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March 12, 1963 - Image 8

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1963-03-12

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Professors Make Evaluation

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(Continued from Page 1)
that county lines be followed in
setting up districts, Prof. Thomas
On the basis of the 1960 cen-
sus, the largest representative
district wlil be Monroe County
(101,120) and the smallest dis-
trict Van Buren County (48,305).
Permissible Range
Nevertheless, only 20 of the
state's 115 counties would fall
outside the permissible 15 per cent
range of deviation from the aver-
age district size. The five largest
counties (Genessee, Kent, Ma-
comb, Oakland and Wayne) would
vary only from 93-105 per cent,
and hence wouldn't be disadvant-
aged in the House, he continued.
An extremely controversial area
in this article is the apportion-
ment commission, which would
redistrict both houses every 10
This provision has been attack-
ed because its membership would
be chosen regidnally: two each
from the upper peninsula, north-
ern lower peninsula, and south-
western and southeastern Michi-
gan. Normally, Democrats and
Republicans would split, the eight
Prof. Thomas saw some merit
to this plan as "it provides for
guaranteed decennial reappor-
tionment by a bipartisan body
created solely for that purpose."
The commission would be obli-
gated to act, for if it didn't, the
state supreme court would then
step in to do the job itself, he
pointed out.
Civil Rights
Except f a r a "regrettable"
search and seizure clause, Prof.
Greenberg finds that this section
"takes away no traditional safe-
guards and strengthens those that
The search and seizure provi-
sion parallels present Michigan
standards which permit outside-
the-home seizure of narcotics and
dangerous weapons without a
search warrant.
Recent decisions of the United
States Supreme Court imply that
the state's provisions conflict with
the 14th Amendment "due pro-
cess," but the Con-Con delegates
in effect left the matter up to
the courts for a final ruling, Prof.
Greenberg reported.
Steps Forward
Offsetting this are four "not-
able steps forward:"
1) "A convicted person may ap-
peal his case as a matter of right,
a right which is not available
under current Michigan practice;"
2) Legislative and executive in-
vestigations would have to provide
"fair and just treatment" to wit-
r esses - b o t h individuals and
3) "A very strong equal pro-
tection" clause is placed in 'the
Declaration of Rights to ensure
non-discriminatory treatment in
employment and public accommo-
dation, and the Legislature is di-
rected to irplement such protec-
4) A Civil Rights Commission
(Mchinan would be the only state
in the union to have such a pro-
vision in its constitution) would
I - set up to secure equal treat-
ment by wielding investigatory
authority, including power of sub-
Under Attack
This clause has been under at
tack from "liberal" groups be-
cause it fails to ske fy areas of
concern such as housing and em-
ployment, but Prof. Greenberg
believes that the state's legal
commitment to action has been
clearly demonstrated through past
It is possible that a discrimin-
atory group could appeal to a ju-
diciary hostile to the commission
(in a process called "trial de
novo") to forestall corrective

... 'disappointed'

