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March 12, 1963 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-12

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iA11>71./;1 ,1. 111 [11vV11 AN, L"7VV

Burnley Fourth on Decision


Team Approaches Perfect Form

In a ruling handed down by Big
Ten Commissioner Bill Reed yes-
terday, Ken Burnley was awarded
fourth place in the 60-yd. dash
and, as a result of this decision,
Michigan gained a first place tie
with Iowa.
When Burnley was given last
place in the 60-yd. dash in the Big
Ten championships, Michigan
Coach Don Canham was led to re-
mark, "If Burnley is fourth, then
it's a tie meet."
These words could not have been
more prophetic, for, after review-
ing films of the race, the Big
Ten commissioner awarded Burn-
ley fourth place, giving Michigan
43 points and a first place tie
with Iowa.
A picture showed that Burnley
did finish fourth andtTrent Jack-
son, of Illinois, finished last-the
reverse of the judges' decision.
Asks Review
Canham asked the meet referee
Tom Deckard to review the films
of the race. "They would've review-
ed the films anyway," said Can-

... requests review


ham, "but they might've made the
same error as the judges.
"Both the Michigan and the Il-
linois runners wore white jerseys
and the judges probably just mix-
ed up the names when recording
the results. The films were taken
from the side and they would've
shown just the white jerseys, not
the big I' or 'M'.
"I would not have done any-
thing about it," Canhan contin-
ued. "But when Dave Good (Daily
sports writer) brought an enlarge-
ment of that picture, I asked the
referee to look at the films."
Commissioner Reed, who had the
final say in the matter, voiced
comments similar to Canham's
about the mix-up.
"It was obvious that the Illinois
man was designated," he expound-
ed, "because of the white jersey
that he wore."
Northwestern athletic director,
Stu Holcolm, and Wisconsin ath-
letic director, Ivan Williamson,
joined Reed and Deckard in the
decision to reverse the judges' de-
"This is the first case that I re-
member," said Reed, "in which a
decision was made' regarding a
first place in the final standings.
However, several times other
standings had been changed due
to similar action."
Reed did not feel that the
judges had called the race wrong-,
ly. "In effect it was an error in
judging, not in judgment," he ex-
"On the basis of clear evidence
of oversight in the original plac-
ings, not having to do with judg-
ment, the games committee has
ruled Burnley should be awarded
fourth place in the dash." was
Reed's final ruling.
"Anyway, it's more fun to be
first than second," exulted Gan-
North Dakota,
.Denver Gain
NCAA Finals
As a result of weekend action,
Denver and North Dakota will
represent the Western Collegiate
Hockey Association in the NCAA
Denver defeated North Dakota
for the WCHA championship last
Saturday when they scored at 50
seconds of the first overtime to de-
feat the Sioux 5-4.
The two teams will meet Bos-
ton College and Clarkson this
weekend in a round-robin sched-
ule to decide the NCAA champion.
The tournament opens Thurs-
day. Pairings now are expected
Tuesday because some Western
members of the committee have
not yet arrived.

their first practice session after
dominating the Big Ten gym meet
Saturday at East Lansing. It
wasn't that the Wolverines mere-
ly won the meet-and their third
straight conference crown with it
-but they did it by the most lop-
sided score ever.
A few statistics can show exact-
ly how much the Wolverines ran
away with things at Jenison Field-
house. No team is allowed to qual-
ify more than three men in any
one event. So if a squad did t1he
best it possibly could in the meet-
finishing first, second, and third
in every event-it would score 252

By MIKE BLOCK points, exactly half of the total
No matter how sure you are of of 504 awarded.
a victory, you always feel great Numbers Game
after you've finally nailed it down. Michigan scored 210% points,
about 83% per cent of that hypo-
That's how the Michigan gym- thetical perfect beam, and around
nastics team reacted yesterday in 42 per cent of the tournament's

total score. The 210% easily breaks
the record which the Wolverines
set last year with 163, under the
present scoring system which dates
back to 1938.
It could be argued, however, that
since there was a new event this
year, the longhorse vault, natural-
ly the score would be higher (up
to now, the vault had only been
used in scoring the all-around).
The Wolverines took a first, a
second, and a sixth in this event,
but even if those marks were
scratched from the scoring, they
would still have had 1851/, enough
to be the best ever.
Michigan set another record by
taking firsts in seven of the nine

michigan captain Ricn montpetit,
who copped the trophies in the
all-around, high bar, p-bars, and
rings in 1961.
With all these accomplishments
already to their credit, Coach Newt
Loken's men have the momentum
they need to make a good run at
the NCAA championship, to be de-


contests, thanks to Arno Lascari ; cided at Pittsburgh on March 29 Tramp to top
(sidehorse, parallel bars, and high and 30. ern Illinois.
bar), Gil Larose (all-around, long- For instance, Sanders, appar- A by-produ
horse, and tied in floor exercise). ently not satisfied with his top past weekend
Mike Henderson (tied in floor ex), performance Saturday, yesterday the Big Ten ct
and Fred Sanders (Trampoline). was working hard at perfecting a newborn Unite
Long Way To Go quadruple twist on the Tramp. Federation. "'I
The Wolverines' third consecu- "He's the first one in Michigan ed along the
tive title was also the third since history to do it," beamed Loken. United States
they entered a gym team in the SIU Blocks Path Federation."
conference. They aren't anywhere The Michigan mentor fingered "We're trying
near breaking the record for con- Southern Illinois as the team to the AAU and
secutive championships won, how- watch out for in the NCAA's. SIU cratic process
ever, as the Illini rolled up 11 finished second, just above the The USGF
straight, from 1950 to 1960. Las- Wolverines last year, and nosed stage of deve)
cari's three outright first places them out in the Chicago Open TFF yet, but:
also leave him one shy of former last December. have more in

