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March 14, 1963 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-14

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AT, MARCH 14, 4iO




Mao Asks Chinese-Soviet Summit

Reds Reject U.S. Proposals

MOSCOW (M)-Mao Tse-Tung
r has invited Soviet Premier Nikita
S. Khrushchev to Peking to dis-
cuss their differences "on a foot-
ing of real equality," the Soviet
news agency Tass announced yes-
At the same time, the Chinese
Communists agreed to suspend
their attacks on Khrushchev's
leadership. Thousands of angry
words have flowed from Peking
in the past few weeks in the dis-
pute threatening to split the
world Communist movement.
But the Chinese showed no

signs of giving in on their de-
mands that the Kremlin drop its
talk of peaceful coexistence with
the West and push sternly ahead
in the drive to Communize the
world regardless of risks of nu-
clear war.
There was no indication that
Khrushchev had accepted the in-
vitation and the Chinese seemed
to have said that Mao would not
come to Moscow. But it was said
that a delegation might be sent
The Chinese leader suggested

that Khrushchev stop off in Pe-
king en route to Cambodia.
Khrushchev is expected to visit
that Southeast Asian nation this
Westerners here believe that for
settlement of the dispute Khrush-
chev and Mao will have to meet
face to face. Anything lower than
that level would offer little hope
of settling the quarrel, they said.
Red Conference
The Chinese suggested that after
the Mao - Khrushchev summit
meeting all Communist nations be
called into a conference.

The Chinese have been demand-
ing a world Communist meeting on
Peking's quarrel with the Kremlin.
But at the East German Commu-
nist meeting in January, Khrush-
chev rejected this idea and called
for two-nation talks.
"We hold that the questions
that need to be discussed in the
talks between the Chinese and
Soviet parties are also the ques-
tions that need to be discussed at
the meeting of representatives of
the Communist workers' parties of
all countries," the Chinese pro-
posal said.

GENEVA (P)-The United States
offered the Soviet Union two con-
cessions in detailed proposals yes-
terday for inspection of a nuclear
test ban.
But the Russians quickly reject-
ed the offer.
The American plan, presented in
the 17-nation disarmament con-
ference by United States Ambas-
sador Charles C. Steele, would have
provided that:
Smaller Area
1) On-site inspection to deter-
mine whether a suspicious under-
ground disturbance was an earth-
quake or a nuclear explosion would
cover a maximum of 500 square
kilometers (193 square miles), in-
stead of the 700 to 800 square kil-
ometers the West has been de-
2) Each inspected country could
exclude sensitive defense installa-
tions from areas subject to inspec-
tion, though any abuse of this right
would leave the other side free to
consider the treaty void and re-
sume testing.
It was also suggested that in-
spections under quota be set off by
any nuclear power at its own dis-
cretion, provided it could produce

evidence of a suspicious event re-
corded by at least four seismic ob-
servation posts.
Left to Neutrals
Previously the United States
and Britain had proposed that in-
spections be conducted at the dis-
cretion of the neutral administra-
tor of a worldwide control system.
Soviet Delegate Semyon K. Tsa-
rapkin turned down the proposals
as another device to "sabotage the
discussion of a test ban by bring-
ing up technical matters."
Tsarapkin reiterated the Soviet

refusal to discuss any aspect of
inspection procedures unless the
West first accepts the Soviet of-
fer of three inspections a year. The
West wants seven.
They decided, as co-chairmen
of the conference, that the deep-
ly frozen test ban issue should be
discussed henceforth at only one
of the three weekly meetings of
the conference.
"Little good can come out of
going over the same frozen ground
again and again," one Western
delegate explained.



