Seventy-Third Year
Truth Will Prevaifl
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily express the individual opinions of staff writers
or the editors. This must by noted in all reprints.
Background of a Statewide Conflict
Scholarships Should Go
To Students Who Need Them
THERE IS a small but growing trend at the ferent economic classes as well as from dif-
'University and around the country to divert ferent geographic areas. Using scholarship
college scholarship money from those who need money to reward academic excellence rather
it to those who academically' deserve it. Most than alleviate need cuts down on the opportun-
of the push in this direction comes from fac- ities to attract students from the lower eco-
ulty members who see the diversion as a way nomic strata.
of attracting top scholars to their departments Another aspect of this problem is also ques-
and possibly eliminating some chaff. tionable. That is the notion of rewarding with
The problem around the country is causing money good marks in high school. First of all
worry in some quarters, mostly among the there is no guarantee that a student who re-
members of the College Scholarship Service of ceives top marks in high school will be a su-
the College Entrance Examinations Board. The perior college student or even an asset to his
CSS; is a voluntary organization maderd. Tf department. Besides, a person really does not
colleges around the nation which sends out start concentrating in his major until his
and coordinates information of scholarships junior year, by which time there are slightly
and student needs to the member schools. For more dependable indications of his ability than
example it receives and evaluates parents' con- high school grades.
fidential financial statements before sending
them on, with recommendations, to the school REWARDING a person monetarily for good
the parent has indicated, thus saving the grades emphasizes the wrong aspect of
schools much time and work. education. Once upon a time learning was re-
spected for its inherent qualities. As of now
gentle- society has turned learning into a four-year
MEMBERS of the CSS have agthe process of getting a license to enable one to
men's agreement that need should be the take his proper niche among his fellows. By
criterion in awarding scholarships to incoming revising itsrscholarship criteria the University
freshmen. Recently however some well known would be aiding and abetting this commer-
institutions as well as some newer schools have cialization of learning. How can a student re-
been found to be offering money to students spect education for itself or through interest
who are academically outstanding and finan- when he has a chance to be paid for getting
cially solvent, the former schools for purposes high marks?
of maintaining their present high standards If the revision does go through there is a
and the latter to increase the quality of the possibility that there will be discrimination in
student body. their use against out-of-state students. They
That the problem has affected the University University, in the Regents Alumni funds, has
is evident from the fact that a re-examination a fairly substantial source of in-state scholar-
of scholarship criteria is presently being under- ships. However at the present time it is vir-
taken by the administration. A major motiva- tually impossible for an out-of-state freshman
tion for this has been a steady request from to get a scholarship from this university.
various faculty members who feel that their If the policy were changed and the Uni-
departments are not getting as many top level versity actively went out to recruit top out-
students as they once did, primarily because of-state scholars, the flak coming from Lansing
the University at present cannot compete with would probably force a restriction to in-state
those schools offering academic rewards. students only. Yet it is the out-state freshmen,
Yet if the end result is a policy which ends with their $910 tuition who usually need help
up using scholastic ability as a criterion for the most.
granting scholarships the detrimental effects Free public education was established in this
on the University and the composition of its country because it was felt that every child
student body will outweigh any improvements was entitled to a certain minimal amount of
in various departments. education. This minimal has risen with the
The most obvious objection is that there years and now it is a fairly widely accepted
should be something morally repugnant about proposition that a person cannot really hope
giving money to a student who has no need of to go very far in life without a college degree.
it while rejecting a qualified but less outstand- Any scholarship given on the basis of marks
ing student who can't come to college without undermines the basis of our educational system.
financial aid. It works towards the creation of a self-
perpetuating elite helping to cut down what-
IIOWEVER THERE are more important con- ever social mobility exists in our society.
siderations. The University is one of the The faculty members and department who
academically elite institutions of the country. are concerned about getting as many top stu-
As far as state supported institutions go, it is dents as they can are taking a narrow ap-
also one of the most expensive. Tuition has proach. It is all very well to want to better
been raised twice in the past four years and a certain department, but one should think in
there is a growing worry on the part of many terms of the overall student body and also
that the University is becoming financially as certain educationally relevant ideas.
well as academically elite. Very often poor A University decision to emulate other
students apply with the stipulation that they schools which are recruiting ;on the basis of
will need a scholarship in order to attend. scholastic scholarships would be just one more
The University likes to boast about its cos- step away from the goal of higher education
mopolitan, well rounded student body. Yet for all qualified students.
cosmopolitan should include students from dif- -RONALD WILTON
Calculated Chaos i the OSA
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first
of two articles dealing with the
University and Delta College.)
