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March 30, 1963 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-30

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Survey S oi
Discipline policies in colleges and universities seem to be fairly
uniform all across the country.
This was the result of a survey of discipline policies conducted by
Glenn W. Stillion, a counselor in the office of the Dean of Students
of the Michigan College of Mining and Technology.
Director of Student Organizations and Activities John Bingley
noted that the survey was part of an attempt to determine discipline
problems at Michigan Tech: He added that such surveys were in-
creasing in number as attention was being focused on the problem
of student discipline in colleges throughout the nation.
Stillion sent out 56 questionnaires last June and received 46 back
for a percentage of 82 percent.-
Divided Into Categories
The answering institutions were divided up into four categories
depending on size of enrollment The first category contained schools
with an enrollment between 1000 and 3000. Nine schools fit in here
for a 20 percent total.
The second category, schools with an enrollment between 3000
and 5000, numbered 13 for a 27 percent figure. The third category
is the largest, with 14 schools and 31 percent of the total responding,

Uniformity in


Po licies

having an enrollment between 5000 to 10,000. The fourth group, 10,000
and over, contained 10 schools or 22 percent of those answering.
A wide diversity was reported on the question of who handled
discipline cases. Of 44 schools answering, 26 or 59 percent employed
a combination of faculty, students and administrative staff in this
area. Administrators alone handle these cases in five of the schools
comprising 11 percent of the total, faculty alone in two schools com-
prising five percent and students alone in one school or two percent
of the total. The category of "other" contained 23 percent or 10
schools, six of which use a mixture of students and administrators.
Permanent Records
Forty schools answered a question on the keeping of permanent
records of disciplinary cases in student folders. Of these 78 percent
or 31 schools indicated such records were kept.
The judiciaries of 31 schools act on cases that have previously
been handled by civil authorities for a percentage of 91 percent. The
remaining three schools answering this question did not. The same
total number of schools reported that 27 of them appoint their judici-
aries as opposed to electing them, a practice followed by the other
seven schools, making up a 21 percent minority.
Of 32 schools reporting 23, or 72 percent, have judiciary systems
in their residence halls, the rest do not. Of the schools that do 16,
or 64 percent of them, have these bodies work in cooperation with

the college judiciary body and 8 or 32 percent set them up independ-
ently. One school falls under "other."
Residence Hall
Twenty-two out of 23 schools or 95.5 percent reported that resi-
dence hall judiciary decisions can be appealed to college judiciaries.
Thirty-four schools answered a question on what judgments stu-
dent judiciaries can render, resulting in a long list of punishments.
Social probation was most common with 24 schools listing it. The,
others were: recommend disciplinary dismissal-23 schools; referral
for counseling-17; fines-14; reprimand, verbal and written-seven;
disciplinary dismissal-six: work assignments-five; removal of car
privileges-three, and removal from hall and loss of academic credit--
one each.
The important question of degree of acceptability of the judiciary
by students was answered by 33 schools. Of these 15 or 45.5 percent
claimed high acceptance, 16 or 48.5 percent claimed average accept-
ance, and one each or three percent saw much criticism or did not
Judiciary System
Faculty and staff satisfaction with the judiciary system was re-
sponded to by 32 schools. Nineteen of them or 59.5 percent said these
groups were well-satisfied, two schools or six percent saw dissatis-
faction and 11 or 34.5 percent saw average satisfaction.

Another list accrued after 24 schools sent in answers about
conditions applying to students who are on social probation. Area
restrictions was cited most, being employed by 21 schools. There was
a tie for second between "future discipline situations will result in
dismissal," and "not allowed to hold offices in campus recognized
organizations," each being mentioned by 20 schools. Not being allowed
to be active in social organizations recognized by the college came
next with 19 schools employing this.
Following these there was a big gap and then "no stated policy"
was listed by six schools. Tied for last with two schools each were a
requirement to make a certain grade point average, exclusion from
specific extra-curricular activities and loss of car privileges.
The honor system also came in for investigation. Thirty-three
schools or 72 percent of the 46 reporting here replied that they did
not work by the honor system. Three schools, comprising 6.5 percent,
replied in the affirmative while nine institutions totaling 19.5 percent
replied "partially." One other institution replied, "No, but I wish we
"Do you intend to retain your present judiciary system if you
have one?" brought a positive response from 30 out of 31 schools re-
porting, making up 97 percent. Out of the nine schools which reported
no student judiciary system only one, 11 percent, indicated an inten-
tion to instigate one in the future.