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World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-Top level shifts at the State Department will
send Undersecretary George C. McGhee to Germany as ambassador
and make Roger Hilsman Jr. assistant secretary of state for Far East-
ern affairs.
WASHINGTON-The House authorized yesterday a record $15.8
billion for military buying, including money for two RS-70 airplanes
the Administration doesn't want. The vote was 374 to 33. The House
also voted 258 to 149, largely along party lines, against a Republican
move for an over-all cut of an estimated $800 million.
LONDON-The Soviet Union has a plane-launched missile that
can be delivered to any point in the globe by a long range bomber,
Moscow radio said yesterday. The broadcast described the missile as
shaped like a swept-wing fighter and called it "invulnerable to anti-
aircraft defense because of its speed and ceiling."
WASHINGTON-An informed source termed "without any -foun-
dation in fact" a Russian charge yesterday that United States war-
ships dropped artillery shells as close as 190 feet to a Soviet trawler
last Friday. A United States investigation was begun of the Russian
protest, but in advance of an official report an informant said there
had been no incident of the nature set out in a Soviet note.
NEW YORK-New York Stock Exchange experienced a rise yes-
terday as the heaviest volume in three weeks topped four million
shares. The closing Dow-Jones stock averages showed 30 industrials
up 2.46, with 20 rails up 0.67, 15 utilities up 0.72 and 65 other stocks
up 1.01.
League Travel Panel
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White House
May Result
Wolfe Demands End
To 'Featherbedding'
CHICAGO )-Railroad-union
negotiations on the "featherbed-
ding" issue collapsed yesterday,
raising the possibility of a nation-
wide rail strike and quick White
House intervention.
A conference of leaders of the
five operating labor organizations
and representatives of the rail
lineshbroke down justone and a
half hours after it started.
James E. Wolfe, chief of the
management's negotiating team,
announced that the railroads will
move as soon as possible to make
sweeping changes in the work rules
to eliminate what they call "feath-
The unions, representing 200,000
members, have stated such action
would trigger a walkout.
"The nation cannot stand a
strike of railroad employes," Wolfe
He said the breakoff in negotia-
tions, for the third time, should
lead to appointment of a fact-
finding board by President John
F. Kennedy. That would delay any
strike for at least 60 days.
Administrative Concern
The Kennedy Administration al-
ready has made known that the
"national interest is very vitally
Before the start of the talks,
which involved 65,000 jobs and
$600 million a year, negotiating
teams for both sides had expressed
optimism over the possibility of a
The railroads wanted to conduct
the talks within the framework
of the report of a presidential rail-
road commission made Feb. 28,
1962. That report accepted some
of management's demands.
The commission recommended
elimination of the jobs of 40,000
firemen on diesel locomotives in
yard and freight service. It sug-
gested that 13,000 of those firemen
with less than 10 years seniority
be dismissed with 3-12 months no-
tice and severance pay. The 27,000
others would stay on the payroll
until they retired or died. Wolfe
told newsmen that the union ne-
gotiators had refused to give any
consideration to that recommen-

Soviet Union Creates
New Economic Council
MOSCOW ( )-The Soviet Union yesterday created a Supreme
National Economic Council to guide Russian industrial life.
"This will be the supreme state agency for the management of
industry and construction," Tass announced.
Establishment of the council capped Soviet Premier Nikita S.
Khrushchev's program for a sweeping reorganization of agricultural
and industrial management that was approved by the Central Com-
mittee of the Soviet Communist'
Party last November. It means .
another tightening of controls. British A gree

The effect is to swing still fur-
ther from Khrushchev's 1957 ex-
periment with a decentralized sys-
tem of scattered regional economic
councils, a system that failed to
live up to expectations in curing
Soviet farm and industrial ills.
The Soviet news agency said
Khrushchev, his ministers and the
Soviet Communist Party leader-
ship had found it necessary to set
up the Supreme Council.
The council will outrank all oth-
er Soviet economic bodies and will
work directly under the council of
ministers, Khrushchev's cabinet.
The object, Tass said, is "fur-
ther improving the guidance and
the development of industry and
construction and coordinating the
activity of the State Planning
Committee, the National Econom-
ic Council, the Committee for
Construction and State Specializ-
ed and Production Committees."

To Polaris Plan
LONDON (P) - United States
Ambassador Livingston T. Mer-
chant won British support yester-
day for a North Atlantic Treaty
Organization navy manned by
crews of mixed nationalities and
armed with the latest Polaris mis-
In exchange, Merchant voiced
the United States government's
backing for a British plan for ear-
ly creation of a NATO nuclear
force built from separate national'

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