ear Effort Gives Matmen Crown
* 4
is a stickler for details and his the consolations and Iowa had
"It was a great performance, 'coaching was a vital contribution." only one.
one of the finest victories I've ever Team Effort No Contest
seen, Michigan wrestling Coach When asked to single out any "We had the meet won before
CnlMcign KndelednthBigmmenngindividuals, Keen said "It was a the finals even started," Keen said.
on Michigan's eleventh Big Ten team effort all the way and every- "It was mathematically impossible
title suone contributed equally to this for Iowa to win even if they had
"I've never seen such a dedicat- tremendous victory." taken their three championships
ed group of men," he continued Michigan went into the meet as and if our three boys had lost."
they went to win, and it was a the team to beat but Keen was Carl Rhodes at 123-lbs., and
great credit to the team as well as skeptical. Iowa had three of the Dave Dozeman at 130-lbs. won
great credit to Michigan. top wrestlers in the Conference their consolation matches. Chris
"They are a young bunch of and was almost assured of three Stowell at 167-lbs. was defeated.
guys with a purpose and it took of the eight titles. Iowa's one man in the consola-
a lot of work and concentration After the first day of competi- tions was defeated.
to. win this title," Keen said. tion, Michigan held a slim, 32-31 As it turned out Michigan turn-
"Doug Blubaugh has to get a lead, but more important, the ed it into a romp with 157-pound-
lot of credit. Not only is he a Wolverines and the Hawkeyes each er Rick Bay and heavyweight Jack
great wrestler but a very able and qualified three men for the finals Barden winning championships
patient teacher," Keen said. "Doug while Michigan had three men in while 147-pounder Lee peitrick
had to settle for a second. The fin-
al team totals gave Michigan a
ten point margin over the Hawk-
eyes, 52-42.
Lose Two
In addition to the victory this
- .*.*.*~*.season Keen has other pleasant
things to look forward to. He loses
{ only two seniors from this season's
championship team. Captain Nick
Armelagos, who did not compete
in the conference meet and newly
crowned heavyweight king Jack
Barden are Keen's only graduation
f losses.
This year's team had sopho-
mores in five of the eight weights,
and these sophs collectively chalk-
ed up a first, a second, a third, and
a fourth. Juniors Rhodes and Crary
Wilcox will also return in addi-
tion to 177-pounder Bob Spaly.
r Not Over
Michigan is not finished with
wrestling this season. On the con-
trary, the Wolverines resume prac-
tice tomorrow for the NCAA meet.
Keen is planning on taking a full
--aty-Bruce Taylor team to the meet which will be
HUMAN PRETZEL-Dave Dozeman of Michigan has Glen Hackel Oheld at ent State nd 23 sfty in
of Indiana wrapped up in a mass of arms and legs, prior to pin- m on the 21, 22 and 23 of this
ning him at 4:42 of the match in a dual meet with Indiana earlier Michigan's Big Ten victory
in the season.,Michigan won, 19-9. marks the second time in four
earcats Voted'Team of Year'
years that the Wolverines have
returned with the title. In the
other two years Michigan finished
second. Two years ago Michigan
State edged the Wolverines while
Iowa took the crown last year.
Growth of Collegiate Clubs Indicates
Soccer's Increasing Popularity in U.S.
By PERRY HOOD States. New England and the New sity squad, while at Purdue, Illi- been made at Michigan to orgE
Michigan State's football team York-Pennsylvania area are the nois, Indiana, and Ohio State, soc- nize a team for intercollegia
is better than Michigan's, and so particular strongholds of soccer. cer is supported by independent play. Both failed for lack of suff
In many of the Connecticut and student organizations. cient financial and moral suppoi
is their soccer team. Massachusetts high schools, soc- MSU Qualifies I-M League
The fact is that Michigan cer is the big fall sport, football Michigan State qualified for the An intramural league under tl
doesn't even have a varsity soc- having gone by the board long NCAA tournament at St. Louis by control of the International Cei
cer team, even though there are ago. Soccer is more adaptable to compiling a record of eight wins ter does exist though, and t1
more foreign students at Michigan the smaller schools since it re- and one loss, their only defeat competition is keen. Among the,
than at any other school in the quires a much lower financial coming at the hands of defending teams can be found a tremendot
nation. Michigan State has, mean- budget than football. champ St. Louis. St. Louis was in supply of capable players eligib
while, compiled an enviable record The Ivy League schools have turn defeated by Westchester State for intercollegiate play.
this past year, placing one player very active soccer competition. of Pennsylvania, the new NCAA Supporters of the present so(
on the first team All-Americans. Harvard emerged as this year's champions. cer program feel that if studer
Soccer as a sport is definitely Ivy champion, but was defeated Michigan State plays in the opinion was strong enough, Mich
foreign to the UnitedbStates, al- early in national tourney play. Midwestern Intercollegiate Soccer gan might find the support neec
though it is lately beginning a The four service academies have Conference, along with Indiana, ed to enter intercollegiate compe
westward movement. Soccer is the soccer teams, as well as many of Illinois and Purdue, while Ohio tition. They also feel that with
national sport of many European the smaller Eastern schools. Many State plays in the extremely active six-team field, it might be possib
and South American nations. The of the large Southern universities Ohio Intercollegiate Soccer Con- to organize a Big Ten soccE
world's highest paid athletes are compete in the Southern Intercol- feirence.11 league. Admittedly, though, thisj
soccer players, some of the top legiate Soccer Association. There Twice in the past, attempts have at best adistant hope.
stars receiving $150,000 a year in is also a smaller Rocky Mountain
salaries. Soccer competition is ex- Conference, and West Coast and r::. v*'~.-..
tremely fierce in the Olympic con- California Conferences. _ .*........,.
tests and in the international Existing
leagues. aieaim r
G ingsus In five of the Big Ten schools,-
Gainingsoccer exists as an intercollegiate
Soccer has gained a little more sport in some form. Michigan
than a foothold in the United State maintains a comnlet.e var.