BACK IN 1956, a group of about
300 citizens of Michigan's
Thumb area-Bay, Midland and
Saginaw counties-got together
and decided that what their area
needed was a full-fledged, four-
year, degree-granting college.
They didn't know what they
were getting into.
Now, seven years later, dozens
of educators and politicans in Ann
Arbor, the Saginaw Bay area, Lan-
sing, East Lansing, and in fact all
across the state have involun-
tarily been pitted against one
another in an educational con-
troversy that may become a fair-
sized political battle before it is
* *. *
SEVERAL MONTHS ago, one of
the educators involved, Dean John
X. Jamrich of Michigan State
University's education school,
pointed out, "This question is not
an isolated item of higher educa-
tion in Michigan. It is a critical
turning point: what we do here
may set the pattern for the next
20 years."
Though many of the partici-
pants in this impromptu hassle
have questioned Dean Jamrich's
prediction, it is nevertheless a
widespread idea. It is this ex-
pectation-that whatever is done
in the Saginaw Valley will set a
precedent for future educational
expansion elsewhere-that has
blown a relatively localized ques-
tion into a statewide controversy.
When the 300 citizens sat down
to talk over their schools in 1956,
they found they were faced with
two "givens." The first was popu-
lation: in the Bay area, as in
the rest of the nation, postwar
population growth had confounded
prewar predictions of a gradual
decline in America's populace. And
the biggest wave-the postwar
"baby boom"-was already an es-
tablished fact, and was heading
toward college age with frighten-
ing rapidity.
Saginaw Valley planners was that
they only had one post-high school
institution: the city-supported Bay
City Junior College, which they
deemed woefully inadequate in the
face of the first "given."
The result of their deliberations
was the replacement of the Bay
City junior college with Delta Col-
lege-a somewhat larger institu-
tion, this time financed on a tri-
county basis.
But this seemingly inauspicious
move was only half the goal. The
planners' real intention was to
make Delta into a four-year col-
lege, and as soon as its doors
opened in 1961, they began sub-
mitting legislation to this effect.
Meanwhile, their ambitions re-
ceived indirect support when an
11-volume study of statewide edu-
cation, headed by John Dale Rus-
sell, asserted the need for more
degree-granting colleges in Mich-
*i * *
A 1961 BILL fell flat. In 1962,
they tried again with a bill which
seemed to suggest that a four-
year Delta's expenses would even-
tually be transferred to the state
while the college would remain
under local control. This proposal
scored in the Senate, but was
amended, then died in the House.
In the wake of the 1962 bill, the
House created a special committee
"to study the need and feasibility
of establishing a state-supported,
degree-granting college in the Sag-
inaw Valley."
So far, everything was fairly
clear-cut. But here, as the Legis-
lature set its study in motion and
the Delta people went home to
ponder new ways to get a four-
year college, were the first seeds
of controversy. From here on, the
wheels set in motion by the Delta
officials turned almost indepen-
dently of the machinery started by
the House. And from here on, we
must consider the progress of the
two groups separately..
Rep. (now Senator) Lestor 0.
Begick (R-Port Huron) was ap-
pointed to head the seven-man
legislative study committee, and
Dean Jamrich was named to direct
the study.\
Dean Jamrich, director of a
similar study which led to the es-
tablishment of Grand Valley State
College, and assistant director of
the Russell Study, evaluated popu-
lation projections and polled stu-
dents and parents about their
college aspirations and intentions.
HIS REPORT, turned in to
Gegick's committee last Nov. 15,
asserted the need for a degree-
granting facility. At the same time,
he noted that Delta had now be-
come a "given," and any planning
should take its existence into ac-
Dean Jamrich's answer: Leave
Delta exactly as it is now, a tri-
county-supported junior college.
Establish Saginaw Valley Senior
College (SVSC): a state-supported,
independent senior college-which
would offer only junior- and sen-
ior-year instruction. SVSC would
be governed by a nine-man board
appointed by the Governor, with
the advice and consent of the Sen-
ate; the only provision connecting
it with Delta or the thumb area
at all requires that three members
of its board also be members of
the locally-elected Delta Board of
Governors-and this provision
would be voided if the new state
constitution is approved.
The House committee looked at
the report, smiled, and showed it
to the Delta officials.
