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March 30, 1963 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-30

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aTWO:T TeaavCWav~a t Bawn .Va+.


Study Checks Entrance Criteria

A Law School study has shown
that an applicant's Legal Scholas-
tic Aptitude Test and his under-
graduate grade-point average give
"the most reliable indication of his
chance for success in Law School,"
Prof. Roy L. Steinheimer, admis-
sions officer of the Law School,
said recently.
The study revealed that the
LSAT and grade-point taken to-
U Aids China
In Developing
Business Unit
Dean Floyd A. Bond of the bus-
iness administration school and
Prof. Ferrel Heady of the politi-
cal science department, director
of the Institute of Public Admin-
istration, have recently complet-
ed a tour of a University project
in Taiwan.
The project is assisting the Re-
public of China in setting up its
first Center for Public and Busi-
ness Administration.
Dean Bond said that "the con-
tract for the Center is a three-
party contract between the Uni-
versity, the Nationalist Chinese
government and the Agency for
Internal Development, represent-
ing the United States government.
The contract is for $500,000 and
runs for three years.
Separate degree programs in
public and business administration
are being set up in Chengchi Uni-
Standard Curriculum
The university offers a four-year
degree program with a fairly reg-
ularized curriculum. Each of the
new programs will have fifty stu-
dents entering in each freshman
class. The Center has been operat-
ing for approximately one year,
Prof. Heady commented.
"Plans are being formulated for
the introduction of graduate work
in both fields which would be plac-
ed over the undergraduate pro-
grams. This may begin in 1964,
Dean Bond said.
The Center is alsordoing re-
search that will support its cur-
riculum effort. A library in public
and business administration has
recently been established and con-
sists of both local and English ma-
terials, he added.
University Team
The University team of advisors
is needed by Professors William
F. Gable of the political science
department and IPA and James
Scott 'of the business administra-
tion school. They are working with
a five-man team, Prof. Heady said.
Republic of China President
President Chiang Ka-Shek and
Chinese officials gave strong sup-
port to the project and work of
the American team, Dean Bond
said. Chiang said to Dean Bond
and Prof. Heady that "China has
many scholars, but good managers
are very scarce.-1
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gether "indicated not only the
student's chances of staying in
Law School, but to some extent
the quality of his grade-point aver-
age there," he noted.,
Prof. Steinheimer pointed out
that the study had been under-
taken to find criteria which would
predict the law student's ability
to succeed in his three years of
study. For this purpose the study
compared the qualifications with
the performance of all 4000 stu-
dents who attended the Law
School during the past 12 years.
No Significance
Prof. Steinheimer explained that
the applicant's age and under-
graduate field of concentration,
although considered by the study,
"revealed no statistical signifi-
"Inthe study we found that it
was statistically significant how
well the applicant had done both
academically and on his LSAT,"
he said.
As an example he cited the stu-
dent with an LSAT score above 600
and a 3.0 or higher "adjusted"
grade-point average (which means
anywhere from a 3.5-4.0 unadjust-
ed average).
All Pass
"This student did not flunk out
of school," Prof. Steinheimer said.
The study showed that "one hun-
dred per cent meeting these cri-
teria passed."

At the other end of the scale,
he cited the student who had an
adjusted average of 2.0 (about 2.5
unadjusted) and an LSAT score
of below 450. "We know from the
results of the study that only 38
per cent of those men were able