Cantrell Elected Cage Captain
Bob Cantrell, 5'10" guard from
East Chicago, Ind., was elected
captain of the basketball team for
the ever-hopeful 1963-64 season
yesterday in a vote of the varsity
squad. -
Cantrell, a junior in the School
of Education, said "I know I'm
following in the footsteps of some
great people, and I'm going to do
my best." Cantrell replaces grad-
uating senior Tom Cole.
Strack Pleased
Coach Dave Strack was pleased
with the selection of the play-mak-
ing guard, calling him "a great
boy who has been a fiery competi-
tor both offensively and defensive-
ly. Bob definitely has earned the
Cantrell has played for two sea-
sons in a Michigan uniform after
being the terror of the courts in
Northern Indiana throughout his
high school career. Over the past
two seasons, he has collected 502
points for an 11.7 average. In addi-
tion, he has been a leader in as-
sists and has often stifled oppos-
ing guards winth his glove-like
Cantrell, as, well as his coach,
are looking toward next season
with eager optimism. "W'ell be
tough, for sure. In fact, I hope
with the addition of the great
freshman squad, we'll be the best
---- i
By The Associated Press
The defensive-minded Cincin-
nati Bearcats made every post a
winning one and emerged Tuesday
as the nation's No. 1 college bas
ketball team in the Associated
Press final poll.
Just as they had done in they
pre-season voting and in the 15
weeks that followed, Coach Ed
Jucker's slick ball-handlers made
a runaway of the decisive ballot.
They drew 35 of the 43 No. 1
votes from a special panel of
sports writers and broadcasters
and rolled up 420 points compared
with 381 for second-place Duke.
Duke got seven first place votes
and Providence, which failed to
place in the top ten, the other one.
Points are figured on ;the basis
of 10 for a first place vote, 9 for
second, etc.
All but two of the top ten teams
-Wichita and Ohio State being
the exceptions-are involved in
the NCAA's national tournament,
W L Pts.
1. Cincinnati (35) 23 1 420
2. Duke (7) 24 2 381
3. Loyola (Chicago) 24 2 277
4. Arizona State 24 2 228
5. Wichita 19 7 205
6. Mississippi St. 21 5 181
7. Ohio State 20 4 176
8. Illinois 19 5 168
9. New York U. 17 3 64
10. Colorado 17 6 39
Others receiving votes, listed
alphabetically: Auburn, Bowling
Green, Bradley, Canisius, Connec-
ticut, Georgia Tech, Indiana, Kan-
sas State, Memphis State, Miami
(Fla), North Carolina, Notre Dame,
Oklahona City, Oregon State,
Pittsburgh, Providence, St. Jo-
seph's (Pa), Seattle, Stanford,
Texas, UCLA, Villanova, Wake
Forest, West Virginia.
+ f
which has its climax at Louisville' Coach Ed Jucker, whose idea
March 23. of control tactics moulded two na-
Cincinnati, with a 23-1 season's tional basketball champs, said yes-
record and the best defensive aver- terday he was elated his Cincinnati.
age in the country, is favored to squad was named the nation's
win its third straight tournament top college crew by the Associat-
title, which would be an unprece- ed Press.
dented feat. The two-time NCAA champion
Ohio State won The Associated Bearcats, loser of a single game
Press poll in 1961 and 1962 only this year by a single point, have
to bow in the tournament, won been top-rated all season.
each time by the Bearcats. "This is a great thing for these
"We're not in the least supersti- boys to be named No. 1," Jucker
tious," said Jucker. "We have a said. "They made great sacrifices
good team and we think we can and worked hard.
win." "We got good leadership from
Cincinnati's methodical, preci- Tony Yates, our captain, and it
sion-type play is reflected in the made a well-balanced team. We
team statistics, which show the were honored quite a bit with
Bearcats with the best defensive good basketball players.
average, 51.9 points yielded a 'Tm elated and happy about
game, and the fewest personal it."
fouls committed, an average of Jucker said his two assistants,
only 13.4 per contest. Tay Baker and John Powless,
The Bearcats had a streak of 37 should come in for some of the
straight victories before being credit. "This was a team effort
stopped by Wichita 65-64 on Feb. all down the line," he said.
16. They had beaten Wichita pre- The Bearcats' first game Friday
viously. is against Texas at Lawrence,
Loyola, averaging 93.9 points, is Kan., in the Midwest NCAA Re-
the nation's top scoring unit. Duke gional.
leads in field goal percentages with He said the team was up
a .517 mark. against much pressure in the post-
New York U. and.Colorado were season tournament, but had simi-
newcomers to the final poll, lar pressure all year, before Wich-
squeezing out Stanford and Provi- ita ended a 37-game winning
dence. streak.
Loyola made the best advance- "It's going to be a tough Job,"
from fifth to third - and Ohio he said. "We know the odds are
State, beaten by Indiana 87-85 in against us but we're going to play
the season finale, had the biggest them one at a time. And our kids
drop-from third to seventh. are ready."
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