They got a cool reception. The
Board of Governors complained
that the Thumb-area counties
would have no local control over
the proposed SVSC. And besides,
the Board of Governors was al-
ready becoming enthusiastic over
another idea-affiliation with the
UNDAUNTED, the special House
committee went back to Lansing
and began pushing the Jamrich
plan. They chose the House as the
most likely place to get the thing
rolling, and handed the ball to
their vice-chairman, Rep. Ray-
mond C. Wurzel (R-Port Huron),
who also chairs the House Educa-
tion Committee.
Wurzel is a long-time friend of
the "piggy-back" idea, as Dean
Jamrich's plan has come to be
called. Even before the Jamrich
study, he had introduced a similar
bill as a substitute for the 1962
Delta bill. Wurzel was the right
man to carry the ball: last Friday
his committee reported out tne
Jamrich bill virtually intact, minus
only its $50,000 appropriation and
with an added provision that the
Thumb-area citizens must col-
lectively cough up $1 million to
get SVSC started.
Despite a detour through the
House Ways and Means Commit-
tee (where the appropriation may
well be restored), the Jamrich bill
seems a safe bet to make it
through the House. Republican
leaders are enthusiastic about it,
and most Democrats (because the
Delta area is far divorced from
their districts) are not too in-
terested but willing to go along.
PROBLEMS will arise in the
Senate, where the Education Com-
mittee chairman, Sen. William G.
Milliken (R-Traverse City) is
against it. Milliken has promised
not to prevent a full hearing on
the Jamrich bill; but has also as-
serted that he will state his own
opposition to it in no uncertain
terms. Also, the Senate as a whole
is less committed to the Jamrich
formula, and numerous influential.
senators are hostile to theidea.
Meanwhile, we left our Delta
friends back in the middle of 1962,
wondering where to turn next af-
ter their expansion plans had re-
ceived their second rejection in
Lansing. They pondered until the
middle of October, when the idea
suddenly struck: why not set up
a branch of a state university at
Things happened fast. Feelers
were sent out to Michigan State,
Wayne, Central Michigan and the
University. University Vice-Pres-
idents Marvin L. Niehuss and
Roger W. Heyns were called to
Delta October 23, and "indicated
a desire to be of service."
NEWS OF THIS meeting was
released a few days later, and
from this point on, the University
worked under fire. Accusations be-
gan emerging from Lansing and
various community colleges that
the Ann Arbor monster had
stretched out its tentacles and was
planning to gobble up every junior
college in the state. The charges
were tossed around despite the
obvious fact'that Delta had started
the thing (all the way through, in
fact, the University played some-
what the coy maiden while Delta
was the ardent suitor).
At any rate, the Delta officials
mentioned their brainstorm to
Begick's committee, and were ask-
ed to wait for Dean Jamrch's re-
port before they did anything.
They agreed, and for two months
little happened.
When the Jamrich plan came
out, they didn't like it at all, com-
plaining that it would be slow in
getting underway, would provide
for inadequate local control, didn't
give them a full four-year college,
and lacked other advantages of
the University alliance.
However, they also were unen-
thusiastic about the way the Uni-
versity's Flint branch plan had
worked out. Clearly, some new
arrangement was needed.
Students Urge Fair Housing
THE LATEST CLASH between the forces of
reason and the Office of Student Affairs is
over, and it seems the enemy has won again.
Vice-President for Student Affairs James A.
Lewis and Mrs. Elizabeth Davenport-who-is-
not-the-dean-of-women have announced their
intention-Assembly Association, Student Gov-
ernment Council and other respected student
voices notwithstanding--to keep the power of
setting dress regulations safely wrapped in the
red tape of their bureau.
The implication is apparently that girls from
18 to 20 who are old enough to leave home to
attend a university and who in any other
country constitute part of a strong force to
be reckoned with nationally are not mature
enough to decide by majority rule what they.
wish to wear. Or else the OSA is less interested
in providing for the comfort and happiness of
the dormitory residents than in keeping the
dorms a showplace for prospective students and
visiting dignitaries who may care to go slum-
ming there.
CHILDISH as the decision appears to anyone
with any intelligence, it was only the next
logical step in the battle, which is hardly
evenly matched. Two years ago (and undoubt-
edly many times before that) the same issue
arose. The girls in Mary Markley, tired of being
forced to entertain guests in the hall when they
or the guests happened to be wearing slacks,
voted to turn one of the Markley lounges into
a "bermuda lounge."
It was an overwhelming vote and a seemingly
obvious decision--but nothing involving the
OSA is ever simple-until word reached one
of the housemothers who naturally objected
and sent for the assistant dean of women. The
assistant dean of women graciously came over
4 -- .,,Ltn --A oA ~tafnilenhima+talk
girls how much more autonomy they had than
girls at several other universities she could
(and did) name.