Cites Ways
To Reverse
.Profit Loss
Good management can beat the
"profit squeeze," Lynn Townsend,
president of the Chrysler Corpora-
tion, claims.
In an article in the recent is-
sue of the Michigan Business Re-
view, Townsend cited the decrease
in corporate profits from 9.2 per
cent of the total national income
in 1947 to 5.4 per cent in 1961.
He warned that there was no
indication that this trend would
be reversed. He said that "the
foi'ces that worked to reduce prof-
it margins in the 1950's have been
However, Townsend pointed out
that some companies have been
able to make profits during this
period. "Good management does
make a difference," he said.
Townsend advised business man-
agers to control costs, to develop
new and attractive products, and
to improve efficiency if they want-
ed to help reverse the trend of
decreasing profits for American
He called for a wider under-
standing of "the forces that move
our economy ahead." Townsend
noted that the Soviet newspaper,
Izvestia, recently printed a praise
of capitalism saying that the sys-
tem of individual investment pro-
vides capitalists with an automatic
feedback that "forces them to
make things better, sturdier and
To View Critic
On Campuses
Prof. Charles Lehmann of the
education school will address the
Religious Liberal student group at
2 p.m. today in the First Unitar-
ian Church. Prof. Lehmann will
discuss the "Liberal Critic on To-
day's Campus."
The address is part of a regional
conference on the liberal student
held for delegates throughout

Chermayeff Criticizes
Modern City Structure

White Views Needs
Of State Institutions


(Continued from Page 1)




For Infrared
In Industries
Industry, unlike the armed forc-
es and the medical profession, has
yet to take full advantage of re-
cent gains in infrared technology,
according to five researchers at
the Institute of Science and Tech-
The five, James King, Thomas
Limperis, Joseph Morgan, Fabian
Polcyn and William Wolfe, cited
the values of infrared in deter-
mining heat of various substances.
They also noted the value of
infrared spectroscopy in identify-
ing substances. They claimed that
this field has been a University
specialty for the last decade.
During recent years new devices
have been designed that make in-
frared detection easier. These de-
vices will open many fields to the
use of infrared technology.
For instance, infrared sensing
devices are now being installed
in railroad car wheels to detect
overheating in bearings which can
cause train wrecks. Similar appli-
cations are possible in other areas
of industry.
In medicine, infrared devices
measure minut e temperature
changes in various parts of the
The IST researchers speculate
that infrared techniques will be
used in the future to map nerve
cells, correlate heat activity with
skin diseases and determine if lo-
cal heat increases have a relation-
ship to cancer.
The heat sensitivity of the in-
frared process is especially useful
in medical problems where a minor
change in skin temperature can
be critical. Infrared technology,
which can be used to measure
temperatures to within one thou-
sandth of a degree in about one
millionth of a second can make
measurements almost impossible
with ordinary measuring equip-
Faculty Members
Receive Offices
Five University professors have
been elected to offices in the Mich-
igan Academy of Science, Arts and
Letters. They are Professors Sher-
idan W. Baker of the English de-
partment, Edmund P. Dandridge
of the engineering English depart-
ment, Volney H. Jones of the an-
thropology department, Ralph. A.
Loomis of the engineering English
department and Frederick H. Wag-
man, director of University librar-

... verify criteria
to complete their studies and 62
per cent flunked out," he said.
In general, the study indicated
that the LSAT and undergraduate
average "are the best objective
guides to a man's capacity" and
hence the best criteria for admis-
No Rigid Standards
These criteria, however, give no
rigid standards for success. "We
are the first to admit that you
can make a mistake in deciding
if a man is qualified," Prof. Stein-
heimer said.
"We sometimes find that we lose
some of those men who look good
on both their LSAT and grade-
point average."
It is for this reason that as a
"safety valve" the Law School ac-
cepts applicants in their second
year if they have completed a
year of "quality work" at another
law school, Prof. Steinheimer con-