of the document," Prof. Fusfeld
and Mrs. Pealy wrote.
A "needlessly restrictive and
rigid" short-term borrowing pro-
vision for state government re-
quires that the loans be repaid
within the fiscal year. Since state
tax revenues fluctuate along with
the business cycle, a long-term
recession would hamper borrow-
ing policy, opening the way to
damaging fiscal crises.
Another clause would seriously
undermine the local tax base by,
in effect, lowering the assessment
ratio from 50 to 30 per cent of
property value.
Income Tax
Prohibition of a graduated in-'
come tax could bring about flat
rate levies, which bear more heav-
ily on low income than high in-
come families. Similarly, chances
for regressive taxes are furtner
enhanced by allowing a sales tax
of any amount on wholesalers, a
fee which would be passed on to
Finally, earmarking for high-
way, local government and school
funds is continued, thus" absolv-
ing the Legislature of the (ap-
propriating) responsibility which
is historically theirs," Prof. FLs-
feld and Mrs. Pealy declared.
The only progress made was
some clarification of financial
language and greater flexibility
in "managing the state's current
and long r a n g e obligations
through a sounder system of debt
Prof. Waugh was "keenly dis-
appointed" in this section's han-
dling of the highway commission,
although the constitution prob-
ably won't generate any "earth-
quaking changes" in Michigan's
roads system.
The commission conceivably
could be burdened by the Legis-
lature with an overload of non-
highway duties. However, ear-
marking of highway funds would
find "a little more latitude" in
direction of expenditure under
the proposed constitution.
Three good points and three
defects were spotted in this article
by Prof. Spaeth, but "the defects
outweigh the improvements."
Establishment of a court of ap-
peals would relieve the state su-
preme court of an overload of
cases; prohibiting the fee system
of salaries for justices of the
'peace removes this particular
"venality"; a more unified court
system would deliver t the su-
preme court greater supermiend-
ing power over lower courts.
On the debit side, outstate
Michigan would be over-repre-
sented in the purportedly state-
wide court of appeals by a dis-
trict basis of nominating judges;
denying the governor authority to
fill judicial vacancies and throw-
ing them open to nonpartisan
election would "give an over-
whelming advantage to a candi-
date with a good political name
regardless of his qualifications."
Finally, omission of the word
"statewide" from the clause deal-
ing with elections of supreme
court judges unfortunately might
allow the district plan of election
to appear, Prof. Spaeth said.
Local Government
T h e proposed constitution
would strengthen the- powers of
cities and villages' to deal with
municipal concerns, Prof. Brom-
age remarked.

(Continued from Page 1)
Arts majors & Bus. Ad. students. Posi-
tion: Territorial Sales. (p.m. only).
Chase Manhattan Bank, National &8
Worldwide Hdqts., N.Y. City - Men &
women. Seeking: Degrees in Bus. Ad.
or Econ. Positions: Banking-Trng.
Prog. U.S. citizenship or permanent visa
U.S. Public Health Service: Dept. of
Health, Educ. & Welfare, Detroit-Men.
Seeking: Liberal Arts students - any
major. Positions: Program Representa-
tive Trainees for Communicable Disease
phase of Public Health. U.S. citizenship
Housing & Home Finance Agency,
Washington, D.C. & throughout U.S. -
Men & women. Seeking: 1) Field Reps.
with bkgd. in Public Ad., Poli. Sci.,
Bus. Ad., Social Sciencec & Liberal
Arts. 2) LLB's & Econ. majors for var-
ious positions. 3) Civil, Construction &
Arch. Engrg. and Arch., Building Ad..
Land Arch. & City Planning. 4) Finance
Anaylsts-bkgd. Bus. Ad. esp. Finance,
Money & Banking. 5) Auditors with
bkgd. in Acc't. 6) Market Analyst Trng.
Prog.-BA in Econ.
Administrative Survey Detachment-
Dept. of the Army, Throughout U.S. &
Overseas-Men. Seeking: Undergrad. de-
gree in Liberal Arts especially Poll. Sci.
& Area Studies, pref. with a proficiency
in one or more modern languages. Po-
sitions: Languages and Intelligence In-
vestigative. Organization employs civil-
ian intelligence specialists to augment
Army intelligence units worldwide. U.S.
citizenship required.
Morgan Guaranty Trust Company of
New York, N.Y.-Men. Seeking: Liberal
Arts or Bus. Ad. students. Position:
Management Training Prog.-12 to 18
mos. U.S. citizenship required.
General Foods Corporation, Battle
Creek, Mich., Tarrytown, N.Y. &
throughout U.S.-Men. Seeking: Liberal
Arts majors with special mention of
Econ., Analytical & Organic Chem., &
Biochem. .Positions: Sales-territorial &
promotional, Research & Development,
Production. U.S. citizenship required.
Colgate Palmolive Company, New
Brunswick, N.J.-Men. Seeking: Degrees
in Math, Soc., & Psych. Positions: Re-
search & Development, Elec. Comput-
ing. U.S. citizenship required.
Management Intern Oral Exams will
be held in Ann Arbor on Wed. & Thurs.,
April 3 & 4, instead of during spring
Cercle Francais, Concours de Poesie,
March 12, 8:15 p.m., 3050 FB.
* * *
Congr. Disciples E & R Student Guild,
Cost Luncheon Discussion, March 12,
Noon, 802 Monroe. Speaker: Prof. P.
Williams, "Literature & Theology."
Ullr Ski Club, Aspen Trip-Elections-
Movies, March 12, 7:30 p.m., Union,
Rms. 3R-S.
U. of M. Folk Dancers, International
Folk Dancing, March 12, 8 p.m., 1429
* * *
Voice Political Party, Speech by Dr.
Herbert Aptheker, editor of "Political
Affairs"-theoretical organ of the Com-
munist party, March 12, 4:15 p.m.,
Rackham Lecture Hall.
Wesleyan Guild, 2 Classes: "Christian
Courtship & Marriage and The Church
in Theology," "Sociology and Prophesy,"
March 12, 7 p.m.
* a *
Chess Club, MeetIng, March 13, 7:30
p.m., Union, Rms. 3K-L. Needed: a
chess player from Chicako.