Fuller got a brainstorm. She would organize
an all-campus committee of residence hall wo-
men who would start from scratch and con-
struct a genuine philosophy of residence hall
life from which would flow naturally all, minor
concerns such as dress regulations.
The committee did almost get formulated,
but then Mrs. Fuller retired from public life
last year and the new project-reorganization
of the OSA along educational lines-got under-
way. It has resulted in a brand new approach
which looks deceptively familiar but of course
is entirely different. There is no longer a dean
of women. The fact that Mrs. Davenport be-
haves like one is purely coincidental, and so
we have an academically oriented OSA.
What has changed is the insight into what
all the confusion in the office is really about.
It used to look like formless chaos. It's still
chaos, but there's nothing formless about it.
It seems somehow on long-range observations,
that the confusion works consistently to the
advantage of the vice-president for student
affairs. Since it's never clear who has the
authority to do anything, nobody can ever do
anything and consequently, nothing ever gets
done, which makes the whole place an ad-
ministrator's paradise. Now at least we know
who can make dress regulations and I suppose
we should be all grateful for that illumination.
INCE IT'S APPARENT they've lost, there is
only one word of consolation for campus
women. While waiting till they are old enough
to get out of the dormitory system, they must
hpanki s-n1 h. inenseannntial decisions as
To the Editor:
THE AFRICAN Students' Asso-
ciation supports efforts to
achieve fair-housing laws in Ann
support of Regents Bylaw 2-14
Arbor. We urge President Hatcher
to speak for the University in
through encouraging passage of
non-discriminatory housing legis-
-Aron Kandie, President,
African Students' Association
Petition.. .
To the Editor:
WOULD LIKE to encourage
faculty members to continue
signing the circulating petitions
urging President Harlan Hatcher
to take a public stand on fair
housing legisation.
The following faculty members
were inadvertently omitted from
the advertisement listing those
who had signed the petition: Pro-
fessors Arthur Carr, Edmund
Creeth, Morris Greenhut, Donald
Hall and Christopher Longyear.
-Helen Jacobson, '65
To the Editor:
AS CHRISTIANS we believe in
the brotherhood of man and
in equality of opportunity for all.
Therefore, we ask the Ann Arbor
City Council to enact fair hous-
ing legislation so that our 2,000
non-white professors and fellow
students may have access to the
decent housing which they can af-
ford but are denied by discrimina-
Most of us are unable to ex-
press our desire by voting in Ann
Arbor. But the University admin-
istration adhering to the doctrine
of "in loco parentis" can speak
for us. Therefore, we ask the pres-
ident of the University to publicly
state the academic community's
need and desire for fair housing
-Cherry Skromme, 64N,
Wesley Foundation Cabinet
Ordinance ., a
To the Editor:
AS MEMBERS of the American
Baptist Student Fellowship, we
cannot help but feel greatly con-
cerned over the discriminatory
practices existing in housing here
in Ann Arbor. We feel that as
students of the University, it is
our duty to make our feelings
known, because it is our fellow
students who are affected by the
present conditions.
Our country is considered both
democratic and Christian. Yet, the
image we project to the world
must be a very different one when
we allow such undemocratic and
un-Christian practices as discrim-
ination in the renting and selling
such discriminatory practices, al-
though it cannot solve the prob-
lem, will be a step in the right
direction toward the goal of free-
dom and equality for all. We feel
this matter is urgent and must be
taken care of immediately.
We trust that as members (al-
though temporary) of this com-
munity, you will seriously consider
our request.
-Jean Barclay, '63
-Nicholas C. Batch, '66
-Barabara Clark, '65
-Eleanor Drake, '64N
-David Hoyt, '66E
-Judith Kempton, '65Ph
-Robert E. Perkins, Grad
-Patricia Quinn, '66
-Ronald Randall, '65E
-Robert Thalmann
-Nancy Wager,'64Ed
Encouragement ...
To the Editor:
j SPEAK to the current fair
housing issue as a student of
this University, as a former pres-
ident of the Wesley Foundation
at the University, and as the pres-
ent State President of the Meth-
odist Student Movement in Mich-
My awareness and concern come
not only as a result of my associa-
tion with the church, but also send
more especially as a benefit of
the education I receive here. I am
concerned both for the situation in
Ann Arbor and its effect on the
students here, and for the situa-
tion beyond Ann Arbor.