Architecture today must end the
infringement on public and pri-
vate rights which is increasing in
modern cities, Prof. Serge Cherm-
ayeff of Yale University said in a
recent lecture.
"There is only one kind of ar-
chitecture: total architecture.
Great men must plan their world
from chairs to cities. And plan-
ning means making order," he said.
The need for total planning
stems from the population growth,
the result being that "the whole
human habitat soon will be man-
made. Man's survival is at stake; it
AHC See.,,-ks
New ~fqPower
Assembly House Council repre-
sentatives have established a com-
mittee to reconsider their pro-
posed statement of authority and
to suggest provisions for expand-
ed Assembly powers in the form of
constitutional amendments.
The committee will study the
areas which it believes should be
within Assembly's jurisdiction. It
will also define constitutionally
the manner in which it would ad-
minister its authority in these
Assembly Executive Vice-Presi-
dent Lois Fisher, '64, pointed out
that after the proposed amend-
ments are made, individual houses
will be able to submit objections
to any of the areas in which they
feel Assembly should not operate.
A motion proposed by Martha
Cook representative Sandra John-
son, '63, that the committee "be
composed of one member of the
executive bbard, two house presi-
dents, and three AHC representa-
tives" was approved. Former As-
sembly President Mary Beth Nor-
ton, '64, and Miss Fisher will serve
in an advisory capacity for the

is a question of human ecology,"
he said.
Private Vehicle
One of the major problems is
"automania," which is making ci-
ties "not cities, but a lot of places
becoming inaccessible." Prof. Cher-
mayeff feels the car "is a pri-
vate vehcle invading public places
and there is nothing more obscene
than a car which is not moving."
Modern communications-espe-
cially the television-represent "a
public voice invading private
places," he said. "Noise is inces-
sant today. And rather than be-
ing able to adjust, we are devel-
oping all sorts of neuroses from it."
Prof. Chermayeff sees a solu-
tion in total planning, which will
lead to "zoning as the obvious an-
swer." He calls for a separation
of family and civic centers, for
places where the pedestrian "will
be king" and p aces where "every-
thing must mo ,'e."
Development Cycle
But the never-ending progres-
sion of technology presents a prob-
lem even to total planning: obso-
lescence. The "development cycle"
has evolved to include research,
design, production, distribution,
utilization and finally elimination.
Furthermore, total planning
must include the house, which
needs to insure privacy without
bringing complete withdrawal
from nature.
The house should have court-
yards formed by rooms of the
house and closed to the street to
afford an "everchanging view" of
nature. This house, in the planned
city, derives its merit from its
"programmatic base, the aim of
every ar chitect," he said.
Schnitzer Reports
'Woolf' Sold Out
Prof. Robert C. Schnitzer of the
speech department, director of the
Professional Theatre Program, re-
ported recently that the Ann Ar-
bor performance of "Who's Afraid
of Virginia Woolf?" is now com-
pletely sold out by mail order.

decision on academic philosophy,"
he says. The Regents' role is. one
of general policy not specific de-
The decision, for instance, as to
whether students should partici-
pate in academic policy-making
should be left to the administra-
tion and the students, White main-
tains. However, he indicates that
"student-faculty government has
interesting possibilities." He would
also consider allowing more stu-
dents to sit on the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publications.
Favors Speaker Rule
White favors the Regental de-
cision approving the outside speak-
er bylaw. There are definite ad-
vantages to a statewide rule. Al-
though, he believes that students
are not overly susceptible to radi-
cal ideas, he thinks that the limi-
tations in the bylaw are "reason-
able." The limitations stem from
taxpayer reaction, which may
seem like a trivial concern, but it
is helpful to the University admin-
istration in securing financial sup-
port, if the students go along with
them," White comments.
The Regents must also see to it
that a balance between basic and
applied research is maintained.

White stresses the role of Univer-
sity research in the state's econo-
my, but believes that the academ-
ic side of research must also be
The Regents and the University
must work to encourage the devel-
opment of an industrial complex
White warns against over-play-
ing research considerations to the
extent of slightmg the University's
undergraduate program. Although
he thinks that the University
should encourage the expansion
and development of the communi-
ty and junior college program, he
would not favor the elimination of
undergraduate studies.
Newspaper Background
When asked about his first
name, Ink, White explains that
he comes from a family of news-
paper publishers. He is now editor
and publisher of the Clinton Coun-
ty-Republican News in St. Johns,
where he and his wife and three
sons reside. One of his sons at-
tends the University.
Besides being a graduate of the
University, White served as an
alumni member, of the Board in
Control of Student Publications
from 1945-54 and was a visiting
lecturer in community journalism
for three years.