vacation, as was printed in the FSEE
announcements. Students who passed
the written M.I. exam will be notified
by Civil Service which day they will
be examined.
212 SAB-
Camp White Pine, Ontario, Canada-
Will interview men & women for staff
positions. Interviews Tues., March 12
(today) from 1:30 to 5.
Westminster Camp, Mich.-Will in-
terview men & women for staff posi-
tions. Interviews from 1:30 to 5 on
Wed., March 13. The camp has two
four week sessions, one for boys & the
other for girls.
DO NOT CALL for an appointment,
come to Summer Placement.
VIEWS-Seniors & grad students, please
sign interview schedule at 128-H West
Engrg, for the following:
Airborne Instruments Lab., Deer Park
& Melville, L.I., N.Y.-All Degrees: EE &
Mat'ls. MS-PhD: Commun. Sci. BS: E
Math ,E Physics, ME & Set. E. Men &
Women. R. & D., Des.
MARCH 13-14-
Argonne National Lab., Argone, Ill.-
All Divs. Idaho Falls, Idaho-(Reactor
Facilities)-Ail Degrees: EE, Mat'ls.,
Met,. Math. MS-PhD: ChE, Instru., ME
& Nuclear. PhD: EM, Chem.-(Analyt..
Inorg., Phys.). Physics & Biochem. Men
& Women. R. & D., Des.
MARCH 14-15-
Beckman Instruments, Inc., Divs. pro-
duce electronic components, instru-
ments & systems located in N. & S.
Calif.-All Degrees: EE, Chem.-(An-
alyt., Inorg. & Phys.), Physics. MS-PhD:
Instru. BS: E Physics. R. & D., Des. &
Sales. Note: Product emphasis is pri-
marily commercial.
The Bendix Corp., Mr. Cleveland will
represent All Divs. not scheduled to be
on Campus & will also counsel all Stu-
dents uncertain of Div, of greatest In-
terest-All Degrees: AE & Astro., EE, EM
& ME. Men & Women. R. & D., Des.
Bendix Missiles, Mishawaka Div.-All
Degrees: EE & ME, & EM. MS-PhD: AE
& Astro. Prof.: Applied Mech's. Men &
Women. R. & D., Des. & Engrg. Trng.
Bendix Products Aerospace Div.,
South Bend, Ind.-All Degrees: AE &
Astro., CE-(stress analysts), EM & ME.
Men & Women. R. & D., Des.
Bendix Products Automotive Div.,
South Bend, Ind.-BS: ME. Men &
Women. Des., Test & Dev.
Bendix Research Labs., Southfield,
Mich.-MS-PhD: AE & Astro., Commun.
Sci., EE, EM, Instru., Met. & Nuclear.
Prof.: Applied Mech's. R. & D., Des.
Chemstrand Co., Durham, N.C.; Pensa-
cola, Fla.; Decatur, Ala.; Greenwood,
S.C.-All Degrees: ChE & ME. BS-MS:
IE & Mat'ls. MS: Met. Men & Women.
R. & D., Des., Prod.
Mitre Corp., Bedford, Mass.; Coo.
Springs, Colo.; Wash., D.C.-All De-
grees: EE. MS-PhD: AE & Astro. &
Commun. Sci. BS: E Physics. Men &
Women. R. & D.
Sylvania Electric Products, Ses-East
-Waltham & Needham, Mass.; Ses-
Central-Buffalo, N.Y.; Ses-West -
Mountain View, Calif,-Ail Degrees: EE

