Polaris, on the other
hand, uses solid fuel-which per-
mits virtually instantaneous fir-
ing, with a high degree of reli-
The removal of the weapons
from Turkey and Italy also meets
an objection raised by some groups
within those countries, who- feel
that the presence of the missiles
means that Turkish and Italian
soil are probable prime targets for
Russian attack.
Webb Certain
Of Moon Race
OAKLAND W)---James E. Webb,
head of the United States space
program, gave reasons yesterday
why he believes the nation will
beat Russia in the race to the
"I think we are well ahead in
the use of orbital rendezvous tech-
niques," he said. "The Russians,
have concentrated on putting
heavy loads into space.
"They have no way to bypass
sophisticated space technology the
United States already has."
Webb told newsmen that before
this year is out the United States
will probably put into orbit a larg-
er weight than the Russians have
ever launched.
"Way Out West"
Spring Weekend"
April 26, 27

Many students and faculty members feet that
local politics do not warrant their attention. We

To Members of the University Community:
Monday, April 1st, is Election Day. If you are
registered to vote in Ann Arbor, please take a min-

World News Roundup


Leave June 7--Detroit to Copenhagen
Return July 15-Glasgow to Detroit
$275.00 round trip
3522 Administration Building for Further Information

ute to read the following :

By The Associated Press
NEW YORK-A newspaper mnil-
itary analyist, Hanson W. Baldwin
of the New York Times, said yes-
terday many news reporters feel
the Kennedy administration has
produced "some astonishing ex-
amples of news repression and dis-
tortion, management and control
and pressures and propaganda."
s* s
-Fifteen test pilot trainees for
future United States manned
space programs were announced
yesday. Negro Air Force Capt. Ed-
ward J. Dwight Jr. was among
CHICAGO-Democratic Mayor
Richard J. Daley will try for a
third term. Tuesday against the
challenger, Republican Benjamin
S. Adamowski. Democrats, who
have held the Chicago mayor's of-
fice for 32 years, are favored to
* * *
WASHINGTON-Sen. Thurston
B. Morton (R-Ky) and Jacob K.
Javits (R-NY) agreed yesterday
Congress is not likely to cut Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy's $98.8-bil-
lion spending budget more than
$3.5 billion. Former President
)wight D. Eisenhower and other
Republican leaders have contend-
ed that monetary requests can be
reduced by from $10 to $13 billion.

WASHINGTON-The legal lim-
it on the national debt drops $3
billion at midnight today. Secre-
tary of the Treasury Douglas Dil-
lon wants a quick bill to extend
the present $308-billion ceiling
through June 30.
« « «
COPENHAGEN-Congolese For-
eign Minister Justin Bomboko is
reported to have been beaten up
by ,a Danish United Nations mil-
itary policeman in a quarrel in
Leopoldville, a Danish military
source in Copenhagen said yester-
RIO DE JANEIRO - Brazilian
President Joao Goulart attacked
leftist and rightist extremists last
night and denied he dispatched
federal troops to Rio de Janeiro to
help protect a pro-Catro interna-
tional conference. Goulart told a
Rio newspaper he rejected left-
wing extremism as "absolutely in-
compatible with, my sentiments of
Christian faith and democratic
* * 9
WASHINGTON-Congress was
urged yesterday to adopt a strict
code of ethics, including a ban on
hiring relatives. Full accounting
of all travel expenses, publication
of all income and assets and crim-
inal penalties in conflict of in-
terest cases were proposed in a
bill - introduced by 'Rep. W. J.
Bryan Dorn (D-SC).

a i

feel that, in Monday's election, the key issue is of
overwhelming importance, not only to Ann Arbor,
but to this country. We feel that its resolution will
have an important impact upon the affairs of this
For at least six years, Ann Arbor Democratic
candidates, and the Ann Arbor City Democratic
Committee, have urged the enactment of a :strong,
enforceable Fair Housing ordinance for this city.
The city's Human Relations Commission first recom-
mended the adoption of sucn an ordinance in 1959.
Drafts of a Fair Housing ordinance have been -in
existence for af least three years. In spite of this, the
Republican-controlled City Council and the Repub-
ican Mayor have refused to act. Their record of
action on broad controversial matters of policy, such
as a new zoning ordinance, is for from reassuring in
the present instance.
The Democratic candidate for Mayor, Dr. Al-
bert Schneider, and the five Democratic candidates
for City Council, are all unequivocally pledged to
the enactment of an effective, enforceable Fair
Housing ordinance, without further delay. Their
election would guarantee that this city had legisla-
tion to back up President Kennedy's Executive Order
on housing discrimination.
We urge you to take the time to vote Monday.
You may have to stand in line at the polls. While
you are standing, consider the hundreds of students
and faculty members who are still standing in line,
as they have for months and years, waiting for an
opportunity to rent or purchase decent housing in
this city. Your decision on whether or not to vote


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