Assoc. Prof. of Political Science
speaking on
Recent Arab Political Changes and their Implications for Nasser

Immediately following Supper Club
NOW C : 1

1429 Hill St.


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Cenoco Intenational piusnim
Akira Kurosawa's
. p

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of The Univer-
sity of Michigan for which The
Michigan Daily assumes no editorial
responsibility. Notices should' be
sent in TYPEWRITTEN form to
Room 3564 Administration Building 1
before 2 p.m. two days preceding
Day Calendar
7:00 and 9:00 p.m.-Cinema Guild --
Eisenstein's "Strike": Architecture Aud,
8:00 p.m.-Dept. of Speech Univ. Play-
ers Production-Federico Lorca's "The
House of Bernarda Alba": Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre.
General Notices
Student Government Council Approval
of the following student-sponsored ac-
tivities becomes effective 24 hours after
the publication of this notice. All pub-
licity for these events must be with-
held until the approval has become ef-
voice Political Party, Picket & Litera-
ture Distribution Project, March 30, De-
voice Political Party, Voice Forum,
April 2, 8:00 p.m., Multipurpose Room.
Gilbert & Sullivan Soviety, "The To-
ledo War" and "Cox and Box," April
28, 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
Gilbert & Sullivan Society, "The Gon-
doliers," May 2, 3, & 4, 8:00 p.m., 2:00
p.m. on the 4th, Lydia Mendelssohn
Michigan Union, Specfal Projects
Comm., Dr. Edward R. Annis speaking
on "Medicare," May 21, 7:00 p.m., Union
Alpha Phi Omega, Willopolitan, April
2-5, 9:00-4:00, Fishbowl.
Seniors: College of L.S.&A., and
Schools of Bus. Admin., Education, Mu-
sic, and Undergrad. Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for June'
grad. have been posted on the bulletina
board in the first floor lobby, Admin.
Bldg. Any changes therefrom should be
requested of the Recorder at Officea
of Registration and Records window
Number A, 1513 Admin. Bldg.

Members of Next Year's 1963 Univ. of
Mich. Marching Band shotjld report to
Rm. 108 Harris Hall on Mon. or Tues.,
April 1 or 2 to obtain their TIME
PERMIT forms, which are necessary
for pre-registration and classification
this spring.
College of Architecture and Design:
Midsemester grades are due on or be-
fore Tues., April 2. Please send them
to Rm. 207 Architecture.
International Rotary Fellowship: The
International Service Committee of the
Detroit Rotary Club will nominate two
male students forInternational Rotary
Fellowships for the year 1964-65. Fel-
lowships will provide all expenses, in-
cluding travel, for one year of study
abroad in any country recipient may
choose and in any field except as in-
tern or resident in Medicine. Qualifica-
tions: must be outstanding student able
to handle language of country chosen,
and have bachelor's or master's degree
by June, 1964; must be U.S. citizen and
resident of Detroit area; must be single
and remain so during period of Fellow-
ship; must not have studied in country
Candidates will be interviewed by rep-
resentatives of Detroit Rotary Club on
Wed. afternoon, April 10, at the Statler
Hilton Hotel in Detroit. Applicants for
these two nominations should call Don-
ald Lescohier at Woodward 2-0200, De-
troit, or write to him at 1534 E. Jeffer-
son St., Detroit 7, to establish appoint-
ments for interviews. The selected can-
didates will be nominated by the De-
troit Rotary Club on April 15; winners
will be named in June, 1963.
This information can be confirmed by
calling the Office of Financial Aids,
NO 3-1511, Ext. 2600.
Bain-Swiggett Poetry Contest: All
manuscripts for the Bain-Swiggett Poe-
try Contest must be in the Hopwood
Rm., 1006 Angell Hall, by 4:30 p.m. Mon.,
April 1.
.Effective April 1, 1963: The unsurfaced
Staff Parking lots W-4 and W-8 in the
400 block of Thompson St. will be re-
assigned to vehicles bearing a valid
Univ. of Mich. Student Driving permit.
This change will be on a temporary
basis until further notice.
Hopwood Awards: Students planning
to enter the Hopwood Contest are re-
minded that transcripts of first semes-
ter records are due in the Hopwood
Rm. by April 1.
Automobile Regulations-Spring Re-