Michigan or South-
ct of the meet this
was a conclave of
oaches to discuss the
ed States Gymnastics
The USGF is design-
same lines as the
s Track and Field
explained Loken.
to break away from
set up a more demo-
for the sport."
isn't at the same
Lopment as the US-
Loken said he might
formation in a week




-Daily-Bruce Taylor
THREE-EVENT CHAMP-Arno Lascari won the Big Ten Championship in the parallel bars, high bar,
and side horse events (shown here). Lascari added his three first to a team total of seven out of
nine events in the Big Ten meet this past Saturday, to give Michigan its third consecutive title,
Ramblers Whips Eagles, 111-

" r

By The Associated Press
Powerful Chicago Loyola, scor-
ing at nearly a three-point-a-
minute clip, routed Tennessee
Tech 111-42 last night and led
the advance of seven more teams
in the NCAA basketball cham-
Setting up a Mideast Regional
semifinal clash with no-longer re-
luctant Mississippi State on Fri-



ON REFERENDUM to elect all of S.G.C.

day, the racehorse Ramblers sped
to a 61-20 halftime lead over the
Ohio Valley Conference playoff
champions, built their advantage
to 93-30 and then turned the
gi me over to the bench-warmers
to wrap it up.
The rout, establishing a single
regulation game record for the
NCAA tournament, came in a first
round Mideast doubleheader at
Evanston, Ill.
Mid - American C o n fe r e n c e
champion Bowling Green, paced
by Howard Komives' 34 points,
defeated Notre Dame 77-72 in the
first-round game of the Mideast
NCAA regional basketball tour-
Bowling Green led only 42-40
at halftime.
However Komives-who was un-
able to practice hard all week be-
cause of a groin injury-set the
Falcons on fire early in the sec-
ond half. The 6'1" junior sharp-
shooterat one stage peppered in
10 consecutive points to give
Bowling Green a 54-47 lead.
At Philadelphia, in a first round
Eastern tripleheader, New York
University got 66 points from All
America Barry Kramer and Hap-
Chicago (A) 4, Detroit 2
New York (A) 9, Milwaukee 5
Minnesota 8, Los Angeles (N) 7
Baltimore 7, Washington5
Kansas City 10, Pittsburgh 9
St. Louis 11, Cincinnati 3
New York (N) 9, Philadelphia 3
Chicago (N) 5, Houston 1
Cleveland 5, Los Angeles (A) 1
San Francisco 9, Boston 7

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py Hairston in turning back Pitt
93-83. St. Joseph's, Pa., came
from 12 points behind and edged
Princeton 82-81 in overtime, and
West Virginia spurted in the clos-
ing minutes for a 77-71 victory
over Connecticut.
West Virginia, which got past
Connecticut, with a flurry of free
throws in the waning minutes,
qualified for a semifinal meeting
with St. Joseph's at College Park,
Md., next Friday. NYU will play
Duke's Atlantic Coast Conference
champions. Duke had drawn a
first round bye.
At Eugene, Ore., Arizona State
University edged Utah State 79-.
75 in overtime in the opener of a
Far West Regional doubleheader.
Fourth-ranked Arizona State,
never ahead in regulation play,
pulled ahead in overtime and trip-
pled Utah State.
Joe Caldwell, playing despite a
thigh injury, led the A-State rally
that forced a 67-all regulation tie
and helped put the Sun Devils
ahead early in the overtime.
He scored 31 points, despite
missing 10 minutes after drawing
four personal fouls.
The results set up this line-un
for the four major regionals this
Friday and Saturday, the winners
of which go on to the national
semifinals and finals at Louisville
March 22-23:
East Regional at College Park,
Md.-New York U., 18-3, vs. Duke,
24-2; St. Joseph's, Pa., 22-4, vs.
West Virginia, 22-7.
Mideast Regional at East Lans-
ing, Mich.-Bowling Green, 19-6,
vs. Illinois, 19-5; Chicago Loyola,
25-2, vs. Mississippi State, 21-5.
Residence Hall
Taylor 48, Scott 32
Anderson 53, Hayden 46
Hinsdale 36, Williams 35
Michigan 45, Chicago 44
Gomberg 48, Winchell 40
Hayden 41, Rumsey 26
Wenley 49, Adams 34
Anderson 35, Greene 25