See Editorial Page




Showers ending today,
cooler tonight

Seventy-Two Years of Editorial Freedom


Park Backs Down
On Political Crisis
SEOUL (4P)-South Korean strongman Gen. Chung Hee Park
backed away yesterday from the Sunday deadlime he set for a
settlement of the nation's political crisis.
Park told civilian leaders March 19 to come up with a solution
acceptable to both military and civilian leaders by the end of March
or face continued rule under his military junta. But his personal
spokesman opened the way yesterday for continued negotiations,

Staff Fights
The entire staff of "Scholastic,"
the weekly magazine of the Uni-
versity of Notre Dame, has re-
signed after the resignations of
their three top editors and faculty
A petition is being circulated by
students and faculty protesting the
lack of editorial freedom. Dis-
agreement arose after a year and
a half of complete freedom, James
Wyrsch, one of the editors who
resigned, said recently.
The administration wanted a
magazine for "the benefit of the
university"; a news journal with-
out editorial opinion.
The editorial board first ran
into trouble in February for criti-
citing the university President
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh. It
tlien suggested replacing the pres-
ident with a lawman who might
have more time for the university.
The Rev. Charles McCarragher,
vice-president for student affairs,
said conflict arose "over size and
content of the March 29 issue."
The oversized issue 'contained edi-
torial matter that was offensive to
the university."
The magazine appeared yester-
day with the "offensive" editorial
matter deleted.
"Publication of Scholastic' will
continue. The administration
wants editors who will express the
university community in a jour-
nalistically responsible manner."
A new editor has been chosen.
Someone the university wanted,
but who was dismissed by the
former editors for incompetence,
McCarragher added.
Romney Urges
Con-Con 'Yes'
Gov. George Romney took to
the airways last night to urge
adoption of tlhie proposed state
constitution, which comes up for
a vote on Monday.
The many elected officials and
autonomous boards in the execu-
tive branch he has to run make
it "an administrative impossibil-
ity," Romney charged.
Reducing the number of auton-
omous agencies from 120 to 20
and giving the governor .a four-
year term are two of the new
document's provisions for correct-
ing this "mess."
Romney also praised the judi-
cial section for allowing supreme
court justices to become candi-
dates for re-election merely by
filing affidavits.
The present system of having
the justices re-nominated at party
conventions is "indefensible," be-
cause it thus holds the supposedly
independent, impartial court de-
cisions up for later partisan ac-

saying Park's deadline "is a matter
of principle and not absolute."
Park's strong stand has weak-
ened steadily under pressure from
the United States and Korean
politicians and there were indica-
tions Park may meet his oppon-
ents for the first face-to-face con-
fronthion in 11 days.
A go-between, retired Brig. Kim
Ung-Jp, told newsmen former
President Yun Po-Sun and ex-
Premier Huh Chung have assured
him they would attend such a con-
ference. The twos leaders of the
opposition to military rule have
boycotted previous offers of talks
with Park's premier, Kim Hyun-
However, both the government
and its opponents are thought to
have withdrawn considerably from
their early uncompromising posi-
Negotiations probably would re-
volve around two points:
Park would withdraw his plan
for a referendum on his proposal
to stay in power four years. His
opponents argue that with all
political activity banned such a
nationwide vote would almost cer-
tainly result in government vic-
The politicians would agree that
certain of their ranks would agree
not to run in the next election.
Park has said withdrawal of
"tainted and corrupt" politicians
is a condition of any change in
his plans.
Delays Naming
Of Committee
Gov. George Romney's office has
decided not to announce the re-
maining 53 appointments to his
"blue-ribbon" committee on educa-
tion until the prospective mem-
bers have accepted their appoint-
The people chosen were mailed
letters Thursday, and all replies
should be in early next week,
Romney aide Charles Orlebeke said
The first meeting of the "blue-
ribbon" will be at 10:30 a.m. April
6 at the Dearborn Center and
probably will be open to the pub-
lic, Orlebeke said.

Bypass New
College Bill
Democratic school aid supporters
decided yesterday to drop the $2.7
billion college assistance bill tem-
porarily, in favor of a $237 million
medical school aid bill.
After a conference with Presi-
dent John F. Kennedy, Democratic
House leaders stopped their ef-
forts to rush the college assistance
bill to the House floor.
The White House decision to in-
troduce the medical school aid bill
came shortly before a House edu-
cation sub-committee was to have
approved a bill giving aid to all
types of colleges, among them den-
tal and medical schools.
The sub-committee, headed by
Mrs. Edith Green (D-Oregon),
announcedthat the President's
decision will stop any work pres-
ently being done on the bill.
The House Commerce Commit-
tee handled the medical school
bill. The bill was refused by the
rules committee last week for floor
action in a 7-7 tie. The tie was
reported to have been broken by
Ray Madden (D-Ind) who was ab-
sent at the last vote.
The proposed medical school bill
will be introduced to the floor
sometime next week if the rules
committee does release it.
Strike's Future
Tied to Union
NEW YORK UP)-The burden of
ending New York's 112-day news-
paper blackout was placed solely
on striking photoengravers yester-
day in a 45-minute City Hall meet-
ing with publishers of eight
closed dailies.
Mayor Robert F. Wagner called
off all negotiations and bluntly
said the next move was up to
AFL-CIO Photoengravers Local
1, which blocked settlement of the
blackout Wednesday by rejecting
his peace proposals.
The mayor directed Frank Mc-
Gowan, president of Local 1, to
confer with his union negotiators
and report back by last night on
their position.
Pressure was on the union to
call a new meeting to reconsider
their rejection of the peace terms,
but McGowan said the engravers
had "no plans to vote."
Amory H. Bradford, general
manager and vice-president of the
struck Times and chief negotiator
for the publishers, said of the brief
"We urged the union officials to
again report to their members and
have the membership reconsider
the proposal. They gave no indi-
cation that they would hold such
a meeting. .."