cess: The Student automobile regula-
tions will be lifted at 5:00 p.m. on Fri.,
April 5, and will be resumed again at
8:00 a.m. on Mon., April 15.
The following sponsored student events
are approved for the coming weekend.
Social chairmen are reminded that
requests for approval for social events
are due in the Office of Student Af-
fairs not later than 12 o'clock noon
on the Tuesday prior to the event.
Adams, Open open, W.Q.; Allen Rum-
sey, Open open, W.Q.; Alpha Sigma Phi,
Pledge Formal, 920 Baldwin; Alpha Tau
Omega, Party, 1415 Cambridge; Ander-
son, Open open, E.Q.; Beta Theta Pl,
Theme party, 604 S. State; Chi Phi,
Party, 1530 Washtenaw; Chi Psi, Band
party, 620 S. State; Cooley, Open open,
E.Q.; Delta 'Kappa Epsilon,:Band party,
1912 Geddes; Delta Tau Delta, Party,
1928 Geddes; Delta Upsilon, Fort party,
1331 Hill.
Gomberg, Hayride & dance, Susterka
Lake; Greene, Open open, E.Q.; Hayden,
Party & open open, E.Q.; Kappa Sigma,
House party, 806 Hill St.; Michigan,
Open open, W.Q.; Phi Delta Theta,
Dance, 1437 Washtenaw; Phi Epsilon
Pi, Hawaiian party, 1805 Washtenaw; Phi
Gamma Delta, Pledge formad, 707 Ox-
ford; Phi Kappa Psi, Dance, 1550 Wash-
tenaw; Pi Lambda Phi, Movie party,
715 Hill St.; Psi Upsilon, Dance, 1000
Hill St.; Sigma Chi, House party, 548
S. State; Sigma Nu, B. T. Wesner party,
700 Oxford; Sigma Phi, Gangsters dance,
426 N. Ingalls.
Sigma Phi Epsilon, House party, 733
S. State; Sigma Alpha Epsilon, House
party, 1408 Washtenaw; Strauss, Open
open, E.Q.; Strauss, Dance party, E.Q.;
Theta Chi, Party, 1351 Washtenaw; The-
A well-bound copy of the He-
brew English Bilingual New
Testament will be sent abso-
lutely free without any obliga-
tion to any Jewish student or
person desiring a copy upon re-
quest. Please write
P.O. Box 9052
Grand Rapids, Michigan

ta Delta Chi, Theme party, 700 S. State;
Theta Xi, Dance party, 1345 Washtenaw;
Triangle, Gangsters party, 1910 Hill; Tri-
gon, Party, 1617 Washtenaw; Tyler-
Prescott, Open open, E{Q.; Jordan Hall,
Spring formal; Zeta Beta Tau, House
party, 2005 Hubbard.
Alpha Gamma Delta, Faculty-House-
mother Tea, 1322 Hill; Alpha Xi Delta,
Open open, 914 Hill; Tyler-Prescott,
Open open, E.Q.; Zeta Tau Alpha, Open
open, 826 Tappan.
Management Intern Oral Exams will
be held in Ann Arbor on Wed. &
Thurs., April 3 & 4, instead of during
spring vacation, as was printed in the
FSEE announcements. Students who
(Continued on Page 5)

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