Defending champ Southern Cal-o or soH. owever, he did disclose
ifornia will be strong again this that the federation is tentatively
year, but doesn't figure to have planning its first meet sometime
the horses in tumbling or the in June.
By Jan Winkelman
Rocking-Chair Winners
FIRST HEARD about the "50 Mile Walkathon" from two nice old
ladies who were sitting next to me at "The Threepenny Opera."
These sociable and quite interesting converts to the physical fitness
craze thought it would be just wonderful if all young people would
take the President's suggestions to heart. My new-found friends, being
upwards of 65, could not picture themselves on a 50 mile hike; yet,
they were convinced that a 50 mile hike was just what I needed.
Now, before I endeavor to completely pull the carpet out from
under these women and others like them who go in for 50 mile hikes,
I will go on record as somewhat of a physical fitness enthusiast my-
self. Exercise can be, and should be, a necessary part of every person's
life, even a 65 year old lady's. However, I would like to point out that
not every "means" can be adequately justified by its "ends."
There can be no mistaking the "ends" which are given by
those who advocate 50 mile walks. The "end" is better health for
Americans. In this belief, every adherent to the hiking craze has
nothing but the best of motives. Even the use of a cheap publicity
stunt is warranted if ultimately the nation's health can be im-
My quibble with the Walkathon sponsors has nothing to do with
the "ends" toward which they are working. There is a great need to
make Americans more conscious of their health. The growing trend
towards sedentary entertainment rather than active entertainment
is a menace to a whole American generation brought up on television-
gazing and weaned, as it were, riding in automobiles.
Food for Thought ..,.
HE QUESTION I would like to ask advocates of 50 mile Walkathons
is this: "Do you think that a 50 mile hike is a help or a hindrance
to health?" For an answer to this question let me point out some
facts that are not generally known to the public.
In a lecture some time ago in Detroit, Dr. Ancel Keys, noted
crusader for drastic changes in the American diet, cited records of
the U.S. Army. The Army made a study of fighting men who were
killed during the Korean war, men between the ages of 18 and 25 for
the most part. The report, authenticated by autopsies, confirmed the
suspicion that the country was plagued by heart and circulatory
Autopsies of young men killed in Korea revealed that 75 per
cent had some degree of coronary or circulatory disease. 40 per
cent of all fighting men between 18 and 25 years had "serious"
hardening of the arteries and other degenerative changes.
Granting that some of these men might have been killed owing
to their degenerative circulatory trouble, the percentages quoted by
Dr. Keys indicate an acute problem. Obviously, none of the men in the
study knew of their condition. If they had, they would have been
exempted from military service. Dr. Keys' study shows that the cream
of the American crop is a pretty unhealthy bunch.
The rapidly increasing rate of heart attacks in our society fur-
ther corroborates the suspicion that the nation is growing soft. In the
light of this situation, a group of honorably motivated people is try-
ing to capitalize on the country's susceptibility to fads. Not only are
they wrong in their assumptions, bit they are flagrantly endangering
public health by propagating false tacit assumptions. Dr. Keys points
to a lifetime of poor eating habits, and the Walkathon enthusiasts
turn the public's attention to panaceas.
Mock-Heroics in Action.
THE AVERAGE AMERICAN male will get the idea, after hearing
about the "Walkathon" plan endorsed by the President, that any-
one can just start up and go on a 50 mile hike without ill effects.
Nothing could be farther from the truth. Every physical education
instructor or medical doctor in the country will tell you that the only
effective way to exercise is to GRADUALLY build up the difficulty
of the task and then to follow the exercise routine REGULARLY.
The average American is an already unhealthy organism. The
sudden exertion of a 50 mile Walkathon can do more damage to an
unprepared body than good. The emphasis upon Walkathons them-
selves does nothing to eradicate the widespread faulty eating habits
of Americans which are the major cause of cholesterol damage in the
body. The audience to which the Walkathon craze is directed is lulled
into a false sense of security by thinking that there can be a quick
'cure for being out of shape.
Furthermore, the Walkathon people try to make heroes out of
contestants who are not going to feel like heroes the day after the
Walkathon. The Walkathon will prove a very disillusioning exper-
ience to those honeed regular exercise the most.
Unfortunately, there is no short cut to good health. The Walka-
thon is an expensive way of doing nothing but damage to an uncondi-
tioned body. The athlete who is willing to gradually condition him-
self to the Walkathon is smart enough to realize the need for HABIT-
UAL exercise. The habitual exerciser does not need a Walkathon any-

The Walkathon craze is seducing just those people to whom it can
do the mort harm. The human heart is not made for exhausting stress
situations. Already-damaged arteries are not going to be improved
by "crash" programs. I'm sorry if I disillusioned any nice old ladies,




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Rackham Building Ballroom

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9-12 P. M.
One Dollar

Stag -or Drag.


Courtesy of Don Gillis
Sponsored by Graduate Student Council

keep trim




$200 in


The Young Democratic Club endorses
these candidates for SGC:


but the panacea of the Walkathon is a disguised enemy to health. The
President, I hear, is addicted to his rocking-chair. He'd be a mighty
silly man to pick up and light out on a 50 mile hike.
VOICE and Graduate Student Council
are sponsoring a lecture by


Catennries: Children and Pets



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