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... occupy buildings

Goulart Sets
Troop Move
troops were ordered last night to
occupy all federal buildings in
Rio de Janeiro.
A strikebound railway station
and a passenger ferry dock were
quickly taken over.
The action by President Joao
Goulart's government was describ-
ed as precautionary in the face
of rising unrest agitated b-. con-
troversy over a pro-Castro inter-
national conference in Brazil.
Open Intervention
But militantly anti-Communist
Gov. Carlos Lacerda of Guanabara
State, which includes Rio, said
the action was designed to open
the way for intervention in his
state. And in Brasilia, the Goulart
government was accused of "an
act of force" and of trying to
protect a pro-Castro conference
that Lacerda had chased out of
Rio this week.
Lacerda declared through his
press chief that intervention in
Guanabara would not be by the
Brazilian government "but by the
Cuban government which would
give proof of its influence in the
justice ministry." Justice Minister
Joao Mangabeira is one of Brazil's
top socialists and a political enemy
of Lacerda.
Controversy Center
Center of controversy was the
so-called International Cuban Sol-
idarity Congress, designed to whip
up anti-American sentiment and
bolster support for the Goulart
government's hands-off-Cuba pol-
Federal troops moved into the
Niteroi passenger ferry docks and
the Leopoldina railway station.
Workers at the station struck
earlier in the day to protest the
purported arrest by Guanabara
police of a fellow worker en route
to the Niteroi Congress. Police de-
nied they had made such an
Across the bay, meanwhile, the
congress opened another session
with fewer delegates on hand than
the night before.

Court Gives'
To Students
Six of the 11 Student Nonviolent
Committee Workers arrested on
disorderly conduct charges in
Greenwood, Miss., earlier this week
were convicted yesterdr y.
They are sentenced to four
months inrprison. Bond has been
set at $500. Rev. D. L. Tucker, who
led the voter registration march
Thursday, said the SNCC workers
intended to remain in jail until
the charges against them had been
Although the justice department
has not acted in the situation as
yet Tucker said the general feel-
ing among those involved in the
registration project was that the
department would take steps to
have the charges dismissed.
Mass Effort Stopped
Negroes continued to try and
register yesterday despite the fact
that the Greenwood police broke
up a mass effort the day before.
Police barricaded the courthouse
yesterday but told the Negroes
they were free toenter the build-
ing in small groups.
Another mass meeting was held
in Greenwood last night. James
Farmer the executive director of
the Congress of Racial Equality
said Jessie Crain, 67 year old ten-
ant farmer, and 14 of his relatives
had been ordered to leave their
plantation home by Monday be-
cause Crain refused to remove his
name from a voter registration list.
Plantation Farmer
The plantation farmer offered
to drive Crain to Greenwood so
that he could remove his name
from the list but Crain refused.
The Friends of SNCC on campus
will be leading a protest demon-
stration against the action in Mis-
sissippi in front 'of the justice de-
partment in Detroit today. Similar
demonstrations in connection with
place in major cities across the
country. The demonstrations de-
mand that the government send'
federal protection for voter regis-
tration worker in the South. Ann
Arbor demonstrators will leave at
10 a.m. from the SAB.

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Wh ite Supports
Education Article
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fourth part in a series of five pro-
files of Regental candidates. Two Regents will be elected in the April
i balloting.)