* * *
I SUPPORT President Hatcher's
stand that the University has no
right to dictate to the community
in matters that are of; no direct
concern to the University. How-
ever, fair housing directly affects
students of the University and,
since we have the second largest
group of foreign students in the
United States, it affects the image
of the University, and of our
country, throughout the world.
For the University to make pub-
lic its support of the ideals it is
committed to and practices, is not
dictating to, but leading the com-
munity in a matter which directly
and vitally concerns the Univer-
I encourage you in your role as
spokesman for the University to
assert the leadership of the Uni-
versity in continuing to be at the
forefront of creative social change.
-Joan Puffer, '63
ON JAN. 18, the Regents ex-
pressed their "willingness to nego-
tiate, " and from here on the
meetings between University and
Delta officials became frequent
and intensive. By now, more and
more people in the Thumb area
were becoming gung-ho for the
branch plan: the Delta student
body and faculty endorsed it, and
Delta officials enthusiastically
submitted five different proposals
for a University campus there.
Caught between the eager Thumb-
area people, urging full speed
ahead, and the various anti-
branchers who erupted every time
any hint of an agreement was
made, Niehuss and Heyns spent
about as much time squelching
rumors as negotiating.
As the talks progressed, however,
it appears that the University be-
came more and more enamored of
the whole idea and more impress-
ed with the need for getting some-
thing official into print before the
Jamrich plan got too far along In
the Legislature. On Feb. 12, Ne-
huss called it "highly unlikely"
that any University operations
could start at Deltai this fall. The
next day, President Hatcher
(somewhat to the surprise of Nie-
huss) labeled such a plan "just
within the realm of possibility"
and suggested that a $50,000 plan-
ning appropriation for it might be
nice. And a week later, when the
Regents hurriedly convened and
approved the completed proposal,
it turned out that a pilot opera-
tion this year was not only within
the realm of possibility, but was
all ready to go-and planned down
to the number of teachers (13)
and the course offerings!
THERE ARE other indications
that the Delta-University team
began to fret as they saw the
"piggy-back" bill making political
hay while they stood by holding
nothing but tentative proposals,
For instance, the opinion of the
University's faculty was not asked
before the proposal was released.
And the fact that the release of
the branch proposal followed by
only a few days the announcement
that the "piggy-back" bill had
been endorsed by Wurzel's educa-
tion committee and seemed headed
for House passage seems more
than coincidental.
Fortunately, however, the plan
which emerged so suddenly does
not bear the ugly earmarks of a
makeshift job. Though it leaves
a few questions precariously un-
answered, the plan is compre-
hensive and has some advantages
over the Jamrich "piggy-back,"
In essence, the plan is this: As
in the Jamrich plan, Delta would
remain in operation. On its 640-
acre campus, the University would
set up a junior-year program, then
a senior-year program, and even-
tually expand it into a four-year
college, to be called The Univer-
sity of Michigan at Delta. It would
be governed by a nine-man board
three members appointed by the
Delta board, three by the Regents,
and the last three by the other
six members. Technically, this
board will be responsible to the
Regents, but it will have "broad
powers of local autonomy"-
meaning that it would be largely
on its own except for extremely
basic or controversial decisions. To
prevent duplication and ineffi-
ciency, various arrangements for
sharing of plant, faculty and staff
and curricular coordination would
be worked out between the junior
college and the University cam-
THE OUTLOOK this year for
the branch plan is not too bright.
Though, legally, the University
can set up a branch when and
where it pleases, it of course is
not about to do it without the
Legislature's approval-since it
would have to ask the lawmakers
for a bigger appropriation to run
the branch.
The two schools will soon in-
troduce a joint resolution in the
Legislature asking support for the
plan. In the Senate, with the prob-
able support of education com-
mittee chairman Milliken, its
chances look good. But it should
run into a stone wall in the House.
Sooner or later, then, the un-
declared war between the two
plans is going to result in a con-
frontation. It may well happen in
the Senate education committee,
where there is some possibility
that a bill will be formulated that
would be acceptable to both houses
--possibily a compromise between
the two.
But the "piggy-back" plan has
adamant supporters in the House,
and the branch resolution may
win equally staunch and influen-
tial friends in the Senate. And
Gov. George Romney may want to
hold off on the whole thing until
his pet "blue-ribbon citizen's com-
mittee" makes some statewide
plans for higher education, as the
influential Michigan Co-Ordinat-
ing Council suggested Tuesday.
Thus the best bet is that no plan
will make it in Lansing this year,
and the Thumb area once again
will have to wait for its degree-
granting college.
IN TERMS of the present, this
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