& ME. MS-PhD: Commun. Set. BS-MS:
EM. BS: E Math & E Physics. Men &
Women. R. & D., Des., Prod.
United Aircraft Corp., Pratt & Whit-
ney Aircraft Co., E. Hartford & Middle-
town, Conn.; W. Palm Beach, Fla.-All
Degrees: AE & Astro., ChE, EM, Mat'is.,
ME, Met. MS-PhD: Instru. & Nuclear
& EE. Prof.: Applied Mech's. BS: E
Math, E Physics & Eci. Engrg. Men &
Women. R. & D., Des. & Sales.
United tSates Rubber Co., Corporate
& Unit Needs--BS: ChE, EE, IE & ME.
R. & D., & Prod.
The following part-time jobs are
available. Applications for these jobs
can be made in the Part-time Placement
Office, 2200 Student Activities Bldg.,
during the following hours: Mon. thru
Fri., 8 a.m. til 12 noon and 1:30 til 5:00
Employers desirous of hiring stu-
dents for part-time or full-time tem-
porary work, should contact Bob Cope,
Part-time Interviewer, at NO 3-1511,
Ext. 3553.
Students desiring miscellaneous odd
jobs should consult the bulletin board
in Rm. 2200, daily.
1-Electrical Engnr. Jr. or Sr. with at
least a 3.00 grade average. Must be
a U.S. citizen and able to get secur-
ity clearance. Must also have trans-
portation. -time position on a
long-term basis.
2-Proofreaders to work full-time for
approximately one month. Must be
accurate and alert.
1-Experienced typist who can take
shorthand. working hours would be
from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon. thru
Fri. Cannot be a student.
-Clerical people who can work half
days are needed. Typing and/or
shorthand experience is essential.
2-Proofreaders to work full-time for
approximately one month. Must be
accurate and alert.
1000 HEADS
be they square, flat or rounded
for that collegiate cut
The Daseola Barbers
Near Michigan Theatre

Good Seats StillyAvailable

...'stronger powers'
action, but, on the other hand,
minority groups who are not satis-
fied with a commission ruling
could appeal to a circuit court.
Thus, this provision is "a two-
edged sword."
Prof. Greenberg pointed out,
though, that the commission's
scope of protection and authority
depend to some extent upon the
Legislature, which could alter the
group's procedural rules at any
Executive Department
This is one of the milder sec-
tions of the document, as most
patterns of executive organiza-
tion "develop either from legisla-
tion or executive action irrespec-
tive of the constitution," Prof.
Friedman wrete.
Ideally, a department should be
headed by an individual appoint-
ed by the governor in order to
fix responsibility. However, the
proposed document leaves the
Administrative Board in some-
what of a "hodgepodge" in this
respect, as the state superintend-
ent of public instruction, high-
way director and auditor general
would be chosen by functional
boards, not by the governor or
the electorate.
Another regressive stand in
Prof. Friedman's opinion was the
requirement for a balanced budget
and spending cutba-ks in case
revenues fall short of appropria-
tions. These terms would deter
a strong, responsible executive
and violate sound fiscal practice
by curtailing expenditures during
a recession.
Suspend Rules
Also, allowing the Legislature
to suspend department rules dur-
ing intercessions might serve "to
negate decisions of a responsible
administrative agency."-
But these agencies would "take
an enormous step forward" by
being consolidated into a limit if
20 principal departments (right
now there are 1:~).
Two other new benefits would'
be lengthening the governor's
term to four years and giving the
Legislature only 60 days to ap-
prove or reject gubernatorial ap-
As a whole, this article is "one
of the most disappointing parts



Presents on Wednesday, March 13
Poet in residence at Reed College.--
He will present a reading of his poetry. A(


March' 15

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