House Restores $750,000


The University, as a state school, has, got to maintain its
leadership and high standards: What the state needs is "co-
ordination, not conformity," Republican Regental candidate Ink
White, '34, maintains.
A Regent must be more than just responsible to the Uni-
versity, he must consider the educational needs of the entire
state. "Providing higher education for all the young people in
Michigan who qualify for it has become one of the state's most
critical problems."
White believes that a cooperative effort among all the col-
leges and universities is necessary to find solutions to the over-
all educational problems of the state.
Urges Adoption
This is why he strongly urges the passage of the new state
constitution. The education article includes the necessary ma-
chinery for coordination of higher learning--the State Board
of Education. The statewide planning accomplished by the board
would eliminate unnecessary duplication of costly facilities and
reduce competition among the A .
state-supported schools for taxr
dollars, White indicates.
To be realistic, one has to
worry where the money to fi-
nance education is going to{
come from, he says. The pro-
posed board would be able to
come. up with the best educa-
tional program for the least
cost. R"
Although White favors the
creation of the state board andR
its coordination functions, he
maintains that 'my first loyal- :<
ty is to the University." He
strongly supports the preserva-<
tion of the autonomy of the{
governing boards of the three........is
large universities.
"Coordination cannot be im-
posed upon the schools." But INK WHITE
the institutions realize that they . . regental candidate
are not now getting the money
they need to meet the enrollment boom, so something else must
be tried. The state board's coordination function regarding ap-
propriations may be an answer.
White believes that as soon as the new administration is a
little older and gets its affairs in order, educational institutions
will get first consideration on finances.
"Student fees are high enough, so any increase has got to
come from the state," he contends. The'only other possibility is
a private fund raising campaign, but this needs "more study and
consideration." White points to the difficulty of obtaining gifts
for operating expenses.
'Blue-Ribbon' Committee
Gov. George Romney's "blue-ribbon" citizens' committee on
higher education will help the universities and colleges acquire
adequate financial backing, White contends. "It will focus at-
tention on the needs of education. Communities are aware of
the requirements of schools on the local level, but not on the
statewide level. The "blue-ribbon" study will publicize the needs
of the institutions."
In support of his own candidacy White points out that a
Regent from a "rural orientation" would not only give the board
more scope, but it would help the University's cause in the Leg-
islature. Farm areas are a source of revenue and many legislators
come from a rural background, he stresses.
Federal aid for the operating expenses of the University is
not an answer, White maintains. Federal aid has a "leveling ef-
fect." The state "can and will finance education."
Expansion Plans
Once the University has adequate financial support, expan-
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Bill To Enter7
Upper House
For Voting
Place Restrictions
To Limit Allotment,
Aid Small Schools
A heavily-amended proposal for
a $750,000 fund to sponsor uni-
versity research into means of
boosting Michigan's economy sail-
ed through the House yesterday,
The appropriation now goes to
the Senate, where passage is ex-
Two restrictions w o u d be
placed on funds allotted for such
research projects: both chambers
would have to give their approval
in a joint resolution, and no one
university could get more than 30
per cent of the total funds.
GOP Caucus
These amendments, pushed by
Rep. Gilbert E. Bursley (R-Ann
Arbor) in a GOP caucus and then
introduced yesterday afternoon on
the floor by Rep. Arnell Eng-
strom (R-Traverse City), satisfied
objections that the Legislature
would be appropriating money for
programs not clearly specified.
The House Committee on Ways
and Means, chaired by Engstrom,
previously had refused to report
out the research bill for this rea-
The 30 per cent limitation
serves to "preclude fears that one
university would grab the entire
fund" and also encourages the
smaller institutions to participate,
Bursley explained last night.
Little Opposition
He expects little or no opposi-
tion in the Senate, due to the
unanimous vote of the House and
also the endorsement of Gov.
George Romney.
Several colleges are already
drawing up research projects,
Bursley said. Vice-President for
Research Ralph A. Sawyer indi-
cated that the University prob-
ably would submit several items
involving research which could be
carried out at the Institute of
Science and Technology.
Sawyer indicated the University
would use the money for research
projects, beneficial to state indus-
try, that could not be supported
any other way.
If the bill is passed, research
proposals would be given to a 25
man advisory council for the pro-
posed Department of Economic
Expansion. They would then have
to be approved by the department
director, the governor and then
the Legislature.
Special Session
Funds could probably be approp-
riated starting this fall when the
Legislature holds a special session.
"The fund is just a beginning,"
Bursley commented. "If it proves
itself, it certainly should be ex-
panded. Michigan would be the

Sherif Discusses Intergroup Relations

Associate Business Manager
"A problem arising in the study
of intergroup relations concerns
the definition of intergroup be-
havior; not every friendly or un-
friendly act can be thought of as
intergroup behavior, but only that
behavior which comes from mem-
bership or aspired membership in


structured so that they split intoI
separate groups in the true defini-
tion of the word.
When they had formed separate
groups, the boys were brought in-
to competing and frustrating situ-
ations in which the success of one
group meant failure for another.
Unfavorable attitudes concerning
one group were standardized in the
other group; they would have

Prof. Sherif drew an analogy
here between the boys at camp
and the international situation.
Several of the leaders among the
boys tried to bring about under-
standing and harmonious rela-
tions, but they were thought of as
traitors. Only when the super-
ordinate goal was introduced could
the leaders make moves toward

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